20 research outputs found

    Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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    Most of the SMEs in this decade have dealt with a difficult market environment and the present financial crises around the world. This has weakened the position of SMEs innovations particularly in markets where international producers have been able to provide low-cost products which are a threat to the existence of competitors. This research focuses on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The survey method was adopted. The quantitative research design was employed. The study population refers to the entire number of employees in the six selected SMEs in Lagos state Nigeria. Yamane formula was used to determine the sample size which consists of one hundred and seven (107) employees out of the one hundred and forty seven (147) employee population of the selected SMEs. The simple random sampling technique and the face validity approach were adopted. Towards this end, the test re-test reliability approach was adopted for the convenience of the researcher. Reliability was ensured by test re-test which yielded r = 0.69 and internal consistency was measured by Cronbach Alpha of 0.885. The data was analyzed using manual and electronic based methods through the data preparation grid and statistical package for the social sciences, (SPSS). The study made use of statistical tools such as (ANOVA), correlation efficient and regression analysis in testing hypotheses where applicable. The findings from the two hypotheses revealed that product innovation and process innovation influenced SMEs performance significantly. Enterprises should create their own ideas in the model of innovation and then build, develop, distribute, and sustain these ideas. It has shown in this research that innovation in SMEs is affected by financial resources deficiency, limited prospects for recruiting dedicated workers and innovation portfolios that are small in nature. The study concluded that the innovation model enhances SMEs on becoming strongly autonomous. The research recommended that process innovation should be driven by future environmental requirements and a desire to have a more sustainable pre-treatment process in the SMEs. Conducting workshops will assist SMEs to find new opportunities for innovation

    The Relationship Between Resource and Capability Effects on the Exporter's Competitive Advantage: Thai Canned and Processed Seafood Exporters

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    A competitive advantage emerges when change occurs within an organization or industry environment. Generating superior business returns above competitors is the means to achieve such a competitive advantage. This research empirically examined and placed emphasis on the importance of a firm’s resources and the capabilities of the organization in relation to the firm’s competitive advantage. A total of 156 Thai canned and processed seafood exporters were invited to participate in the study. A questionnaire survey was conducted collecting a sample which obtained data from 48 respondents, namely managers or leading team members in canned and seafood exporter companies. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to test the hypotheses. The overall findings indicated that resource-related variables are the most important explanatory variables regarding the competitive advantage of export companies. However, there are strong interactive effects between the two variable-sets, resources and capability. The results reveal that it is recommended to build resources, in order to be effective in developing superior business returns; this should be followed by developing capabilities

    The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, religiosity and switching intention: a study of muslimah salon and spa in Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

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    This study aims to identify the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and, religiosity and switching intention to shariah-based salon and spa in Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. From there, a conceptual framework was developed. In this research, PLS-SEM is employed to study the relationship between variables. The data was collected using survey method by distributing QR code linked to online questionnaire Google Form. This research involved 243 valid data from salon and spa customers in Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. The study uses Smart PLS 3.3.3 to analyze the data. The findings indicate that religiosity has a direct and indirect effect on salon and spa customer intention to switch to shariah-based salon and spa. The study also figures service quality of the current salon and spa positive effects customer satisfaction. However, hypotheses stating that service quality and customer satisfaction there is a positive effect on switching intention to shariah-based salon and spa is rejected. It is also found that satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between service quality and switching intention. The result of this research can be used by practitioners and salon and spa business owners in conducting their salon and spa. The findings extend the researcher’s understanding predictors that influences salon and spa customer in switching from the current salon to a shariah-based salo

