422 research outputs found

    ICANN—Now and Then: ICANN’s Reform and Its Problems

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    This paper sheds some light upon the major problem arising from the current normative infrastructure of the DNS and provides a possible solution to the current physical problem of the DNS. The paper\u27s main focus is the single-entity control of the A Root. The paper uses as a starting point the Blueprint prepared by the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform and raises the question: Has this reform done anything to resolve the single-entity control of the A Root? The paper argues that the reform has done nothing to solve the problem because the international privatization of the DNS merely substitutes the administration of the DNS function without making changes to the normative infrastructure of the DNS. In light of the above, the paper argues that there is a need to declare independence from a one-entity controlled DNS. The suggested approach is to share authority over the root by acknowledging that countries that are accountable to their populations are the authorities for their own ccTLDs. Once technical and political independence has been achieved, the technical and, to some degree, political management of the DNS should be exercised through an international body. In order to initiate a discussion for a truly international body this paper offers nine principles that a new international ccTLD cooperation organization should observe when working on its own creation

    Embedded Security Improvements to IPv6

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    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio


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    Negli ultimi decenni, il cambiamento climatico e l’eccessivo sfruttamento del suolo hanno accentuato le problematiche legate alla gestione delle acque meteoriche, specialmente in ambito urbano. L’aumento delle temperature e le alterazioni dei regimi di pioggia, uniti all’impermeabilizzazione del suolo, hanno alterato il naturale ciclo idrologico, aumentando il rischio di allagamenti generati da eventi meteorologici estremi. I sistemi di drenaggio urbano tradizionali, progettati per condizioni climatiche passate, faticano a gestire tali eventi, portando a situazioni di emergenza e danni materiali significativi. Di fronte a queste sfide, la gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche e la progettazione di infrastrutture urbane resilienti diventano cruciali. Le amministrazioni pubbliche stanno pertanto promuovendo un design urbano che favorisca la gestione dell’acqua e il rispetto del ciclo idrologico, attraverso l'aumento degli spazi verdi e delle superfici permeabili. In questo contesto, i sistemi di drenaggio decentralizzati come i tetti verdi e le pavimentazioni porose stanno diventando strategie popolari per mitigare gli impatti dell’urbanizzazione, contribuendo anche alla conservazione della biodiversità e all'estetica urbana. Una delle soluzioni più efficaci e a basso costo che sta riscuotendo particolare successo sono i raingardens, ovvero aree verdi vegetate progettate per catturare, filtrare e rallentare il deflusso superficiale attraverso strati di terreno ingegnerizzati. Il deflusso trattato può poi essere rilasciato gradualmente nei sistemi di drenaggio convenzionali o infiltrarsi nel terreno, contribuendo a ripristinare i livelli di falda. In questo studio, l'uso dei raingarden è stato indagato con due diversi approcci e modalità. Il primo affronta le problematiche legate alla gestione e manutenzione dei raingardens post-installazione. Il corretto funzionamento di questi sistemi infatti dipende in gran parte dalla qualità e frequenza degli interventi di manutenzione che vengono svolti. A questo scopo, è stato sviluppato uno studio su 15 colonne tipo rappresentanti 15 mini-raingarden per testare l'affidabilità dei sensori economici nell'identificare tre comuni condizioni di salute del biofiltro: normale, malfunzionamento dovuto a percorsi preferenziali di flusso e funzionamento con occlusione superficiale. I sensori installati sono stati in grado di distinguere il comportamento dei tre gruppi di colonne sperimentali, fornendo dati che riflettono le diverse reazioni al processo di infiltrazione dell’acqua, dimostrando la loro efficacia nel rilevare malfunzionamenti attraverso la misurazione dell’umidità del suolo e del contenuto volumetrico di acqua. La seconda parte dello studio si concentra invece su un lavoro di modellazione numerica condotto utilizzando il software di modellazione idraulica SWMM per valutare l'efficacia dei raingarden nel mitigare l'impatto negativo dei cambiamenti climatici e dell'urbanizzazione a scala di bacino urbano su un caso studio italiano. A tal fine sono stati simulati diversi scenari di depavimentazione urbana e diversi eventi meteorici, in condizioni climatiche non stazionare, per valutare la loro efficacia anche in considerazione degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici futuri. Le simulazioni condotte hanno evidenziato che i raingarden risultano efficaci per eventi con tempi di ritorno bassi, registrando una riduzione dei picchi di piena fino al 23% e dei volumi scaricati fino al 17.3% a scala di singolo evento. Nelle simulazioni in continuo i vantaggi apportati dall’implementazione dei raingarden in termini di riduzione del deflusso superficiale si accentuano, arrivando ad una riduzione fino al 75%. I risultati ottenuti mirano a fornire evidenze concrete a sostegno dell'efficacia dell'infrastruttura verde nel mitigare le problematiche derivanti dai cambiamenti climatici e dall'urbanizzazione.In recent decades, climate change and excessive land exploitation have exacerbated issues related to stormwater management, especially in urban areas. Increased temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns, coupled with soil sealing, have altered the natural hydrological cycle, increasing the risk of flooding from extreme weather events. Traditional urban drainage systems, designed for past climate conditions, struggle to handle these events, leading to emergencies and considerable material damage. Faced with these challenges, sustainable water resource management and the design of resilient urban infrastructures become crucial. Public administrations are therefore promoting urban design that facilitates water management and respects the hydrological cycle, through the increase of green spaces and permeable surfaces. In this context, decentralized drainage systems such as green roofs and porous pavements are becoming popular strategies to mitigate the impacts of urbanization, also contributing to biodiversity conservation and urban aesthetics. One of the most effective and low-cost solutions gaining particular success are raingardens, or vegetated green areas designed to capture, filter, and slow down surface runoff through engineered soil layers. The treated runoff can then be gradually released into conventional drainage systems or infiltrate into the ground, helping to restore groundwater levels. This study investigated the use of raingardens with two different approaches and methods. The first addresses issues related to the post-installation management and maintenance of raingardens. The proper functioning of these systems largely depends on the quality and frequency of maintenance interventions. For this purpose, a study was developed on 15 typical columns representing 15 mini-raingardens to test the reliability of low-cost sensors in identifying three common health conditions of the biofilter: normal, malfunction due to preferential flow paths, and operation with surface clogging. The installed sensors were able to distinguish the behaviour of the three experimental column groups, providing data that reflect different reactions to the water infiltration process, demonstrating their effectiveness in detecting malfunctions through the measurement of soil moisture and water volumetric content. The second part of the study focuses on a numerical modelling work conducted using the hydraulic modelling software SWMM to evaluate the effectiveness of raingardens in mitigating the negative impact of climate change and urbanization on an urban catchment scale on an Italian case study. To this end, various urban de-paving scenarios and different meteorological events were simulated, under non-stationary climate conditions, to assess their effectiveness also considering the effects of future climate changes. The simulations showed that raingardens are effective for events with low return periods, recording a reduction in peak flows up to 23% and in discharged volumes up to 17.3% on a single event scale. In continuous simulations, the benefits of implementing raingardens in terms of reducing surface runoff are accentuated, reaching a reduction of up to 75%. The results aim to provide concrete evidence supporting the effectiveness of green infrastructure in mitigating issues arising from climate change and urbanization

