10 research outputs found

    Parametric Design, Modeling, and Optical Evaluation of Retroreflective Prismatic Structures

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    Retroreflectors (RR) are defined as passive optical structures that redirect incident light to its originating source. Specific types of retroreflectors called inverted cubes (ICs) function through total internal reflection (TIR) and are used in various applications such as measurement tools, traffic signs and automotive rear and side lighting. This thesis aims to model, analyze, fabricate and study a novel type of IC retroreflectors called right triangular prism (RTP). A parametric approach is used to model existing IC geometries from a generic unit cube and is then implemented to model the novel RTP geometry. Those elements are then tested by optical simulation software in single element and areal forms and their performances are compared. Moreover, fabricated prototype arrays of RTPs were separately tested using a digital lux meter and a luminance imaging system. Both virtual and physical optical experimentation proved that the newly designed RTP structure is indeed functional and have the potential to be used in many applications

    Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting Strategies for Multi-axis Fabrication of Right Triangular Prismatic Retroreflectors

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    The optical phenomenon of retroreflection (RR) is described as light rays contacting a surface and being redirected back to their originating source. While applications are many and varied, their primary focus is safety in low-light conditions, and the focus of this research is toward automotive applications. Few geometric shapes are capable of retroreflection. Among them are the lens-and-mirror, and cube corner geometry; however, the right triangular prism (RTP) has been introduced as a viable alternative. This study demonstrates a more efficient fabrication technology when compared to current industry practices. The ultraprecise single point inverted cutting (USPIC) technology was envisioned as a combination of diamond turning and multi-axis machining. The unique cutting kinematics of USPIC required the development of dedicated tooling and a postprocessor for machine automation. Experimental results have demonstrated both the feasibility of this approach, and that RTP arrays fabricated by this technology outperform those fabricated through conventional means

    Optimization of Tool Path for Uniform Scallop-Height in Ultra-precision Grinding of Free-form Surfaces

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    Free-form surfaces have been widely used in complex optical devices to improve the functional performance of imaging and illumination quality and reduce sizes. Ultra-precision grinding is a kind of ultra-precision machining technology for fabricating free-form surfaces with high form accuracy and good surface finish. However, the complexity and variation of curvature of the free-form surface impose a lot of challenges to make the process more predictable. Tool path as a critical factor directly determines the form error and surface quality in ultra-precision grinding of free-form surfaces. In conventional tool path planning, the constant angle method is widely used in machining free-form surfaces, which resulted in non-uniform scallop-height and degraded surface quality of the machined surfaces. In this paper, a theoretical scallop-height model is developed to relate the residual height and diverse curvature radius. Hence, a novel tool-path generation method is developed to achieve uniform scallop-height in ultra-precision grinding of free-form surfaces. Moreover, the iterative closest-point matching method, which is a well-known algorithm to register two surfaces, is exploited to make the two surfaces match closely through rotation and translation. The deviation of corresponding points between the theoretical and the measured surfaces is determined. Hence, an optimized tool-path generator is developed that is experimentally verified through a series of grinding experiments conducted on annular sinusoidal surface and single sinusoidal surface, which allows the realization of the achievement of uniform scallop-height in ultra-precision grinding of free-form surfaces

    Design of a new fast tool positioning system and systematic study on its positioning stability

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    The challenge of maintaining good surface quality under high operational frequencies in freeform machining invokes the need for a deterministic error analysis approach and a quantitative understanding on how structural design affects the positioning errors. This paper proposes a novel stiff-support positioning system with a systematic error analysis approach which reveals the contributions of disturbances on the tool positioning errors. The new design reduces the structural complexity and enables the detailed modelling of the closed loop system. Stochastic disturbances are analysed in the frequency domain while the non-stochastic disturbances are simulated in the time domain. The predicted following error spectrum agrees with the measured spectrum across the frequency range and this approach is justified. The real tool positioning error, which is free from sensor noise, is revealed for the first time. The influences of moving mass under various bandwidth settings have been studied both theoretically and experimentally. It is found that a larger moving mass helps combating disturbances except the sensor noises. The influences of cutting force are modelled and experimentally verified in the micro lens array cutting experiments. The origins of the form errors of the lenslet are discussed based on the error analysis model

    Examining the relationship of variables related to litigation regarding students with significant cognitive disabilities

