17 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Properties and Dependent choice in symmetric extensions based on L\'{e}vy Collapse

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    We work with symmetric extensions based on L\'{e}vy Collapse and extend a few results of Arthur Apter. We prove a conjecture of Ioanna Dimitriou from her P.h.d. thesis. We also observe that if VV is a model of ZFC, then DC<ÎșDC_{<\kappa} can be preserved in the symmetric extension of VV in terms of symmetric system ⟹P,G,F⟩\langle \mathbb{P},\mathcal{G},\mathcal{F}\rangle, if P\mathbb{P} is Îș\kappa-distributive and F\mathcal{F} is Îș\kappa-complete. Further we observe that if VV is a model of ZF + DCÎșDC_{\kappa}, then DC<ÎșDC_{<\kappa} can be preserved in the symmetric extension of VV in terms of symmetric system ⟹P,G,F⟩\langle \mathbb{P},\mathcal{G},\mathcal{F}\rangle, if P\mathbb{P} is Îș\kappa-strategically closed and F\mathcal{F} is Îș\kappa-complete.Comment: Revised versio

    Capturing sets of ordinals by normal ultrapowers

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    We investigate the extent to which ultrapowers by normal measures on Îș\kappa can be correct about powersets P(λ)\mathcal{P}(\lambda) for λ>Îș\lambda>\kappa. We consider two versions of this questions, the capturing property CP(Îș,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) and the local capturing property LCP(Îș,λ)\mathrm{LCP}(\kappa,\lambda). CP(Îș,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) holds if there is an ultrapower by a normal measure on Îș\kappa which correctly computes P(λ)\mathcal{P}(\lambda). LCP(Îș,λ)\mathrm{LCP}(\kappa,\lambda) is a weakening of CP(Îș,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) which holds if every subset of λ\lambda is contained in some ultrapower by a normal measure on Îș\kappa. After examining the basic properties of these two notions, we identify the exact consistency strength of LCP(Îș,Îș+)\mathrm{LCP}(\kappa,\kappa^+). Building on results of Cummings, who determined the exact consistency strength of CP(Îș,Îș+)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\kappa^+), and using a forcing due to Apter and Shelah, we show that CP(Îș,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) can hold at the least measurable cardinal.Comment: 20 page

    Joint Laver diamonds and grounded forcing axioms

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    I explore two separate topics: the concept of jointness for set-theoretic guessing principles, and the notion of grounded forcing axioms. A family of guessing sequences is said to be joint if all of its members can guess any given family of targets independently and simultaneously. I primarily investigate jointness in the case of various kinds of Laver diamonds. In the case of measurable cardinals I show that, while the assertions that there are joint families of Laver diamonds of a given length get strictly stronger with increasing length, they are all equiconsistent. This is contrasted with the case of partially strong cardinals, where we can derive additional consistency strength, and ordinary diamond sequences, where large joint families exist whenever even one diamond sequence does. Grounded forcing axioms modify the usual forcing axioms by restricting the posets considered to a suitable ground model. I focus on the grounded Martin's axiom which states that Martin's axioms holds for posets coming from some ccc ground model. I examine the new axiom's effects on the cardinal characteristics of the continuum and show that it is quite a bit more robust under mild forcing than Martin's axiom itself.Comment: This is my PhD dissertatio