11 research outputs found

    An architecture for the future business of things

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    A brave new world made of interconnected smart devices will soon revolutionize the world. The application of the Internet of Things vision will foster the creation of new businesses across different industrial sectors. Communication Service Providers need to set the pace of this change if they want to lead this transformation. They need to both leverage and evolve their architectures in order to support a flexible creation of innovative services over distributed networks, linking heterogeneous sensors and actuators. This paper presents the roles of the telecoms on the upcoming machine-to-machine markets and devises an advanced architecture able to withstand the demands of a new plethora of evermore clever and useful services

    Desain Protokol Komunikasi Sensor Cloud Untuk Sistem Monitoring Lingkungan

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    Aktivitas monitoring lingkungan melibatkan penggunaan sensor-sensor yang ditempatkan secara terpisah. Semakin baik sebuah sistem pemantauan berarti semakin banyak menggunakan sensor. Masalahnya adalah setiap sensor harus mampu mengirim data-data rekaman lingkungan ke suatu sistem pusat analisis informasi dan pemantauan. Pengiriman informasi tersebut akan sangat murah jika menggunakan jaringan komunikasi publik yang dipakai secara bersama. Konskuensinya kestabilan dan kecepatan koneksi jaringan publik tidak dapat dipastikan mengingat sangat tergantung pada kepadatan penggunaan jaringan tersebut. Sementara sisi lain sensor-sensor adalah peralatan elektronika sederhana yang tidak dilengkapi dengan kemampuan pemrosesan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu desain sebuah protokol pertukaran pesan teks yang ringan dan sederhana hanya pada fungsi penyampaian dan penerimaan pesan (pertukaran pesan) adalah solusi yang tepat mengatasi hal tersebut. Protokol ini harus bersifat lightweight, tidak memerlukan bandwidth komunikasi yang besar, tidak memerlukan kemampuan komputasi yang tinggi, kompatible dengan berbagai perangkat berbasis protokol TCP/IP sebagai protokol komunikasi standar di jaringan publik, dan mudah dipahami.

    A survey on wireless body area networks for eHealthcare systems in residential environments

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    The progress in wearable and implanted health monitoring technologies has strong potential to alter the future of healthcare services by enabling ubiquitous monitoring of patients. A typical health monitoring system consists of a network of wearable or implanted sensors that constantly monitor physiological parameters. Collected data are relayed using existing wireless communication protocols to the base station for additional processing. This article provides researchers with information to compare the existing low-power communication technologies that can potentially support the rapid development and deployment of WBAN systems, and mainly focuses on remote monitoring of elderly or chronically ill patients in residential environments

    An IoT Platform for Epilepsy Monitoring and Supervising

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder with several different types of seizures, some of them characterized by involuntary recurrent convulsions, which have a great impact on the everyday life of the patients. Several solutions have been proposed in the literature to detect this type of seizures and to monitor the patient; however, these approaches lack in ergonomic issues and in the suitable integration with the health system. This research makes an in-depth analysis of the main factors that an epileptic detection and monitoring tool should accomplish. Furthermore, we introduce the architecture for a specific epilepsy detection and monitoring platform, fulfilling these factors. Special attention has been given to the part of the system the patient should wear, providing details of this part of the platform. Finally, a partial implementation has been deployed and several tests have been proposed and carried out in order to make some design decisions

    A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments

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    Elderly people need regular healthcare services and, several times, are dependent of physicians’ personal attendance. This dependence raises several issues to elders, such as, the need to travel and mobility support. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Mobile Health (m-Health) services and applications offer good healthcare solutions that can be used both on indoor and in mobility environments. This dissertation presents an ambient assisted living (AAL) solution for mobile environments. It includes elderly biofeedback monitoring using body sensors for data collection offering support for remote monitoring. The used sensors are attached to the human body (such as the electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and temperature). They collect data providing comfort, mobility, and guaranteeing efficiency and data confidentiality. Periodic collection of patients’ data is important to gather more accurate measurements and to avoid common risky situations, like a physical fall may be considered something natural in life span and it is more dangerous for senior people. One fall can out a life in extreme cases or cause fractures, injuries, but when it is early detected through an accelerometer, for example, it can avoid a tragic outcome. The presented proposal monitors elderly people, storing collected data in a personal computer, tablet, or smartphone through Bluetooth. This application allows an analysis of possible health condition warnings based on the input of supporting charts, and real-time bio-signals monitoring and is able to warn users and the caretakers. These mobile devices are also used to collect data, which allow data storage and its possible consultation in the future. The proposed system is evaluated, demonstrated and validated through a prototype and it is ready for use. The watch Texas ez430-Chronos, which is capable to store information for later analysis and the sensors Shimmer who allow the creation of a personalized application that it is capable of measuring biosignals of the patient in real time is described throughout this dissertation