    Proizvodnja i zaposlenost u industriji Srbije: osvrt na rezultate i perspektive

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    U ovom radu je predstavljena analiza doprinosa industrijskih sektora i stvaranju ukupne proizvodnje i ukupnoj zaposlenosti tokom perioda od 2001. do 2010. godine koji je obeležio dekadu tranzicionih reformi u Srbiji. Korišćene su godišnje vremenske serije podataka Republičkog zavoda za statistiku Srbije. Metodološki pristup na kojem se zasniva analiza u ovom radu se sastoji u korišćenju dve grupe statističkih metoda. Prva grupa metoda polazi od analize izabranih serija podataka kroz percentile distribucije, a druga grupa metoda koristi mere disperzije i nejednakosti. Korišćenjem ovih metoda želelo se najpre ukazati na to da su sektori, kojima su svojstvene najveće promene, upravo oni u kojima je zabeležena najveća disperzija, a zatim i na koncentraciju sektora industrije u određenim percentilima distribucije analiziranih serija podataka. Osnovni zaključci analize su da se u posmatranom periodu izdvajaju sedam sektora prerađivačke industrije, sektor eksploatacije uglja i sektor snabdevanja električnom energijom, gasom, parom i klimatizacija, kao sektori sa rastućim doprinosom stvaranju ukupne bruto dodate vrednosti u industriji. Međutim, tek jedan sektor prerađivačke industrije, koji pripada grupi visoko-tehnološki intenzivnih sektora, se 2010. godine nalazio u grupi identifikovanih rastućih sektora industrije. Stoga se nameće opšti zaključak da se prerađivačka industrija Srbije nalazi na veoma niskom stepenu tehnološkog razvoja. Naime, visokotehnološki i srednje-visoko-tehnološki razvijeni sektori prerađivačke industrije učestvuju sa oko ¼ u stvaranju ukupne bruto dodate vrednosti, dok je njihov udeo u ukupnoj zaposlenosti u prerađivačkoj industriji oko 27%. Analiza je otkrila i to da se značaj grupa sektora prerađivačke industrije, u smislu doprinosa ukupnoj bruto dodatoj vrednosti, brže pomera iz grupe sektora nisko-tehnološki razvijenih ka srednje-nisko-tehnološki razvijenim sektorima, nego iz grupe srednje-visokotehnološki razvijenih ka visoko-tehnološki razvijenim sektorima prerađivačke industrije. I na kraju, zaključak je da se doprinos pojedinih sektora ukupnoj bruto dodatoj vrednosti industrije znatno brže menjao, kao i da se povećavala nejednakost među sektorima, naročito prerađivačke industrije, dok se struktura zaposlenosti po sektorima industrije, uprkos oštrom padu broja zaposlenih, menjala sporije i ujednačenije

    Efectos de la gestión de la calidad sobre el desempeño innovador: el papel mediador de las capacidades dinámicas de aprendizaje e innovación

