53 research outputs found

    Capsule endoscopy of the future: What's on the horizon?

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    Capsule endoscopes have evolved from passively moving diagnostic devices to actively moving systems with potential therapeutic capability. In this review, we will discuss the state of the art, define the current shortcomings of capsule endoscopy, and address research areas that aim to overcome said shortcomings. Developments in capsule mobility schemes are emphasized in this text, with magnetic actuation being the most promising endeavor. Research groups are working to integrate sensor data and fuse it with robotic control to outperform today's standard invasive procedures, but in a less intrusive manner. With recent advances in areas such as mobility, drug delivery, and therapeutics, we foresee a translation of interventional capsule technology from the bench-top to the clinical setting within the next 10 years

    A Review of Locomotion Systems for Capsule Endoscopy

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    Wireless capsule endoscopy for gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a modern technology that has the potential to replace conventional endoscopy techniques. Capsule endoscopy is a pill-shaped device embedded with a camera, a coin battery, and a data transfer. Without a locomotion system, this capsule endoscopy can only passively travel inside the GI tract via natural peristalsis, thus causing several disadvantages such as inability to control and stop, and risk of capsule retention. Therefore, a locomotion system needs to be added to optimize the current capsule endoscopy. This review summarizes the state-of-the-art locomotion methods along with the desired locomotion features such as size, speed, power, and temperature and compares the properties of different methods. In addition, properties and motility mechanisms of the GI tract are described. The main purpose of this review is to understand the features of GI tract and diverse locomotion methods in order to create a future capsule endoscopy compatible with GI tract properties

    Design of optimised linear quadratic regulator for capsule endoscopes based on artificial bee colony tuning algorithm

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    Wireless Capsule Endoscope (WCE) is a new medical device that can be used for examining the whole digestive tract if effectively actuated. In this paper, a new three-coil actuator is proposed for the capsule endoscope navigation system. The proposed system, which is based on the currentcontrolled magnetic levitation concept, utilises a small permanent magnet within the capsule body and an arrangement of controlled electromagnet actuator placed on a movable frame. The dynamics of the proposed control system is modelled mathematically and then formulated in state space form. In this research, the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) technique is used for designing a 3DOF controller for the capsule actuation system. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) tuning algorithm is used for obtaining optimum values for controller gain parameters. The optimised LQR controller is simulated by using the Matlab/Simulink tool, and its performance is then evaluated based on the stability and control effort parameters to validate the proposed system. Finally, the simulation results suggest that the LQR controller based on the ABC optimisation method can be adopted to synthesise an effective capsule actuation system

    Improved reception of in-body signals by means of a wearable multi-antenna system

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    High data-rate wireless communication for in-body human implants is mainly performed in the 402-405 MHz Medical Implant Communication System band and the 2.45 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical band. The latter band offers larger bandwidth, enabling high-resolution live video transmission. Although in-body signal attenuation is larger, at least 29 dB more power may be transmitted in this band and the antenna efficiency for compact antennas at 2.45 GHz is also up to 10 times higher. Moreover, at the receive side, one can exploit the large surface provided by a garment by deploying multiple compact highly efficient wearable antennas, capturing the signals transmitted by the implant directly at the body surface, yielding stronger signals and reducing interference. In this paper, we implement a reliable 3.5 Mbps wearable textile multi-antenna system suitable for integration into a jacket worn by a patient, and evaluate its potential to improve the In-to-Out Body wireless link reliability by means of spatial receive diversity in a standardized measurement setup. We derive the optimal distribution and the minimum number of on-body antennas required to ensure signal levels that are large enough for real-time wireless endoscopy-capsule applications, at varying positions and orientations of the implant in the human body

    A wearable repeater relay system for interactive real-time wireless capsule endoscopy

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    Real-time wireless capsule endoscopy offers more flexibility and more precise screening options over commercially available passive endoscopy systems by allowing physicians to steer endoscopy capsules in real time. Yet, this requires reliable uninterrupted high frame-rate video streaming. In this contribution, we present a wearable repeater relay system that overcomes the impairments of the in-to-out body propagation channel and reliably relays implant data to a remote access point. The system consists of a set of wearable textile repeater nodes, exploiting receive diversity to provide a sufficiently large instantaneous carrier-to-noise ratio for live video streaming. Each wearable node, combining a dedicated receive antenna capturing the implant signal, an amplifier and an off-body transmit antenna, is fully implemented in textile materials, such that the comfort of the patient is not disturbed by the relay system. After outlining the design steps for the wearable relay node, in particular demonstrating stable robust antenna characteristics for the textile receive antenna oriented towards the body, we experimentally verify that a 6th-order diversity system provides the best compromise between user comfort and signal quality