    Datenerhebung mit neuer Informationstechnologie: Empfehlungen zu Datenqualität und -management, Forschungsethik und Datenschutz

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    Die Datenerhebung mit neuer Informationstechnologie - also mit Smartphones, Wearables und anderen Sensoren - eröffnet der Wissenschaft ungeahnte Potenziale. Sensoren können Daten z.B. zu Aufenthaltsorten, Bewegungen, Geräuschen, Lichtverhältnissen, Medien-Nutzung, Video- und Sprachaufnahmen im Alltag und in Echtzeit erfassen. Wiederholte Datenerfassungen werden ebenso vereinfacht. Mit dieser Handreichung skizziert der Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) eine qualitätssichernde Rahmung der Nutzung neuer Informationstechnologie in der Forschung

    QoS in Body Area Networks: A survey

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    Body Area Networks (BANs) are becoming increasingly popular and have shown great potential in real-time monitoring of the human body. With the promise of being cost-effective and unobtrusive and facilitating continuous monitoring, BANs have attracted a wide range of monitoring applications, including medical and healthcare, sports, and rehabilitation systems. Most of these applications are real time and life critical and require a strict guarantee of Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of timeliness, reliability, and so on. Recently, there has been a number of proposals describing diverse approaches or frameworks to achieve QoS in BANs (i.e., for different layers or tiers and different protocols). This survey put these individual efforts into perspective and presents a more holistic view of the area. In this regard, this article identifies a set of QoS requirements for BAN applications and shows how these requirements are linked in a three-tier BAN system and presents a comprehensive review of the existing proposals against those requirements. In addition, open research issues, challenges, and future research directions in achieving these QoS in BANs are highlighted.</jats:p

    Tecnología open-hardware para la parametrización ambiental en aplicaciones de Ingeniería

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    El desarrollo del open-hardware ha proporcionado una nueva herramienta para mejorar el sistema de monitorización de otros sistemas. En la actualidad la sociedad está inmersa en una implementación de sistemas capaces de proporcionar una gran cantidad de datos del entorno, los cuales nos ayudan al estudio y entendimiento de este. En esta tesis doctoral se estudia la capacidad de estas plataformas libres en tres campos como son el Agronómico , Conservación Cultural e Industrial. Se ha procedido a una comprobación y una validación posterior en cada uno de los campos anteriormente citados. Los resultados obtenidos han sido positivos, siendo similares a los obtenidos por equipos comerciales. Esto nos lleva a la conclusión de que estas nuevas plataformas son el futuro, no sólo por su menor precio, sino por su gran capacidad de modificación y adaptación que las plataformas comerciales cerradas no permiten.The development of open hardware has provided new tool to improve system to monitor other system. Nowadays the society is immersed in an implementation of systems provide a large amount of data of the environment, which help us to study and understand it. This doctoral thesis studies the capacity of these free platforms in three differents scenarios as Agronomic, Cultural Heritage and Industrial. A pre-selection of the components and a subsequent verification and validation has been carried out in each of the aforementioned fields. The result obtained have been positives, being similar to those obtained by commercial equipment. This leads us to the conclusion that these new platforms are the future, not only for its lower price, but for its great capacity of modification and adaptation that the closed commercial platforms do not allow

    Congestion control mechanism for sensor-cloud Infrastructure

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    &nbsp;This thesis has developed a sensor-Cloud system that integrates WBANs with Cloud computing to enable real-time sensor data collection, storage, processing, sharing and management. As the main contribution of this study, a congestion detection and control protocol is proposed to ensure acceptable data flows are maintained during the network lifetime