261 research outputs found

    Comparison of object and pixel-based classifications for land-use and land cover mapping in the mountainous Mokhotlong District of Lesotho using high spatial resolution imagery

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    Research Report submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science (Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing) School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. August 2016.The thematic classification of land use and land cover (LULC) from remotely sensed imagery data is one of the most common research branches of applied remote sensing sciences. The performances of the pixel-based image analysis (PBIA) and object-based image analysis (OBIA) Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning algorithms were subjected to comparative assessment using WorldView-2 and SPOT-6 multispectral images of the Mokhotlong District in Lesotho covering approximately an area of 100 km2. For this purpose, four LULC classification models were developed using the combination of SVM –based image analysis approach (i.e. OBIA and/or PBIA) on high resolution images (WorldView-2 and/or SPOT-6) and the results were subjected to comparisons with one another. Of the four LULC models, the OBIA and WorldView-2 model (overall accuracy 93.2%) was found to be more appropriate and reliable for remote sensing application purposes in this environment. The OBIA-WorldView-2 LULC model was subjected to spatial overlay analysis with DEM derived topographic variables in order to evaluate the relationship between the spatial distribution of LULC types and topography, particularly for topographically-controlled patterns. It was discovered that although that there are traces of the relationship between the LULC types distributions and topography, it was significantly convoluted due to both natural and anthropogenic forces such that the topographic-induced patterns for most of the LULC types had been substantial disrupted.LG201

    Coastline extraction using high resolution WorldView-2 satellite imagery

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to remark possibilities to use WorldView-2 imagery for coastline extraction. Applications are conducted on a Phlegrean area in the Campania Region (Italy): the considered range of coastline is particularly interesting because it shows two typologies of shoreline including reefs interspersed with segments of sandy beach. Two indices are used: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI).To enhance geometric resolution of the results pan-sharpening is applied so as to obtain maps with the same pixel dimensions of the panchromatic data. To solve the problem of thresholds determination that typically affects the classification, Maximum Likelihood method based on training sites is adopted to distinguish bare soil and sea water. Best results are given by NDWI and, comparing the resultant coastline with that obtained with visual interpretation of images, shifts of less than 1 m outcome from pan-sharpened data

    Usability of one-class classification in mapping and detecting changes in bare peat surfaces in the tundra

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    Arctic areas have experienced greening and changes in permafrost caused by climate change during recent decades. However, there has been a lack of automated methods in mapping changes in fine-scale patterns of permafrost landscapes. We mapped areal coverage of bare peat areas and changes in them in a peat plateau located in north-western Russia between 2007 and 2015. We utilized QuickBird and WorldView-3 satellite image data in an object-based setting. We compared four different one-class classifiers (one-class support vector machine, binary support vector machine, random forest, rotation forest) both in a fully supervised binary setting and with positive and unlabelled training data. There was notable variation in classification performance. The bare peat area F-score varied between 0.77 and 0.96 when evaluated by cross-validated training data and between 0.22 and 0.57 when evaluated by independent test data. Overall, random forest performed the most robustly but all classifiers performed well in some classifications. During the 8 year period, there was a 21%-26% decrease in the bare peat areal coverage. We conclude that (1) tested classifiers can be used in one-class settings and (2) there is a need to develop methods for tracking changes in single land cover types.Peer reviewe

    Integration of Field and Laboratory Spectral Data with Multi-Resolution Remote Sensed Imagery for Asphalt Surface Differentiation

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    The ability to classify asphalt surfaces is an important goal for the selection of suitable non-variant targets as pseudo-invariant targets during the calibration/validation of remotely-sensed images. In addition, the possibility to recognize different types of asphalt surfaces on the images can help optimize road network management. This paper presents a multi-resolution study to improve asphalt surface differentiation using field spectroradiometric data, laboratory analysis and remote sensing imagery. Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer (MIVIS) airborne data and multispectral images, such as Quickbird and Ikonos, were used. From scatter plots obtained by field data using λ = 460 and 740 nm, referring to MIVIS Bands 2 and 16 and Quickbird and Ikonos Bands 1 and 4, pixels corresponding to asphalt covering were identified, and the slope of their interpolation lines, assumed as asphalt lines, was calculated. These slopes, used as threshold values in the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classifier, obtained an overall accuracy of 95% for Ikonos, 98% for Quickbird and 93% for MIVIS. Laboratory investigations confirm the existence of the asphalt line also for new asphalts, too

