281 research outputs found

    Financial decentralization in Ukraine: prerequisites, problems, prospects

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the prerequisites, advantages, problems and prospects for the development of the processes of financial decentralization in Ukraine. Initially, the article reveals the features of the federal and unitary arrangements of states. As research has shown, the principles of fiscal federalism have been increasingly used by unitary states. The legislative and normative legal acts regulating the implementation of the decentralization policy in Ukraine are justified and given. Characteristics of the formation of new structures, such as: united territorial societies and their sources of financing are characterized. Changes in incomes in local budgets as a result of decentralization are analyzed, and their significant growth is observed. The mechanism of horizontal leveling of the tax ability of territories has been developed, which helps to remove imbalances and unevenness, most of the budgets of Ukraine are recipients of budgetary funds, since they receive a basic subsidy. The influence of the development of information technologies on entrepreneurial activity in small towns and villages is determined. Information technology is a tool of points of growth of territories. Decentralization will not gradually increase due to urbanization processes, but will be accompanied by new development mechanisms, where the labor force and the means of production will unite and help create a qualitatively new environment

    Ukrainian and Norwegian experiences from the Retraining and Social Adaptation Project for Ukrainian military service members and their families : collection of articles

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    Denne samlingen av artikler er et resultat av arbeidet med prosjektet "Omskolering og sosial tilpasning av militære offiserer og deres familiemedlemmer i Ukraina". I 2018 feiret prosjektet sitt 15-årsjubileum, og i skrivende stund, har det hjulpet mer enn 10.000 militærtjeneste-medlemmer og deres familiemedlemmer å få omskolering og tilpasse seg det sivile livet.This collection of articles is the result of the work carried out through the project, "Retraining and social adaptation of military officers and their family memebers in Ukraine". In 2018, the projecte celebrated its 15th anniversary, and, at the time of writing, it has helped more then 10,000 military service members and family members retrain and adapt for civilian life

    Regional Disparities and Economic Growth in Ukraine

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    This research is devoted to assessing regional economic disparities in Ukraine, where regional economic inequality is a crucial issue the country faces in its medium and long-term development, recently, even in the short term. We analyze the determinants of regional economic growth, mainly industrial and agricultural productions, population, human capital, fertility, migration, and regional government expenditures. Using panel data estimations from 2004 to 2020 for 27 regions of Ukraine, our results show that the gaps between regions in Ukraine have widened last two decades. Natural resource distribution, agricultural and industrial productions, government spending, and migration can explain the disparities. We show that regional government spending is highly concentrated in Kyiv, and the potential of the other regions, especially the Western ones, needs to be used sufficiently. Moreover, despite its historical and economic opportunity, the East region performed little development during the last two decades. The inefficient and inconsistent regional policies played a crucial role in these disparities.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Ethnicity, confession and intercultural dialogue at the European Union's eastern border

