2,399 research outputs found

    The application and potentialities of textile facade retrofit strategies for energy-efficient and resilient buildings

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    In a time when energy efficiency and sustainable development are of utmost importance, retrofitting the current building stock is crucial for reducing ecological impact. The advancement in building technology introduces innovative solutions that challenge traditional practices, paving the way for more sustainable and efficient buildings. Innovative Textile Facade Retrofit Strategies (TFRS) can contribute significantly to the dialogue on retrofitting solutions. TFRS stands at the crossroads of aesthetics, functionality, and environmental consciousness. By exploring the adaptability of textile materials in the retrofitting processes, the paper aligns seamlessly with the broader theme of sustainable practices. It delves into how textile facades, thanks to their intrinsic properties, can offer substantial benefits in terms both of aesthetic appeal and thermal performance, aligning with the objectives of sustainable buildings. This paper presents a novel framework for classifying Textile Facade Retrofit Strategies into three macro categories: Replace , Add and Wrap It . These encompass nine innovative strategies, each suited to different retrofit scenarios, and are assessed for their benefits and applications. The strategies vary in operation, involving facade part replacement, element addition, or complete encasement. The discussion highlights promising textile solutions, emphasizing their contribution in the resilience and adaptation of existing building facades. The results point toward a new paradigm in facade retrofitting, where flexibility, efficiency, and aesthetics coalesce to create more sustainable urban environments

    Oral application of L-menthol in the heat: From pleasure to performance

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    When menthol is applied to the oral cavity it presents with a familiar refreshing sensation and cooling mint flavour. This may be deemed hedonic in some individuals, but may cause irritation in others. This variation in response is likely dependent upon trigeminal sensitivity toward cold stimuli, suggesting a need for a menthol solution that can be easily personalised. Menthol’s characteristics can also be enhanced by matching colour to qualitative outcomes; a factor which can easily be manipulated by practitioners working in athletic or occupational settings to potentially enhance intervention efficacy. This presentation will outline the efficacy of oral menthol application for improving time trial performance to date, either via swilling or via co-ingestion with other cooling strategies, with an emphasis upon how menthol can be applied in ecologically valid scenarios. Situations in which performance is not expected to be enhanced will also be discussed. An updated model by which menthol may prove hedonic, satiate thirst and affect ventilation will also be presented, with the potential performance implications of these findings discussed and modelled. Qualitative reflections from athletes that have implemented menthol mouth swilling in competition, training and maximal exercise will also be included

    The Eco Office: Dynamic and Homeostatic Facades inspired by BIOMORPHIM, BIOMIMICRY, and BIOPHILIA

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    "Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.” ~ William Wordsworth The focus of this dissertation research is to extend and increase an understanding of sustainable building envelope design strategies, with specific focus on transfer of light, air, and heat, within a tropical site setting/context. Biomimetic architecture is a process that is primarily driven by inspiration from natural systems and organisms. Designs and patterns found in nature are often resolved at the “macro” as well as at the “micro/nano” molecular levels, which prompts further investigation into present-day advancements in material science and nanotechnological concepts. Nanotechnology is a way of looking closer at systems and material structures and properties; the translation from biomimetic architecture to the nano-molecular scale of materials thus promotes sustainability in buildings, by providing ways and means to incorporate new technologies and novel material systems into the architectural design of building facades, that will further aid with the successful implementation of passive design strategies, in order to establish comfortable interior lighting, ventilation, and thermal conditions. Extensive literature reviews and material research are utilized for the bio-tonano design process and analyses. Performance of design modules created has been tested using design simulations and reiterative analysis processes. “Taking cues from Nature – creation of responsive (environment and human responsive) architecture” – is the idea that is the primary motivation behind the research focus. The key goal of this research is to propose alternative futures in building envelope design, for a site in Honolulu, which would serve as a digital prototype for similar such investigations into integrating nature-inspired macro and nanotechnology structures and materials into building systems design. Psychophysiology (the mind-body-interaction) and experimental testing is used as part of the final testing and analysis, to assess people’s responses to nature-inspired design and emerging building technologies

    Procedures and Methodologies for the Control and Improvement of Energy-Environmental Quality in Construction