    Exploring issues of balanced versus imbalanced samples in mapping grass community in the telperion reserve using high resolution images and selected machine learning algorithms

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    ABSTRACT Accurate vegetation mapping is essential for a number of reasons, one of which is for conservation purposes. The main objective of this research was to map different grass communities in the game reserve using RapidEye and Sentinel-2 MSI images and machine learning classifiers [support vector machine (SVM) and Random forest (RF)] to test the impacts of balanced and imbalance training data on the performance and the accuracy of Support Vector Machine and Random forest in mapping the grass communities and test the sensitivities of pixel resolution to balanced and imbalance training data in image classification. The imbalanced and balanced data sets were obtained through field data collection. The results show RF and SVM are producing a high overall accuracy for Sentinel-2 imagery for both the balanced and imbalanced data set. The RF classifier has yielded an overall accuracy of 79.45% and kappa of 74.38% and an overall accuracy of 76.19% and kappa of 73.21% using imbalanced and balanced training data respectively. The SVM classifier yielded an overall accuracy of 82.54% and kappa of 80.36% and an overall accuracy of 82.21% and a kappa of 78.33% using imbalanced and balanced training data respectively. For the RapidEye imagery, RF and SVM algorithm produced overall accuracy affected by a balanced data set leading to reduced accuracy. The RF algorithm had an overall accuracy that dropped by 6% (from 63.24% to 57.94%) while the SVM dropped by 7% (from 57.31% to 50.79%). The results thereby show that the imbalanced data set is a better option when looking at the image classification of vegetation species than the balanced data set. The study recommends the implementation of ways of handling misclassification among the different grass species to improve classification for future research. Further research can be carried out on other types of high resolution multispectral imagery using different advanced algorithms on different training size samples.EM201

    Supporting Global Environmental Change Research: A Review of Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Urban Remote Sensing

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    This paper reviews how remotely sensed data have been used to understand the impact of urbanization on global environmental change. We describe how these studies can support the policy and science communities’ increasing need for detailed and up-to-date information on the multiple dimensions of cities, including their social, biological, physical, and infrastructural characteristics. Because the interactions between urban and surrounding areas are complex, a synoptic and spatial view offered from remote sensing is integral to measuring, modeling, and understanding these relationships. Here we focus on three themes in urban remote sensing science: mapping, indices, and modeling. For mapping we describe the data sources, methods, and limitations of mapping urban boundaries, land use and land cover, population, temperature, and air quality. Second, we described how spectral information is manipulated to create comparative biophysical, social, and spatial indices of the urban environment. Finally, we focus how the mapped information and indices are used as inputs or parameters in models that measure changes in climate, hydrology, land use, and economics

    Deep neural network for complex open-water wetland mapping using high-resolution WorldView-3 and airborne LiDAR data

