24 research outputs found

    Design and Applications of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM), more commonly known as 3D printing, has grown trememdously in recent years. It has shown its potential uses in the medical, automotive, aerospace, and spare part sectors. Personal manufacturing, complex and optimized parts, short series manufacturing, and local on-demand manufacturing are just some of its current benefits. The development of new materials and equipment has opened up new application possibilities, and equipment is quicker and cheaper to use when utilizing the new materials launched by vendors and material developers. AM has become more critical for the industry but also for academics. Since AM offers more design freedom than any other manufacturing process, it provides designers with the challenge of designing better and more efficient products

    The effect of hot isostatic pressing on surface integrity, microstructure and strength of hybrid metal injection moulding and laser-based powder bed fusion stainless-steel components

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    Hybrid manufacture of components by combining capabilities of replication and additive manufacturing processes offer a flexible and sustainable route for producing cost-effectively small batches of metal parts. At present, there are open issues related to surface integrity and performance of such parts, especially when utilising them in safety critical applications. The research presented in this paper investigates the ductility amplification of hybrid components produced using metal injection moulding to preform and then build on them customisable sections by laser-based powder bed fusion. The properties of such hybrid components are studied and optimised through the use of non-conventional post treatment techniques. In particular, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is employed to improve mechanical strength and to produce hybrid components that have consistent properties across batches and throughout the samples, minimising microstructural heterogeneities between fabrication processes. Thus, the investigated post-processing method can offer an extended service life of hybrid components, especially when operating under severe conditions. The optimised post treatment was found to increase the hybrid components’ strength compared to as-built ones by 68% and ~11% in yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS), respectively. Subsequently, leading to a great pitting resistance, thus, making HIP samples suitable for corrosive environments. The advantages of the HIP treatments in comparison to the conventional heat treatment of hybrid components are discussed and also some potential application areas are proposed

    A review of geometry representation and processing methods for cartesian and multiaxial robot-based additive manufacturing

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    Nowadays, robot-based additive manufacturing (RBAM) is emerging as a potential solution to increase manufacturing flexibility. Such technology allows to change the orientation of the material deposition unit during printing, making it possible to fabricate complex parts with optimized material distribution. In this context, the representation of parts geometries and their subsequent processing become aspects of primary importance. In particular, part orientation, multiaxial deposition, slicing, and infill strategies must be properly evaluated so as to obtain satisfactory outputs and avoid printing failures. Some advanced features can be found in commercial slicing software (e.g., adaptive slicing, advanced path strategies, and non-planar slicing), although the procedure may result excessively constrained due to the limited number of available options. Several approaches and algorithms have been proposed for each phase and their combination must be determined accurately to achieve the best results. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art works addressing the primary methods for the representation of geometries and the subsequent geometry processing for RBAM. For each category, tools and software found in the literature and commercially available are discussed. Comparison tables are then reported to assist in the selection of the most appropriate approaches. The presented review can be helpful for designers, researchers and practitioners to identify possible future directions and open issues

    Powder-based laser hybrid additive manufacturing of metals:a review

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    Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) have attracted significant industrial interest. Initially, AM was mainly associated with the fabrication of prototypes, but the AM advances together with the broadening range of available materials, especially for producing metallic parts, have broaden the application areas and now the technology can be used for manufacturing functional parts, too. Especially, the AM technologies enable the creation of complex and topologically optimised geometries with internal cavities that were impossible to produce with traditional manufacturing processes. However, the tight geometrical tolerances along with the strict surface integrity requirements in aerospace, biomedical and automotive industries are not achievable in most cases with standalone AM technologies. Therefore, AM parts need extensive post-processing to ensure that their surface and dimensional requirements together with their respective mechanical properties are met. In this context, it is not surprising that the integration of AM with post-processing technologies into single and multi set-up processing solutions, commonly referred to as hybrid AM, has emerged as a very attractive proposition for industry while attracting a significant R&D interest. This paper reviews the current research and technology advances associated with the hybrid AM solutions. The special focus is on hybrid AM solutions that combine the capabilities of laser-based AM for processing powders with the necessary post-process technologies for producing metal parts with required accuracy, surface integrity and material properties. Commercially available hybrid AM systems that integrate laser-based AM with post-processing technologies are also reviewed together with their key application areas. Finally, the main challenges and open issues in broadening the industrial use of hybrid AM solutions are discussed. 2021, The Author(s).The authors would acknowledge the support received from the ESIF/ERDF Smart Factory Hub (SmartFub) programme in West Midlands. The authors also acknowledge the support received from Yamazaki Mazak, DMG MORI, LASEA and Systems 3R for establishing the hybrid AM facilities at the University of Birmingham.Scopu


