229 research outputs found

    Big data and predictive analytics and Malaysian micro‑, small and medium businesses

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    Innovative technologies such as big data and predictive analytics are facilitating a global revolution in operational management. The present study aims to investigate the extent of their adoption among micro-, small and medium enterprises. The context of choice is Malaysia—a growing economy hosting some of the relatively more technologically advanced enterprises in ASEAN union. The research plan of the present paper pursued three objectives. First, we aimed to identify the general rate of adoption of BDPA. Second, we explored the most common uses of this set of innovations in Malaysian micro-, small, and medium enterprises. Third, we strove to abstract the antecedents and consequences of BDPA in micro-, small, and large frms in the manufacturing and service sectors. We discovered that BDPA are almost never used to outsource suppliers or to optimise spending and purchasing. Conversely, the most frequent applications of BDPA are in customer relationship management and in warehouse and operations improvement. Moreover, we smaller frms are more resilient to the challenges of adopting BDPA than their smaller and larger counterparts. Thus, this paper presents a snapshot of the BDPA dissemination in the micro-, small and medium ecosystem in Malaysia in 2021, while exploring opportunities for the future development and dissemination of this set of innovations

    Big Data and Predictive Analytics in Malaysian Micro, Small and Medium Businesses

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    Innovative technologies such as big data and predictive analytics are facilitating a global revolution in operational management. The present study aims to investigate the extent of their adoption among micro-, small and medium enterprises. The context of choice is Malaysia—a growing economy hosting some of the relatively more technologically advanced enterprises in ASEAN union. The research plan of the present paper pursued three objectives. First, we aimed to identify the general rate of adoption of BDPA. Second, we explored the most common uses of this set of innovations in Malaysian micro-, small, and medium enterprises. Third, we strove to abstract the antecedents and consequences of BDPA in micro-, small, and large firms in the manufacturing and service sectors. We discovered that BDPA are almost never used to outsource suppliers or to optimise spending and purchasing. Conversely, the most frequent applications of BDPA are in customer relationship management and in warehouse and operations improvement. Moreover, we smaller firms are more resilient to the challenges of adopting BDPA than their smaller and larger counterparts. Thus, this paper presents a snapshot of the BDPA dissemination in the micro-, small and medium ecosystem in Malaysia in 2021, while exploring opportunities for the future development and dissemination of this set of innovations

    Managing buyer experience in a buyer–supplier relationship in MSMEs and SMEs

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    Monitoring buyer experience provides competitive advantages for suppliers as buyers explore the market before reaching a salesperson. Still, not many B2B suppliers monitor their buyers’ expectations throughout their procurement journey, especially in MSMEs and SMEs. In addition, the inductive research on evaluating buyer experience in buyer–supplier relationships is minimal, leaving an unexplored research area. This study explores antecedents of buyer experience during the buyer–supplier relationship in MSMEs and SMEs. Further, we investigate the nature of the influence of extracted precursors on the buyer experience. Firstly, we obtain the possible antecedents from the literature on buyer–supplier experience and supplier selection criteria. We also establish hypotheses based on transaction cost theory, resource-based view (RBV), and information processing view. Secondly, we employ an investigation based on the social media analytics-based approach to uncover the antecedents of buyer experience and their nature of influence on MSMEs and SME suppliers. We found that buyer experience is influenced by sustainable orientation, management capabilities (such as crisis management and process innovation), and suppliers’ technology capabilities (digital readiness, big data analytical capability)

    Sharia-Based Financial Performance Optimization for MSMEs in Banten Province, Indonesia

