785 research outputs found

    Roadmap for KRSM RTD

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    Presence in the IP Multimedia Subsystem

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    Supporting mobility in an IMS-based P2P IPTV service: A proactive context transfer mechanism

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    In recent years, IPTV has received an increasing amount of interest from the industry, commercial providers and the research community, alike. In this context, standardization bodies, such as ETSI and ITU-T, are specifying the architecture of IPTV systems based on IP multicast. An interesting alternative to support the IPTV service delivery relies on the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) paradigm to distribute and push the streaming effort towards the network edge. However, while P2P IPTV was studied in fixed access technologies, there has been little attention paid to the implications arising in mobile environments. One of these involves the service handover when the user moves to a different network. By analyzing previous work from the perspective of an IPTV service, we concluded that a proactive approach is necessary for the handling of inter-network handovers. In this paper, we propose a new general handover mechanism for the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), while studying its applicability to a P2P IPTV service. Our solution, called proactive context transfer service, incorporates the existing IEEE 802.21 technology in order to minimize the handover delay. The proposal is validated by comparing it against solutions derived from previous work.This article has been partially granted by the Spanish MEC through the CONPARTE project (TEC2007–67966-C03–03/TCM) and by the Madrid Community through the MEDIANET project (S-2009/TIC-1468).Publicad

    ID5.2 Roadmap for KRSM RTD

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    Roadmap for KRSM RTD activities.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Designing and prototyping WebRTC and IMS integration using open source tools

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    WebRTC, or Web Real-time Communications, is a collection of web standards that detail the mechanisms, architectures and protocols that work together to deliver real-time multimedia services to the web browser. It represents a significant shift from the historical approach of using browser plugins, which over time, have proven cumbersome and problematic. Furthermore, it adopts various Internet standards in areas such as identity management, peer-to-peer connectivity, data exchange and media encoding, to provide a system that is truly open and interoperable. Given that WebRTC enables the delivery of multimedia content to any Internet Protocol (IP)-enabled device capable of hosting a web browser, this technology could potentially be used and deployed over millions of smartphones, tablets and personal computers worldwide. This service and device convergence remains an important goal of telecommunication network operators who seek to enable it through a converged network that is based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IMS is an IP-based subsystem that sits at the core of a modern telecommunication network and acts as the main routing substrate for media services and applications such as those that WebRTC realises. The combination of WebRTC and IMS represents an attractive coupling, and as such, a protracted investigation could help to answer important questions around the technical challenges that are involved in their integration, and the merits of various design alternatives that present themselves. This thesis is the result of such an investigation and culminates in the presentation of a detailed architectural model that is validated with a prototypical implementation in an open source testbed. The model is built on six requirements which emerge from an analysis of the literature, including previous interventions in IMS networks and a key technical report on design alternatives. Furthermore, this thesis argues that the client architecture requires support for web-oriented signalling, identity and call handling techniques leading to a potential for IMS networks to natively support these techniques as operator networks continue to grow and develop. The proposed model advocates the use of SIP over WebSockets for signalling and DTLS-SRTP for media to enable one-to-one communication and can be extended through additional functions resulting in a modular architecture. The model was implemented using open source tools which were assembled to create an experimental network testbed, and tests were conducted demonstrating successful cross domain communications under various conditions. The thesis has a strong focus on enabling ordinary software developers to assemble a prototypical network such as the one that was assembled and aims to enable experimentation in application use cases for integrated environments