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    The present work aims at favoring development of strategies useful for innovative high-performance mechanical components design. One of the most promising but not yet adequately explored strategies to achieve this goal are lattice / porous structures to be used as structural or filler materials to increase performance in terms of stiffness to weight ratio and enhanced vibration damping. To fill this knowledge gap, static and dynamic behavior of SLM-manufactured lattice structures made in AlSi10Mg aluminum alloy and 316L austenitic stainless steel have been thoroughly investigated; in particular, the study allowed to observe the effect of lattice\u2019s unit cell geometry and overall size variation on its mechanical properties, focusing on damping performances. Acquired knowledge allowed to develop a versatile methodology that can be applied to assess the mechanical properties of different kinds of lattice / porous structures, facilitating FE models calibration, creation of homogenization methods and mathematical models useful for lattices static and dynamic behavior rapid estimation. The development of an innovative tool for in-process measurement of cutting forces that develop in milling, drilling and grinding, integrating specially designed lattice structures, represents a practical case study useful to assess the feasibility of exploiting lattice structures to enhance mechanical components performances. Transversal expertise gained with respect to the SLM process, design and optimization of mechanical components and lattice structures, allowed to develop and validate an innovative methodology for rapid production of small-sized lattice structures (Patent Pending). An appropriate experimental campaign allowed to identify optimized process parameters, suitable for the production of lattices using the proposed methodology. The proposed method enhances the overall manufacturing process efficiency; moreover, since it allows substantial savings in terms of time and costs it has both scientific and industrial relevance

    Knowledge-based Modelling of Additive Manufacturing for Sustainability Performance Analysis and Decision Making

