675 research outputs found

    Tyler Perry and The Weight of Misrepresentation

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    Criticism of black film production often includes discussions of narrow typecasting and stereotypical role portrayal. Previous research shows that consumers of black films attest that such films are an accurate depiction of black culture. However, consequences of negative stereotypes presented in mainstream media are rarely discussed. The purpose of this study is to define and examine the stereotypes of African American women in film. By way of semiotic film content analysis this research will look at the relationship and function between specific historical stereotypes and the behaviors of female characters in Tyler Perry’s most popular films. This research examines role portrayals in relation to character traits that are historically classified as the “Mammy,” “Sapphire” and “Jezebel” stereotype classifications

    Swearing: Force and Language

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    This study attempts to address the question, “Why in contemporary times does swearing have a more acceptable role as a means of persuasion in the public sphere than it previously did?” This question is approached with constant reference to two minor scandals in state politics in which politicians Dick Cheney and Jack Layton swore without significant reprisal and, in fact, were rewarded for their violation of decorum. Much of the inquiry attempts to characterize swearing by its action upon language rather than simply its meaning. In the second chapter, this is done through considerations of the philosophy of Condillac, Rousseau, Herder, and Vico. The last section draws on texts by Plato and Aristotle to consider persuasion as such before turning to recent writings by Marcuse and Sloterdijk that address the cynical character of the times that allows swearing to be persuasive

    Multilingual and Multi-Generational Italian Identity in a Netflix Series: Subtitling Generazione56k (2021) into English

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    This article reports on an investigation into the representation of “Italianness” in the recent Netflix Italian series Generazione 56k, which was exported to Englishspeaking countries. The series deals with characters from different generations and displays regional varieties. This qualitative study examined the macro- and microstrategies used in the creation of English subtitles for the first season. The focus is on key functions of telecinematic discourse, i.e., characterisation, realism, and humour, which is realised through the use of (a) multilingualism in the broadest sense, including geographical dialects, and (b) multi-generational language (colloquialisms, “unconventional language”, particularly, teenage and youth language, and taboo). Findings reveal a tendency towards neutralisation strategies in the English subtitles. Even considering the constraints inherent in the subtitling mode, these strategies do not successfully represent “Italianness” with its local geographical diversity, and only partially convey the representation of multi-generational language, also affecting humour. The themes which engage millennials, however, are expressed and might be appreciated by an international audience. Our analysis and conclusions suggest it may be interesting to understand whether younger generations, increasingly accustomed to “multilingualism” especially in Netflix programmes, would also envisage a different subtitling experience

    “Don't y'all care about nothin' other than prettifyin'?” Idiolects in three dubs of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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    Följande avhandling Àr en kvalitativ fallstudie av översÀttningen av idiolekter i de svenska, norska och finska dubbningarna av animationsserien My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I den engelska originaldialogen anvÀnder sig var och en av seriens huvudkaraktÀrer av karaktÀrsspecifika stildrag som framhÀver deras personligheter, som ett led i seriens produktions- och konstnÀrliga ledare Lauren Fausts mÄl att skapa kvinnliga karaktÀrer med distinkta personligheter. Stildragen utgörs av dialekt, sprÄklekar (allitteration, rim, ordlekar, neologismer) och kodvÀxling (lÄn av ord frÄn ett sprÄk medan man kommunicerar huvudsakligen pÄ ett annat). Avhandlingen undersöker om dubbningarna Äterskapat stildragen eller ersatt dem med mer konventionellt sprÄk, och om och hur de anvÀnda översÀttningsstrategierna inverkat pÄ karaktÀriseringen och i förlÀngning seriens feministiska mÄlsÀttningar. Analysen baseras delvis pÄ Istvån Fodors teorier om synkronisering, men Àven pÄ praktiska aspekter av dubbningsarbetet. Resultaten av studien visade att framför allt karaktÀren Applejacks karaktÀrisering pÄverkats dÄ dialektala drag bytts ut mot mer allmÀnna talsprÄkliga drag i alla dubbningarna, och Àven flera av karaktÀren Pinkie Pies sprÄklekar hade strukits i framförallt de svenska och finska dubbningarna. Avhandlingens slutsatser kan intressera framförallt personer verksamma inom dubbningsindustrin och/eller intresserade av hur kvinnliga karaktÀrer portrÀtteras i media.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Multilingual and Multi-Generational Italian Identity in a Netflix Series: Subtitling Generazione 56k (2021) into English