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    En el entorno actual regido por rápidos cambios, la innovación juega un papel esencial, convirtiéndose en la base de creación y sostenimiento de la competitividad. El desempeño innovador de la empresa, desde la perspectiva de las Capacidades Dinámicas, viene determinado básicamente por las capacidades de innovación de la empresa. Estas capacidades innovadoras integran la Capacidad para la Gestión de la I+D y la Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo. Por otro lado, con tal de adaptarse a las necesidades que el mercado les exige sobrevivir y hacer frente a la competencia, las empresas han ido adoptando Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad; estas prácticas pueden asimismo contribuir a mejorar el desempeño innovador de las empresas y sus ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, el efecto de las Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad sobre el desempeño innovador es un tema controvertido en la literatura que ha dado lugar a resultados dispares. Esta falta de consenso puede deberse, en parte, a la omisión de ciertas variables que pueden actuar como mediadoras en la relación. Este trabajo intenta aportar luz a esta controversia, estudiando la influencia de la utilización de Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad sobre el desempeño innovador de procesos, tanto de forma directa como a través del desarrollo de Capacidades Dinámicas. Con tal de testar este modelo, se utiliza una base de datos de 550 empresas industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales con la metodología Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Los resultados indican que el stock de Capacidades Dinámicas de la empresa determina su desempeño innovador. Encontramos igualmente que el grado de adopción organizativa de Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad está relacionado directamente con la Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo y la Capacidad de Gestión de I+D. Sin embargo, las Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad no influyen de forma directa sobre el desempeño innovador de procesos, sino de modo indirecto según su poder de desarrollo de Capacidades Dinámicas. Por tanto, las Capacidades Dinámicas representadas por el Aprendizaje Organizativo y Gestión de la I+D son una variable que media en el efecto de la difusión de las Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad sobre el desempeño innovador de procesos.In the current environment governed by rapid change, innovation plays an essential role, becoming the basis for creating and sustaining competitiveness. The innovative performance of the company, from the perspective of Dynamic Capabilities, is basically determined by the innovation capabilities. These innovative capabilities are integrated by the Capacity for the R&D Management and the Capacity for Organizational Learning. On the other hand, firms have adopted practices related with the Quality Management philosophy in order to adapt themselves to the needs that market requires to survive and cope with competition; these quality practices can also help to improve the innovative performance of firms and their competitive advantages. However, the effect of the Quality Management Practices on the innovative performance is a controversial topic in the literature that has led to mixed results. This lack of consensus may be partly due to the omission of certain variables that may act as mediators in the relationship between Quality Management Practices and the innovative performance. This paper attempts to shed light on this controversy by studying the influence of the use of Quality Management Practices on the process innovation performance, both directly and through the development of Dynamic Capabilities. With the aim of testing this model, we use a database of 550 industrial firms in the Valencian Comunity and a structural equation model with the methodology Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). The results indicate that the firm’s stock of Dynamic Capabilities is essential in order to determine its innovative performance. It is also found that the degree of the organizational adoption of Quality Management Practices is directly related to the Organizational Learning Capacity and the Capacity for the R&D Management. However, this model demonstrates that the Quality Management Practices have not a direct influence on the performance of process innovation, but these practices could have an indirect effect on this kind of performance by developing the Dynamic Capabilities. Therefore, the Dynamic Capabilities - represented by the Organizational Learning and the Capacity for R&D Management - is a variable that mediates the effect of the diffusion of the Quality Management Practices on the process innovation performance

    Employee engagement and job personal resources among nurses in Thailand: The mediating role of psychological conditions

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    High employee turnover has accounted for the shortage of manpower in nursing. It has become a worldwide issue in many countries including Thailand. This study aims to examine the relationships between job-personal resources and work engagement and the mediating role of psychological conditions in the relationship between job-personal resources and work engagement. The study was conducted in private hospitals of health tourism in Bangkok, Thailand. The sample consisted of 361 registered nurses. Questionnaires were used to collect the data on job-personal resources, work engagement, and psychological conditions. The findings reveal that the level of nurses’ work engagement is above moderate. The result of hierarchical multiple regressions analysis shows significant direct relationship between job-personal resources (self-efficacy, perceived supervisor support, and reward & recognition) and work engagement. Psychological conditions are found partially mediate the relationship between job-personal resources and work engagement. The results of this study provide decision makers, policy makers, and practitioners in the medical tourism industry with an understanding of the factors (job - personal resources and psychological conditions) that influence work engagement among nurses in private hospitals. Subsequently appropriate measures could be designed to enhance nurses’ work engagement and reduce their intention to quit. The findings of the study could contribute to the enhancement of the existing literature in the area of work engagement. Limitations of the study, recommendations and future research are also provide

    Blue ocean strategy and innovation performance, mediated by innovation strategies

