8 research outputs found

    Securing innovation in digital manufacturing supply chains : an interdisciplinary perspective on intellectual property, technological protection measures and 3D printing/additive manufacturing

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    Digital supply chains (DSCs) provide several advantages over traditional physical supply chains, yet they also pose new risks, including for IP, especially when associated with three-dimensional ‘3D’ printing (3DP), also known as additive manufacturing (AM). Technological protection measure (TPM) usage in DSCs may help address the IP security issues of 3DP or AM but may result in overprotection and disregard for IP exceptions, which may also have a negative impact on innovation and other goals such as sustainability. This article considers how the IP security of 3DP/AM is addressed in DSCs, including by applying TPMs. We discuss whether the current approaches strike the right balance between the competing interests of different DSC actors. We also present some novel findings from a survey conducted with expert stakeholders to better understand IP security issues in practice. Our findings show that most respondents see IP and IP security efforts as both barriers and enablers to using 3DP/AM within DSCs. Also, the strategy chosen by most respondents for securing IP focuses on a technical approach, using inter alia TPMs. We infer that this dual perspective on IP and IP security may reflect the respondents’ differing relationship with IP in DSCs, where one may wish to create, use and secure their own IP but also encounter barriers through the inaccessibility of the IP of third parties

    Intellectual property management challenges of additive manufacturing in replacement part supply chains

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    Additive manufacturing underpins Industry 4.0 and is often identified as having potential applications in replacement part supply chains; however, it also introduces complex challenges for existing governance structures, especially those linked to intellectual property security concerns. This paper quantitatively surveyed views of experts in management, engineering, and academic roles about their concerns regarding intellectual property security of additive manufacturing applications in replacement part supply chains. The findings reveal that despite the often-cited benefits there remain significant concerns about this technology's application from management and security perspectives within the Industry 4.0 era

    Bibliographical review on cyber attacks from a control oriented perspective

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    This paper presents a bibliographical review of definitions, classifications and applications concerning cyber attacks in networked control systems (NCSs) and cyber-physical systems (CPSs). This review tackles the topic from a control-oriented perspective, which is complementary to information or communication ones. After motivating the importance of developing new methods for attack detection and secure control, this review presents security objectives, attack modeling, and a characterization of considered attacks and threats presenting the detection mechanisms and remedial actions. In order to show the properties of each attack, as well as to provide some deeper insight into possible defense mechanisms, examples available in the literature are discussed. Finally, open research issues and paths are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Análise e desenvolvimento do processo de sensorização de Tornos CNC para Manutenção Preditiva

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    Com a crescente competitividade da Indústria, as organizações procuram que os equipamentos tenham maior produtividade e disponibilidade, que os produtos tenham qualidade, e que para tal se utilizem os menores recursos possíveis. Deste modo, a manutenção assume um papel importante para manter o equipamento no seu desempenho máximo. Com a evolução tecnológica, surgiu a manutenção baseada na condição (Condition‐based maintenance ‐ CBM), responsável por detetar os defeitos e prever as falhas que surgirão e em que momento. No caso das máquinas de controlo numérico computorizado (Computer Numeric Control ‐ CNC), esta técnica pode ser eficazmente aplicada aos seus rolamentos no fuso, que são dos componentes mais críticos, pois a sua falha torna a máquina indisponível. Assim sendo, a possibilidade de detetar o surgimento de defeitos nos rolamentos recorrendo à CBM é uma mais valia para uma organização. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de implementação de um sistema de CBM com recurso a monitorização da vibração e emissões acústicas dos rolamentos de um torno suíço na empresa Sá Couto e Monteiro, S.A. Este sistema recorre a sensores e um processador de sinais, que depois enviará os dados recolhidos para um computador com um software especializado e personalizável, que despoletará os alertas de acordo com limites de referência das duas medições e consoante o tipo de atividade de manutenção necessária, enviando uma mensagem ao responsável de manutenção. Este sistema tem como objetivo a automatização da função de manutenção, tornando‐a mais eficaz.With the increasing competitiveness of the Industry, the organizations try to make the equipment more productive and available, with quality products, and with the minimum possible resources are used. In this way, maintenance plays an important role in keeping the equipment at its maximum performance. With the evolution of technology, condition‐based maintenance (CBM) emerged, being responsible for detecting the defects and predicting the failures that will arise and at what time. In the case of computerized numeric control (CNC) machines, this technique can be effectively applied to the bearings of the spindle, since they are the most critical components because their failure makes the machine unavailable. Thus, the possibility of detecting the occurrence of defects in bearings using CBM is an added value for an organization. This dissertation presents a proposal for the implementation of a CBM system with the use of vibration monitoring and acoustic emissions of bearings of a Swiss lathe in the company Sá Couto e Monteiro, SA. This system uses sensors and a signal processor that will send the data collected to a computer with a specialized and customizable software that will trigger the alerts according to the reference limits of the two measurements and depending on the type of maintenance activity required, a message to the maintenance manager can be sent. This system aims to automatize the maintenance function, making it more effective

    Proposal for the integration between a building information modeling with enabling technology of industry 4.0 for the management of the product life cycle in office furniture