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    Additiivista valmistusta on pidetty käyttökelpoisena monimutkaisissa geometrioissa, topologisesti optimoiduissa kappaleissa ja kappaleissa joita on muuten vaikea valmistaa perinteisillä valmistusprosesseilla. Eduista huolimatta, yksi additiivisen valmistuksen vallitsevista haasteista on ollut heikko kyky tuottaa toimivia osia kilpailukykyisillä tuotantomäärillä perinteisen valmistuksen kanssa. Mallintaminen ja simulointi ovat tehokkaita työkaluja, jotka voivat auttaa lyhentämään suunnittelun, rakentamisen ja testauksen sykliä mahdollistamalla erilaisten tuotesuunnitelmien ja prosessiskenaarioiden nopean analyysin. Perinteisten ja edistyneiden valmistusteknologioiden mahdollisuudet ja rajoitukset määrittelevät kuitenkin rajat uusille tuotekehityksille. Siksi on tärkeää, että suunnittelijoilla on käytettävissään menetelmät ja työkalut, joiden avulla he voivat mallintaa ja simuloida tuotteen suorituskykyä ja siihen liittyvän valmistusprosessin suorituskykyä, toimivien korkea arvoisten tuotteiden toteuttamiseksi. Motivaation tämän väitöstutkimuksen tekemiselle on, meneillään oleva kehitystyö uudenlaisen korkean lämpötilan suprajohtavan (high temperature superconducting (HTS)) magneettikokoonpanon kehittämisessä, joka toimii kryogeenisissä lämpötiloissa. Sen monimutkaisuus edellyttää monitieteisen asiantuntemuksen lähentymistä suunnittelun ja prototyyppien valmistuksen aikana. Tutkimus hyödyntää tietopohjaista mallinnusta valmistusprosessin analysoinnin ja päätöksenteon apuna HTS-magneettien mekaanisten komponenttien suunnittelussa. Tämän lisäksi, tutkimus etsii mahdollisuuksia additiivisen valmistuksen toteutettavuuteen HTS-magneettikokoonpanon tuotannossa. Kehitetty lähestymistapa käyttää fysikaalisiin kokeisiin perustuvaa tuote-prosessi-integroitua mallinnusta tuottamaan kvantitatiivista ja laadullista tietoa, joka määrittelee prosessi-rakenne-ominaisuus-suorituskyky-vuorovaikutuksia tietyille materiaali-prosessi-yhdistelmille. Tuloksina saadut vuorovaikutukset integroidaan kaaviopohjaiseen malliin, joka voi auttaa suunnittelutilan tutkimisessa ja täten auttaa varhaisessa suunnittelu- ja valmistuspäätöksenteossa. Tätä varten testikomponentit valmistetaan käyttämällä kahta metallin additiivista valmistus prosessia: lankakaarihitsaus additiivista valmistusta (wire arc additive manufacturing) ja selektiivistä lasersulatusta (selective laser melting). Rakenteellisissa sovelluksissa yleisesti käytetyistä metalliseoksista (ruostumaton teräs, pehmeä teräs, luja niukkaseosteinen teräs, alumiini ja kupariseokset) testataan niiden mekaaniset, lämpö- ja sähköiset ominaisuudet. Lisäksi tehdään metalliseosten mikrorakenteen karakterisointi, jotta voidaan ymmärtää paremmin valmistusprosessin parametrien vaikutusta materiaalin ominaisuuksiin. Integroitu mallinnustapa yhdistää kerätyn kokeellisen tiedon, olemassa olevat analyyttiset ja empiiriset vuorovaikutus suhteet, sekä muut tietopohjaiset mallit (esim. elementtimallit, koneoppimismallit) päätöksenteon tukijärjestelmän muodossa, joka mahdollistaa optimaalisen materiaalin, valmistustekniikan, prosessiparametrien ja muitten ohjausmuuttujien valinnan, lopullisen 3d-tulosteun komponentin halutun rakenteen, ominaisuuksien ja suorituskyvyn saavuttamiseksi. Valmistuspäätöksenteko tapahtuu todennäköisyysmallin, eli Bayesin verkkomallin toteuttamisen kautta, joka on vankka, modulaarinen ja sovellettavissa muihin valmistusjärjestelmiin ja tuotesuunnitelmiin. Väitöstyössä esitetyn mallin kyky parantaa additiivisien valmistusprosessien suorituskykyä ja laatua, täten edistää kestävän tuotannon tavoitteita.Additive manufacturing (AM) has been considered viable for complex geometries, topology optimized parts, and parts that are otherwise difficult to produce using conventional manufacturing processes. Despite the advantages, one of the prevalent challenges in AM has been the poor capability of producing functional parts at production volumes that are competitive with traditional manufacturing. Modelling and simulation are powerful tools that can help shorten the design-build-test cycle by enabling rapid analysis of various product designs and process scenarios. Nevertheless, the capabilities and limitations of traditional and advanced manufacturing technologies do define the bounds for new product development. Thus, it is important that the designers have access to methods and tools that enable them to model and simulate product performance and associated manufacturing process performance to realize functional high value products. The motivation for this dissertation research stems from ongoing development of a novel high temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet assembly, which operates in cryogenic environment. Its complexity requires the convergence of multidisciplinary expertise during design and prototyping. The research applies knowledge-based modelling to aid manufacturing process analysis and decision making in the design of mechanical components of the HTS magnet. Further, it explores the feasibility of using AM in the production of the HTS magnet assembly. The developed approach uses product-process integrated modelling based on physical experiments to generate quantitative and qualitative information that define process-structure-property-performance interactions for given material-process combinations. The resulting interactions are then integrated into a graph-based model that can aid in design space exploration to assist early design and manufacturing decision-making. To do so, test components are fabricated using two metal AM processes: wire and arc additive manufacturing and selective laser melting. Metal alloys (stainless steel, mild steel, high-strength low-alloyed steel, aluminium, and copper alloys) commonly used in structural applications are tested for their mechanical-, thermal-, and electrical properties. In addition, microstructural characterization of the alloys is performed to further understand the impact of manufacturing process parameters on material properties. The integrated modelling approach combines the collected experimental data, existing analytical and empirical relationships, and other data-driven models (e.g., finite element models, machine learning models) in the form of a decision support system that enables optimal selection of material, manufacturing technology, process parameters, and other control variables for attaining desired structure, property, and performance characteristics of the final printed component. The manufacturing decision making is performed through implementation of a probabilistic model i.e., a Bayesian network model, which is robust, modular, and can be adapted for other manufacturing systems and product designs. The ability of the model to improve throughput and quality of additive manufacturing processes will boost sustainable manufacturing goals