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    Contents: Mircea BRIE: Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space; Ioan HORGA: Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Education in the Curricula of European Studies; Victoria BEVZIUC: Electoral Systems and Minorities Representations in the Eastern European Area; Sergiu CORNEA, Valentina CORNEA: Administrative Tools in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities; Florica STEFĂNESCU: Demographic Determinants of the Economic-Financial Crisis; Yurjy YURIYCHUK: Ukrainian Minority in Romania: Problems of National Identity Preserving; Sonia CATRINA: Identity Perceptions and Buildings of the Hungarian Minority in Relationship with the Romanian Majority Identifications; Gheorghe SISESTEAN: Marital Strategies and Identity Changes of Romanians in Hungary (Hajdu-Bihar); Constantin-Vasile łOCA: Ethnical Analysis within Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion; Anna GORBAN: Ethnic and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Political Culture in Moldova; Mircea BRIE, István POLGÁR: Dual Citizenship Granted to Hungarian Ethnics. Context and Arguments in the Romanian and Hungarian Mass Media; Natalia PUTINĂ: The Socio-Political Dilemas of Integration of Gagauz in Republic of Moldova; Aurelian LAVRIC: Romanian Ethnic Minority in Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects of Survival; Stelian NISTOR, Sorin SIPOS: Historical and Geographical Considerations about the Slovak Communities in the Villages of Upper Bistra Valley, Bihor County; Judit MOLNÁR: The integration Process of Immigrants in Scotland, UK and in Washington State, USA. Immigrants from Countries of the Former Soviet Union; Valeriu MOSNEAGA, Rodica RUSU: Diaspora as an Element of Cultural-Ethnic Cohesion; Valentina-Tania DUNA, Dacian DUNA: War, Migration and Societal Security: The Case of the Iraqi Kurdish Diasporas in Europe; Adrian-Claudiu POPOVICIU: Labour Migration Reflected in the Council of Europe Law; Alexandra CSEKE: Integration of Immigrants in the European Union; Kobasheni Moopen PARUMAUL: Migration in Europe Against the Backdrop of the Global Revolution - An African Perspective; Anatoliy KRUGLASOV: Interethnic Relations Stability on the Ukraine-Romania Border: A Case of Chernivtsi Region; Dorin I. DOLGHI: The Culture of Security: Perceptions and Preference Formation in the European Union; Srimayee DAM: Re-interpreting the Civic-Ethnic Divide on the European Identity; Pavlo MOLOCHKO: Peculiarities of Ethnonational Policy of Ukraine (Illustrated by the Example of the Chernivtsi Region); Dragos DĂRĂBĂNEANU: Ethnicity and Multicultural Communication in Shaping the European Social Space; Grigore SILASI, Monica BOLDEA: The Romanian Banat Region - An Example of Peaceful Interethnic Cohabitation at the Eastern Border of the European Union; Floare CHIPEA, Raluca MICLEA: The Social Frameworks of the Neighbourhood Relationships' Construction in the Cross-Border Area Bihor-Hajdú-Bihár; Sergiu BĂLłĂTESCU: Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction with Places of Residence in the Counties at the Cross-Border Between Hungary and Romania; Aurora BENCIC, Teodor Ioan HODOR: Transdniestria. Ethnic Conflict or Geopolitical Interests?; Ecaterina CEBAN: The Role of Political Parties in Harmonization of Interethnic Relations (Case of the Republic of Moldova); Nataliya NECHAYEVA-YURIYCHUK: National Development Beyond the Nation-State: Problems and Prospects; Elisabetta NADALUTTI: Old and New Identities in the Upper Adriatic: is a Cross-Border Kind of Citizenship Emerging in Cross-Border Regions?; Dragos Lucian IVAN: Differentiated Containment: Compass and Horizon in Untying Ethhnicity and Interest within EU; Claudia Anamaria IOV: The Roma Minority - the Prospects and Limits of EU’s Social Policy, what Could or Should the EU be Doing?; George ANGLIłOIU: The Belgian Dilemma of Partition. A Pattern Study for the East

    Financial support of territorial communities of Ukraine in the context of decentralization

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    The experience of the countries of the European Union shows that the driving force behind their social and economic development is local self-government, in Ukraine it is territorial communities. Decentralization reform should ensure that local governments are able to independently resolve all local issues with their own resources. The problem of financial provision of territorial communities is of particular relevance in the context of financial instability in the country. The methodological basis of the study was: a systematic approach - for the theoretical definition of the essence of the financial support of territorial communities and their assessment; methods of comparative analysis and synthesis - to identify patterns of financial support and the structure of budgetary resources of territorial communities; statistical methods for assessing the effectiveness of financial support for territorial communities; graphic - to display the main trends in the formation of monetary resources of territorial communities. To analyze the dynamics of financial provision of TC in Ukraine, statistical data for the last 5 years were used. The article considers the impact of decentralization on the financial support of territorial communities. Its advantages and disadvantages are determined. The filling of local budgets in Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization is analyzed. It was studied that own revenues of local budgets have been constantly growing during 2016-2020, which positively characterizes the introduction of decentralization. Although, compared to 2019, the total revenues of local budgets reduced due to a decrease in transfers from the state budget. The dynamics and structure of interbudgetary transfers in 2016-2020 are analyzed. The mechanism of equalization and receipt of basic subsidies is considered. The main sources of formation of incomes of local budgets are determined. The importance in the structure of incomes of territorial communities of the tax on the income of individuals is noted. An evaluation model of the sufficiency of financial support for territorial communities is considered and a ranked series of territorial units is constructed. The problems of the financial support system for territorial communities due to the existence of post-conflict and temporarily occupied territories are identified. Directions for improving the financial provision of territorial communities are proposed and alternative sources of funds for the budgets of territorial communities are considered