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    Non-null interferometry offers a viable alternative to traditional interferometric testing of aspheric micro-lenses since computer generated holograms or null optics whose fabrication and testing are very expensive, are not required. However, due to the violation of the Nyquist sampling theorem these non-null tests provide limited dynamic range. The dynamic range of these non-null tests can be extended by implementing an index liquid which allows the measurement of micro-lenses with several microns of departure from a sphere. The first objective of this dissertation was to test important micro-lens properties such as the sag, radius of curvature and form errors for a micro-lens by using an index liquid. The results compared favorably to measurements taken on a Twyman-Green interferometer, a contact profilometer and an optical non-contact profilometer. Also, retrace errors, which are aberrations caused by altered ray paths of the test beam through a micro-lens were investigated. Reverse ray-trace and reverse optimization techniques are typically used to calibrate retrace errors, but in depth knowledge of the interferometer optics is assumed, and hence cannot be used for systems containing commercial optics. In this dissertation, re-trace errors are quantified and a novel calibration procedure derived to experimentally compensate for these errors. This retrace error calibration led to agreement of within 1% for the sag values between the index liquid technique and a profilometer. The second objective of this dissertation was to enable measurements of arbitrary geometries and to reduce testing time compared to profilometry. The index liquid technique was applied to faceted microstructured optical products which are becoming more widespread due to advances in manufacturing. Many of these structures contain faceted surfaces with steep slopes. Adequate metrology for such surfaces is lacking. The use of the index liquid technique achieved high quality, high speed measurements of such faceted microstructures. Refraction is accounted for at the interfaces, rather than consider only optical path length changes due to the index liquid, and this significantly improves the facet angle measurement. The technique is demonstrated with the measurement of an array of micro-pyramids and show that our results are in good agreement with measurements taken on a contact profilometer. The index liquid measurements took approximately five seconds to complete compared to a measurement time of six hours for the contact profilometer. The technique was also extended to measure opaque micro-corner cubes by implementing an intermediate replication step. This allowed a measurement of the angle between facets of a nickel micro-corner cube hexagonal array, a combination not previously demonstrated in the literature. A first order uncertainty analysis was carried out on the index liquid technique to determine any limiting factors that need to be taken into account when assessing such parameters as the sag and facet angle. The uncertainties in the sag and facet angle were found to be well below 1%. Lastly secondary factors such interferometer bias, refraction, masking effects and pixel calibration were investigated to understand the possible implications on the sag and facet angle calculation

    Design, control and error analysis of a fast tool positioning system for ultra-precision machining of freeform surfaces