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    Wetland inventory maps are essential information for the conservation and management of natural wetland areas. The classification framework is crucial for successful mapping of complex wetlands, including the model selection, input variables and training procedures. In this context, deep neural network (DNN) is a powerful technique for remote sensing image classification, but this model application for wetland mapping has not been discussed in the previous literature, especially using commercial WorldView-3 data. This study developed a new framework for wetland mapping using DNN algorithm and WorldView-3 image in the Millrace Flats Wildlife Management Area, Iowa, USA. The study area has several wetlands with a variety of shapes and sizes, and the minimum mapping unit was defined as 20 m2 (0.002 ha). A set of potential variables was derived from WorldView-3 and auxiliary LiDAR data, and a feature selection procedure using principal components analysis (PCA) was used to identify the most important variables for wetland classification. Furthermore, traditional machine learning methods (support vector machine, random forest and k-nearest neighbor) were also implemented for the comparison of results. In general, the results show that DNN achieved satisfactory results in the study area (overall accuracy = 93.33 %), and we observed a high spatial overlap between reference and classified wetland polygons (Jaccard index ∼0.8). Our results confirm that PCA-based feature selection was effective in the optimization of DNN performance, and vegetation and textural indices were the most informative variables. In addition, the comparison of results indicated that DNN classification achieved relatively similar accuracies to other methods. The total classification errors vary from 0.104 to 0.111 among the methods, and the overlapped areas between reference and classified polygons range between 87.93 and 93.33 %. Finally, the findings of this study have three main implications. First, the integration of DNN model and WorldView-3 image is useful for wetland mapping at 1.2-m, but DNN results did not outperform other methods in this study area. Second, the feature selection was important for model performance, and the combination of most relevant input parameters contributes to the success of all tested models. Third, the spatial resolution of WorldView-3 is appropriate to preserve the shape and extent of small wetlands, while the application of medium resolution image (30-m) has a negative impact on the accurate delineation of these areas. Since commercial satellite data are becoming more affordable for remote sensing users, this study provides a framework that can be utilized to integrate very high-resolution imagery and deep learning in the classification of complex wetland areas

    Supporting Global Environmental Change Research: A Review of Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Urban Remote Sensing

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    abstract: This paper reviews how remotely sensed data have been used to understand the impact of urbanization on global environmental change. We describe how these studies can support the policy and science communities’ increasing need for detailed and up-to-date information on the multiple dimensions of cities, including their social, biological, physical, and infrastructural characteristics. Because the interactions between urban and surrounding areas are complex, a synoptic and spatial view offered from remote sensing is integral to measuring, modeling, and understanding these relationships. Here we focus on three themes in urban remote sensing science: mapping, indices, and modeling. For mapping we describe the data sources, methods, and limitations of mapping urban boundaries, land use and land cover, population, temperature, and air quality. Second, we described how spectral information is manipulated to create comparative biophysical, social, and spatial indices of the urban environment. Finally, we focus how the mapped information and indices are used as inputs or parameters in models that measure changes in climate, hydrology, land use, and economics

    An integrative approach using remote sensing and social analysis to identify different settlement types and the specific living conditions of its inhabitants