    Experimental measurement on movement of spiral-type capsule endoscope

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    Enhanced real-time pose estimation for closed-loop robotic manipulation of magnetically actuated capsule endoscopes

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    Pose estimation methods for robotically guided magnetic actuation of capsule endoscopes have recently enabled trajectory following and automation of repetitive endoscopic maneuvers. However, these methods face significant challenges in their path to clinical adoption including the presence of regions of magnetic field singularity, where the accuracy of the system degrades, and the need for accurate initialization of the capsule's pose. In particular, the singularity problem exists for any pose estimation method that utilizes a single source of magnetic field if the method does not rely on the motion of the magnet to obtain multiple measurements from different vantage points. We analyze the workspace of such pose estimation methods with the use of the point-dipole magnetic field model and show that singular regions exist in areas where the capsule is nominally located during magnetic actuation. Since the dipole model can approximate most magnetic field sources, the problem discussed herein pertains to a wider set of pose estimation techniques. We then propose a novel hybrid approach employing static and time-varying magnetic field sources and show that this system has no regions of singularity. The proposed system was experimentally validated for accuracy, workspace size, update rate and performance in regions of magnetic singularity. The system performed as well or better than prior pose estimation methods without requiring accurate initialization and was robust to magnetic singularity. Experimental demonstration of closed-loop control of a tethered magnetic device utilizing the developed pose estimation technique is provided to ascertain its suitability for robotically guided capsule endoscopy. Hence, advances in closed-loop control and intelligent automation of magnetically actuated capsule endoscopes can be further pursued toward clinical realization by employing this pose estimation system

    Magnetically Assisted Capsule Endoscopy: A Viable Alternative to Conventional Flexible Endoscopy of the Stomach?

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    INTRODUCTION: Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy is the investigation of choice to identify mucosal lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, but it is poorly tolerated by patients. A simple non-invasive technique to image the upper gastrointestinal tract, which could be made widely available, would be beneficial to patients. Capsule endoscopy is well tolerated by patients but the stomach has proved difficult to visualise accurately with capsule technology due to its’ capacious nature and mucosal folds, which can obscure pathology. MiroCam Navi (Intromedic Ltd, Seoul, Korea) is a capsule endoscope containing a small amount of magnetic material which has been made available with a handheld magnet which might allow a degree of control. This body of work aims to address whether this new technology could be a feasible alternative to conventional flexible endoscopy of the stomach. METHODS: Four studies were conducted to test this research question. The first explores the feasibility of magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy of the stomach and operator learning curve in an ex vivo porcine model. This was followed by a randomised, blinded trial comparing magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy to conventional flexible endoscopy in ex vivo porcine stomach models. Subsequently a prospective, single centre randomised controlled trial in humans examined whether magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy could enhance conventional small bowel capsule endoscopy by reducing gastric transit time. Finally a blinded comparison of diagnostic yield of magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy compared to oesophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed in patients with recurrent or refractory iron deficiency anaemia. RESULTS: In the first study all stomach tags were identified in 87.2% of examinations and a learning curve was demonstrated (mean examination times for the first 23 and second 23 procedures 10.28 and 6.26 minutes respectively (p<0.001). In the second study the difference in sensitivities between oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and conventional flexible endoscopy for detecting beads within an ex vivo porcine stomach model was 1.11 (95% CI 0.06, 28.26) proving magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy to be non-inferior to flexible endoscopy. In the first human study, although there was no significant difference in gastric transit time or capsule endoscopy completion rate between the two groups (p=0.12 and p=0.39 respectively), the time to first pyloric image was significantly shorter in the intervention group (p=0.03) suggesting that magnetic control hastens capsular transit to the gastric antrum but cannot impact upon duodenal passage. In the last study, a total of 38 pathological findings were identified in this comparative study of magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy and conventional endoscopy. Of these, 16 were detected at both procedures, while flexible endoscopy identified 14 additional lesions not seen at magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy and magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy detected 8 abnormalities not seen by oesophagogastroduodenoscopy. No adverse events occurred in either of the human trials. Finally magnetically steerable capsule endoscopy induced less procedural pain, discomfort and distress than oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (p=0.0009, p=0.001 and p=0.006 respectively). CONCLUSION: Magnetically assisted capsule endoscopy is safe, well tolerated and a viable alternative to conventional endoscopy. Further research to develop and improve this new procedure is recommended

    Design, analysis and trajectory tracking control of underactuated mobile capsule robots.