    Additive Manufacturing Research and Applications

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    This Special Issue book covers a wide scope in the research field of 3D-printing, including: the use of 3D printing in system design; AM with binding jetting; powder manufacturing technologies in 3D printing; fatigue performance of additively manufactured metals, such as the Ti-6Al-4V alloy; 3D-printing methods with metallic powder and a laser-based 3D printer; 3D-printed custom-made implants; laser-directed energy deposition (LDED) process of TiC-TMC coatings; Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing; cranial implant fabrication without supports in electron beam melting (EBM) additive manufacturing; the influence of material properties and characteristics in laser powder bed fusion; Design For Additive Manufacturing (DFAM); porosity evaluation of additively manufactured parts; fabrication of coatings by laser additive manufacturing; laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing; plasma metal deposition (PMD); as-metal-arc (GMA) additive manufacturing process; and spreading process maps for powder-bed additive manufacturing derived from physics model-based machine learning

    Polymers and Their Application in 3D Printing

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    Dear Colleagues, Fused filament fabrication, also known as 3D printing, is extensively used to produce prototypes for applications in, e.g., the aerospace, medical, and automotive industries. In this process, a thermoplastic polymer is fed into a liquefier that extrudes a filament while moving in successive X–Y planes along the Z direction to fabricate a 3D part in a layer-by-layer process. Due to the progressive advances of this process in industry, the application of polymeric (or even composite) materials have received much attention. Researchers and industries now engage in 3D printing by implementing numerous polymeric materials in their domain. In this Special Issue, we will present a collection of recent and novel works regarding the application of polymers in 3D printing

    Modeling, Simulation and Data Processing for Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) or, more commonly, 3D printing is one of the fundamental elements of Industry 4.0. and the fourth industrial revolution. It has shown its potential example in the medical, automotive, aerospace, and spare part sectors. Personal manufacturing, complex and optimized parts, short series manufacturing and local on-demand manufacturing are some of the current benefits. Businesses based on AM have experienced double-digit growth in recent years. Accordingly, we have witnessed considerable efforts in developing processes and materials in terms of speed, costs, and availability. These open up new applications and business case possibilities all the time, which were not previously in existence. Most research has focused on material and AM process development or effort to utilize existing materials and processes for industrial applications. However, improving the understanding and simulation of materials and AM process and understanding the effect of different steps in the AM workflow can increase the performance even more. The best way of benefit of AM is to understand all the steps related to that—from the design and simulation to additive manufacturing and post-processing ending the actual application.The objective of this Special Issue was to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange their latest achievements and identify critical issues and challenges for future investigations on “Modeling, Simulation and Data Processing for Additive Manufacturing”. The Special Issue consists of 10 original full-length articles on the topic

    Numerical modelling of additive manufacturing process for stainless steel tension testing samples

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    Nowadays additive manufacturing (AM) technologies including 3D printing grow rapidly and they are expected to replace conventional subtractive manufacturing technologies to some extents. During a selective laser melting (SLM) process as one of popular AM technologies for metals, large amount of heats is required to melt metal powders, and this leads to distortions and/or shrinkages of additively manufactured parts. It is useful to predict the 3D printed parts to control unwanted distortions and shrinkages before their 3D printing. This study develops a two-phase numerical modelling and simulation process of AM process for 17-4PH stainless steel and it considers the importance of post-processing and the need for calibration to achieve a high-quality printing at the end. By using this proposed AM modelling and simulation process, optimal process parameters, material properties, and topology can be obtained to ensure a part 3D printed successfully