4,122 research outputs found

    Supporting adaptiveness of cyber-physical processes through action-based formalisms

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    Cyber Physical Processes (CPPs) refer to a new generation of business processes enacted in many application environments (e.g., emergency management, smart manufacturing, etc.), in which the presence of Internet-of-Things devices and embedded ICT systems (e.g., smartphones, sensors, actuators) strongly influences the coordination of the real-world entities (e.g., humans, robots, etc.) inhabitating such environments. A Process Management System (PMS) employed for executing CPPs is required to automatically adapt its running processes to anomalous situations and exogenous events by minimising any human intervention. In this paper, we tackle this issue by introducing an approach and an adaptive Cognitive PMS, called SmartPM, which combines process execution monitoring, unanticipated exception detection and automated resolution strategies leveraging on three well-established action-based formalisms developed for reasoning about actions in Artificial Intelligence (AI), including the situation calculus, IndiGolog and automated planning. Interestingly, the use of SmartPM does not require any expertise of the internal working of the AI tools involved in the system

    Technology assessment of advanced automation for space missions

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    Six general classes of technology requirements derived during the mission definition phase of the study were identified as having maximum importance and urgency, including autonomous world model based information systems, learning and hypothesis formation, natural language and other man-machine communication, space manufacturing, teleoperators and robot systems, and computer science and technology

    Interactive formal specification for efficient preparation of intelligent automation systems

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    The automation system of the future will consist of an increasing amount of complex resources, such as collaborative robots and/or autonomously roaming robots for material handling. To control these devices in an environment shared with human operators require state of the art computer perception and motion planning algorithms to be used as part of the automation system. This new type of intelligent automation system, where intelligent machines and learning algorithms are replacing more traditional automation solutions, requires new methods and workflows to keep up with the increase in complexity. This paper presents an interactive and iterative framework for solving some of these new challenges. The framework supports model-based control system preparation performed simultaneously to preparation of 3D geometries, positioning of robots, and tool design. The workflow enables an interactive preparation process, where new resources and constraints can be added to a live (real or simulated) automation system and control system failures can be analyzed in familiar tools for virtual preparation. Additionally, the paper describes how the integrated preparation process was applied to reconfiguring an industrial use case that includes a collaborative robot working side by side with a human operator, smart tools, and a vision system for localizing both work objects and tools

    A formal verification framework and associated tools for enterprise modeling : application to UEML

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    The aim of this paper is to propose and apply a verification and validation approach to Enterprise Modeling that enables the user to improve the relevance and correctness, the suitability and coherence of a model by using properties specification and formal proof of properties

    Development of a standard framework for manufacturing simulators

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    Discrete event simulation is now a well established modelling and experimental technique for the analysis of manufacturing systems. Since it was first employed as a technique, much of the research and commercial developments in the field have been concerned with improving the considerable task of model specification in order to improve productivity and reduce the level of modelling and programming expertise required. The main areas of research have been the development of modelling structures to bring modularity in program development, incorporating such structures in simulation software systems which would alleviate some of the programming burden, and the use of automatic programming systems to develop interfaces that would raise the model specification to a higher level of abstraction. A more recent development in the field has been the advent of a new generation of software, often referred to as manufacturing simulators, which have incorporated extensive manufacturing system domain knowledge in the model specification interface. Many manufacturing simulators are now commercially available, but their development has not been based on any common standard. This is evident in the differences that exist between their interfaces, internal data representation methods and modelling capabilities. The lack of a standard makes it impossible to reuse any part of a model when a user finds it necessary to move from one simulator to another. In such cases, not only a new modelling language has to be learnt but also the complete model has to be developed again requiring considerable time and effort. The motivation for the research was the need for the development of a standard that is necessary to improve reusability of models and is the first step towards interchangability of such models. A standard framework for manufacturing simulators has been developed. It consists of a data model that is independent of any simulator, and a translation module for converting model specification data into the internal data representation of manufacturing simulators; the translators are application specific, but the methodology is common and illustrated for three popular simulators. The data model provides for a minimum common model data specification which is based on an extensive analysis of existing simulators. It uses dialogues for interface and the frame knowledge representation method for modular storage of data. The translation methodology uses production rules for data mapping

    Formalization and Validation of Safety-Critical Requirements

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    The validation of requirements is a fundamental step in the development process of safety-critical systems. In safety critical applications such as aerospace, avionics and railways, the use of formal methods is of paramount importance both for requirements and for design validation. Nevertheless, while for the verification of the design, many formal techniques have been conceived and applied, the research on formal methods for requirements validation is not yet mature. The main obstacles are that, on the one hand, the correctness of requirements is not formally defined; on the other hand that the formalization and the validation of the requirements usually demands a strong involvement of domain experts. We report on a methodology and a series of techniques that we developed for the formalization and validation of high-level requirements for safety-critical applications. The main ingredients are a very expressive formal language and automatic satisfiability procedures. The language combines first-order, temporal, and hybrid logic. The satisfiability procedures are based on model checking and satisfiability modulo theory. We applied this technology within an industrial project to the validation of railways requirements