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    This Special Issue aims at providing the state-of-the-art on procedures and methodologies developed to improve energy and environmental performance through building renovation. We are greatly thankful to our colleagues building physics experts, building technology researchers, and urban environment scholars who contributed to this Special Issue, for sharing their original works in the field

    Risk Exposure to Particles – including Legionella pneumophila – emitted during Showering with Water-Saving Showers

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    The increase in legionellosis incidence in the general population in recent years calls for a better characterization of the sources of infection, such as showering. Water-efficient shower systems that use water atomization technology may emit slightly more inhalable bacteria-sized particles than traditional systems, which may increase the risk of users inhaling contaminants associated with these water droplets. To evaluate the risk, the number and mass of inhalable water droplets emitted by twelve showerheads—eight using water-atomization technology and four using continuous-flow technology— were monitored in a shower stall. The water-atomizing showers tested not only had lower flow rates, but also larger spray angles, less nozzles, and larger nozzle diameters than those of the continuous-flow showerheads. A difference in the behavior of inhalable water droplets between the two technologies was observed, both unobstructed or in the presence of a mannequin. The evaporation of inhalable water droplets emitted by the water-atomization showers favored a homogenous distribution in the shower stall. In the presence of the mannequin, the number and mass of inhalable droplets increased for the continuous-flow showerheads and decreased for the water-atomization showerheads. The water-atomization showerheads emitted less inhalable water mass than the continuous-flow showerheads did per unit of time; however, they generally emitted a slightly higher number of inhalable droplets—only one model performed as well as the continuous-flow showerheads in this regard. To specifically assess the aerosolisation rate of bacteria, in particular of the opportunistic water pathogen Legionella pneumophila, during showering controlled experiments were run with one atomization showerhead and one continuous-flow, first inside a glove box, second inside a shower stall. The bioaerosols were sampled with a Coriolis® air sampler and the total number of viable (cultivable and noncultivable) bacteria was determined by flow cytometry and culture. We found that the rate of viable and cultivable Legionella aerosolized from the water jet was similar between the two showerheads: the viable fraction represents 0.02% of the overall bacteria present in water, while the cultivable fraction corresponds to only 0.0005%. The two showerhead models emitted a similar ratio of airborne Legionella viable and cultivable per volume of water used. Similar results were obtained with naturally contaminated hoses tested in shower stall. Therefore, the risk of exposure to Legionella is not expected to increase significantly with the new generation of water-efficient showerheads

