3,438 research outputs found

    Machine Learning based Anomaly Detection for Cybersecurity Monitoring of Critical Infrastructures

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    openManaging critical infrastructures requires to increasingly rely on Information and Communi- cation Technologies. The last past years showed an incredible increase in the sophistication of attacks. For this reason, it is necessary to develop new algorithms for monitoring these infrastructures. In this scenario, Machine Learning can represent a very useful ally. After a brief introduction on the issue of cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems and an overview of the state of the art regarding Machine Learning based cybersecurity monitoring, the present work proposes three approaches that target different layers of the control network architecture. The first one focuses on covert channels based on the DNS protocol, which can be used to establish a command and control channel, allowing attackers to send malicious commands. The second one focuses on the field layer of electrical power systems, proposing a physics-based anomaly detection algorithm for Distributed Energy Resources. The third one proposed a first attempt to integrate physical and cyber security systems, in order to face complex threats. All these three approaches are supported by promising results, which gives hope to practical applications in the next future.openXXXIV CICLO - SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE PER L'INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA E DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI - Elettromagnetismo, elettronica, telecomunicazioniGaggero, GIOVANNI BATTIST

    Cyber-Physical Systems Improving Building Energy Management: Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence

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    The research explores the potential of digital-twin-based methods and approaches aimed at achieving an intelligent optimization and automation system for energy management of a residential district through the use of three-dimensional data model integrated with Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The case study is focused on Rinascimento III in Rome, an area consisting of 16 eight-floor buildings with 216 apartment units powered by 70% of self-renewable energy. The combined use of integrated dynamic analysis algorithms has allowed the evaluation of different scenarios of energy efficiency intervention aimed at achieving a virtuous energy management of the complex, keeping the actual internal comfort and climate conditions. Meanwhile, the objective is also to plan and deploy a cost-effective IT (information technology) infrastructure able to provide reliable data using edge-computing paradigm. Therefore, the developed methodology led to the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of integrative systems for renewable energy production from solar energy necessary to raise the threshold of self-produced energy, meeting the nZEB (near zero energy buildings) requirements

    First results from the LUCID-Timepix spacecraft payload onboard the TechDemoSat-1 satellite in Low Earth Orbit

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    The Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray Intensity Detector (LUCID) is a payload onboard the satellite TechDemoSat-1, used to study the radiation environment in Low Earth Orbit (\sim635km). LUCID operated from 2014 to 2017, collecting over 2.1 million frames of radiation data from its five Timepix detectors on board. LUCID is one of the first uses of the Timepix detector technology in open space, with the data providing useful insight into the performance of this technology in new environments. It provides high-sensitivity imaging measurements of the mixed radiation field, with a wide dynamic range in terms of spectral response, particle type and direction. The data has been analysed using computing resources provided by GridPP, with a new machine learning algorithm that uses the Tensorflow framework. This algorithm provides a new approach to processing Medipix data, using a training set of human labelled tracks, providing greater particle classification accuracy than other algorithms. For managing the LUCID data, we have developed an online platform called Timepix Analysis Platform at School (TAPAS). This provides a swift and simple way for users to analyse data that they collect using Timepix detectors from both LUCID and other experiments. We also present some possible future uses of the LUCID data and Medipix detectors in space.Comment: Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    AI-driven approaches for optimizing the energy efficiency of integrated energy system

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    To decarbonize the global energy system and replace the unidirectional architecture of existing grid networks, integrated and electrified energy systems are becoming more demanding. Energy integration is critical for renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower. However, there are still specific challenges to overcome, such as their high reliance on the weather and the complexity of their integrated operation. As a result, this research goes through the study of a new approach to energy service that has arisen in the shape of data-driven AI technologies, which hold tremendous promise for system improvement while maximizing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. This research aims to evaluate the use of data-driven AI techniques in electrical integrated energy systems, focusing on energy integration, operation, and planning of multiple energy supplies and demand. Based on the formation point, the main research question is: "To what extent do AI algorithms contribute to attaining greater efficiency of integrated grid systems?". It also included a discussion on four key research areas of AI application: Energy and load prediction, fault prediction, AI-based technologies IoT used for smart monitoring grid system optimization such as energy storage, demand response, grid flexibility, and Business value creation. The study adopted a two-way approach that includes empirical research on energy industry expert interviews and a Likert scale survey among energy sector representatives from Finland, Norway, and Nepal. On the other hand, the theoretical part was from current energy industry optimization models and a review of publications linked to a given research issue. The research's key findings were AI's significant potential in electrically integrated energy systems, which concluded AI's implication as a better understanding of energy consumption patterns, highly effective and precise energy load and fault prediction, automated energy management, enhanced energy storage system, more excellent business value, a smart control center, smooth monitoring, tracking, and communication of energy networks. In addition, further research directions are prospects towards its technical characteristics on energy conversion

    Emerging Artificial Societies Through Learning

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    The NewTies project is implementing a simulation in which societies of agents are expected to de-velop autonomously as a result of individual, population and social learning. These societies are expected to be able to solve environmental challenges by acting collectively. The challenges are in-tended to be analogous to those faced by early, simple, small-scale human societies. This report on work in progress outlines the major features of the system as it is currently conceived within the project, including the design of the agents, the environment, the mechanism for the evolution of language and the peer-to-peer infrastructure on which the simulation runs.Artificial Societies, Evolution of Language, Decision Trees, Peer-To-Peer Networks, Social Learning

    Teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmien tunnistus ja luokittelu IP-verkoissa

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    Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are an essential part of the critical infrastructure of society and becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks performed over computer networks. The introduction of remote access connections combined with mistakes in automation system configurations expose ICSs to attacks coming from public Internet. Insufficient IT security policies and weaknesses in security features of automation systems increase the risk of a successful cyber attack considerably. In recent years the amount of observed cyber attacks has been on constant rise, signaling the need of new methods for finding and protecting vulnerable automation systems. So far, search engines for Internet connected devices, such as Shodan, have been a great asset in mapping the scale of the problem. In this theses methods are presented to identify and classify industrial control systems over IP based networking protocols. A great portion of protocols used in automation networks contain specific diagnostic requests for pulling identification information from a device. Port scanning methods combined with more elaborate service scan probes can be used to extract identifying data fields from an automation device. Also, a model for automated finding and reporting of vulnerable ICS devices is presented. A prototype software was created and tested with real ICS devices to demonstrate the viability of the model. The target set was gathered from Finnish devices directly connected to the public Internet. Initial results were promising as devices or systems were identified at 99% success ratio. A specially crafted identification ruleset and detection database was compiled to work with the prototype. However, a more comprehensive detection library of ICS device types is needed before the prototype is ready to be used in different environments. Also, other features which help to further assess the device purpose and system criticality would be some key improvements for the future versions of the prototype.Yhteiskunnan kriittiseen infrastruktuuriin kuuluvat teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmät ovat yhä enemmissä määrin alttiita tietoverkkojen kautta tapahtuville kyberhyökkäyksille. Etähallintayhteyksien yleistyminen ja virheet järjestelmien konfiguraatioissa mahdollistavat hyökkäykset jopa suoraa Internetistä käsin. Puutteelliset tietoturvakäytännöt ja teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmien heikot suojaukset lisäävät onnistuneen kyberhyökkäyksen riskiä huomattavasti. Viime vuosina kyberhyökkäysten määrä maailmalla on ollut jatkuvassa kasvussa ja siksi tarve uusille menetelmille haavoittuvaisten järjestelmien löytämiseksi ja suojaamiseksi on olemassa. Internetiin kytkeytyneiden laitteiden hakukoneet, kuten Shodan, ovat olleet suurena apuna ongelman laajuuden kartoittamisessa. Tässä työssä esitellään menetelmiä teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmien tunnistamiseksi ja luokittelemiseksi käyttäen IP-pohjaisia tietoliikenneprotokollia. Suuri osa automaatioverkoissa käytetyistä protokollista sisältää erityisiä diagnostiikkakutsuja laitteen tunnistetietojen selvittämiseksi. Porttiskannauksella ja tarkemmalla palvelukohtaisella skannauksella laitteesta voidaan saada yksilöivää tunnistetietoa. Työssä esitellään myös malli automaattiselle haavoittuvaisten teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmien löytämiselle ja raportoimiselle. Mallin tueksi esitellään ohjelmistoprototyyppi, jolla mallin toimivuutta testattiin käyttäen testijoukkona oikeita Suomesta löytyviä, julkiseen Internetiin kytkeytyneitä teollisuusautomaatiolaitteita. Prototyypin alustavat tulokset olivat lupaavia: laitteille tai järjestelmille kyettiin antamaan jokin tunniste 99 % tapauksista käyttäen luokittelussa apuna prototyypille luotua tunnistekirjastoa. Ohjelmiston yleisempi käyttö vaatii kuitenkin kattavamman automaatiolaitteiden tunnistekirjaston luomista sekä prototyypin jatkokehitystä: tehokkaampi tunnistaminen edellyttää automaatiojärjestelmien toimintaympäristön ja kriittisyyden tarkempaa analysointia

