53 research outputs found

    New dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm analysis: DDSPON for ethernet passive optical networks

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    This project aims to present the state of the art in Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) solutions, as well as the study and evaluation of one proposal of DBA algorithm: the Distributed Dynamic Scheduling for EPON (DDSPON), which is the UPC contribution to the research in scheduling algorithms for EPON

    Ethernet - a survey on its fields of application

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    During the last decades, Ethernet progressively became the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology. Apart from LAN installations, Ethernet became also attractive for many other fields of application, ranging from industry to avionics, telecommunication, and multimedia. The expanded application of this technology is mainly due to its significant assets like reduced cost, backward-compatibility, flexibility, and expandability. However, this new trend raises some problems concerning the services of the protocol and the requirements for each application. Therefore, specific adaptations prove essential to integrate this communication technology in each field of application. Our primary objective is to show how Ethernet has been enhanced to comply with the specific requirements of several application fields, particularly in transport, embedded and multimedia contexts. The paper first describes the common Ethernet LAN technology and highlights its main features. It reviews the most important specific Ethernet versions with respect to each application field’s requirements. Finally, we compare these different fields of application and we particularly focus on the fundamental concepts and the quality of service capabilities of each proposal


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    Abstract Even though Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are currently consuming between 2% and 4% of the electricity consumed worldwide, the number of efforts devoted to reduce the communications network energy consumption is increasing. This is mainly due to the foreseen growth of ICT even in substitution of personal travel. Access networks are the network segment that currently consumes the highest percentage of energy. Even though the utilization of optical technologies can potentially reduce the energy consumed by current ADSL modems, the further reduction of the energy consumed by passive optical access networks (PON) is attracting a lot of interests. Previous studies showed that, in PONs, the majority of the energy in consumed by the customer premises equipments, i.e. the Optical Network Units (ONUs), because of the many idle periods used only for synchronization. For this reason the target of our work is to save energy by exploiting cyclic sleep periods in the ONU. In particular the Sleep and Periodic Wake-up (SPW) technique is considered. The SPW mechanism is managed by the OLT and the choice of the sleep period for the ONUs can be based on different parameters. In this work two approaches are considered for deciding the sleep period: interarrival-based and service based. The interarrival-based approach has been previously presented. In this thesis a simulator based on Opnet Modeler is built to verify the validity of the previously presented results. Then a novel service-based sleep time scheme is designed and evaluated. The novelty of our work resides in presenting a service-based saving energy technique with variable sleep period to maximize the energy efficiency guaranteeing the maximum tolerable delay of the applications subscribed by the ONU. The main difference between the two approaches is how the sleep period is set. Following SPW technique, the OLT sets the sleep period according to traffic conditions such as average frame interval and queue length in the interarrival based algorithm, and class of service (CoS) in the service-based algorithm. In the interarrival-based the sleep period is fixed, instead in the servicebased the sleep period changes in function of the delay constraints of subscribed services to guarantee the service performance. The simulation results in the interarrival-based approach are very similar to the published ones. In case of low and high bandwidths, the values of average power are matched, instead the values of average queuing delay differ because of reasonable different assumptions. The increasing trend are the same in both results. The service-based approach resulted in the average frame delay, which exploits the maximum tolerable delay maximizing the energy efficiency. The SPW technique with service-based approach was presented in the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) 2012 in Los Angeles. Riassunto analitico Sebbene le Tecnologie di Informazione e Comunicazione (ICT) consumino ad oggi tra il 2% e il 4% del consumo di elettricità mondiale, il numero di sforzi mirati alla riduzione del consumo energetico delle reti di comunicazione è in aumento. Questo è maggiormente dovuto alla prevista crescita di ICT anche in sostituzione agli spostamenti fisici. Le reti di accesso sono la porzione di rete che attualmente consuma la più alta percentuale di energia. Anche se l'uso di tecnologie ottiche possono potenzialmente ridurre l'energia consumata dai correnti modem ADSL, la conseguente energia consumata dalle reti di accesso passive (PON) attrae molto interesse. Studi passati mostrano che, nelle PON, la maggior energia è consumata dalle apparecchiature di utenza, per esempio, le unità di rete ottica (ONU), a causa dei molti periodi di inattività usati solo per la sincronizzazione. Per questo motivo, l'obiettivo del nostro lavoro è il risparmio energetico sfruttando periodi ciclici di sleep nelle ONU. In particolare la tecnica Sleep and Periodic Wake-up è presa in considerazione. Il meccanismo SPW è gestito dall'OLT e la scelta del periodo di sleep per le ONU si può basare su diversi parametri. In questo lavoro due approcci sono considerati per decidere il periodo di sleep: interarrival-based e service-based. L'approccio interarrival-based è stato presentato in precedenza. In questa tesi un simulatore basato su Opnet Modeler è implementato per verificare la validità dei risultati precedentemente presentati. Successivamente un nuovo schema service-based con periodi di sleep è stato progettato e valutato. L'originalità del nostro lavoro consiste nella presentazione di una tecnica per risparmio energetico service-based con periodi di sleep variabile per massimizzare l'efficienza energetica garantendo il massimo ritardo tollerabile delle applicazioni a cui l'ONU è abbonato. La principale differenza tra i due approcci riguarda come il periodo di sleep è impostato. Seguendo la tecnica SPW, l'OLT imposta il periodo di sleep in base alle condizioni di traffico come il tempo d'interarrivo medio e la lunghezza della coda nell'approccio interarrival-based, e come la classe di servizio (CoS) nell'approccio service-based. Riguardo l'interarrival-based il periodo di sleep è fisso, invece nel service-based il periodo di sleep cambia in funzione del limite di ritardo imposto delle applicazioni per garantire le prestazioni di servizio. I risultati delle simulazioni nell'approccio interarrival-based sono molto simili a quelle pubblicate. Nel caso di basse e alte bande, i valori di potenza media combaciano, mentre i valori di ritardo di accodamento medio differiscono a causa di diverse assunzioni. L'andamento delle curve è lo stesso. L'approccio service-based con risultati riguardo il ritardo medio dei pacchetti, sfrutta il massimo ritardo tollerabile per massimizzare l'efficienza energetica. La tecnica SPW con approccio service-based è stato presentato all'Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) 2012 a Los Angeles