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    Innovation is one of the integral elements of competitive advantage of any organization and the country. Global innovation index has been representing, a decline in Malaysian innovation performance since 2013. Manufacturing sector supports 82% in Malaysian exports but 31% of its firms are non-innovative. In pursuit of investigating factors, which can influence innovation performance, the researcher turns to the Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS). Impact of all five constructs of BOS (Creating New Uncontested Market Space, Making Competition Irrelevant, Create and Capture New Demand, Achieving Differentiation and Cost, Breaking Value-Cost Trade off) were identified with Innovation Performance. Moreover, the mediating role of Inbound Open Innovation and Outbound Open Innovation was determined. This research is an empirical quantitative study, performed in Malaysian manufacturing organizations. One manager from each of the 550 organizations was contacted using stratified proportionate sampling of large, medium and small manufacturing organizations to collect data through online resources. Response rate was 60.18%, above the required sample size of 327. Variance-based structural equation modeling was used to perform the analysis, using SmartPLS3 and SPSS Version 25. Results represent that three BOS constructs are significant and are positively related to Innovation Performance. While Inbound Open innovation is positively related to innovation performance. Using Preacher & Hayes (2008), Inbound Open innovation, significantly and positively mediates between the three constructs of BOS and Innovation Performance. This research contributes to the body of knowledge of BOS, and Innovation, and highlights the role of Open Innovation strategies. It also contributes academically as SEM predicts the role of each construct of BOS with Innovation Performance. Moreover, the role of Open innovation strategies is examined between the BOS and Innovation

    Knowledge management, organizational culture and organizational learning on innovation in automotive industry

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    The ability to innovate is critical for all companies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. However, empirical studies looking at factors affecting innovation in Iranian automotive industry are still lacking. The main objective of this study was to examine the direct and indirect effect of organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational learning on innovation. This study combined knowledge-based view theory (KBV), competitive value framework and organization learning theories to develop a new theoretical framework to investigate factors affecting innovation. Data were gathered from a survey of 279 companies supplying automobile parts to Iran Khodro Company, an Iranian leading automobile manufacturer. Stratified random sampling technique was used to ensure that the population of companies supplying automobile parts to the company was adequately represented. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results of the study revealed that organizational culture and knowledge management do influence organizational innovation. Besides that, organizational learning played a significant role as a mediator in the relationship between organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational innovation. However, knowledge management did not have a mediator role in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational innovation. In this study, the research has focused on innovation to link organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational learning. Besides that, theoretical contributions related to organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational learning to improve organizational innovation in the Iranian automotive industry are provided. As a practical contribution, the findings of the study serve as a guideline for policy makers and managers in the formulation of policies and strategies for sustainable innovation

    Successful Penetration of Emerging Markets - Finding Business Opportunities for High Profile Industrial Products

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    Equipment Fluids & Utility (EFU) is one of nine segments within Alfa Laval. The segment has experienced initial problems with sales volumes on the emerging markets so far entered, even though there is a seemingly large potential. No clear reason for this has been identified, and the management of EFU wants an efficient solution to the problem. The problem was to investigate what areas are affecting an efficient penetration of emerging markets for an industrial company, and how those should be addressed to ensure a continuous favourable development. Purpose: Our purpose is divided in two parts: Understand and investigate the business of Alfa Laval and EFU to be able to identify areas of improvement regarding the sales process in Vietnam. It also includes developing recommendations and actions for every defined area with the aim to generate a more efficient procedure to find business opportunities in an emerging market. Develop a conceptual framework that will contribute with a structured approach for problem solving in emerging markets when selling industrial products. The aim of the framework is to create awareness of what areas of improvement are most important, and to give guidelines of how to work with those improvements. Method: An abductive research is made based on qualitative in-depth interviews and literature studies. A case study is made on Vietnam and the findings from this certain case results in a generic solution valid for all emerging markets. Conclusion: Nine areas of improvement are defined and discussed, and actions for success are suggested. Furthermore, a methodological framework is developed to facilitate a structured approach when working with the improvements

    Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Institutions on Labor Market and Firm Productivity in Vietnamese Manufacturing

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    The dissertation centers on the following key issues. First, what are the impacts of trade liberalization on employment and wages in Vietnamese manufacturing? Second, what determines productivity in Vietnamese manufacturing: the roles of technology and institutions? Third, what are the constraints of the investment climate on Vietnamese manufacturing technical efficiency? Towards such purposes, various econometric techniques are applied and different types of datasets used to investigate the impacts of trade liberalization and institutional reforms implemented in Vietnam on manufacturing industries in terms of employment and wage responses and firm productive performance