    A big data MapReduce framework for fault diagnosis in cloud-based manufacturing

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    This research develops a MapReduce framework for automatic pattern recognition based on fault diagnosis by solving data imbalance problem in a cloud-based manufacturing (CBM). Fault diagnosis in a CBM system significantly contributes to reduce the product testing cost and enhances manufacturing quality. One of the major challenges facing the big data analytics in cloud-based manufacturing is handling of datasets, which are highly imbalanced in nature due to poor classification result when machine learning techniques are applied on such datasets. The framework proposed in this research uses a hybrid approach to deal with big dataset for smarter decisions. Furthermore, we compare the performance of radial basis function based Support Vector Machine classifier with standard techniques. Our findings suggest that the most important task in cloud-based manufacturing, is to predict the effect of data errors on quality due to highly imbalance unstructured dataset. The proposed framework is an original contribution to the body of literature, where our proposed MapReduce framework has been used for fault detection by managing data imbalance problem appropriately and relating it to firm’s profit function. The experimental results are validated using a case study of steel plate manufacturing fault diagnosis, with crucial performance matrices such as accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. A comparative study shows that the methods used in the proposed framework outperform the traditional ones

    Data integration support for offshore decommissioning waste management

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    Offshore oil and gas platforms have a design life of about 25 years whereas the techniques and tools used for managing their data are constantly evolving. Therefore, data captured about platforms during their lifetimes will be in varying forms. Additionally, due to the many stakeholders involved with a facility over its life cycle, information representation of its components varies. These challenges make data integration difficult. Over the years, data integration technology application in the oil and gas industry has focused on meeting the needs of asset life cycle stages other than decommissioning. This is the case because most assets are just reaching the end of their design lives. Currently, limited work has been done on integrating life cycle data for offshore decommissioning purposes, and reports by industry stakeholders underscore this need. This thesis proposes a method for the integration of the common data types relevant in oil and gas decommissioning. The key features of the method are that it (i) ensures semantic homogeneity using knowledge representation languages (Semantic Web) and domain specific reference data (ISO 15926); and (ii) allows stakeholders to continue to use their current applications. Prototypes of the framework have been implemented using open source software applications and performance measures made. The work of this thesis has been motivated by the business case of reusing offshore decommissioning waste items. The framework developed is generic and can be applied whenever there is a need to integrate and query disparate data involving oil and gas assets. The prototypes presented show how the data management challenges associated with assessing the suitability of decommissioned offshore facility items for reuse can be addressed. The performance of the prototypes show that significant time and effort is saved compared to the state-of‐the‐art solution. The ability to do this effectively and efficiently during decommissioning will advance the oil the oil and gas industry’s transition toward a circular economy and help save on cost

    Improving Health Care with a Virtual Human Sleep Coach

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    Persuasive technology can have a significant effect on people’s health. The sleep coach application is a persuasive technology that raises student’s awareness and attitudes towards getting a full night’s sleep (6- 9 hours) to be more positive. Students using the application to attempt changing their sleep patterns as a direct result of the application. NOTE: We will have the results of this research by the final camera-ready paper deadline. We are currently in the process of conducting the experiment