    Library and Tools for Server-Side DNSSEC Implementation

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    Tato prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ analĂœzou současnĂœch open source ƙeĆĄenĂ­ pro zabezpečenĂ­ DNS zĂłn pomocĂ­ technologie DNSSEC. Na zĂĄkladě provedenĂ© reĆĄerĆĄe je navrĆŸena a implementovĂĄna novĂĄ knihovna pro pouĆŸitĂ­ na autoritativnĂ­ch DNS serverech. CĂ­lem knihovny je zachovat vĂœhody stĂĄvajĂ­cĂ­ch ƙeĆĄenĂ­ a vyƙeĆĄit jejich nedostatky. SoučástĂ­ nĂĄvrhu je i sada nĂĄstrojĆŻ pro sprĂĄvu politiky a klíčƯ. Funkčnost vytvoƙenĂ© knihovny je ukĂĄzĂĄna na jejĂ­m pouĆŸitĂ­ v serveru Knot DNS.This thesis deals with currently available open-source solutions for securing DNS zones using the DNSSEC mechanism. Based on the findings, a new DNSSEC library for an authoritative name server is designed and implemented. The aim of the library is to keep the benefits of existing solutions and to eliminate their drawbacks. Also a set of utilities to manage keys and signing policy is proposed. The functionality of the library is demonstrated by it's use in the Knot DNS server.

