75,679 research outputs found

    Speech Mode Classification using the Fusion of CNNs and LSTM Networks

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    Speech mode classification is an area that has not been as widely explored in the field of sound classification as others such as environmental sounds, music genre, and speaker identification. But what is speech mode? While mode is defined as the way or the manner in which something occurs or is expressed or done, speech mode is defined as the style in which the speech is delivered by a person. There are some reports on speech mode classification using conventional methods, such as whispering and talking using a normal phonetic sound. However, to the best of our knowledge, deep learning-based methods have not been reported in the open literature for the aforementioned classification scenario. Specifically, in this work we assess the performance of image-based classification algorithms on this challenging speech mode classification problem, including the usage of pre-trained deep neural networks, namely AlexNet, ResNet18 and SqueezeNet. Thus, we compare the classification efficiency of a set of deep learning-based classifiers, while we also assess the impact of different 2D image representations (spectrograms, mel-spectrograms, and their image-based fusion) on classification accuracy. These representations are used as input to the networks after being generated from the original audio signals. Next, we compare the accuracy of the DL-based classifies to a set of machine learning (ML) ones that use as their inputs Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) features. Then, after determining the most efficient sampling rate for our classification problem (i.e. 32kHz), we study the performance of our proposed method of combining CNN with LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks. For this purpose, we use the features extracted from the deep networks of the previous step. We conclude our study by evaluating the role of sampling rates on classification accuracy by generating two sets of 2D image representations – one with 32kHz and the other with 16kHz sampling. Experimental results show that after cross validation the accuracy of DL-based approaches is 15% higher than ML ones, with SqueezeNet yielding an accuracy of more than 91% at 32kHz, whether we use transfer learning, feature-level fusion or score-level fusion (92.5%). Our proposed method using LSTMs further increased that accuracy by more than 3%, resulting in an average accuracy of 95.7%

    Exploring convolutional, recurrent, and hybrid deep neural networks for speech and music detection in a large audio dataset

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    Audio signals represent a wide diversity of acoustic events, from background environmental noise to spoken communication. Machine learning models such as neural networks have already been proposed for audio signal modeling, where recurrent structures can take advantage of temporal dependencies. This work aims to study the implementation of several neural network-based systems for speech and music event detection over a collection of 77,937 10-second audio segments (216 h), selected from the Google AudioSet dataset. These segments belong to YouTube videos and have been represented as mel-spectrograms. We propose and compare two approaches. The first one is the training of two different neural networks, one for speech detection and another for music detection. The second approach consists on training a single neural network to tackle both tasks at the same time. The studied architectures include fully connected, convolutional and LSTM (long short-term memory) recurrent networks. Comparative results are provided in terms of classification performance and model complexity. We would like to highlight the performance of convolutional architectures, specially in combination with an LSTM stage. The hybrid convolutional-LSTM models achieve the best overall results (85% accuracy) in the three proposed tasks. Furthermore, a distractor analysis of the results has been carried out in order to identify which events in the ontology are the most harmful for the performance of the models, showing some difficult scenarios for the detection of music and speechThis work has been supported by project “DSSL: Redes Profundas y Modelos de Subespacios para Deteccion y Seguimiento de Locutor, Idioma y Enfermedades Degenerativas a partir de la Voz” (TEC2015-68172-C2-1-P), funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity of Spain and FEDE

    Efficient and Robust Methods for Audio and Video Signal Analysis

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    This thesis presents my research concerning audio and video signal processing and machine learning. Specifically, the topics of my research include computationally efficient classifier compounds, automatic speech recognition (ASR), music dereverberation, video cut point detection and video classification.Computational efficacy of information retrieval based on multiple measurement modalities has been considered in this thesis. Specifically, a cascade processing framework, including a training algorithm to set its parameters has been developed for combining multiple detectors or binary classifiers in computationally efficient way. The developed cascade processing framework has been applied on video information retrieval tasks of video cut point detection and video classification. The results in video classification, compared to others found in the literature, indicate that the developed framework is capable of both accurate and computationally efficient classification. The idea of cascade processing has been additionally adapted for the ASR task. A procedure for combining multiple speech state likelihood estimation methods within an ASR framework in cascaded manner has been developed. The results obtained clearly show that without impairing the transcription accuracy the computational load of ASR can be reduced using the cascaded speech state likelihood estimation process.Additionally, this thesis presents my work on noise robustness of ASR using a nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) -based approach. Specifically, methods for transformation of sparse NMF-features into speech state likelihoods has been explored. The results reveal that learned transformations from NMF activations to speech state likelihoods provide better ASR transcription accuracy than dictionary label -based transformations. The results, compared to others in a noisy speech recognition -challenge show that NMF-based processing is an efficient strategy for noise robustness in ASR.The thesis also presents my work on audio signal enhancement, specifically, on removing the detrimental effect of reverberation from music audio. In the work, a linear prediction -based dereverberation algorithm, which has originally been developed for speech signal enhancement, was applied for music. The results obtained show that the algorithm performs well in conjunction with music signals and indicate that dynamic compression of music does not impair the dereverberation performance

    Adaptive Multi-Class Audio Classification in Noisy In-Vehicle Environment

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    With ever-increasing number of car-mounted electric devices and their complexity, audio classification is increasingly important for the automotive industry as a fundamental tool for human-device interactions. Existing approaches for audio classification, however, fall short as the unique and dynamic audio characteristics of in-vehicle environments are not appropriately taken into account. In this paper, we develop an audio classification system that classifies an audio stream into music, speech, speech+music, and noise, adaptably depending on driving environments including highway, local road, crowded city, and stopped vehicle. More than 420 minutes of audio data including various genres of music, speech, speech+music, and noise are collected from diverse driving environments. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the average classification accuracy up to 166%, and 64% for speech, and speech+music, respectively, compared with a non-adaptive approach in our experimental settings