    Architectures de réseaux pour la délivrance de services à domicile

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    Avec l’omniprésence au quotidien du numérique et de l’informatique, de plus en plus d’utilisateurs souhaitent avoir accès à Internet et à leurs applications via n’importe quel périphérique, de n’importe où et n’importe quand. Les appareils domestiques intelligents se développant, les besoins d’échanger des données au domicile même se font de plus en plus sentir. C’est dans ce contexte, celui des services à domicile avec besoin d’interconnexion que se situe notre étude. Ce type de service est qualifié de Home Service (HS) alors que le réseau à domicile est nommé Home Network (HN). La problématique pour les opérateurs est alors de concevoir des architectures appropriées à l’interconnexion des HN de manière sécurisée tout en permettant un déploiement facile et à grande échelle. Dans la première étape, nous considérons la livraison de services sécurisés à travers un réseau de nouvelle génération (NGN) : IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). IMS étant l’architecture de référence pour son caractère réseau NGN des opérateurs, diverses architectures peuvent être développées comme support aux HS. Nous avons choisi d'analyser et de mettre en place une architecture P2P centralisée et de le comparer à l’architecture de référence. Plusieurs mécanismes d'authentification sont mis en place autour du P2P centralisé afin de sécuriser la prestation de services. La modélisation et l’évaluation de notre proposition ont permis d’identifier sa relation à l’IMS mais aussi des problèmes inhérents aux solutions centralisées : la protection des données personnelles, l’impact de la taille sur réseau sur les performances, l’existence d’un point de faiblesse unique face aux attaques et la congestion au niveau du serveur centralisé. Par conséquent, nous nous sommes tournés vers les solutions distribuées pour résoudre ces problèmes. Dans la deuxième étape, nous considérons l’architecture P2P non-structurée, qualifiée de pur P2P. La cryptographie basée sur l'identité (IBC) est ajoutée au P2P pur afin d’authentifier les utilisateurs et de protéger leurs communications. Pour chacune des solutions une analyse du coût de signalisation est effectuée révélant une faiblesse en ce qui concerne l’étape de recherche. Dans un déploiement à grande échelle, le coût de cette phase est trop élevé. Aussi, nous examinons le P2P structuré basé sur les Dynamic Hash Tables, une autre solution distribuée. Cette architecture est étudiée par l'IETF en tant qu’une des dernières générations de P2P: REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Base Protocol. Nous proposons son utilisation dans le cadre des HSs. Comme preuve du concept, cette solution a été implantée et déployée sur un petit réseau en utilisant TLS/SSL comme mécanisme de sécurité. Cette plateforme nous a permis d’étudier les délais et les coûts de cette solution. Pour terminer, un bilan est établi sur toutes les solutions proposées En outre, nous introduisons d’autres types de HS et leurs possibilités de déploiement futur. ABSTRACT : With digital life enhancement, more users would like to get seamless Internet and information with any devices, at any time and from anywhere. More and more home devices need to exchange data or to control other devices. The type of services is labelled Home Service (HS) and it is deployed though a Home Network (HN). Some users need to use their HS outside their HN, some others need to interconnect other HN. Operators have to provide suitable network architectures to ensure this interconnection and to provide at the same time, scalability, remote access, easy deployment and security. Here is the topic of our work. In the fist step, we consider a practical illustration around the Next-Generation Network (NGN) and the secured services. It is the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) approach for the management of services that is generally supported by the NGN network operators. However, various network operator architectures can be developed to support these services. An alternative way is the P2P architectures. We choose to analyze and implement a centralized P2P and we compare it with the IMS solution. Several authentication mechanisms are introduced to secure the centralized P2P. An evaluation of these architectures is conducted. Since the previous solutions present some issues due to their centralized feature, we consider distributed solutions in a second step. The non-structured P2P, called pure P2P, can also support HS. Identity Based Crytography (IBC) is added to these architectures in order to offer authentication and protection to user communications. The different solutions are compared through their signaling and transmission cost. The study shows that searching step in this architecture is really costly, facing a scalability problem. Thus, we propose to use a structured P2P (called Dynamic Hash Table) for delivering HS between HN. This type of architecture is studied by IETF with the REsource Location And Discovery (RELOAD) Base Protocol. This solution is implanted and deployed here to be a proof of the concept. This test-bed enables the study of delay and security overhead in a real system. Eventually, the presented solutions are recaptured in order to see their advantages/ disadvantages. In addition, we introduce other perspectives in terms of HSs and network interconnection

    DaugialypiĹł mobiliĹłjĹł paslaugĹł teikimo galimybÄ—s autotransporto komunikacijos tinkluose

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    Research on the provision of heterogeneous services in the field of intelligent transport is of great interest in the rapidly changing infrastructure of road transport. In particular, the availability of such services has increased through the use of wireless technologies and communication tools. The current development of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and the integration of intelligent transport platforms and service systems make it possible to significantly improve road safety and reduce the likelihood of road accidents. However, the delivery of mobile-smart services requires the development of a rather sophisticated infrastructure to support multicast services. The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the data transmission capabilities for heterogeneous services while ensuring road safety. The paper deals with the tasks of evaluating the possibilities of integrating such mobile services into the infrastructure of motor vehicles. Measuring bandwidth by enabling multicast services on the base of Ad-hoc wireless networks becomes an important task. The demonstrated results illustrate the capabilities of wireless networks by simulating these services in a transport service generating environment. The paper demonstrates that high-quality heterogeneous services require new wireless network interaction protocols, such as a session initiation protocol (SIP), GPRS functionality, routing protocols, and channel access to provide a large number of supportive service components.Moksliniai tyrimai intelektualaus transporto nevienalyčių paslaugų teikimo srityje yra labai aktualūs sparčiai besikeičiančios infrastuktūros automobilių transporte. Ypač tokių paslaugų teikimo galimybės išaugo, pasitelkiant belaides technologijas ir ryšių komunikacines priemones. Dabartinė informacinių komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) plėtra ir intelektinių transporto platformų bei paslaugas teikiančių sistemų integracija leidžia žymiai pagerinti eismo saugą ir sumažinti avarijų kelyje tikimybę. Tačiau, norint teikti mobiliąsias-intelektualiąsias paslaugas, reikia sukurti gana sudėtingą infrastruktūrą, skirtą daugiakompozicinėms paslaugoms palaikyti. Šio mokslinio straipsnio tikslas yra išanalizuoti duomenų perdavimo galimybes, skirtas nevienalytėms, daugialypėms (heterogeninėms) paslaugoms teikti, kartu užtikrinant kelių eismo saugumą. Darbe nagrinėjami uždaviniai, kaip įvertinti tokių mobiliųjų paslaugų integracijos galimybes autotransporto priemonių infrastruktūroje. Svarbiu uždaviniu tampa duomenų pralaidumo nustatymas, įgalinant daugiakompozicines paslaugas proginiuose (Ad-Hoc) belaidžiuose tinkluose. Demonstruojami rezultatai iliustruoja belaidžių tinklų galimybes, atliekant tokių paslaugų imitacinį modeliavimą, transporto paslaugas generuojančioje aplinkoje. Straipsnyje parodyta, kad, norint teikti kokybiškas nevienalytes paslaugas, reikia naujų belaidžių tinklų sąveikos protokolų, tokių kaip sesijos inicializavimo protokolas (SIP), GPRS funkcinių galimybių, maršrutizavimo protokolų ir prieigos prie kanalų būdų dideliam palaikomųjų paslaugų komponentų kiekiui užtikrinti

    Virtual communities in the IMS network

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