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    La economía nacional colombiana se sustenta, mayormente, por empresas PYMES (pequeñas y medianas empresas) que son, aproximandamente, el 90% del sector productivo nacional, por lo que vitalizar este tipo de organizaciones se traduce en vitalizar la economía nacional. El problema sustancial que atañe este documento radica en la falta de vinculación de las PYMES ofertantes de muebles para oficina aierta con herramientas habilitadoras de la industria 4.0 como mecanismo para convertirlas en empresas mas eficientes durante todo el ciclo de vida de un proyecto de amueblamiento modular. La industria 4.0 ofrece una lista de herramientas tecnológicas que facilitan la gestión de los proyectos y la gestión organizacional (Business Intelligent, Big Data, Realidad Aumentada, Ciencia de Datos, Gemelos Digitales, Internet de las Cosas, entre otras), herramientas que, vinculadas a las necesidades de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, mejorarían la forma de planear y ejecutar los diferentes requerimientos del cliente. Este estudio se enfocó, principalmente, a contextualizar el mercado de muebles para oficina abierta y las diferentes herramientas habilitadoras de la industria 4.0 y proponer un marco de trabajo que permitiera a las empresas del sector de amueblamiento modular, el uso de la tecnología para la gestión de la etapa de diseño y de la etapa de instalación de los proyectos demandados, disminuyendo posibles errores a la hora de producir los elementos del proyecto y que estos no coincidieran con los requerimientos propios del espacio de trabajo. Como resultado se obtuvo una propuesta de integración entre software especializado para el diseño (software CAD, particularmente, OffiCAD y AutoCAD) y la etapa de instalación que, apoyada por principios de fotogrametría, realidad aumentada y captación de información por sensores, y enmarcadas en el concepto de gemelo digital, vincula los requerimientos de espacio reales con el diseño generado en etapa inicial del proyecto, mejorando la estructura arquitectónica inicial y vinculando la información actualizada a la generación de informes de cotización y ordenes de producción mas realistas. El primer capitulo de este documento presenta la razón de su realización, las causas que sustentaron la investigación y los objetivos que se espera lograr. El capitulo 2 presenta la contextualización del sector de muebles en Colombia, los elementos teóricos del diseño de proyectos de amueblamiento modular, algunos conceptos desarrollados actualmente referente al uso de los proyectos una vez finaliza el ciclo de vida de los mismos y contextualización de algunas herramientas habilitadoras de la industria 4.0 con algunos casos prácticos. El tercer capitulo presenta la propuesta integradora entre la etapa de diseño y la etapa de instalación de proyectos del sector para la mejora en el rendimiento y productividad de las PYMES. Finalmente, se presentan conclusiones y referencias blbiográficas, junto con anexos del documento que complementan lo expuesto en este.The Colombian National economy is mainly supported by SMEs (small and medium-size enterprises), which account for approximately 90% of the national productive sector. The substantial problem that concerns this document lies in the lack of linkage of SMEs offering office furniture for aerated office with enabling tools of Industry 4.0 as a mechanism to turn them into more efficient companies during the entire ife cycle of a modular furniture Project. Industry 4.0 offers a list of technological tools that facilitate Project management and organizational management (Business Intelligent, Big Data, Augmented Reality, Data Science, Digital Twins, Internet of Things, among others), tools that, linked to the needs of small and medium-sized companies, would improve the way to plan and execute the different customer requirements. This study focused mainly on contextualizing the open office furniture Market and the different enablings tools of Industry 4.0 and propising a framework that would allow companies in the modular furniture sector to use technology for the management of the design and installation phases of the projects requested, reducing posible errors in the production of the Project elements and that these did not coincide with the specific requirement of the workspace. The result was a proposal for integration between specialized software for design (CAD software, particulary OffiCAD and AutoCAD) and the installation phase, which, supported by the principles of photogrammetry, augmented reality and sensor information capture, and framed by the concept of digital twin, links the actual space requirements with the design generated at the Initial stage of the project, better the Initial architectural Structure and linking the updated information to the generation of more realistic quotation reports and production orders. The First chapter of this paper presents the reason for its implementation, te causes that underpinned the research and the objetives that are expected to be achieved. Chapter 2 presents the contextualization of the furniture sector in Colombia, the theoretical elements of the design of modular furniture projects, some concepts currently developed regarding the use of projets once their life cycle ends and contextualization of some enabling tools of Industry 4.0 withsome practical cases. The third chapter presents the proposal for integrating the design and installation phases of projects in the sector to improve the performance and productivity of SMEs. Finally, conclusions and biographical references are presented, together with appendices to the document that complement what is stated in this document

    An Analysis of the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Motor Industry in the Eastern Cape

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    Over the past decade we have noted the accelerated development in information technology which has resulted in the internet moving from merely connecting people via computers to its connections now being extended to connect virtually everything. It has changed the daily lives of humans, from how we communicate with each other and drive our vehicles to how we work as well. These advancements in technology have created smart technologies which give organisations and countries a competitive advantage when implemented. Developed countries in Europe and North America have invested significant sums of money in order to speed up the implementation of industry 4.0 given the benefits that can be derived from it. Literature on industry 4.0 is on the rise, however not many studies have been conducted in Africa or South Africa. The purpose of this research is to analyse the impact that industry 4.0 technologies have on the operational performance of an organisation in the automotive industry in the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The effects of these technologies on the operational performance of an organisation will be assessed on the key performance measures of: speed, flexibility, quality, delivery dependability and cost. The study also seeks to define a guideline for organisations to use who wish to implement these technologies into their operations. A literature review on the subject was conducted as well as an empirical investigation. The results from both the literature review and the empirical investigation found that the operational performance of an organisation improves with the implementation of technology