    Assessing energy performance and indoor comfort in places of worship

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    Buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. As a result, the EU has enacted several rules aimed at increasing energy efficiency and limiting the growth of energy demand. However, it is pertinent to point out that places of worship are exempt from getting an energy rating certificate under the European Union Energy Performance in Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU. Malta is completely reliant on imported energy supplies due to a lack of fossil fuel resources. This, to the cost of national security, price volatility, political and environmental concerns, amongst other things. Controlling and managing energy use in buildings is one efficient strategy to reduce this reliance. Excessive energy flow through the building envelope and, unregulated use of air-conditioning are some common drivers of energy waste in buildings. This thesis aims to assess the energy performance of places of worship and combine it with indoor comfort analysis. Passive measures to improve internal comfort levels are identified and prioritised to address heat transfer through the building envelope and mitigate the emerging trend of installing air-conditioning systems. This study takes into consideration the status quo of various places of worship of different building eras using a monitoring programme for temperature and humidity within these buildings. It further delves into the social aspect of how worshipers perceive the indoor comfort through questionnaires addressed to the occupants. Subsequently, it analyses how passive measures can improve the indoor ambient conditions through software design modelling using DesignBuilder-Energy Plus software. This analysis show that historic church structures outperform expectations. The heritage building typology provides promising possibilities for lowering energy consumption, maintaining balanced environmental conditions for artifacts, and meeting occupant comfort standards. The findings pertaining to the monitoring program demonstrate that the church buildings under study, representing the 17th to mid-18th century Baroque period, are termed as thermally comfortable in accordance with the EN16798-1 standard category 3 comfort limits. Moreover, results exhibit the capacity of their heritage construction typology, to maintain balanced environmental conditions when compared to the fluctuated indoor temperatures in the contemporary churches. The latter, pertaining to the more contemporary construction methodologies of the churches, jeopardises their thermal comfort, having recorded temperatures exceeding the broadest comfort range limits. Findings through statistical analysis of both quantitative research based on indoor measurable data and qualitative research based on replies to questionnaires from churchgoers, also show that there is a significant correlation between the actual thermal comfort levels measured in accordance with the EN 16798-1 standard and the expected thermal comfort experienced by congregants in most of the parish churches under review. The implementation of passive measures within selected churches, particularly the implementation of solar control strategies that improves the building envelope's thermal performance, significantly decreased heat discomfort. The outcome highlights differences between diverse types of church buildings, depending on their era, site constraints and methodology of construction, together with a list of passive and non-intrusive recommendations for enhancing the comfort of worshipers and improving the energy efficiency aspects of these buildings, whilst respecting their architectural heritage and artefacts with which they are adorned.Los edificios son responsables de más del 40% del consumo total de energía y de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en Europa. Por ello, la UE ha promulgado varias normas destinadas a aumentar la eficiencia energética y limitar el crecimiento de la demanda de energía. Sin embargo, es pertinente señalar que los lugares de culto están exentos de obtener un certificado de calificación energética en virtud de la Directiva 2010/31/UE sobre la eficiencia energética de los edificios de la Unión Europea. Malta depende completamente del suministro de energía importada debido a la falta de recursos de combustibles fósiles. Esto, a costa de la seguridad nacional, la volatilidad de los precios y las preocupaciones políticas y medioambientales, entre otras cosas. El control y la gestión del uso de la energía en los edificios es una estrategia eficaz para reducir esta dependencia. El flujo excesivo de energía a través de la envolvente del edificio y el uso no regulado de la climatización son algunos de los factores más comunes de desperdicio de energía en los edificios. Esta tesis pretende evaluar el rendimiento energético de los lugares de culto y combinarlo con el análisis del confort interior. Se identifican y priorizan las medidas pasivas para mejorar los niveles de confort interior con el fin de abordar la transferencia de calor a través de la envolvente del edificio y mitigar la tendencia emergente de instalar sistemas de aire acondicionado. Este estudio tiene en cuenta el statu quo de varios lugares de culto de diferentes épocas de construcción utilizando un programa de monitorización de la temperatura y la humedad dentro de estos edificios. Además, profundiza en el aspecto social de cómo los fieles perciben el confort interior mediante cuestionarios dirigidos a los ocupantes. Posteriormente, se analiza cómo las medidas pasivas pueden mejorar las condiciones ambientales interiores mediante la modelización del diseño con el software DesignBuilder-Energy Plus. Este análisis muestra que las estructuras históricas de las iglesias superan las expectativas. La tipología de los edificios patrimoniales ofrece posibilidades prometedoras para reducir el consumo de energía, mantener unas condiciones ambientales equilibradas para los artefactos y cumplir las normas de confort de los ocupantes. Los resultados del programa de monitorización demuestran que los edificios de iglesias estudiados, que representan el periodo barroco del siglo XVII a mediados del XVIII, se califican como térmicamente confortables de acuerdo con los límites de confort de la categoría 3 de la norma EN16798-1. Además, los resultados muestran la capacidad de su tipología constructiva patrimonial, para mantener unas condiciones ambientales equilibradas en comparación con las fluctuaciones interiores temperaturas interiores fluctuantes en las iglesias contemporáneas. Estas últimas, pertenecientes a las metodologías de construcción más contemporáneas de las iglesias, ponen en peligro su confort térmico, habiendo registrado temperaturas que superan los límites más amplios del rango de confort. Los resultados del análisis estadístico de la investigación cuantitativa basada en los datos medibles en el interior y la investigación cualitativa basada en las respuestas a los cuestionarios de los feligreses, también muestran que existe una correlación significativa entre los niveles de confort térmico reales medidos de acuerdo con la norma EN 16798-1 y el confort térmico esperado experimentado por los feligreses en la mayoría de las iglesias parroquiales analizadas. La aplicación de medidas pasivas en las iglesias seleccionadas, en particular la aplicación de estrategias de control solar que mejoran el rendimiento térmico de la envoltura del edificio, disminuyó significativamente el malestar térmico. El resultado pone de manifiesto las diferencias entre los diversos tipos de edificios de iglesias, en función de su época, las limitaciones del emplazamiento y la metodología de construcción, junto con una lista de recomendaciones pasivasEscuela de DoctoradoDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria