6 research outputs found

    Intelligent Transport Systems: how to Manage a Research in a new Field in IS

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    This paper sheds light on the management of a research project in a new topic for IS like the one of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). It describes and discusses the methodology adopted for a survey designed by the authors and experimented during a recent research on ITS carried out on behalf of an Italian Ministry. The paper presents the first results of this research and draw some conclusions on the problems that have to be faced in order to successfully manage such type of research projects and to build a common knowledge base on ITS.This paper sheds light on the management of a research project in a new topic for IS like the one of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). It describes and discusses the methodology adopted for a survey designed by the authors and experimented during a recent research on ITS carried out on behalf of an Italian Ministry. The paper presents the first results of this research and draw some conclusions on the problems that have to be faced in order to successfully manage such type of research projects and to build a common knowledge base on ITS.Monograph's chapter


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    Multi-level Parking systems for a while also provide provided relief since they have a number of benefits - optimal usage of space, lower maintenance and operational cost, lower construction cost, secure and atmosphere-friendly nature, comfortable for that motorists, cost saving for builders by saving height or depth. Multiple Level Vehicle Parking Systems tend to be fashionable an approach to instantly parking and retrieving cars that typically make use of a system of pallets and lifts and signaling devices for retrieval. They serve advantages like safety, saving of space, some time and fuel space but should also come with an extra along with a very detailed assessment from the parking needed, space availability and traffic flow

    Mobile Application to support fuel-efficient driving through situation awareness

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    Abstract. Situation awareness is usually conceptualized as design and implementation principles for safety critical industries like aviation or military. Finland was one of the first countries in the world to establish an intelligent transport systems (ITS) strategy in 2009. Increasing the situation awareness in traffic is regarded as one of the means to implement the strategy. In the theoretical part of this thesis, we explore the use of situation awareness and context awareness in intelligent transport systems. Particularly, the thesis focuses on summarizing proper design and evaluation principles to provide situation awareness support for fuel efficient driving. These guidelines were exploited in implementing a mobile application, called Driving Coach Mobile Application in the practical part of the thesis. The purpose of the application is to provide awareness to the drivers about how they can save fuel. Driving Coach Mobile Application’s accordance of design and implementation principles to situation awareness support is validated by user study with simulated data focused on usability, usefulness and fuel efficiency awareness support. The results of this thesis can be used in fleet management planning, city planning as well as in personal driving, for example.Tilannetietoinen mobiilisovellus polttoainetaloudellisen ajamisen tueksi. Tiivistelmä. Turvallisuuskriittisissä teollisuuden osa-alueissa kuten ilmailussa tai sotilaallisessa toiminnassa, eri toimijoiden tilannetietoisuuden parantamiseen tähtäävät suunnittelu- sekä toteutusperiaatteet ovat olleet merkittävässä roolissa jo pitkään. Suomi oli maailman ensimmäisiä maita, jotka julkistivat älykkään liikenteen strategian jo vuonna 2009. Tilannetietoisuuden parantaminen liikenteessä on edelleen eräs tämän strategian toimeenpanomuoto. Tämän työn teoreettisessa osassa tutkitaan avulla tilannetietoisuuden sekä toimintatilanteesta tietoisuuden soveltamista älyliikenteessä. Erityisesti tarkastellaan suunnittelu- sekä evaluointiperiaatteita polttoainetalouden tehokkuuden lisäämiselle tilannetietoisuuden avulla. Työn käytännön osuudessa sovellettiin näitä periaatteita mobiilisovelluksen toteuttamiseksi. Mobiilisovellus tukee kuljettajien polttoainetehokkaampaa ajamista. Sovellus testattiin käytettävyyden, hyödyllisyyden sekä polttoainetehokkaan ajamisen tuen suhteen. Sovellusta voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi kaupunkisuunnittelussa, autokannan toiminnan tarkkailemisessa tai vaikka henkilökohtaisen ajotavan arvioinnissa

