10 research outputs found

    Optimization of sales in fashion retail by warehouse integration in multichannels

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    Issue of study: The thesis studies the optimization of sales in fashion retail by integrating multichannels. The multichannel integration relates to reallocation of articles between brick and mortar store warehouses and online warehouses. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how increased multichannel integration, in terms of reallocating articles between online store warehouses and brick and mortar store warehouses, affect sales for retailers within the fashion industry. The thesis investigates the potential in increasing the sales by increasing the availability online and by decreasing the share of reductions in price, by reallocating articles to the most suitable channel. Method: The research was conducted as an embedded single case study with one subunit studying the effects of increasing availability online and the other subunit studying the effects of decreasing price reductions. Data was gathered from four main sources: archival records, documentation, interviews, and observations. The analysis was performed by estimating sales figures if the reallocations had not been performed and compare it to the sales figures after the reallocations. Conclusions: By reallocating articles to the online warehouse, the sales on the reallocated articles increased on average by 67 percent, and had the potential of contributing to an overall increase of 1.2 percent. The sales potential can be further increased by a larger share of the additional store stock a larger share of comparable articles between the channels. The reallocation with the purpose of reducing price reductions contributed to a decrease of 19 percent of the reallocated articles, and an overall decrease in the total price reductions in the online store by 0.4 percent. Reallocating articles between channels with the purpose of reducing price reductions is considered to be less risky in terms of the likelihood of sending the wrong article, than the reallocation purpose of increasing sales, which can be explained by the impact of the short life cycles of the articles in fashion retail and thus the impact of timing

    Public safety communications center staffing: Do we have an emergency?

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    The 911 Public Safety Communications Specialist, operator, call taker, dispatcher, or whatever title these behind-the-scenes professionals operate under, they are indeed, the first public safety responder. Whether it is for police protection during criminal activity, fire extinguishment to save a burning house and rescue the victims, or paramedic treatment to remediate a life-threatening medical incident, the first contact the vast majority of these callers will have is with the 911 System. Dr. Jeff Clawson, president of the National Academies of Emergency Dispatch, and creator of the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) first coined the term “first, first responder”1 to describe the role of the Communications Specialist. With this in mind, why would a public safety communications center ever have to worry about its staffing level? As hard as it may seem to believe, communications centers regularly have staffing problems. The main reason identified throughout the paper is the lack of national standards for staffing these centers. Fire and Police departments are rated by several agencies on their ability to respond quickly to emergency situations. This paper investigated some of the reasons why communications centers must be adequately staffed, efforts to attain and maintain adequate staffing levels, the lack of national standards for communications center staffing, and the recommendation for the establishment of staffing standards that can be used by any communications center

    Devenir chercheur ou enseignant chercheur : le goût pour la recherche des doctorants à l’épreuve du marché du travail

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    Faire une thèse pour devenir chercheur ou enseignant-chercheur est souvent considéré comme un parcours difficile dont le résultat est incertain. Plus que dans d’autres pays, les diplômés de doctorat en France connaissent de fortes difficultés de stabilisation sur le marché du travail. Notre recherche s’interroge sur les raisons qui conduisent les jeunes à obtenir un doctorat puis à choisir une carrière de chercheur ou d’enseignant-chercheur et enfin, à s’y stabiliser. À partir d’une enquête du Céreq, nos résultats montrent que l’intérêt pour la recherche qu’ils ont manifesté dès le début des études supérieures et le capital social vont fortement structurer leur parcours universitaire et professionnel. Cependant, les variables liées à la situation sur le marché du travail vont également influencer les décisions des jeunes.Doing a PhD to become a researcher or an assistant-professor is often considered as a difficult and risky career. In France, PhD graduates experience greater difficulties than in other OCDE countries to find a stable position in the labour market. Our research examines the reasons that lead young people to enroll in a doctoral program, to choose an academic career and finally, to find a tenured job. Using a survey implemented by the Cereq on university leavers, our results show that the “taste” for research they have when they enter in higher education and their social capital strongly influence their academic and professional careers. However, variables related to the general situation on the labor market will also influence young people’s trajectories

    Optimization Models and Algorithms for Workforce Scheduling with Uncertain Demand

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    A workforce plan states the number of workers required at any point in time. Efficient workforce plans can help companies achieve their organizational goals while keeping costs low. In ever increasing globalized work market, companies need a competitive edge over their competitors. A competitive edge can be achieved by lowering costs. Labour costs can be one of the significant costs faced by the companies. Efficient workforce plans can provide companies with a competitive edge by finding low cost options to meet customer demand. This thesis studies the problem of determining the required number of workers when there are two categories of workers. Workers belonging to the first category are trained to work on one type of task (called Specialized Workers); whereas, workers in the second category are trained to work in all the tasks (called Flexible Workers). This thesis makes the following three main contributions. First, it addresses this problem when the demand is deterministic and stochastic. Two different models for deterministic demand cases have been proposed. To study the effects of uncertain demand, techniques of Robust Optimization and Robust Mathemat- ical Programming were used. The thesis also investigates methods to solve large instances of this problem; some of the instances we considered have more than 600,000 variables and constraints. As most of the variables are integer, and objective function is nonlinear, a commercial solver was not able to solve the problem in one day. Initially, we tried to solve the problem by using Lagrangian relaxation and Outer approximation techniques but these approaches were not successful. Although effective in solving small problems, these tools were not able to generate a bound within run time limit for the large data set. A number of heuristics were proposed using projection techniques. Finally this thesis develops a genetic algorithm to solve large instances of this prob- lem. For the tested population, the genetic algorithm delivered results within 2-3% of optimal solution

