3 research outputs found

    Advancements in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery: A comprehensive review of image-based intelligent techniques for induction motors

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    Recently, condition monitoring (CM) and fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) techniques for rotating machinery (RM) have witnessed substantial advancements in recent decades, driven by the increasing demand for enhanced reliability, efficiency, and safety in industrial operations. CM of valuable and high-cost machinery is crucial for performance tracking, reducing maintenance costs, enhancing efficiency and reliability, and minimizing mechanical failures. While various FDD methods for RM have been developed, these predominantly focus on signal processing diagnostics techniques encompassing time, frequency, and time-frequency domains, intelligent diagnostics, image processing, data fusion, data mining, and expert systems. However, there is a noticeable knowledge gap regarding the specific review of image-based CM and FDD. The objective of this research is to address the aforementioned gap in the literature by conducting a comprehensive review of image-based intelligent techniques for CM and fault FDD specifically applied to induction motors (IMs). The focus of the study is to explore the utilization of image-based methods in the context of IMs, providing a thorough examination of the existing literature, methodologies, and applications. Furthermore, the integration of image-based techniques in CM and FDD holds promise for enhanced accuracy, as visual information can provide valuable insights into the physical condition and structural integrity of the IMs, thereby facilitating early FDD and proactive maintenance strategies. The review encompasses the three main faults associated with IMs, namely bearing faults, stator faults, and rotor faults. Furthermore, a thorough assessment is conducted to analyze the benefits and drawbacks associated with each approach, thereby enabling an evaluation of the efficacy of image-based intelligent techniques in the context of CM and FDD. Finally, the paper concludes by highlighting key issues and suggesting potential avenues for future research

    Dise帽o del sistema de gesti贸n de mantenimiento para una planta industrial de producci贸n de carbonato de calcio en la ciudad de Cayambe mediante el uso de mantecnolog铆as contempor谩neas

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    El presente trabajo describe la actualizaci贸n de la estructura del departamento de mantenimiento de una planta de producci贸n de carbonato de calcio. Esta actualizaci贸n ha sido necesaria debido a la creaci贸n de una nueva planta de producci贸n. Por lo tanto, el departamento de mantenimiento debe responder a los requisitos de la tecnolog铆a instalada que, al ser de 煤ltima generaci贸n, requiere especial atenci贸n y rigurosidad en su implementaci贸n. En consecuencia, se desarroll贸 un sistema de gesti贸n de mantenimiento que asegura el correcto funcionamiento y la m谩xima disponibilidad operativa de los equipos de la planta de producci贸n que son de 煤ltima generaci贸n. Por lo tanto, el presente documento prev茅 las acciones y tiempos requeridos para asegurar que las actividades de mantenimiento sean ejecutadas, contemplando la seguridad y salud ocupacional. Por otro lado, se contempl贸 el an谩lisis financiero para a la asignaci贸n de recurso econ贸mico. Se analiz贸 el detalle de los costos operativos para garantizar la ejecuci贸n del plan de mantenimiento. En este an谩lisis se consider贸 la estructura completa del departamento de mantenimiento y se propone la creaci贸n de puestos de trabajo que, cubran las necesidades t茅cnicas y de apoyo interno en el departamento de mantenimiento. Se configura una estructura jer谩rquica, d贸nde, el jefe del departamento de mantenimiento gestiona y designa actividades con personal de la planta y colaboradores externos como especialistas de bienes y servicios industriales. Se hace uso de informaci贸n, generada en las m谩quinas modernas por lo sensores, para el dise帽o del plan de mantenimiento preventivo. En consecuencia, se puede mejorar y dar seguimiento a los indicadores de gesti贸n para operaci贸n y mejora continua del departamento de mantenimiento. Finalmente, los datos recopilados se procesan con un sistema de gesti贸n de mantenimiento asistida con ordenador (GMAO). El uso de t茅cnicas mantecnol贸gicas es parte integral del plan de mantenimiento, el cual, se soporta con la adquisici贸n de informaci贸n de equipos y elementos de control industrial. Dicha informaci贸n esta integradas en el sistema de supervisi贸n, control y adquisici贸n de datos (SCADA, del ingl茅s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), que con la correcta manipulaci贸n de los datos permitir谩n obtener la m谩xima utilizaci贸n de los equipos de planta.This work describes the update of the structure of the maintenance department of a calcium carbonate production plant. This upgrade has been necessary due to the creation of a new production plant. Therefore, the maintenance department must respond to the requirements of the installed technology which, being state-of-the-art, requires special attention and rigor in its implementation. Consequently, a maintenance management system was developed to ensure the proper functioning and maximum operational availability of the plant's state-of-the-art production equipment. Therefore, this document foresees the actions and times required to ensure that the maintenance activities are executed, contemplating occupational health and safety. On the other hand, the financial analysis was considered for the allocation of economic resources. A detailed analysis was made of the operating costs to guarantee the execution of the maintenance plan. In this analysis, the complete structure of the maintenance department was considered, and the creation of job positions was proposed to cover the technical and internal support needs of the maintenance department. A hierarchical structure is configured, where the head of the maintenance department manages and designates activities with plant personnel and external collaborators such as specialists in industrial goods and services. It makes use of information, generated in modern machines by sensors, for the design of the preventive maintenance plan. As a result, management indicators for operation and continuous improvement of the maintenance department can be improved and monitored. Finally, the collected data are processed with a computer-aided maintenance management system (CMMS). The use of technological techniques is an integral part of the maintenance plan, which is supported by the acquisition of information from equipment and industrial control elements. This information is integrated in the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, which with the correct handling of the data will allow to obtain the maximum utilization of the plant equipment