6,476 research outputs found

    Technology Integration around the Geographic Information: A State of the Art

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    One of the elements that have popularized and facilitated the use of geographical information on a variety of computational applications has been the use of Web maps; this has opened new research challenges on different subjects, from locating places and people, the study of social behavior or the analyzing of the hidden structures of the terms used in a natural language query used for locating a place. However, the use of geographic information under technological features is not new, instead it has been part of a development and technological integration process. This paper presents a state of the art review about the application of geographic information under different approaches: its use on location based services, the collaborative user participation on it, its contextual-awareness, its use in the Semantic Web and the challenges of its use in natural languge queries. Finally, a prototype that integrates most of these areas is presented

    Learning Aligned Cross-Modal Representations from Weakly Aligned Data

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    People can recognize scenes across many different modalities beyond natural images. In this paper, we investigate how to learn cross-modal scene representations that transfer across modalities. To study this problem, we introduce a new cross-modal scene dataset. While convolutional neural networks can categorize cross-modal scenes well, they also learn an intermediate representation not aligned across modalities, which is undesirable for cross-modal transfer applications. We present methods to regularize cross-modal convolutional neural networks so that they have a shared representation that is agnostic of the modality. Our experiments suggest that our scene representation can help transfer representations across modalities for retrieval. Moreover, our visualizations suggest that units emerge in the shared representation that tend to activate on consistent concepts independently of the modality.Comment: Conference paper at CVPR 201

    Towards a Holistic Integration of Spreadsheets with Databases: A Scalable Storage Engine for Presentational Data Management

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    Spreadsheet software is the tool of choice for interactive ad-hoc data management, with adoption by billions of users. However, spreadsheets are not scalable, unlike database systems. On the other hand, database systems, while highly scalable, do not support interactivity as a first-class primitive. We are developing DataSpread, to holistically integrate spreadsheets as a front-end interface with databases as a back-end datastore, providing scalability to spreadsheets, and interactivity to databases, an integration we term presentational data management (PDM). In this paper, we make a first step towards this vision: developing a storage engine for PDM, studying how to flexibly represent spreadsheet data within a database and how to support and maintain access by position. We first conduct an extensive survey of spreadsheet use to motivate our functional requirements for a storage engine for PDM. We develop a natural set of mechanisms for flexibly representing spreadsheet data and demonstrate that identifying the optimal representation is NP-Hard; however, we develop an efficient approach to identify the optimal representation from an important and intuitive subclass of representations. We extend our mechanisms with positional access mechanisms that don't suffer from cascading update issues, leading to constant time access and modification performance. We evaluate these representations on a workload of typical spreadsheets and spreadsheet operations, providing up to 20% reduction in storage, and up to 50% reduction in formula evaluation time

    Qualitative Spatial Query Processing : Towards Cognitive Geographic Information Systems

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    For a long time, Geographic Information Systems (GISs) have been used by GIS-experts to perform numerous tasks including way finding, mapping, and querying geo-spatial databases. The advancement of Web 2.0 technologies and the development of mobile-based device applications present an excellent opportunity to allow the public -non-expert users- to access information of GISs. However, the interfaces of GISs were mainly designed and developed based on quantitative values of spatial databases to serve GIS-experts, whereas non-expert users usually prefer a qualitative approach to interacting with GISs. For example, humans typically resort to expressions such as the building is near a riverbank or there is a restaurant inside a park which qualitatively locate the spatial entity with respect to another. In other words, the users' interaction with current GISs is still not intuitive and not efficient. This dissertation thusly aims at enabling users to intuitively and efficiently search spatial databases of GISs by means of qualitative relations or terms such as left, north of, or inside. We use these qualitative relations to formalise so-called Qualitative Spatial Queries (QSQs). Aside from existing topological models, we integrate distance and directional qualitative models into Spatial Data-Base Management Systems (SDBMSs) to allow the qualitative and intuitive formalism of queries in GISs. Furthermore, we abstract binary Qualitative Spatial Relations (QSRs) covering the aforementioned aspects of space from the database objects. We store the abstracted QSRs in a Qualitative Spatial Layer (QSL) that we extend into current SDBMSs to avoid the additional cost of the abstraction process when dealing with every single query. Nevertheless, abstracting the QSRs of QSL results in a high space complexity in terms of qualitative representations

    Qualitative Spatial Configuration Queries Towards Next Generation Access Methods for GIS