    Měření Triple play služeb v hybridní síti

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    The master's thesis deals with a project regarding the implementation, design and the quality of IPTV, VoIP and Data services within the Triple Play services. In heterostructural networks made up of GEPON and xDSL technologies. Different lengths of the optical and metallic paths were used for the measurements. The first part of the thesis is theoretically analyzed the development and trend of optical and metallic networks. The second part deals with the measurement of typical optical and metallic parameters on the constructed experimental network, where its integrity was tested. Another part of the thesis is the evaluation of Triple play results, regarding the test where the network was variously tasked/burdened with data traffic and evaluated according to defined standards. The last part is concerned with the Optiwave Software simulation environment.Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem, realizací a kvalitou služeb IPTV, VoIP a Data v rámci Triple play služeb v heterostrukturní sítí tvořené GEPON a xDSL technologiemi. Pro měření byli využity různé délky optické a metalické trasy. První části diplomové práce je teoreticky rozebrán vývoj a trend optických a metalických sítí. Druhá část se zaměřuje na měření typických optických a metalických parametrů na vybudované experimentální síti, kde byla následně testována její integrita. Dalším bodem práce je vyhodnocení výsledků Triple play, kde síť je různě zatěžována datovým provozem a následně vyhodnocována podle definovaných norem. Závěr práce je věnovaný simulačnímu prostředí Optiwave.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Optimised Green IoT Network Architectures