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    This thesis was previously held under moratorium from 03/12/19 to 03/12/21Freeform surfaces are widely found in advanced imaging and illumination systems, orthopaedic implants, high-power beam shaping applications, and other high-end scientific instruments. They give the designers greater ability to cope with the performance limitations commonly encountered in simple-shape designs. However, the stringent requirements for surface roughness and form accuracy of freeform components pose significant challenges for current machining techniques—especially in the optical and display market where large surfaces with tens of thousands of micro features are to be machined. Such highly wavy surfaces require the machine tool cutter to move rapidly while keeping following errors small. Manufacturing efficiency has been a bottleneck in these applications. The rapidly changing cutting forces and inertial forces also contribute a great deal to the machining errors. The difficulty in maintaining good surface quality under conditions of high operational frequency suggests the need for an error analysis approach that can predict the dynamic errors. The machining requirements also impose great challenges on machine tool design and the control process. There has been a knowledge gap on how the mechanical structural design affects the achievable positioning stability. The goal of this study was to develop a tool positioning system capable of delivering fast motion with the required positioning accuracy and stiffness for ultra-precision freeform manufacturing. This goal is achieved through deterministic structural design, detailed error analysis, and novel control algorithms. Firstly, a novel stiff-support design was proposed to eliminate the structural and bearing compliances in the structural loop. To implement the concept, a fast positioning device was developed based on a new-type flat voice coil motor. Flexure bearing, magnet track, and motor coil parameters were designed and calculated in detail. A high-performance digital controller and a power amplifier were also built to meet the servo rate requirement of the closed-loop system. A thorough understanding was established of how signals propagated within the control system, which is fundamentally important in determining the loop performance of high-speed control. A systematic error analysis approach based on a detailed model of the system was proposed and verified for the first time that could reveal how disturbances contribute to the tool positioning errors. Each source of disturbance was treated as a stochastic process, and these disturbances were synthesised in the frequency domain. The differences between following error and real positioning error were discussed and clarified. The predicted spectrum of following errors agreed with the measured spectrum across the frequency range. It is found that the following errors read from the control software underestimated the real positioning errors at low frequencies and overestimated them at high frequencies. The error analysis approach thus successfully revealed the real tool positioning errors that are mingled with sensor noise. Approaches to suppress disturbances were discussed from the perspectives of both system design and control. A deterministic controller design approach was developed to preclude the uncertainty associated with controller tuning, resulting in a control law that can minimize positioning errors. The influences of mechanical parameters such as mass, damping, and stiffness were investigated within the closed-loop framework. Under a given disturbance condition, the optimal bearing stiffness and optimal damping coefficients were found. Experimental positioning tests showed that a larger moving mass helped to combat all disturbances but sensor noise. Because of power limits, the inertia of the fast tool positioning system could not be high. A control algorithm with an additional acceleration-feedback loop was then studied to enhance the dynamic stiffness of the cutting system without any need for large inertia. An analytical model of the dynamic stiffness of the system with acceleration feedback was established. The dynamic stiffness was tested by frequency response tests as well as by intermittent diamond-turning experiments. The following errors and the form errors of the machined surfaces were compared with the estimates provided by the model. It is found that the dynamic stiffness within the acceleration sensor bandwidth was proportionally improved. The additional acceleration sensor brought a new error source into the loop, and its contribution of errors increased with a larger acceleration gain. At a certain point, the error caused by the increased acceleration gain surpassed other disturbances and started to dominate, representing the practical upper limit of the acceleration gain. Finally, the developed positioning system was used to cut some typical freeform surfaces. A surface roughness of 1.2 nm (Ra) was achieved on a NiP alloy substrate in flat cutting experiments. Freeform surfaces—including beam integrator surface, sinusoidal surface, and arbitrary freeform surface—were successfully machined with optical-grade quality. Ideas for future improvements were proposed in the end of this thesis.Freeform surfaces are widely found in advanced imaging and illumination systems, orthopaedic implants, high-power beam shaping applications, and other high-end scientific instruments. They give the designers greater ability to cope with the performance limitations commonly encountered in simple-shape designs. However, the stringent requirements for surface roughness and form accuracy of freeform components pose significant challenges for current machining techniques—especially in the optical and display market where large surfaces with tens of thousands of micro features are to be machined. Such highly wavy surfaces require the machine tool cutter to move rapidly while keeping following errors small. Manufacturing efficiency has been a bottleneck in these applications. The rapidly changing cutting forces and inertial forces also contribute a great deal to the machining errors. The difficulty in maintaining good surface quality under conditions of high operational frequency suggests the need for an error analysis approach that can predict the dynamic errors. The machining requirements also impose great challenges on machine tool design and the control process. There has been a knowledge gap on how the mechanical structural design affects the achievable positioning stability. The goal of this study was to develop a tool positioning system capable of delivering fast motion with the required positioning accuracy and stiffness for ultra-precision freeform manufacturing. This goal is achieved through deterministic structural design, detailed error analysis, and novel control algorithms. Firstly, a novel stiff-support design was proposed to eliminate the structural and bearing compliances in the structural loop. To implement the concept, a fast positioning device was developed based on a new-type flat voice coil motor. Flexure bearing, magnet track, and motor coil parameters were designed and calculated in detail. A high-performance digital controller and a power amplifier were also built to meet the servo rate requirement of the closed-loop system. A thorough understanding was established of how signals propagated within the control system, which is fundamentally important in determining the loop performance of high-speed control. A systematic error analysis approach based on a detailed model of the system was proposed and verified for the first time that could reveal how disturbances contribute to the tool positioning errors. Each source of disturbance was treated as a stochastic process, and these disturbances were synthesised in the frequency domain. The differences between following error and real positioning error were discussed and clarified. The predicted spectrum of following errors agreed with the measured spectrum across the frequency range. It is found that the following errors read from the control software underestimated the real positioning errors at low frequencies and overestimated them at high frequencies. The error analysis approach thus successfully revealed the real tool positioning errors that are mingled with sensor noise. Approaches to suppress disturbances were discussed from the perspectives of both system design and control. A deterministic controller design approach was developed to preclude the uncertainty associated with controller tuning, resulting in a control law that can minimize positioning errors. The influences of mechanical parameters such as mass, damping, and stiffness were investigated within the closed-loop framework. Under a given disturbance condition, the optimal bearing stiffness and optimal damping coefficients were found. Experimental positioning tests showed that a larger moving mass helped to combat all disturbances but sensor noise. Because of power limits, the inertia of the fast tool positioning system could not be high. A control algorithm with an additional acceleration-feedback loop was then studied to enhance the dynamic stiffness of the cutting system without any need for large inertia. An analytical model of the dynamic stiffness of the system with acceleration feedback was established. The dynamic stiffness was tested by frequency response tests as well as by intermittent diamond-turning experiments. The following errors and the form errors of the machined surfaces were compared with the estimates provided by the model. It is found that the dynamic stiffness within the acceleration sensor bandwidth was proportionally improved. The additional acceleration sensor brought a new error source into the loop, and its contribution of errors increased with a larger acceleration gain. At a certain point, the error caused by the increased acceleration gain surpassed other disturbances and started to dominate, representing the practical upper limit of the acceleration gain. Finally, the developed positioning system was used to cut some typical freeform surfaces. A surface roughness of 1.2 nm (Ra) was achieved on a NiP alloy substrate in flat cutting experiments. Freeform surfaces—including beam integrator surface, sinusoidal surface, and arbitrary freeform surface—were successfully machined with optical-grade quality. Ideas for future improvements were proposed in the end of this thesis