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    For a long time survey, management, and provision of geographic information in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have mainly had an authoritative nature. Today the trend is changing and such an authoritative geographic information source is now accompanied by a public and freely available one which is usually referred to as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Actually, the term VGI does not refer only to the mere geographic information, but, more generally, to the whole process which assumes the engagement of volunteers to collect and maintain such information in freely accessible GIS. The quick spread of VGI gives new relevance to a well-known challenge: developing new methods and techniques to ease down the interaction between users and GIS. Indeed, in spite of continuous improvements, GIS mainly provide interfaces tailored for experts, denying the casual user usually a non-expert the possibility to access VGI information. One main obstacle resides in the different ways GIS and humans deal with spatial information: GIS mainly encode spatial information in a quantitative format, whereas human beings typically prefer a qualitative and relational approach. For example, we use expressions like the lake is to the right-hand side of the wood or is there a supermarket close to the university? which qualitatively locate a spatial entity with respect to another. Nowadays, such a gap in representation has to be plugged by the user, who has to learn about the system structure and to encode his requests in a form suitable to the system. Contrarily, enabling gis to explicitly deal with qualitative spatial information allows for shifting the translation effort to the system side. Thus, to facilitate the interaction with human beings, GIS have to be enhanced with tools for efficiently handling qualitative spatial information. The work presented in this thesis addresses the problem of enabling Qualitative Spatial Configuration Queries (QSCQs) in GIS. A QSCQ is a spatial database query which allows for an automatic mapping of spatial descriptions produced by humans: A user naturally expresses his request of spatial information by drawing a sketch map or producing a verbal description. The qualitative information conveyed by such descriptions is automatically extracted and encoded into a QSCQ. The focus of this work is on two main challenges: First, the development of a framework that allows for managing in a spatial database the variety of spatial aspects that might be enclosed in a spatial description produced by a human. Second, the conception of Qualitative Spatial Access Methods (QSAMs): algorithms and data structures tailored for efficiently solving QSCQs. The main objective of a QSAM is that of countering the exponential explosion in terms of storage space occurring when switching from a quantitative to a qualitative spatial representation while keeping query response time acceptable

    An Exploration of Digital Sketch Mapping, Interview and Qualitative Analysis to Document a Therapeutic Landscape in Whatcom County

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    Recent literature cites interest toward utilizing new technologies to unify methods within geography. One area showing promise towards fulfilling this goal is qualitative GIS (QGIS), which combines the methods of social/cultural and spatial/analytical geographers. QGIS research combines sketch maps with GIS and qualitative research methods to uncover “hidden geographies” found within the individual geo-narratives of individuals and within groups of individuals. This thesis explores the merits of using newly developed technology for digital sketch maps acquisition, computer assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) and qualitative geographic information system (QGIS) analysis for the discovery of “hidden geographies”. The case study demonstrates the utility of touchscreen technology to collect sketch maps and the complementary effect of combining social/cultural and spatial/analytical methods to visualize the hidden geography within the therapeutic landscape of student veterans in Whatcom County, Washington. This exploration also suggests direction for further research using digital sketch map acquisition for gaining insights into other socio-spatial processes that are not captured by traditional geographical analysis methods

    Indexing large geographic datasets with compact qualitative representation

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    © 2015 Taylor & Francis. This paper develops a new mechanism to efficiently compute and compactly store qualitative spatial relations between spatial objects, focusing on topological and directional relations for large datasets of region objects. The central idea is to use minimum bounding rectangles (MBRs) to approximately represent region objects with arbitrary shape and complexity and only store spatial relations that cannot be unambiguously inferred from the relations of corresponding MBRs. We demonstrate, both in theory and practice, that our approach requires considerably less construction time and storage space, and can answer queries more efficiently than the state-of-the-art methods

    Sketch-based Queries in Mobile GIS-Environments

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    Recent achievements in the field of mobile computing and wireless communication promise data retrieval anywhere and anytime. This development provided the basis to expand GIs technology to handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDAs). Although traditional GIs technology is well suited for desktop workstations, it needs to be adapted in order to satisfy the requirements of users using handheld computing devices. This adaptation is necessary because the usability of traditional GISs depends on characteristics of desktop computers, such as their relatively large user interfaces (e.g., displays, keyboards, pointing devices), considerable computing resources (i.e., CPU, memory, storage, operating systems), and high bandwidth network connectivity. Small devices possess few of these characteristics, hence, requiring new and efficient methods for interaction with spatial databases. We propose a concept that supports sketch-based querying in mobile GIs environments. This concept combines newest techniques for spatial querying and mobile technologies. Such a combination is beneficial for users because it allows them to formulate queries by drawing the desired configuration with a pen on the touch-sensitive PDA screen, and consequently avoids typing complex statements in some SQL-like query language. Client-server architectures in mobile environments are characterized by low and fluctuating bandwidth, and by frequent disconnections. We discuss client-server strategies in mobile environments, suggest an adaptive client-server architecture for geomobile querying, and analyze the performance. It is shown that adaptation to the mobile environment is necessary in order to ensure efficiency of geo-mobile queries