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    The work in this thesis proposes a number of energy efficient architectures of IoT networks. These proposed architectures are edge computing, Passive Optical Network (PON) and Peer to Peer (P2P) based architectures. A framework was introduced for virtualising edge computing assisted IoT. Two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models and heuristics were developed to minimise the power consumption and to maximise the number of served IoT processing tasks. Further consideration was also given to the limited IoT processing capabilities and hence the potential of processing task blockage. Two placement scenarios were studied revealing that the optimal distribution of cloudlets achieved 38% power saving compared to placing the cloudlet in the gateway while gateway placement can save up to 47% of the power compared to the optimal placement but blocked 50% of the total IoT object requests. The thesis also investigated the impact of PON deployment on the energy efficiency of IoT networks. A MILP model and a heuristic were developed to optimally minimise the power consumption of the proposed network. The results of this investigation showed that packing most of the VMs in OLT at a low traffic reduction percentage and placing them in relays at high traffic reduction rate saved power Also, the results revealed that utilising energy efficient PONs and serving heterogeneous VMs can save up to 19% of the total power. Finally, the thesis investigated a peer-to-peer (P2P) based architecture for IoT networks with fairness and incentives. It considered three VM placement scenarios and developed MILP models and heuristics to maximise the number of processing tasks served by VMs and to minimise the total power consumption of the proposed network. The results showed that the highest service rate was achieved by the hybrid scenario which consumes the highest amount of power compared to other scenarios

    Major: Electronics and Communication Engineering

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    Today, information technology is strategically important to the goals and aspirations of the business enterprises, government and high-level education institutions – university. Universities are facing new challenges with the emerging global economy characterized by the importance of providing faster communication services and improving the productivity and effectiveness of individuals. New challenges such as provides an information network that supports the demands and diversification of university issues. A new network architecture, which is a set of design principles for build a network, is one of the pillar bases. It is the cornerstone that enables the university’s faculty, researchers, students, administrators, and staff to discover, learn, reach out, and serve society. This thesis focuses on the network architecture definitions and fundamental components. Three most important characteristics of high-quality architecture are that: it’s open network architecture; it’s service-oriented characteristics and is an IP network based on packets. There are four important components in the architecture, which are: Services and Network Management, Network Control, Core Switching and Edge Access. The theoretical contribution of this study is a reference model Architecture of University Campus Network that can be followed or adapted to build a robust yet flexible network that respond next generation requirements. The results found are relevant to provide an important complete reference guide to the process of building campus network which nowadays play a very important role. Respectively, the research gives university networks a structured modular model that is reliable, robust and can easily grow

    End to End Inter-domain Quality of Service Provisioning

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    Організація широкосмугового доступу з використанням технології PON

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    Текстова частина дипломної роботи: 68 сторінок, 13 рисунків, 9 таблиць, 25 джерел. Метою дипломної роботи є аналіз послуг широкосмугового доступу, а саме послуг, що надаються за технологією PON, аналіз особливостей побудови мереж PON, розгляд архітектури мережі і складу устаткування. Робота складається з трьох розділів і присвячена особливостям побудови мереж зв'язку, що базуються на технології PON, опису технології PON, розгляду типів пасивних оптичних мереж, перспективам розвитку технології PON. Розглянуті в даній дипломній роботі особливості технології PON дозволяють правильно підійти до проектування і подальшої фізичної реалізації мереж доступу на її основі з метою надання якісних послуг для кінцевого користувача.The purpose of the thesis is to analyze broadband access services, namely services provided by PON technology, analysis of the peculiarities of the construction of PON networks, consideration of network architecture and equipment. The work consists of four sections and is devoted to the peculiarities of the construction of communication networks based on PON technology, description of PON technology, consideration of types of passive optical networks, prospects for the development of PON technology. The features of PON technology considered in this thesis allow to approach the design and further physical implementation of local networks on its basis in order to provide quality services to the end user

    Internet of Things-aided Smart Grid: Technologies, Architectures, Applications, Prototypes, and Future Research Directions

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    Traditional power grids are being transformed into Smart Grids (SGs) to address the issues in existing power system due to uni-directional information flow, energy wastage, growing energy demand, reliability and security. SGs offer bi-directional energy flow between service providers and consumers, involving power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization systems. SGs employ various devices for the monitoring, analysis and control of the grid, deployed at power plants, distribution centers and in consumers' premises in a very large number. Hence, an SG requires connectivity, automation and the tracking of such devices. This is achieved with the help of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT helps SG systems to support various network functions throughout the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy by incorporating IoT devices (such as sensors, actuators and smart meters), as well as by providing the connectivity, automation and tracking for such devices. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on IoT-aided SG systems, which includes the existing architectures, applications and prototypes of IoT-aided SG systems. This survey also highlights the open issues, challenges and future research directions for IoT-aided SG systems