39 research outputs found

    To browse, or not to browse? Third person effect among Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women, in regards to the perceived danger of the internet

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    Abstract The study looks at Jewish ultra-Orthodox women who use modern technologies, for purposes that are illegitimate in their community. Subjects’ perceived impacts of the Internet on self and others are analyzed, demonstrating a "third-person effect" in regards to the perceived dangers originating from the Internet. The correlations and possible implications of the "third-person effect" are discussed

    Aktualisasi Metode Dakwah Milenial Menghadapi Tantangan Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat

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    Perubahahan sosial yang diakibatkan oleh perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan gaya hidup menimbulkan problem sosial yang semakin konpleks. Aktivitas dakwah harus mampu menjawab perubahan sosial ini supaya tetap ajaran Islam dapat disampaikan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Hal ini berarti pula bahwa keharusan adanya perubahan pola dan model dakwah terutama bagi generasi milenial. Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan upaya aktualisasi metode dakwah milenial dalam menjawab tantangan perubahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan  pustaka. Pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumen tentang dakwah di era milenial kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis interaktif  Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode dakwah yang dilakukan oleh para da’i sudah menampakkan beragam metode yang aktual. Metode dakwah digital menjadi salah satu metode aktual yang banyak dilakukan untuk menangkap sasaran generasi milenial. Selain dakwah digital, metode dakwah tradisional dan struktural masih sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Konten dakwah milenial perlu disajikan lebih menarik, interaktif, dan kontekstual sehingga tujuan dakwah dapat terwujud dengan baik

    Metaverse And Hajj: The Meaning Of Muslims In Indonesia

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    This study describes and explains the meaning of Muslims in Indonesia in the discourse of the pilgrimage through the metaverse space. The description in this study will provide a more comprehensive discussion of the discourse of the pilgrimage through metaverse in the meaning of Muslims in Indonesia. This study uses a virtual ethnographic method, which emphasizes data collection through reading online news texts through the Google search engine using the search keyword “Wacana Ibadah Haji melalui Metaverse". The findings in this study show that the discourse of the pilgrimage through metaverse space such as visualization of Hajj symbols and imitation of Hajj practices through virtual reality (VR) methods, such as visualization of the Kaaba and the Grand Mosque. The two forms have significantly influenced the meaning of Muslims in Indonesia in evaluating the discourse of the pilgrimage through the metaverse space. This evaluation was shown by several religious organizations in Indonesia, such as the Indonesian Ulama Council, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Muhammadiyah

    Church Sustainability: Exploring Online Technologies through the Lens of System Dynamics

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    Online technologies such as social media and videoconferencing platforms have changed the way church leaders access information and communicate with congregants. The paper investigates the value of online technologies in creating church sustainability using system dynamics. Exploring Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) as the case study, the researchers interviewed 12 religious leaders. The results showed that church leaders were using online technologies to create online communities within their congregations which were crucial for addressing the communication and informational needs of various church leaders as well as aiding the retention of church members. The study concludes that online technologies have the potential to sustain religious organisations. The study provides insight to the church leaders regarding the value of online technologies in church sustainability

    From Pixels to Peace: Unraveling the Multifaceted Narrative of Religious Tolerance in Social Media

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    Religious tolerance has contributed to a national campaign related to religious moderation through the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs which continues to be promoted to a wide audience in Indonesia. All elements take part in the realisation of religious tolerance to fight radicalism, extremism, and ideas that refer to disintegration. Furthermore, the narrative of religious tolerance aims to build peace in diversity. In an increasingly sophisticated world, religious narrative campaigns do not only occur in the religious institution but also occur in the social media space, as happened on Instagram such as @toleransi.id. There are around 38 thousand followers on this account and their followers continue to grow so that the nuances of the narrative of religious tolerance become colourful and rich. This research utilises library research using qualitative methods and the lens of virtual ethnography theory. By posting content from the @toleransi.id account, the research results show that community interaction in the media space in discussing religious tolerance shows a strong correlation between the real and virtual worlds. Second, it shows the interaction of virtual communities with a wider scope than in real communities. Third, the discussion of the theme focused on adjusting the context of the media account of tolerance

    Conceptual model of continuance intention to use of the Islamic blog / Mohd Nurul Hafiz Ibrahim, Mohd Sazili Mohd Shahibi and Mohamad Noorman Masrek.

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    The purpose of this paper is to offer greater insight in the role of content-related factor in the continuance used of the Islamic weblogs as the source of Islamic teachings and practices. Information System (IS) continuance intention Model is being employed as a conceptual tool to re-interpret the existing evidence of the continuance used of the weblogs. Additional elements including credibility, reliability and objectivity are being included to further clarify the role of content-related factor in determining the continued used of the weblogs. The analysis demonstrated that people tend to revisit the weblogs with reliable and credible information. The paper presents the importance of content in terms of credibility, objectivity, and reliability in encouraging people to continue use the Islamic weblogs in disseminating the Islamic information and knowledge significantly influences the people’s intention to revisit the weblogs in future

    Internet and Islamic learning practices in Indonesia: Social media, religious populism, and religious authority

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    Like in many other developing countries, Indonesia’s population has been amongst the most enthusiastic ‘uptakers’ of the internet, especially of social media. Most Indonesians utilize the internet as an information source, including religious ones. Various groups and communities of Islamic studies have appeared on social media along with religious leaders who are also active on social media. Based on the various characteristics that have emerged, Islamic learning practices scattered across various social media platforms have increasingly illustrated the symptoms of religious populism. This is marked by the various socio-religious movements that have emerged from these practices. By using a digital religion perspective in order to observe Islamic learning practices on several social media platforms, this paper argues that social media has become a productive space for the development of religious populism in Indonesia. At first glance, religious populism on social media seems to challenge authoritative figures or religious institutions, but it can also be seen as a way for Islamic agents to convey Islamic teachings in a media-friendly culture

    Building the Bridge and Crossing It: Using Digital Media to Connect Churches With Their Local Community

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    This project is designed to address the NPO statement “Churches need strategies to both engage in and measure the effectiveness of digital ministry and discipleship expressions that reflect the unique character and context of their physical gatherings.” During the discovery phase of this project, it was found that many churches want to use digital ministry methods that enhance their in-person ministry and not as a replacement for it. I have found this to be true both in my research and a pastor and pioneer in the field of church communications. The project outlined includes a website to act as a hub for insights and research into digital ministry, a methodology for launching digital cohorts for deeper learning, and highly customizable church engagements for one-on-one assessment and coaching. Through engagement with the three components of this project, churches will be able to create unique ways to reach their community directly and engage with people leveraging digital technology