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    This paper reports an investigation into the representation of “Italianness” in the recent Netflix Italian series Generazione 56k, which was exported to English-speaking countries. This series deals with characters from different generations and displays regional varieties. This qualitative study examined the macro- and micro-strategies used in the creation of English subtitles for the first season. The focus is on key functions of telecinematic discourse, i.e., characterisation, realism, and humour, realised through the use of (a) multilingualism in the broadest sense, including geographical dialects, and (b) multi-generational language (colloquialisms, “unconventional language”, particularly, teenage and youth language, and taboo). Findings reveal a tendency towards neutralisation strategies in the English subtitles. Even considering the constraints inherent in the subtitling mode, these strategies do not successfully represent “Italianness” with its local geographical diversity, and only partially convey the representation of multi-generational language, also affecting humour. The themes engaging millennials, however, are expressed and might be appreciated by an international audience. In the light of our analysis and conclusions, it may be interesting to understand whether younger generations, increasingly accustomed to “multilingualism” especially in Netflix programmes, would also envisage a different subtitling experience

    Basics of Language for Language Learners

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    Second editionTools and Strategies for Language Learning -- Sounding Like a Native Speaker -- Thinking Like a Native Speaker -- Acting Like a Native SpeakerItem not openly available

    Makings of imagination in alternative cultural spaces in Cairo

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    To speak of space as a concept, how it is produced, de/reconstructed, and imagined is a process that involves multiplicities of understanding about the makings that take place. My concern is in this research is exploring the dynamic relationships that take place between cultural spaces in Cairo, the subjectivities of their participants and the possibilities that might be offered through these relations for a different social imagination that could be manifested in the details of their everydayness. The main question of my thesis is; In which ways and conditions can some of the contemporary cultural spaces in Cairo situate their presence and serve as a liberating spaces that nurture imaginations capable of transfiguring the status quo whether intellectual, social or political. My research questions are anchored in four focal theoretical concepts: space, subjectivity, imagination and how these concepts are manifested in everydayness. I will not deal with them as separate, linear or static concepts but as dimensions that are constantly in dynamic change in relation to each other. I will not attempt a cause/effect analysis and I am not after a comparative or a descriptive analysis of the two cultural spaces I chose ( Nahda Association- Jesuit\u27s culture centre in Cairo, The Choir Project of Cairo). I believe this different and dynamic configuration of theorizing will enable different moods of thinking and greater capacity of exploration to acquire different kind of knowledge about the contemporary moment in Cairo\u27s cultural scene, which is rapidly changing and how they can possibly provide fertile conditions for a different social imagination to take place

    On past participle agreement in transitive clauses in French

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    This paper provides a Minimalist analysis of past participle agreement in French in transitive clauses. Our account posits that the head v of vP in such structures carries an (accusativeassigning) structural case feature which may apply (with or without concomitant agreement) to case-mark a clause-mate object, the subject of a defective complement clause, or an intermediate copy of a preposed subject in spec-CP. In structures where a goal is extracted from vP (e.g. via wh-movement) v also carries an edge feature, and may also carry a specificity feature and a set of (number and gender) agreement features. We show how these assumptions account for agreement of a participle with a preposed specific clausemate object or defective-clause subject, and for the absence of agreement with an embedded object, with the complement of an impersonal verb, and with the subject of an embedded (finite or nonfinite) CP complement. We also argue that the absence of agreement marking (in expected contexts) on the participles faitmade and laissélet in infinitive structures is essentially viral in nature. Finally, we claim that obligatory participle agreement with reflexive and reciprocal objects arises because the derivation of reflexives involves A-movement and concomitant agreement