    Adaptation of domestic state governance to international governance models

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    The purpose of the article is to provide the evolving international trends of modern management models and authorial vision of model of state governance system in Ukraine, its subsystems, in particular, the system of provision of administrative services that is appropriate for the contemporary times. Methodology. On the basis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the definitions of terms “state governance” and “public governance”, there was an explanation of considerable difference between them and, taking into consideration, the mentality of Ukrainian society and peculiar weak side in self-organization, the authors offered to form authorial model of governance on the basis of historically traditional for Ukraine model of state governance and to add some elements of management concepts that proved their significance, efficiency and priority in practice. Results. The authors emphasized the following two prevailing modern management models in the international practice: “new state management” and “good governance”. The first concept offered for consideration served as a basis for the semantic content of state activity that reflects more the state of administrative reformation. Practical meaning. A practical introduction of management to the domestic model of governance creates the range of contradictions that do not allow implementing herein concept. Pursuant to authors, the second one allows in considerable measure to reform state governance, considering historically developed peculiarities of this model. Moreover, the involvement of concept herein into introduction of informational and communicational technologies in the process of governance eliminates the necessity of power decentralization, it allows to form real net structure and, at the same, to keep vertical power structure, to involve citizens for formation and taking of management decisions, to form electronic communicational channel of feedback, to provide citizens with electronic administrative services. All indicated advantages of the concept certify about the necessity to reform state governance exactly in this field. Meaning/ Distinction. This article raises a question about the significance of formation and sequence of state policy in Ukraine aimed at creating an information-oriented society, space, as well as informational and technological infrastructure

    Net structure of subject-to-subject relations in the management of the system of administrative services provision

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    The purpose of the work is to form the net structure of management of the system of administrative services provision on the basis of implementation of subject-to-subject interactions between state sector and civil society. Methodology. The methodology basis for the investigation is the abstract-logical analysis of theoretical and methodological backgrounds for management of relations and interactions. For the theoretical generalization and formation of net structure, there are used scientific recommendations of Ukrainian scientists regarding the necessity to implement subject-to-subject relations in the system of administrative services provision. Results. The investigations allowed confirming that the hierarchical structure of the state governance system does not give an opportunity to implement equal interaction between a subject of provision and a subject of an appeal as these relations have one – way communication and the feedback channel has a formal character. Moreover, the civil society is not considered by state sector to be a source of methods and ways to develop the system of state governance, in particular, the management system of administrative services provision. Practical meaning. The net structure of management will allow implementing the subject-subject relations in the system, under which the actions of the subject of provision – that means state sector – will be directed to the realization of rights and interests of the subjects of appeal. In their turn, apart from the performance of all legislative responsibilities that they should perform, they can carry out activities directed to the development of management activity in the system of administrative services provision and the whole system of state governance as an integral system of management. Meaning/Distinction. The provided model of the net structure will allow involving citizens in the processes of state governance and increasing the impact of the civil sector during the making of state and management decisions and, as a result, to confirm subject-to-subject positions in the relations

