121 research outputs found

    Classification of Empirical Work on Sales Promotion: A Synthesis for Managerial Decision Making

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    Sales Promotion activities have gained strategic focus as markets are getting complex and competitive. Key managerial concerns in this area are budget allocation across elements of promotions as well as trade vis. consumer promotion, how to design individual sales promotion techniques and a calendar in face of competitive promotions, how to manage them and evaluate the short-term and long-term impact of the same. The objective of this paper is to present, through Meta-analysis, an overview of recent contributions appearing in scholastic journals relevant to the field of Sales Promotion, to classify them into different classificatory framework, report key findings, highlight the managerial implications and raise issues. The database used is the EBSCO host available on VSLLAN (Library)- Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad). The selection procedure consisted of peer-reviewed scholarly contributions for recent five year period. Out of more than 700 articles 64 article were selected which were analyzed for classifying them into • Perspective addressed: Manufacturer, retailer or consumer. • Market [country where the research was undertaken] • Type of promotion activity addressed - coupon, contest, price cut etc. • Management function addressed: planning, implementation, control [evaluation] • It was found that majority of the articles addressed manufacturers perspectives ; almost all studies were done in developed countries ; coupon as a consumer promotion tool was widely researched; and more than half of the articles were addressing planning related issues. Finally attempt has been made to synthesize managerial implications of the studies under broad topic areas for guidelines for managers.

    Emerging Operational Contracts in Competitive Markets.

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    This dissertation consists of three essays, each dealing with an emerging type of operational contracts. The first essay considers a resource exchange model where the effects of collaboration and competition are intertwined. Exchanging resources often improves utilization and is intended to increase profitability of involved firms. However, it does not guarantee success in competitive settings. More efficient use of resources might actually leads to increased competition. We explore how resource exchange contracts impact the firms and consumers. The results indicate that the resource exchange tends to benefit both firms and the consumers in most situations, except for the extreme situations where simultaneously competition is strong and the purchasing cost is either very low or very high. The second essay focuses on vertical pricing control contracts that manufacturers use to coordinate online and offline retailers. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) policy requires all retailers to sell at the price suggested by manufacturers. Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy is less strict, as it allows retailers to sell at lower prices than the manufacturer suggested, as long as these lower prices are not advertised. This essay studies which of these two policies is more beneficial to each member of the supply chain. We show that manufacturers prefer MAP policy when the customers' valuations vary significantly and the information search requires significant effort. The MAP policy is also favorable to retailers and consumers under similar market conditions. The third essay concerns the contractual issues when energy service companies (ESCOs) provide energy efficiency projects to residential clients. While performance based contracts have been proven successful in public, commercial, and industrial sectors, ESCOs face challenges in the residential sector. Residential clients often change consumption behavior after the project, which makes the real energy savings difficult to measure. Additionally, residential clients are much more risk averse and vulnerable to uncertain outcomes of projects. We show that piecewise linear contracts perform reasonably well. To further improve profitability, ESCOs can either reduce uncertainty of technology involved or develop the ability to verify post-project energy efficiency. We also make recommendations in monetary incentives and regulations from policy makers' perspective.PhDBusiness AdministrationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133457/1/lgding_1.pd

    Reverse logistics pricing strategy for a green supply chain: a view of customers’ environmental awareness

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    The effectiveness of a reverse logistics strategy is contingent upon the successful execution of activities related to materials and product reuse. Green supply chain (GSC) in reverse logistics aims to minimize byproducts from ending up in landfills. This paper considers a retailer responsible for recycling and a manufacturer responsible for remanufacturing. Customer environmental awareness (CEA) is operationalized as customer word-of-mouth effect. We form three game theoretic models for two different scenarios with different pricing strategies, i.e. a non-cooperative pricing scenario based on Stackelberg equilibrium and Nash equilibrium, and a joint pricing scenario within a cooperative game model. The paper suggests that stakeholders are better off making their pricing and manufacturing decision in cooperation