    Studying Control Processes for Bridge Teams

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    Several technological advances have been seen the maritime domain to achieve higher operational efficiency and to address the generally recognised causes of most maritime accidents. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) endorses the use of best available technology to “drive continuous improvement and innovation in the facilitation of maritime traffic” in line with the goal of sustainable development. It is commonly acknowledged that modern technology revolutionized marine navigation, and presently it has a large potential to increase safety in navigation. However, the incorporation of new technologies in support of navigation also brought unforeseen critical consequences, contributing to unsafe practices, or even to accidents or incidents. Several issues were associated with human factors. To properly address the adoption of the newest technology in support of safe navigation, IMO established the e-navigation concept, currently under implementation. The complexity of the maritime socio-technical system requires novel theoretical foundations, since many of the present framework rely on the analysis of accidents. The design of complex maritime navigation system must take place on several levels, providing different perspectives over the system problems. The evaluation and design of technologies envisaged by the e-navigation concept requires a better understand of how teams perform the navigation work in the pursuit of safe navigation. This study attempts to provide a better understanding on how maritime navigation is currently done on-board, considering the overarching elements and their interactions. In maritime navigation safety is a transverse issue, and that is why we need to know the conditions for safe navigation to improve the design of ship navigation control. The work supporting this thesis was focused on: (i) understanding how navigation is done and to perceive by the practitioners, (ii) understanding interactions between humans and technological interfaces, and (iii) understanding the relevant soft skills for the navigation functions. To address these topics, data was collected from expert practitioners such as navigators, pilots and instructors, thru semi structured interviews and questionnaires. The mains contribution of this study lies in presenting a framework of maritime navigation, exploring the control processes in the different levels of the maritime socio-technical system. In the view of safe operations, interactions between stakeholders are clarified, trying to determine how they influence safe navigation. This systemic view is then analysed from the perspective of the ship, considering it as a Joint-cognitive system (JCS). It is proposed that this JCS comprises 5 control levels: reactive, proactive, planning, strategic and political-economical. Planning is considered a fundamental process in the maritime Socio-technical system, because it facilitates the interactions between the different control level. It also increases the integrity of communications and enhances the predictability of the different control agents. New directions are proposed to improve the design of navigation system, recommending new roles for human and automated agents, and presenting a new conceptual navigation display.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    D3.6.1: Cookbook for IPv6 Renumbering in SOHO and Backbone Networks

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    In this text we present the results of a set of experiments that are designed to be a first step in the process of analysing how effective network renumbering procedures may be in the context of IPv6. An IPv6 site will need to get provider assigned (PA) address space from its upstream ISP. Because provider independent (PI) address space is not available for IPv6, a site wishing to change provider will need to renumber from its old network prefix to the new one. We look at the scenarios, issues and enablers for such renumbering, and present results and initial conclusions and recommendations in the context of SOHO and backbone networking. A subsequent deliverable (D3.6.2) will refine these findings, adding additional results and context from enterprise and ISP renumbering scenarios

    Role and importance of the simulator instructor

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    An investigation into the use of B-Nodes and state models for computer network technology and education

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    This thesis consists of a series of internationally published, peer reviewed, conference research papers and one journal paper. The papers evaluate and further develop two modelling methods for use in Information Technology (IT) design and for the educational and training needs of students within the area of computer and network technology. The IT age requires technical talent to fill positions such as network managers, web administrators, e-commerce consultants and network security experts as IT is changing rapidly, and this is placing considerable demands on higher educational institutions, both within Australia and internationally, to respond to these changes

    An investigation into some critical computer networking parameters : Internet addressing and routing

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    This thesis describes the evaluation of several proposals suggested as replacements for the currenT Internet's TCPJIP protocol suite. The emphasis of this thesis is on how the proposals solve the current routing and addressing problems associated with the Internet. The addressing problem is found to be related to address space depletion, and the routing problem related to excessive routing costs. The evaluation is performed based on criteria selected for their applicability as future Internet design criteria. AIl the protocols are evaluated using the above-mentioned criteria. It is concluded that the most suitable addressing mechanism is an expandable multi-level format, with a logical separation of location and host identification information. Similarly, the most suitable network representation technique is found to be an unrestricted hierarchical structure which uses a suitable abstraction mechanism. It is further found that these two solutions could adequately solve the existing addressing and routing problems and allow substantial growth of the Internet