    Intra- and extra-organisational knowledge exchange within an agent based system from an option-theoretic point of view

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit analysiert das Konzept der Business Transaction Theory (BTT). Diese Theorie besagt, dass der Austausch von Wissen zwischen Menschen durch finanzmathematische Evaluierungsmodelle bewertet werden kann. Darüber hinaus kombiniert die Diplomarbeit, durch einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, die Gebiete des Wissensmanagements (repräsentiert durch die BTT), der Finanzmathematik (repräsentiert durch das Black-Scholes Modell) und der agentenbasierten Simulation (ABS), um den Wissensaustausch innerhalb einer Firma mittels des ABS zu simulieren. Nachdem die drei erwähnten Modelle im Detail analysiert wurden, wurde die Kompatibilität der BTT und des B-S Modells kontrolliert. Dies wurde nachgewiesen, indem eine Überprüfung aller finanzmathematischen Anforderungen auf deren Transferierbarkeit in ein Wissensaustausch-Szenario durchgeführt wurde. Die Diplomarbeit bezieht sich nicht nur auf den intra-organisationalen Wissensaustausch, sondern schafft ein Modell eines virtuellen Informationsmarktes, auf dem Angestellte und Firmen Informationen aus externen Quellen, zur Erweiterung des eigenen Wissensstandes, akquirieren können. Durch eine kritische Analyse der dargelegten Konzepte und durch eine Auseinandersetzung mit den, bei der Kombination der unterschiedlichen Forschungsgebiete entstandenen Problemen, versucht diese Diplomarbeit einen innovativen Ansatz, sowie einen Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung zu leisten.This diploma thesis analyses the concept of the Business Transaction Theory (BTT). This theory states that human knowledge exchange can be evaluated by finance mathematic evaluation models. Through an interdisciplinary approach, it combines the areas of knowledge management (represented by the BTT), finance mathematics (represented by the Black-Scholes option evaluation formula) and agent based simulations (ABS), in order to create a possibility to simulate knowledge exchanges within a company. After having analysed the three above mentioned models in detail, the compatibility of the BTT and the B-S model has been proved. This was done by verifying that all necessary requirements and assumptions that arose from the finance mathematic side were transferable into a knowledge exchange setup within an ABS. The diploma thesis not only focuses on the intra-organisational knowledge exchange, but also introduces the model of a virtual information market, where employees and companies can acquire additional information from external sources, in order to increase their own knowledge level. By analysing critically all concepts used, as well as addressing occurring problems that arose with combining the different areas, this diploma thesis represents an innovative approach and contribution to academic research

    Estimating the effectiveness of a mobile phone network's deferred revenue calculated through the use of a business automation and support system

