185 research outputs found

    Magill-type theorems for mappings

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    Magill's and Rayburn's theorems on the homeomorphism of Stone-Čech remainders and some of their generalizations to the remainders of arbitrary Hausdorff compactifications of Tychonoff spaces are extended to some class of mappings

    Compactification-like extensions

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    Let XX be a space. A space YY is called an extension of XX if YY contains XX as a dense subspace. For an extension YY of XX the subspace Y\XY\backslash X of YY is called the remainder of YY. Two extensions of XX are said to be equivalent if there is a homeomorphism between them which fixes XX pointwise. For two (equivalence classes of) extensions YY and YY' of XX let YYY\leq Y' if there is a continuous mapping of YY' into YY which fixes XX pointwise. Let PP be a topological property. An extension YY of XX is called a PP-extension of XX if it has PP. If PP is compactness then PP-extensions are called ompactifications. The aim of this article is to introduce and study classes of extensions (which we call compactification-like PP-extensions, where PP is a topological property subject to some mild requirements) which resemble the classes of compactifications of locally compact spaces. We formally define compactification-like PP-extensions and derive some of their basic properties, and in the case when the remainders are countable, we characterize spaces having such extensions. We will then consider the classes of compactification-like PP-extensions as partially ordered sets. This consideration leads to some interesting results which characterize compactification-like PP-extensions of a space among all its Tychonoff PP-extensions with compact remainder. Furthermore, we study the relations between the order-structure of classes of compactification-like PP-extensions of a Tychonoff space XX and the topology of a certain subspace of its outgrowth βX\X\beta X\backslash X. We conclude with some applications, including an answer to an old question of S. Mr\'{o}wka and J.H. Tsai: For what pairs of topological properties PP and QQ is it true that every locally-PP space with QQ has a one-point extension with both PP and QQ?Comment: 86 page

    Existence of pseudo-equilibria in a financial economy

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    This paper proves the existence of a pseudo-equilibrium in a financial economy with incomplete markets in which the agents may have nonordered preferences. We will use a fixed-point-like theorem of [4] that generalizes the results by Hirsch, Magill, Mas-Colell [18] and Husseini, Lasry, Magill [19] to encompass the framework considered by Gale and Mas-Colell ([14],[15]).Pseudo-equilibrium, incomplete markets, nonordered preferences, fixed-point-like theorems, Grassmann manifold.

    Existence of pseudo-equilibria in a financial economy

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    This paper proves the existence of a pseudo-equilibrium in a financial economy with incomplete markets in which the agents may have nonordered preferences. We will use a fixed-point-like theorem of Bich and Cornet that generalizes the results by Hirsch, Magill, Mas-Colell [18] and Husseini, Lasry, Magill [19] to encompass the framework considered by Gale and Mas-Colell ([14], [15]).Pseudo-equilibrium ; incomplete markets ; nonordered preferences ; fixed-point-like theorems ; Grassmann manifold

    General equilibrium and fixed point theory : a partial survey

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    Focusing mainly on equilibrium existence results, this paper emphasizes the role of fixed point theorems in the development of general equilibrium theory, as well for its standard definition as for some of its extensions.Fixed point, equilibrium, quasiequilibrium, abstract economy, Clarke's normal cone, financial equilibrium, Grassmanian manifold, degree theory.

    Arbitrage and Equilibrium with Portfolio Constraints

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    We consider a multiperiod financial exchange economy with nominal assets and restricted participation, where each agent’s portfolio choice is restricted to a closed, convex set containing zero, as in Siconolfi (1989). Using an approach that dates back to Cass (1984, 2006) in the unconstrained case, we seek to isolate arbitrage-free asset prices that are also quasi-equilibrium or equilibrium asset prices. In the presence of such portfolio restrictions, we need to confine our attention to aggregate arbitrage-free asset prices, i.e., for which there is no arbitrage in the space of marketed portfolios. Our main result states that such asset prices are quasi-equilibrium prices under standard assumptions and then deduce that they are equilibrium prices under a suitable condition on the accessibility of payoffs by agents, i.e., every payoff that is attainable in the aggregate can be marketed through some agent’s portfolio set. This latter result extends previous work by Martins-da-Rocha and Triki (2005).Stochastic Financial exchange economies; Incomplete markets; Financial equilibrium; Constrained portfolios; Multiperiod models; Arbitrage-free asset prices

    Arbitrage and Equilibrium with Portfolio Constraints

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    We consider a multiperiod financial exchange economy with nominal assets and restricted participation, where each agent's portfolio choice is restricted to a closed, convex set containing zero, as in Siconolfi (1989). Using an approach that dates back to Cass (1984, 2006) in the unconstrained case, we seek to isolate arbitrage-free asset prices that are aloso quasi-equilibrium or equilibrium asset prices. In the presence of such portfolio restrictions, we need to confine our attention to aggregate arbitrage-free asset prices, i.e., for which there is no arbitrage in the space of marketed portfolios. Our main result states that such asset prices are quasi-equilibrium prices under standard assumptions and then deduce that they are equilibrium prices under a suitable condition on the accessibility of payoffs by agents, i.e., every payoff that is attainable in the aggregate can be marketed through some agent's portfolio set. This latter result extends previous work by Martins-da-Rocha and Triki (2005).Stochastic financial exchange economies, incomplete markets, financial equilibrium, constrained portfolios, multiperiod models, arbitage-free asset prices.