1,518 research outputs found

    An Investigation into Mobile Based Approach for Healthcare Activities, Occupational Therapy System

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    This research is to design and optimize the high quality of mobile apps, especially for iOS. The objective of this research is to develop a mobile system for Occupational therapy specialists to access and retrieval information. The investigation identifies the key points of using mobile-D agile methodology in mobile application development. It considers current applications within a different platform. It achieves new apps (OTS) for the health care activities

    Integrating Game Engines into the Mobile Cloud as Micro-services

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    Game engines have been widely adopted in fields other than games, such as data visualization and game-based education. As the number of mobile devices owned by each person increases, extra resources are available in personal device clouds, expanding typical learning space to outside of the classroom and increasing possibilities for teacher-student interactions. Owning multiple devices poses the problem of how to make use of idle resources on devices that are slightly dated or lack portability compared to newer models. Such resources include CPU power, display, and data storage. In order to solve this problem, an architecture is proposed for mobile applications to access these resources on various mobile devices. The main approach used here is to divide an application into several modules and distribute them over a personal device cloud (formed by same-user-owned devices) as micro-services. In this architecture, game engines will be incorporated as a render module to tap in its rendering capability. Additionally, modules will communicate using CoAP which has minimal overhead. To evaluate the feasibility of such architecture, a prototype is implemented and deployed over a mobile device, and tested in a modest context that is similar to real life settings

    Answer2Pass Pro, multiplatform evaluation game

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    This Final Project covers the creation of an elearning software platform which enables teachers to evaluate their students through quizzes. Every quizz is different, showing different board sizes, category colours, randomly picked questions and answers and joker squares. In addition to of this, students can send their own questions to the platform. Thanks to the integration with Facebook the students can log in into the platform using their credentials and during the course of the game can send questions to other students using Facebook DM . On the teachers’ side the platform offers a few tools to help with the real everyday use, as the ability to create a hierarchy of subjects and topics or a feature to export all the results to a spreadsheet.Este Proyecto Final de Carrera consiste en la creación de una plataforma de aprendizaje que permita a profesores evaluar a sus alumnos a través de juegos de preguntas y respuestas. Cada juego es diferente a los demás, con tableros de distintos tamaños, colores por categoría, preguntas y respuestas aleatorias y casillas de la suerte. Además los propios alumnos pueden enviar preguntas de creación propia a la plataforma. Gracias a la integración con Facebook los alumnos pueden registrarse en la plataforma utilizando sus credenciales de la red social y durante el transcurso de los juegos pueden enviar preguntas a otros compañeros usando la herramienta de mensajes directos de Facebook . En el lado de los profesores se han diseñado varias herramientas para facilitar su uso en un entorno real, como la posibilidad de tener jerarquías de asignaturas y temas o la exportación de resultados a hoja de cálculo.Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió

    HydroShare GIS: Visualizing Spatial Data in the Cloud

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    Cloud-based data management systems are more conducive to collaborative efforts when they are integrated with cloud-computing tools that interact with their stored data. HydroShare, a web based data management system for climate and water data, has implemented an Application Programming Interface and a web application platform deployed using Tethys Platform to encourage the development of apps that interact with its data. HydroShare GIS is the result of one such development effort to provide cloud-based visualization of spatial data stored in HydroShare. It functions by accessing the spatial metadata contained within the HydroShare resource data model and overlaying datasets as layers within the OpenLayers JavaScript library. Data are passed from the app’s server to a GeoServer data server and shared as web mapping service layers. Thus, users can easily build map projects from data sources registered in HydroShare and save them back to HydroShare as map project resources, which can both be shared with others and re-opened in HydroShare GIS. This paper will describe the design of the HydroShare GIS app and the cyber-infrastructure that supports it, and evaluate its efficacy as a web based mapping tool

    Internship Portfolio

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    My one-year internship program work was with Mayo Clinic, Rochester. I was involved in the software development as part of a work term, all of which will be outlined in this report. The report will cover some background information on the projects I was involved in, as well as details on how the projects were developed. The report also states how and what academic courses and projects helped me in overall internship experience so far. At the beginning of the internship, I formulated serval learning goals, which I wanted to achieve: To understand the functioning and working conditions of the organization; To explore working in a professional environment; To explore the work environment for the possibility of a future career; To utilize my gained skills and knowledge; To find skills and knowledge I still need to work in a professional environment; To learn about software development life cycle; To learn about the development methodologies; To obtain fieldwork experience/collect data in an environment unknown for me; To obtain experience working in multicultural and diverse environment; To enhance my interpersonal and technical skills; To network with professionals in the industry. There are five major projects that I had a significant role in. The first project was Space Tools, involved gaining a good understanding of a javascript framework called Angular. My task was to study its working, develop wireframes from the view point of developing an application using that technology. My task was to Understand working with Angular framework, Understand working with Git, Develop wireframes. As this was my first project with Mayo Clinic, particularly at Development Shared Services (DSS) as a team project, I also had a large scope of understanding Agile Methodology - Scrum Process in particular. The second project was BAMS which was a rewrite of existing application in Windows Presentation Framework(WPF) and .Net backend. In this project my tasks were Understand using WinForms and WPF, Develop pages using WPF- MVVM Framework. The third project was DSA, where I acquired knowledge of working on Angular4 and frontend Unit testing in Karma using Mocha and Chai frameworks. The fourth project is MML Notification and Delivery, which started with an analysis phase in which were asked to analyze the data flow and system integrations the current Mayo Access and Mayo Link (MML Internal Operations) are dependent upon. We are to provide a new functionality to Mayo Access users of Notification and Delivery of tests results. The current project that I’m working on now is “MML Database Analysis”. This project is in the analysis phase. We were given a task to analyze MML databases to write an API instead of frontend calls to the database. I acquired many new technical skills throughout my work. I acquired new knowledge in Front-end development using various versions of Angular framework and Unit testing using Mocha and Chai framework in Karma. I also brushed my HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Javascript, Java, C# skills while working on various projects. Then I was introduced to the area of research and analysis and how to approach it. Most importantly, the work included good fellowship, cooperative teamwork and accepting responsibilities. Although I spent much time as a learning curve, I found that I was well trained in certain areas that helped me substantially in my projects. Many programming skills and Software Development Life Cycle understanding that I used in my internship, such as programming style and design, were the skills that I had acquired during my studies in Computer Science. This report also includes advantages of using Angular framework over other Javascript frameworks. The report concludes with my overall impressions of my work experience as well as my opinion of the Industrial Internship Program in general

    A Model-Driven Cross-Platform App Development Process for Heterogeneous Device Classes

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    App development has gained importance since the advent of smartphones to enable the ubiquitous access to information. Until now, multi- or cross-platform approaches are usually limited to different platforms for smartphones and tablets. With the recent trend towards app-enabled mobile devices, a plethora of heterogeneous devices such as smartwatches and smart TVs continues to emerge. For app developers, the situation resembles the early days of smartphones but worsened by the widely differing hardware, platform capabilities, and usage patterns. In order to tackle the identified challenges of app development beyond the boundaries of individual device classes, a systematic process built on the model-driven paradigm is presented. In addition, we demonstrate its applicability using the MAML framework to create interoperable business apps for both smartphones and smartwatches from a common, platform-independent model


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    The growing popularity of mobile platforms is changing the Internet user’s computing experience. Current studies suggest that the traditional ubiquitous computing landscape is shifting towards more enhanced and broader mobile computing platform consists of large number of heterogeneous devices. Smartphones and tablets begin to replace the desktop as the primary means of interacting with IT resources. While mobile devices facilitate in consuming web resources in the form of web services, the growing demand for consuming services on mobile device is introducing a complex ecosystem in the mobile environment. This research addresses the communication challenges involved in mobile distributed networks and proposes an event-driven communication approach for information dissemination. This research investigates different communication techniques such as synchronous and asynchronous polling and long-polling, server-side push as mechanisms between client-server interactions and the latest web technologies namely HTML5 standard WebSocket as communication protocol within a publish/subscribe paradigm. Finally, this research introduces and evaluates a framework that is hybrid of REST and event-based publish/subscribe for operating in the mobile environment

    From native to cross-platform hybrid development : CodeGT, design and development of a mobile app for ERP

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    The current trend towards mobility of individuals, together with the exponential growth of the number of mobile devices led the market to a boom in the demand for the development of mobile applications. Moreover, with the expansion and heterogeneity of the mobile devices and platforms, software companies need to search for faster and cheaper ways to develop applications that can span as many devices as possible to capture the market. Currently, the Android and iOS Operating Systems roughly share and dominate the mobile market, with timid expressions of other competitors. Each of these mobile operating systems were developed using their own languages, strategy and SDKs for development of applications using their libraries – known as Native apps. On the other hand, the evolution of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript created generic alternatives to create mobile apps that run on devices on all operating systems, although lacking the capability to access the device’s full potential. Alongside came the new Hybrid cross-platform development frameworks, which try to take the best of both worlds. This dissertation describes the evolution of the different mobile app development approaches and the state-of-the-art in their development techniques, and compares them with the Hybrid app approach, then highlighting the trends in mobile app development using Hybrid platforms and their advantages. This research includes the development of a mobile Hybrid application, CodeGT, which interacts with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to access the Transport Documents registered in this ERP and access to the code transmitted by the Portuguese Tax Authority (AT), therefore not requiring the printing of documents and meeting a need of the business market. This application does already have customer industry companies interested in it.As tendências atuais em direção à grande mobilidade dos indivíduos, juntamente com o crescimento exponencial do número de dispositivos móveis, levaram ao enorme crescimento na procura do desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis. Além disso, com a expansão e heterogeneidade dos dispositivos e das plataformas móveis, as empresas de desenvolvimento de software necessitam de encontrar formas mais rápidas e baratas de desenvolver aplicações capazes de abranger o maior número de dispositivos para ir ao encontro da elevada procura do mercado. Atualmente, os sistemas operativos Android e iOS dividem e dominam o mercado de dispositivos móveis com expressões tímidas de outros concorrentes. Cada um desses sistemas operativos móveis foi desenvolvido especificamente para linguagens de programação e estratégias próprias e oferecem um conjunto de ferramentas de desenvolvimento com as suas bibliotecas, para a criação de aplicações nativas. Por outro lado, a evolução do HTML5, CSS e do JavaScript criaram oportunidades para o surgimento de alternativas genéricas para criação de aplicações multiplataforma que correm em todos os dispositivos e em todos os sistemas operativos, mas sem a capacidade de aceder todo o potencial nativo do dispositivo. Paralelamente surgiram as novas plataformas de desenvolvimento híbridas, que tentam tirar o melhor partido dos dois mundos. Esta dissertação descreve a evolução das diferentes abordagens no desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis mais concretamente na utilização de ferramentas multiplataformas para a criação de aplicações móveis híbridas e as suas vantagens. A pesquisa incluiu ainda o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel, CodeGT, desenvolvido numa plataforma híbrida para interagir com um software ERP, acedendo aos Documentos de Transporte registados nesse ERP, assim como ao código transmitido pela Autoridade Tributária (AT), que assim dispensa a impressão de documentos e indo ao encontro de uma necessidade do mercado. Esta aplicação já tem empresas clientes interessadas nela