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    Thesis (MComm (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mobile phone networks form an integral part of economic and social development globally. Mobile phones have become an everyday part of life and it is hard to imagine a competitive economy without the availability of mobile communications. Emerging markets benefit most from the implementation of mobile technology and growth trends are outperforming earlier predictions. The most popular and sustainable payment model used by mobile phone networks in emerging markets is the pre paid mechanism used for the distribution of airtime. This mechanism brings about unique challenges for networks in emerging markets. In this thesis the importance of the mobile phone network pre paid value channel is introduced through an analysis of pre paid revenue. A brief introduction is given to the systems and products that contribute to the functioning of the pre paid value channel. The revenue generation process is described with regards to the pre paid sector of the market and an in-depth explanation of the importance of deferred revenue is given, how it is recorded and what role it fulfils in the generation of revenue. The complexity of the network environment, both technical and operational makes the use of a business automation and support system (BSS) a necessary tool for effective execution of tasks and processes within the network environment. These systems record information from a wide spectrum of available technical network resources and use this information to automate the flow of network products. The use of such a system for the calculation of deferred revenue is suggested. Saaty‟s Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) algorithm and the Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality (ELECTRE) method are used to compare the newly proposed method for the calculation of deferred revenue using a BSS. Using Saaty's algorithm to estimate the effectiveness of deferred revenue as reported through the use of a BSS yields favourable results for the proposed method. This helps to bridge the gap in the poorly researched mobile telecommunications industry. ELECTRE is used to substantiate the findings of the model using AHP and meaningful tests are done to motivate correctness and accuracy of the results obtained throughout. Most importantly, the findings were shared with academic and industry experts, adding meaningful resemblance to the goals set out to achieve.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mobiele foon netwerke is wêreldwyd 'n onlosmaakbare deel van ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkeling. Mobiele fone is deel van ons alledaagse lewe en dit is moeilik om 'n kompeterende ekonomie te bedink sonder die beskikbaarheid van mobiele kommunikasie. Ontluikende markte trek die meeste voordeel uit die implementering van mobiele tegnologie en groeitendense vertoon beter as wat vroeër voorspel is. Die mees gewilde en volhoubare betaalmetode wat deur mobiele foon netwerke in ontluikende markte gebruik word, is die voorafbetalingsmeganisme wat vir die verspreiding van lugtyd gebruik word. Hierdie meganisme bring unieke uitdagings vorendag in ontluikende markte. Die tesis beskryf die belangrikheid van die mobiele foon netwerk voorafbetalingswaardekanaal deur 'n analise te maak van vooruitbetalingsinkomste. 'n Kort oorsig oor die sisteme en produkte wat bydra tot die funksionering van die vooruitbetalingswaardekanaal word verskaf. 'n Beskrywing van die inkomste-genereringsproses vir die vooruitbetaling-sektor van die mark word verskaf en 'n in-diepte verduideliking van die belangrikheid van uitgestelde inkomste, hoe dit vasgelê word en watter rol dit speel in die generering van inkomste word verduidelik. Die kompleksiteit van die netwerkomgewing, beide op 'n tegniese en operasionele vlak, maak die gebruik van 'n besigheidsoutomatisering en ondersteuningsisteem (BSS) 'n noodsaaklike instrument vir die effektiewe uitvoer van take en prosesse binne die netwerkomgewing. Hierdie sisteme stoor informasie vanuit 'n wye spektrum van beskikbare tegniese netwerkbronne en gebruik die inligting om die vloei van netwerkprodukte te outomatiseer. Die gebruik van sodanige sisteem word voorgestel vir die berekening van uitgestelde inkomste. Saaty se Analitiese Hierargie Proses-algoritme (AHP) en die Eliminasie en Realiteit-Deur-Keuse Uitdrukkingsmetode (ELECTRE) word gebruik vir die vergelyking van die voorgestelde metode vir die berekening van uitgestelde inkomste deur middel van 'n BSS. Die gebruik van Saaty se algoritme om die effektiwiteit te bereken van uitgestelde inkomste soos gemeld deur die gebruik van 'n BSS, lewer gunstige resultate vir die voorgestelde metode. Dit vul 'n leemte in die swak nagevorsde mobiele telekommunikasie industrie. ELECTRE word gebruik om die bevindinge van die AHP-model te substansieer en betekenisvolle toetse word deurentyd gedoen om die korrektheid en akkuraatheid van die resultate te motiveer. Die belangrikste aspek van die navorsing is dat die bevindinge gedeel is met kenners binne die akademie sowel as die industrie, wat nou aansluit by die doelstellings wat aanvanklik beoog is

    Airline revenue management based on dynamic programming incorporating passenger sell-up behavior

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 141-147).Low-fare carriers with simplified and unrestricted fare structures have rapidly grown and captured an important share of demand in the markets they enter, forcing legacy carriers to inevitably simplify their fare structures to avoid distraction of their competitiveness. Consequently, traditional Revenue Management (RM) systems, which assume independent demand of fare classes, have become less effective for legacy carriers in dealing with passengers who tend to purchase the lowest fare available in the absence of distinctions among fare products. This thesis studies two RM optimization algorithms based on dynamic programming, Lautenbacher DP (DPL) and Gallego-Van Ryzin DP (DP-GVR), that aim to control fare class closure using maximum expected revenue. The underlying principle of both DP methods considers the actual arrival pattern of passengers as a Markov decision process. DPL assumes independence of fare classes as do traditional RM methods, and determines which classes should be open for a given time frame. DP-GVR considers the fact that passengers may sell-up or buy down between fare classes, and determines which fare class should be the lowest class open for a given time frame. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of DPL and DP-GVR when they account for sell-up, using not only arbitrary sell-up assumptions but also estimated sell-up rates. Based on results obtained with the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator (PODS), we compare the performance of both methods to traditional methods under various competitive settings. Simulation results in a single origin-destination market demonstrate the potential of DPL over traditional methods when high passenger sell-up rates are assumed or estimated.(cont.) The use of DPL achieves as much as 7.3% revenue improvement over EMSRb with Q-Forecasting at high demand. In contrast, the performance of DP-GVR is weaker especially against an advanced RM method, regardless of sell-up input or estimator used. On the other hand, results from a bigger network illustrate that an airline that practices DP-GVR performs much better against both simple and advanced competing RM methods. We conclude that the performance of the theoretically appealing DPL and DP-GVR depends on the environment in which they are used, the types of passenger sell-up estimator employed, as well as the Revenue Management method applied by the competitor.by Chiu Fai Wilson Tam.S.M

    Sustainable supply chains in the world of industry 4.0

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