    The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture

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    O Sistema de Administração Pública em instituições de ensino em regiões rurais no contexto do desenvolvimento da cultura educacional O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior no meio rural. Uma das tarefas da política estadual em relação ao ensino superior em áreas rurais atualmente é o desenvolvimento de um sistema de diagnóstico da qualidade da educação para determinar a conformidade do nível de ensino com os padrões estaduais. Na formação da política estatal no campo do ensino superior em condições modernas, em comparação com os tempos recentes, o problema da qualidade do ensino superior tornou-se o principal. A formação de condições para a plena satisfação das necessidades dos cidadãos no ensino superior de qualidade, e da economia - em especialistas competentes, está a tornar-se uma das principais tarefas dos órgãos da administração pública no ensino superior no meio rural. Nas condições modernas de desenvolvimento civilizacional, o Estado desempenha o papel principal e decisivo no desenvolvimento da educação - pelos seus métodos inerentes, está ativamente envolvido na gestão dos processos educacionais no meio rural. Como resultado do estudo, foi analisada a experiência estrangeira mais indicativa da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior em áreas rurais. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, sistema de ensino superior, educação do campo, administração pública, espaço rural.   The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas. One of the tasks of the state policy in relation to higher education in rural areas at present is the development of a system for diagnosing the quality of education to determine the compliance of the level of education with state standards. In the formation of state policy in the field of higher education in modern conditions, in comparison with recent times, the problem of the quality of higher education has become the leading one. Formation of conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the needs of citizens in high-quality higher education, and the economy - in competent specialists, is becoming one of the main tasks of public administration bodies in higher education in rural areas. In modern conditions of civilizational development, the state plays the main, decisive role in the development of education - by its inherent methods, it is actively involved in the management of educational processes in rural areas. As a result of the study, the most indicative foreign experience of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas was analyzed. Keywords: pedagogy, higher education system, rural education, public administration, rural areas.   El Sistema de Gestión Pública en las instituciones educativas de las regiones rurales en el contexto del desarrollo de la cultura educativa RESUMEN. El propósito principal del artículo es estudiar las principales cualidades de la administración pública del sistema de educación superior en las zonas rurales. Una de las tareas de la política estatal en relación con la educación superior en las zonas rurales en la actualidad es el desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico de la calidad de la educación para determinar el cumplimiento del nivel de educación con los estándares estatales. En la formación de la política estatal en el campo de la educación superior en las condiciones modernas, en comparación con los últimos tiempos, el problema de la calidad de la educación superior se ha convertido en el principal. La formación de condiciones para la plena satisfacción de las necesidades de los ciudadanos en educación superior de alta calidad y la economía, en especialistas competentes, se está convirtiendo en una de las principales tareas de los órganos de administración pública en educación superior en áreas rurales. En las condiciones modernas del desarrollo de la civilización, el estado desempeña el papel principal y decisivo en el desarrollo de la educación: por sus métodos inherentes, participa activamente en la gestión de los procesos educativos en las zonas rurales. Como resultado del estudio se analizó la experiencia extranjera más indicativa de la gestión pública del sistema de educación superior en el medio rural. Palabras clave: pedagogía, sistema de educación superior, educación rural, administración pública, áreas rurales.O Sistema de Administração Pública em instituições de ensino em regiões rurais no contexto do desenvolvimento da cultura educacional O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior no meio rural. Uma das tarefas da política estadual em relação ao ensino superior em áreas rurais atualmente é o desenvolvimento de um sistema de diagnóstico da qualidade da educação para determinar a conformidade do nível de ensino com os padrões estaduais. Na formação da política estatal no campo do ensino superior em condições modernas, em comparação com os tempos recentes, o problema da qualidade do ensino superior tornou-se o principal. A formação de condições para a plena satisfação das necessidades dos cidadãos no ensino superior de qualidade, e da economia - em especialistas competentes, está a tornar-se uma das principais tarefas dos órgãos da administração pública no ensino superior no meio rural. Nas condições modernas de desenvolvimento civilizacional, o Estado desempenha o papel principal e decisivo no desenvolvimento da educação - pelos seus métodos inerentes, está ativamente envolvido na gestão dos processos educacionais no meio rural. Como resultado do estudo, foi analisada a experiência estrangeira mais indicativa da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior em áreas rurais. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, sistema de ensino superior, educação do campo, administração pública, espaço rural.   The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas. One of the tasks of the state policy in relation to higher education in rural areas at present is the development of a system for diagnosing the quality of education to determine the compliance of the level of education with state standards. In the formation of state policy in the field of higher education in modern conditions, in comparison with recent times, the problem of the quality of higher education has become the leading one. Formation of conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the needs of citizens in high-quality higher education, and the economy - in competent specialists, is becoming one of the main tasks of public administration bodies in higher education in rural areas. In modern conditions of civilizational development, the state plays the main, decisive role in the development of education - by its inherent methods, it is actively involved in the management of educational processes in rural areas. As a result of the study, the most indicative foreign experience of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas was analyzed. Keywords: pedagogy, higher education system, rural education, public administration, rural areas.   El Sistema de Gestión Pública en las instituciones educativas de las regiones rurales en el contexto del desarrollo de la cultura educativa RESUMEN. El propósito principal del artículo es estudiar las principales cualidades de la administración pública del sistema de educación superior en las zonas rurales. Una de las tareas de la política estatal en relación con la educación superior en las zonas rurales en la actualidad es el desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico de la calidad de la educación para determinar el cumplimiento del nivel de educación con los estándares estatales. En la formación de la política estatal en el campo de la educación superior en las condiciones modernas, en comparación con los últimos tiempos, el problema de la calidad de la educación superior se ha convertido en el principal. La formación de condiciones para la plena satisfacción de las necesidades de los ciudadanos en educación superior de alta calidad y la economía, en especialistas competentes, se está convirtiendo en una de las principales tareas de los órganos de administración pública en educación superior en áreas rurales. En las condiciones modernas del desarrollo de la civilización, el estado desempeña el papel principal y decisivo en el desarrollo de la educación: por sus métodos inherentes, participa activamente en la gestión de los procesos educativos en las zonas rurales. Como resultado del estudio se analizó la experiencia extranjera más indicativa de la gestión pública del sistema de educación superior en el medio rural. Palabras clave: pedagogía, sistema de educación superior, educación rural, administración pública, áreas rurales.O Sistema de Administração Pública em instituições de ensino em regiões rurais no contexto do desenvolvimento da cultura educacional O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior no meio rural. Uma das tarefas da política estadual em relação ao ensino superior em áreas rurais atualmente é o desenvolvimento de um sistema de diagnóstico da qualidade da educação para determinar a conformidade do nível de ensino com os padrões estaduais. Na formação da política estatal no campo do ensino superior em condições modernas, em comparação com os tempos recentes, o problema da qualidade do ensino superior tornou-se o principal. A formação de condições para a plena satisfação das necessidades dos cidadãos no ensino superior de qualidade, e da economia - em especialistas competentes, está a tornar-se uma das principais tarefas dos órgãos da administração pública no ensino superior no meio rural. Nas condições modernas de desenvolvimento civilizacional, o Estado desempenha o papel principal e decisivo no desenvolvimento da educação - pelos seus métodos inerentes, está ativamente envolvido na gestão dos processos educacionais no meio rural. Como resultado do estudo, foi analisada a experiência estrangeira mais indicativa da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior em áreas rurais. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, sistema de ensino superior, educação do campo, administração pública, espaço rural.   