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    The increasing demand on mass production of high precision parts, has pushed the precision manufacturing industry to develop reliable precision finishing processes such as Bonnet polishing to address market requirements. Indeed, the nature of the surface to be polished plays an important role in the design of a possible polishing machine. A gap within the research in polishing for precision industry needs has been identified. Small parts with <50mm x 50mm and possible freeform curvature containing small slopes cannot be polished with available bonnet polishing (BP) processes on market. This is caused by the tool head size and the tool holder being bigger than part curvature or the part itself. Although, the BP process has a huge potential for surface roughness improvement and form accuracy, it is generally seen in industry as an expensive solution for a non-deterministic finishing process. Therefore, this project has sought to develop a BP machine to cover the gap with an innovative and inexpensive design. In order to develop a machine which responded to the market expectations all possible requirements were listed from a customer point of view. Based on the requirement, a machine concept was produced. Market analysis helped to identify sub-systems of the machine. FEA analysis of the design was performed to check for stress distribution and displacement due to its own mass. Additional assembly parts are designed and a prototype of the machine was produced. The designed machine is tested for its ability as precision polishing machine. Flat surfaces of P20 tool steel were targets for polishing to nanometric surface finishes. Empirical experiments helped to identify parameters which influenced the surface roughness. Taguchi method were then used to optimise the parameters for better surface roughness. Optimum parameters conditions helped to reach less than 10 nm Ra systematically and repeatedly. The samples were also polished using re-circulating slurry techniques, and the obtained results were discussed. Further, pre polishing, Grolishing processes capable of improving surface roughness from ground finish to mirror like finish were developed for cost effective manufacturing procedures. The material removal was analysed to identify parameters capable of improving surface roughness over a step grolishing process. Two grolishing procedures were developed. Both processes produced nanometric range surface finishes. Other variations in results were compared and discussed. Although, machine axis has the ability to produce freeform movement, tool holders need to be improved to facilitate the identification of the distance between tool origin and workpiece origin. Therefore, a new spindle holder assembly is produced to hold the tool and an optical measurement device DRI used to evaluate accurately the distance separating the tool-workpiece origin and further align the workpiece inclination with respect to the machine axis. A CAD-CAM package is also developed to generate programme capable of performing freeform curvature

    Neuartige Methoden diffraktiver Mask Aligner Lithografie zur flexiblen Erzeugung mikrooptischer Strukturen

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    Die Mask Aligner Lithografie bietet einfache und adaptierbare Herstellungsmöglichkeiten zur Erzeugung einer Primärstruktur für ein breites Spektrum an Elementen, auch speziell für die Mikrooptik. Für den lithografischen Prozess stellen die Photomaske sowie deren Beleuchtung signifikante und einflussreiche Parameter für die Strukturerzeugung dar. Diese Bedeutung konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit anhand verschiedener Beispiele unterstrichen und genutzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde neben der Entwicklung neuartiger Photomasken-Technologien ein neues Beleuchtungssystem eingeführt, bei dem die konventionell genutzte Beleuchtungsquelle einer Quecksilberdampflampe gegen einen Festkörperlaser getauscht wurde. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil des neuen Beleuchtungssystems mit einem Laser als Beleuchtungsquelle besteht in einer konstanten Bestrahlungsstärke unabhängig vom Winkelspektrum der Photomaskenbeleuchtung, wodurch auch für kleine Winkelspektren kurze Belichtungszeiten möglich sind. Darüber hinaus wurde Erzeugung mikrooptischer Strukturen optimiert und neue Belichtungskonzepte z.B. zur Herstellung kontinuierlicher Oberflächenprofile oder aperiodischer Strukturen erarbeitet. Eine neu entwickelte Technologie für verschiebbare Photomasken ermöglicht Mehrfachbelichtungen, um beispielsweise kontinuierliche Oberflächenprofile herzustellen oder die Dichte binärer Strukturen zu erhöhen. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, kontinuierliche Strukturen herzustellen, bieten optimierte Photomasken. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass mittels mehrstufiger Phasenmaske die Geometrie einer Blazestruktur angepasst und eine senkrechte Rückflanke generiert werden kann. Weiterhin wurden neue Photomaskendesigns basierend auf einer kombinierten Amplituden- und Phasenmodulation entwickelt. So konnte eine erfolgreiche Auflösungssteigerung der Schattenwurflithografie für aperiodische Strukturen mittels einer mehrstufigen Photomaske realisiert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde ein neuartiges Konzept einer doppelseitig strukturierten Photomaske entwickelt und am Beispiel der Strukturierung dicker Lacke getestet