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    The research on capsule robots (capsubots) has received attraction in recent years because of their compactness, simple structure and their potential use in medical diagnosis (e.g. capsule endoscopy), treatment and surgical assistance. The medical diagnostic capability of a capsule endoscope - which moves with the aid of visceral peristalsis - in the GI (gastro-intestinal) tract can be improved by adding propulsion to it e.g. legged, magnetic or capsubot-type propulsion. Driven by the above needs this thesis presents the design, analysis, trajectory tracking control and implementation of underactuated mobile capsule robots. These capsule robots can be modified and used in in-vivo medical applications. Researches on the capsubottype underactuated system focus on the stabilization of the robot and tracking the actuated configuration. However trajectory tracking control of an unactuated configuration (i.e. the robotmotion)was not considered in the literature though it is the primary requirement of any mobile robot and also crucial for many applications such as in-vivo inspection. Trajectory tracking control for this class of underactuated mechanical systems is still an open issue. This thesis presents a strategy to solve this issue. This thesis presents three robots namely a one-dimensional (1D) capsule robot, a 2D capsule robot and a 2D hybrid capsule robot with incremental capability. Two new acceleration profiles (utroque and contrarium) for the inner mass (IM) - internal moving part of the capsule robot - are proposed, analysed and implemented for the motion generation of the capsule robots. This thesis proposes a two-stage control strategy for the motion control of an underactuated capsule robot. A segment-wise trajectory tracking algorithm is developed for the 1D capsule robot. Theoretical analysis of the algorithm is presented and simulation is performed in the Matlab/Simulink environment based on the theoretical analysis. The algorithm is implemented in the developed capsule robot, the experimentation is performed and the results are critically analyzed. A trajectory tracking control algorithm combining segment-wise and behaviour-based control is proposed for the 2D capsule robot. Detailed theoretical analysis is presented and the simulation is performed to investigate the robustness of the trajectory tracking algorithm to friction uncertainties. A 2D capsule robot prototype is developed and the experimentation is performed. A novel 2D hybrid robot with four modes of operation - legless motion mode, legged motion mode, hybrid motion mode and anchoring mode - is also designed which uses one set of actuators in all operating modes. The theoretical analysis, modelling and simulation is performed. This thesis demonstrates effective ways of propulsion for in-vivo applications. The outer-shape of the 1D and 2D capsule robots can be customized according to the requirement of the applications, as the propulsion mechanisms are completely internal. These robots are also hermetically sealable (enclosed) which is a safety feature for the in-vivo robots. This thesis addresses the trajectory tracking control of the capsubot-type robot for the first time. During the experimentation the 1D robot prototype tracks the desired position trajectory with some error (relative mean absolute error: 16%). The trajectory tracking performance for the 2D capsubot improves as the segment time decreases whereas tracking performance declines as the friction uncertainty increases. The theoretical analysis, simulation and experimental results validate the proposed acceleration profiles and trajectory tracking control algorithms. The designed hybrid robot combines the best aspects of the legless and legged motions. The hybrid robot is capable of stopping in a suspected region and remain stationary for a prolonged observation for the in-vivo applications while withstanding the visceral peristalsis

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation presents results documenting advancements on the control of untethered magnetic devices, such as magnetic \microrobots" and magnetically actuated capsuleendoscopes, motivated by problems in minimally invasive medicine. This dissertationfocuses on applying rotating magnetic elds for magnetic manipulation. The contributions include advancements in the way that helical microswimmers (devices that mimicthe propulsion of bacterial agella) are controlled in the presence of gravitational forces, advancements in ways that groups of untethered magnetic devices can be dierentiated and semi-independently controlled, advancements in the way that untethered magnetic device can be controlled with a single rotating permanent magnet, and an improved understanding in the nature of the magnetic force applied to an untethered device by a rotating magnet
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