The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas. One of the tasks of the state policy in relation to higher education in rural areas at present is the development of a system for diagnosing the quality of education to determine the compliance of the level of education with state standards. In the formation of state policy in the field of higher education in modern conditions, in comparison with recent times, the problem of the quality of higher education has become the leading one. Formation of conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the needs of citizens in high-quality higher education, and the economy - in competent specialists, is becoming one of the main tasks of public administration bodies in higher education in rural areas. In modern conditions of civilizational development, the state plays the main, decisive role in the development of education - by its inherent methods, it is actively involved in the management of educational processes in rural areas. As a result of the study, the most indicative foreign experience of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas was analyzed. Keywords: pedagogy, higher education system, rural education, public administration, rural areas.   El Sistema de Gestión Pública en las instituciones educativas de las regiones rurales en el contexto del desarrollo de la cultura educativa RESUMEN. El propósito principal del artículo es estudiar las principales cualidades de la administración pública del sistema de educación superior en las zonas rurales. Una de las tareas de la política estatal en relación con la educación superior en las zonas rurales en la actualidad es el desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico de la calidad de la educación para determinar el cumplimiento del nivel de educación con los estándares estatales. En la formación de la política estatal en el campo de la educación superior en las condiciones modernas, en comparación con los últimos tiempos, el problema de la calidad de la educación superior se ha convertido en el principal. La formación de condiciones para la plena satisfacción de las necesidades de los ciudadanos en educación superior de alta calidad y la economía, en especialistas competentes, se está convirtiendo en una de las principales tareas de los órganos de administración pública en educación superior en áreas rurales. En las condiciones modernas del desarrollo de la civilización, el estado desempeña el papel principal y decisivo en el desarrollo de la educación: por sus métodos inherentes, participa activamente en la gestión de los procesos educativos en las zonas rurales. Como resultado del estudio se analizó la experiencia extranjera más indicativa de la gestión pública del sistema de educación superior en el medio rural. Palabras clave: pedagogía, sistema de educación superior, educación rural, administración pública, áreas rurales.O Sistema de Administração Pública em instituições de ensino em regiões rurais no contexto do desenvolvimento da cultura educacional O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior no meio rural. Uma das tarefas da política estadual em relação ao ensino superior em áreas rurais atualmente é o desenvolvimento de um sistema de diagnóstico da qualidade da educação para determinar a conformidade do nível de ensino com os padrões estaduais. Na formação da política estatal no campo do ensino superior em condições modernas, em comparação com os tempos recentes, o problema da qualidade do ensino superior tornou-se o principal. A formação de condições para a plena satisfação das necessidades dos cidadãos no ensino superior de qualidade, e da economia - em especialistas competentes, está a tornar-se uma das principais tarefas dos órgãos da administração pública no ensino superior no meio rural. Nas condições modernas de desenvolvimento civilizacional, o Estado desempenha o papel principal e decisivo no desenvolvimento da educação - pelos seus métodos inerentes, está ativamente envolvido na gestão dos processos educacionais no meio rural. Como resultado do estudo, foi analisada a experiência estrangeira mais indicativa da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior em áreas rurais. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, sistema de ensino superior, educação do campo, administração pública, espaço rural.   The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas. One of the tasks of the state policy in relation to higher education in rural areas at present is the development of a system for diagnosing the quality of education to determine the compliance of the level of education with state standards. In the formation of state policy in the field of higher education in modern conditions, in comparison with recent times, the problem of the quality of higher education has become the leading one. Formation of conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the needs of citizens in high-quality higher education, and the economy - in competent specialists, is becoming one of the main tasks of public administration bodies in higher education in rural areas. In modern conditions of civilizational development, the state plays the main, decisive role in the development of education - by its inherent methods, it is actively involved in the management of educational processes in rural areas. As a result of the study, the most indicative foreign experience of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas was analyzed. Keywords: pedagogy, higher education system, rural education, public administration, rural areas.   