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    Someday in 2007, the world population reached a historical landmark: for the first time in human history, more than half of the world´s population was urban. A stagnation of this urbanization process is not in sight, so that by 2050, already 70 percent of humankind is projected to live in urban settlements. Over the last few decades, enormous migrations from rural hinterlands to steadily growing cities could be witnessed coming along with a dramatic growth of the world’s urban population. The speed and the scale of this growth, particularly in the so called less developed regions, are posing tremendous challenges to the countries concerned as well as to the world community. Within mega cities the strongest trends and the most extreme dimensions of the urbanization process can be observed. Their rapid growth results in uncontrolled processes of fragmentation which is often associated with pronounced poverty, social inequality, socio-spatial and political fragmentation, environmental degradation as well as population demands that outstrip environmental service capacity. For the majority of the mega cities a tremendous increase of informal structures and processes has to be observed. Consequentially informal settlements are growing, which represent those characteristic municipal areas being subject to particularly high population density, dynamics as well as marginalization. They have quickly become the most visible expression of urban poverty in developing world cities. Due to the extreme dynamics, the high complexity and huge spatial dimension of mega cities, urban administrations often only have an obsolete or not even existing data basis available to be at all informed about developments, trends and dimensions of urban growth and change. The knowledge about the living conditions of the residents is correspondingly very limited, incomplete and not up to date. Traditional methods such as statistical and regional analyses or fieldwork are no longer capable to capture such urban process. New data sources and monitoring methodologies are required in order to provide an up to date information basis as well as planning strate¬gies to enable sustainable developments and to simplify planning processes in complex urban structures. This research shall seize the described problem and aims to make a contribution to the requirements of monitoring fast developing mega cities. Against this background a methodology is developed to compensate the lack of socio-economic data and to deduce meaningful information on the living conditions of the inhabitants of mega cities. Neither social science methods alone nor the exclusive analysis of remote sensing data can solve the problem of the poor quality and outdated data base. Conventional social science methods cannot cope with the enormous developments and the tremendous growth as they are too labor-, as well as too time- and too cost-intensive. On the other hand, the physical discipline of remote sensing does not allow for direct conclusions on social parameters out of remote sensing images. The prime objective of this research is therefore the development of an integrative approach − bridging remote sensing and social analysis – in order to derive useful information about the living conditions in this specific case of the mega city Delhi and its inhabitants. Hence, this work is established in the overlapping range of the research topics remote sensing, urban areas and social science. Delhi, as India’s fast growing capital, meanwhile with almost 25 million residents the second largest city of the world, represents a prime example of a mega city. Since the second half of the 20th century, Delhi has been transformed from a modest town with mainly administrative and trade-related functions to a complex metropolis with a steep socio-economic gradient. The quality and amount of administrative and socio-economic data are poor and the knowledge about the circumstances of Delhi’s residents is correspondingly insufficient and outdated. Delhi represents therefore a perfectly suited study area for this research. In order to gather information about the living conditions within the different settlement types a methodology was developed and conducted to analyze the urban environment of the mega city Delhi. To identify different settlement types within the urban area, regarding the complex and heterogeneous appearance of the Delhi area, a semi-automated, object-oriented classification approach, based on segmentation derived image objects, was implemented. As the complete conceptual framework of this research, the classification methodology was developed based on a smaller representative training area at first and applied to larger test sites within Delhi afterwards. The object-oriented classification of VHR satellite imagery of the QuickBird sensor allowed for the identification of five different urban land cover classes within the municipal area of Delhi. In the focus of the image analysis is yet the identification of different settlement types and amongst these of informal settlements in particular. The results presented within this study demonstrate, that, based on density classes, the developed methodology is suitable to identify different settlement types and to detect informal settlements which are mega urban risk areas and thus potential residential zones of vulnerable population groups. The remote sensing derived land cover maps form the foundation for the integrative analysis concept and deliver there¬fore the general basis for the derivation of social attributes out of remote sensing data. For this purpose settlement characteristics (e.g., area of the settlement, average building size, and number of houses) are estimated from the classified QuickBird data and used to derive spatial information about the population distribution. In a next step, the derived information is combined with in-situ information on socio-economic conditions (e.g., family size, mean water consumption per capita/family) extracted from georeferenced questionnaires conducted during two field trips in Delhi. This combined data is used to characterize a given settlement type in terms of specific population and water related variables (e.g., population density, total water consumption). With this integrative methodology a catalogue can be compiled, comprising the living conditions of Delhi’s inhabitants living in specific settlement structures – and this in a quick, large-scaled, cost effective, by random or regularly repeatable way with a relatively small required data basis.The combined application of remotely sensed imagery and socio-economic data allows for the mapping, capturing and characterizing the socio-economic structures and dynamics within the mega city of Delhi, as well as it establishes a basis for the monitoring of the mega city of Delhi or certain areas within the city respectively by remote sensing. The opportunity to capture the condition of a mega city and to monitor its development in general enables the persons in charge to identify unbeneficial trends and to intervene accordingly from an urban planning perspective and to countersteer against a non-adequate supply of the inhabitants of different urban districts, primarily of those of informal settlements. This study is understood to be a first step to the development of methods which will help to identify and understand the different forms, actors and processes of urbanization in mega cities. It could support a more proactive and sustainable urban planning and land management – which in turn will increase the importance of urban remote sensing techniques. In this regard, the most obvious and direct beneficiaries are on the one hand the governmental agencies and urban planners and on the other hand, and which is possibly the most important goal, the inhabitants of the affected areas, whose living conditions can be monitored and improved as required. Only if the urban monitoring is quickly, inexpensively and easily available, it will be accepted and applied by the authorities, which in turn enables for the poorest to get the support they need. All in all, the listed benefits are very convincing and corroborate the combined use of remotely sensed and socio-economic data in mega city research
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