    A parking assistant system

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 111-114).Parking a car can be very cumbersome and difficult in many circumstances, especially when the rear view of the car is blocked. This thesis designs a prototype for an efficient parking assistant system that aims to facilitate the parking process by providing the drivers with distance information of obstacles in the scene. A video camera mounted on the rear window of a car is used to supply a sequence of input images to the system which then generates a 3-D depth map of the environment. The algorithm proposed in this thesis to reconstruct 3-D distance information from an image sequence involves several steps. First, feature points are extracted in each image using a Curvature Scale Space (CSS) based corner detector. Corresponding feature points are then matched between consecutive frames and tracked through the entire sequence. Using the motion parameters of the vehicle obtained from measuring the angular moment of the steering wheel and the distance information provided by the wheel encoders attached to the rear wheels of the vehicle, the distance of objects in the scene can be reasonably estimated. The algorithm is tested on several sets of real image sequences captured inside a parking lot. Some experimental results are presented and analyzed in detail.by Duangmanee Putthividhya.M.Eng

    The development and evaluation of computer vision algorithms for the control of an autonomous horticultural vehicle

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    Economic and environmental pressures have led to a demand for reduced chemical use in crop production. In response to this, precision agriculture techniques have been developed that aim to increase the efficiency of farming operations by more targeted application of chemical treatment. The concept of plant scale husbandry (PSH) has emerged as the logical extreme of precision techniques, where crop and weed plants are treated on an individual basis. To investigate the feasibility of PSH, an autonomous horticultural vehicle has been developed at the Silsoe Research Institute. This thesis describes the development of computer vision algorithms for the experimental vehicle which aim to aid navigation in the field and also allow differential treatment of crop and weed. The algorithm, based upon an extended Kalman filter, exploits the semi-structured nature of the field environment in which the vehicle operates, namely the grid pattern formed by the crop planting. By tracking this grid pattern in the images captured by the vehicles camera as it traverses the field, it is possible to extract information to aid vehicle navigation, such as bearing and offset from the grid of plants. The grid structure can also act as a cue for crop/weed discrimination on the basis of plant position on the ground plane. In addition to tracking the grid pattern, the Kalman filter also estimates the mean distances between the rows of lines and plants in the grid, to cater for variations in the planting procedure. Experiments are described which test the localisation accuracy of the algorithms in offline trials with data captured from the vehicle's camera, and on-line in both a simplified testbed environment and the field. It is found that the algorithms allow safe navigation along the rows of crop. Further experiments demonstrate the crop/weed discrimination performance of the algorithm, both off-line and on-line in a crop treatment experiment performed in the field where all of the crop plants are correctly targeted and no weeds are mistakenly treated

    Predictive multiple sampling algorithm with overlapping integration intervals for linear wide dynamic range integrating image sensors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-170).This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Machine vision systems are used in a wide range of applications such as security, automated quality control and intelligent transportation systems. Several of these systems need to extract information from natural scenes in the section of the electromagnetic spectrum visible to humans. These scenes can easily have intra-frame illumination ratios in excess of 10⁶ : 1. Solid-state image sensors that can correctly process wide illumination dynamic range scenes are therefore required to ensure correct reliability and performance. This thesis describes a new algorithm to linearly increase the illumination dynamic range of integrating-type image sensors. A user-defined integration time is taken as a reference to create a potentially large set of integration intervals of different duration (the selected integration time being the longest) but with a common end. The light intensity received by each pixel in the sensing array is used to choose the optimal integration interval from the set, while a pixel saturation predictive decision is used to overlap the integration intervals within the given integration time such that only one frame using the optimal integration interval for each pixel is produced. The total integration time is never exceeded. Benefits from this approach are motion minimization, real-time operation, reduced memory requirements, programmable light intensity dynamic range increase and access to incremental light intensity information during the integration time.(cont.) The algorithm is fully described with special attention to the resulting sensor transfer function, the signal-to-noise ratio, characterization of types and effects of errors in the predictive decision, calculation of the optimal integration intervals set given a certain set size, calculation of the optimal number of integration intervals, and impact of the new algorithm to image data compression. An efficient mapping of this algorithm to a CMOS process was done by designing a proof-of-concept integrated circuit in a 0.18[mu]m 1.8V 5-metal layer process. The major components of the chip are a 1/3" VGA (640 x 480) pixel array, a 4bit per pixel memory array, an integration controller array and an analog-to-digital converter/correlated double sampled (ADC/CDS) array. Supporting components include pixel and memory row decoders, memory and converter output digital multiplexers, pixel-to-ADC/CDS analog multiplexer and test structures. The pixels have a fill factor of nearly 50%, as most of the needed system additions and complexity were taken off-pixel. The prototype is fully functional and linearly expands the dynamic range by more than 60dB.by Pablo M. Acosta-Serafini.Ph.D