El Sistema de Gestión Pública en las instituciones educativas de las regiones rurales en el contexto del desarrollo de la cultura educativa RESUMEN. El propósito principal del artículo es estudiar las principales cualidades de la administración pública del sistema de educación superior en las zonas rurales. Una de las tareas de la política estatal en relación con la educación superior en las zonas rurales en la actualidad es el desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico de la calidad de la educación para determinar el cumplimiento del nivel de educación con los estándares estatales. En la formación de la política estatal en el campo de la educación superior en las condiciones modernas, en comparación con los últimos tiempos, el problema de la calidad de la educación superior se ha convertido en el principal. La formación de condiciones para la plena satisfacción de las necesidades de los ciudadanos en educación superior de alta calidad y la economía, en especialistas competentes, se está convirtiendo en una de las principales tareas de los órganos de administración pública en educación superior en áreas rurales. En las condiciones modernas del desarrollo de la civilización, el estado desempeña el papel principal y decisivo en el desarrollo de la educación: por sus métodos inherentes, participa activamente en la gestión de los procesos educativos en las zonas rurales. Como resultado del estudio se analizó la experiencia extranjera más indicativa de la gestión pública del sistema de educación superior en el medio rural. Palabras clave: pedagogía, sistema de educación superior, educación rural, administración pública, áreas rurales.O Sistema de Administração Pública em instituições de ensino em regiões rurais no contexto do desenvolvimento da cultura educacional O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior no meio rural. Uma das tarefas da política estadual em relação ao ensino superior em áreas rurais atualmente é o desenvolvimento de um sistema de diagnóstico da qualidade da educação para determinar a conformidade do nível de ensino com os padrões estaduais. Na formação da política estatal no campo do ensino superior em condições modernas, em comparação com os tempos recentes, o problema da qualidade do ensino superior tornou-se o principal. A formação de condições para a plena satisfação das necessidades dos cidadãos no ensino superior de qualidade, e da economia - em especialistas competentes, está a tornar-se uma das principais tarefas dos órgãos da administração pública no ensino superior no meio rural. Nas condições modernas de desenvolvimento civilizacional, o Estado desempenha o papel principal e decisivo no desenvolvimento da educação - pelos seus métodos inerentes, está ativamente envolvido na gestão dos processos educacionais no meio rural. Como resultado do estudo, foi analisada a experiência estrangeira mais indicativa da administração pública do sistema de ensino superior em áreas rurais. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, sistema de ensino superior, educação do campo, administração pública, espaço rural.   The System of Public Administration in educational institutions in rural regions in the context of the development of educational culture ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas. One of the tasks of the state policy in relation to higher education in rural areas at present is the development of a system for diagnosing the quality of education to determine the compliance of the level of education with state standards. In the formation of state policy in the field of higher education in modern conditions, in comparison with recent times, the problem of the quality of higher education has become the leading one. Formation of conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the needs of citizens in high-quality higher education, and the economy - in competent specialists, is becoming one of the main tasks of public administration bodies in higher education in rural areas. In modern conditions of civilizational development, the state plays the main, decisive role in the development of education - by its inherent methods, it is actively involved in the management of educational processes in rural areas. As a result of the study, the most indicative foreign experience of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas was analyzed. Keywords: pedagogy, higher education system, rural education, public administration, rural areas.   El Sistema de Gestión Pública en las instituciones educativas de las regiones rurales en el contexto del desarrollo de la cultura educativa RESUMEN. El propósito principal del artículo es estudiar las principales cualidades de la administración pública del sistema de educación superior en las zonas rurales. Una de las tareas de la política estatal en relación con la educación superior en las zonas rurales en la actualidad es el

    Ukraine's regional policy

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    National Report on the State and Prospects of Education Development in Ukraine

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    The comprehensive analysis of the state and prospects of national education development over the 25 years of Ukraine’s Independence is made; the educational sphere actual problems are determined; the causes of their appearance are revealed; the scientifically grounded proposals concerning the ways of domestic education modernization in the context of globalization, European integration and national self-identification are proposed. The report will be useful to policy makers, state leaders, education institutions leaders, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical personnel, wide community and everyone who cares for the competitiveness of Ukrainian education