    Evaluation of sales and operations planning in a process industry

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    Cette thèse porte sur la planification des ventes et des opérations (S±&OP) dans une chaîne d'approvisionnements axée sur la demande. L'objectif de la S±&OP, dans un tel contexte, est de tirer profit de l'alignement de la demande des clients avec la capacité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement par la coordination de la planification des ventes, de la production, de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement. Un tel processus de planification exige une collaboration multifonctionnelle profonde ainsi que l'intégration de la planification. Le but étant d'anticiper l'impact des décisions de vente sur les performances de la chaîne logistique , alors que l'influence de la dynamique des marchés est prise en compte pour les décisions concernant la production, la distribution et l'approvisionnement. La recherche a été menée dans un environnement logistique manufacturier multi-site et multi-produit, avec un approvisionnement et des ventes régis par des contrats ou le marché. Cette thèse examine deux approches de S±&OP et fournit un support à la décision pour l'implantation de ces méthodes dans une chaîne logistique multi-site de fabrication sur commande. Dans cette thèse, une planification traditionnelle des ventes et de la production basée sur la S±feOP et une planification S±fcOP plus avancée de la chaîne logistique sont tout d'abord caractérisées. Dans le système de chaîne logistique manufacturière multi-site, nous définissons la S±&OP traditionnelle comme un système dans lequel la planification des ventes et de la production est effectuée conjointement et centralement, tandis que la planification de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement est effectuée séparément et localement à chaque emplacement. D'autre part, la S±fcOP avancée de la chaîne logistique consiste en la planification des ventes, de la production, de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement effectuée conjointement et centralement. Basés sur cette classification, des modèles de programmation en nombres entiers et des modèles de simulation sur un horizon roulant sont développés, représentant, respectivement, les approches de S±&OP traditionnelle et avancée, et également, une planification découplée traditionnelle, dans laquelle la planification des ventes est effectuée centralement et la planification de la production, la distribution et l'approvisionnement est effectuée séparément et localement par les unités d'affaires. La validation des modèles et l'évaluation pré-implantation sont effectuées à l'aide d'un cas industriel réel utilisant les données d'une compagnie de panneaux de lamelles orientées. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les deux méthodes de S±feOP (traditionnelle et avancée) offrent une performance significativement supérieure à celle de la planification découplée, avec des bénéfices prévus supérieurs de 3,5% et 4,5%, respectivement. Les résultats sont très sensibles aux conditions de marché. Lorsque les prix du marché descendent ou que la demande augmente, de plus grands bénéfices peuvent être réalisés. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, les décisions de vente impliquent des ventes régies par des contrats et le marché. Les décisions de contrat non optimales affectent non seulement les revenus, mais également la performance manufacturière et logistique et les décisions de contrats d'approvisionnement en matière première. Le grand défi est de concevoir et d'offrir les bonnes politiques de contrat aux bons clients de sorte que la satisfaction des clients soit garantie et que l'attribution de la capacité de la compagnie soit optimisée. Également, il faut choisir les bons contrats des bons fournisseurs, de sorte que les approvisionnements en matière première soient garantis et que les objectifs financiers de la compagnie soient atteints. Dans cette thèse, un modèle coordonné d'aide à la décision pour les contrats e développé afin de fournir une aide à l'intégration de la conception de contrats, de l'attribution de capacité et des décisions de contrats d'approvisionnement pour une chaîne logistique multi-site à trois niveaux. En utilisant la programmation stochastique à deux étapes avec recours, les incertitudes liées à l'environnement et au système sont anticipées et des décisions robustes peuvent être obtenues. Les résultats informatiques montrent que l'approche de modélisation proposée fournit des solutions de contrats plus réalistes et plus robustes, avec une performance prévue supérieure d'environ 12% aux solutions fournies par un modèle déterministe

    The impact of replenishment rules with endogenous lead times on supply chain performance..

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    In dit proefschrift beperken we ons tot een basis supply chain met één klant en één producent. We bestuderen verschillende bestelpolit ieken van de klant, en meten de impact van deze bestelregels op de produ ctie van de producent. We modelleren het productieproces als een wachtli jn- of queueing model. Uit de analyse van dit productiemodel vinden we de levertijden, die op hun beurt gebruikt worden in het voorra admodel van de klant. De methodologie die hiervoor gebruikt wordt, is tw eevoudig. Enerzijds maken we gebruik van statistische technieken om de v oorraad te beheren en bestellingen te plaatsen. Anderzijds maken we gebr uik van wachtlijntheorie en Markov ketens om de doorlooptijden te bepale n. Eerst onderzoeken we een eenvoudige "chase sales" bestelpolit iek: de klant plaatst elke periode een bestelling die gelijk is aan de c onsumentenvraag. We ontwikkelen een efficiënte procedure om de impact va n deze bestelregel op de doorlooptijden te berekenen op basis van

    A systematic review of decision-making in remanufacturing

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    Potential benefits have made remanufacturing attractive over the last decade. Nevertheless, the complexity and uncertainties associated with the process of managing returned products make remanufacturing challenging. Since this process involves enormous decision-making practices, various methods/techniques have been developed. This review is to specify the current challenges and opportunities for decision-making in remanufacturing. To achieve this, we perform a systematic review over decision-making in remanufacturing by classifying decisions into different managerial levels and areas. Adopting a systematic approach which provides a repeatable, transparent and scientific process, 241 key articles have been identified following a multi-stage review process. Our review indicates that most studies focuses on strategic-level(48%) and tactical-level (34%)with only 5% focusing on operational-level and the rest on two levels(13%). Regarding decision-making methods, most studies propose mathematical models (60%) followed by analytical models (31%). Furthermore, only 36% of the studies address uncertainties in which stochastic approach is mostly applied. A total of 21 knowledge gaps are highlighted to direct future research work

    Optimal Incentives to Foster Cross Selling: An Economic Analysis

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    Cross selling is the practice of selling additional products to an existing customer. It has the potential to boost revenues and can be beneficial for both the company and the customer. For many multi-divisional companies with product or service oriented organizational structures the attempt to realize the benefits of cross selling generates incentive problems. In this thesis, three problems spread over three business levels are identified. Firstly, management needs to (financially) motivate business units in fostering their cross selling efforts. Secondly, in order to make cross selling happen, business units need to cooperate and to exchange product-related information. Finally, in order to increase their short-term benefits business units might act opportunistically by selling products or services of other business units without paying attention to adding value for their customers. These incentive problems are theoretically examined by applying principal-agent theory and the theory of repeated games. Our findings suggest that an optimized incentive structure is required to make both the business units and the management better off. The thesis also analyses the circumstances and necessary prerequisites under which cross selling initiatives are beneficial for all involved parties. Apart from that cross selling sometimes may turn out to be non-beneficial. In addition to the elaborations above, risks and hazards of cross selling are presented in detail and applied for the extension of the underlying model. Bottom line, the work underlines that cross selling is to be realized holistically to ensure durable success. (author's abstract
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