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    Economic growth will be influenced by stable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and optimal financial performance based on the use of sharia fintech. This study aims to examine the financial sustainability and performance of MSMEs from the perspective of Islamic economics; examine the impact of sharia fintech use on the financial sustainability and performance of SMEs; and strengthen human resource capacity, business diversification, business productivity, and product marketing to enhance the financial sustainability and business sustainability of SMEs. The survey was conducted with a quantitative approach. Data was obtained through questionnaires distributed to 303 respondents in 4 cities and 4 districts in Banten Province. The findings indicated that company diversification and human resource capacity had an impact on the financial performance of MSMEs. The viability of SME firms is positively impacted by sharia fintech, human resource capability, company diversification, business productivity, and financial performance. Our study recommends SME business management based on the use of sharia fintech in supporting SME business sustainability in Banten Province, Indonesia. Our research contribution, apart from being empirical evidence of how to optimize MSME financial performance, also provides understanding for MSME managers in inventorying alternatives to improve financial performance by studying human resource capacity, business diversification, sharia Fintech, and business productivity, which in turn has an impact on economic growth

    Responsible access to credit for sole-traders and micro-organizations under unstable market conditions with psychometrics

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    In a context of market volatility, the growing complexity of financial products, and a shift towards self-employment, there is an increasing demand for inclusive financial services for sole traders and micro-organizations. To address this need, we conducted a study using real-time data from a Fintech lender in the Czech Republic to assess the effectiveness of a new financial literacy based psychometric credit scoring model (PSM) in improving access to finance for micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSME) sector, particularly sole traders, and micro-organizations, during volatile market conditions. This study affirms that PSMs play a significant role in responsibly including this underserved sector. Specifically, we observed a 30% higher approval rate and a 23% lower default rate when utilizing the PSM versus the traditional credit scoring model (TCSM). Moreover, during the period of substantial market volatility and instability, such as the state-of-emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic, the PSM exhibited a 13% higher approval rate at a 20% lower default rate than the TCSM. This evidence supports the proposition that PSMs offer a viable option for promoting financial inclusion and targeted financial education among MSMEs in the face of instable financial markets

    Exploring the Synergy Between Financial Technologies and Financial Inclusion: What We Know and Where We Should Be Heading?

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    Background: Innovative financial technologies (fintech) are gradually changing how financial transactions and processes are conducted. The adoption of fintech not only benefits the financial sector but can also have a broader impact on society. Due to their ability to provide customized services to a wide range of stakeholders, fintech is gaining traction and experiencing significant growth. Compared to traditional financial institutions, fintech companies can reach a wider audience and operate more efficiently. In addition to upending traditional financial services, fintech can also provide financial services to marginalized groups. We argue that fintech research and practice should focus on seizing opportunities and addressing challenges related to financial inclusion, especially in emerging markets. Method: We conducted a systematic literature review of 178 articles to understand the relationship between fintech and financial inclusion. Results: Our analysis highlights six fintech research themes: fintech and financial inclusion, fintech adoption and use, fintech and sectoral growth, fintech and lending, and technology shaping the fintech. We also present four future themes (basic, driving, niche, and emerging or declining research) that can accelerate financial inclusion. Conclusions: This study highlights the synergies between fintech and financial inclusion research. This study contributes to existing knowledge in three ways. First, the descriptive analysis maps existing research on fintech and financial inclusion. Second, the qualitative analysis provides a comprehensive overview of how fintech and financial inclusion topics is interconnected. Third, future research areas for fintech and financial inclusion were identified. In general, fintech democratizes financial inclusion for the unbanked and marginalized communities while reducing operating costs. Governments should promote financial inclusion among those most vulnerable and affected by global threats

    Contemporary Research on Management and Business

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    This book contains 74 selected papers presented at the 5th International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2021), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 18 December 2021. This online conference was hosted by the Master of Management Program of Indonesia University. This year, ISCRBM focused on research related to driving sustainable business through innovation. Business has had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, so a new approach towards managing business to survive competition is indispensable. Innovation is the key for all organizations in surviving in the new normal and beyond. The Seminar aimed to provide a forum for leading scholars, academics, researchers, and practitioners in the business and management area to reflect on the issues, challenges and opportunities, and to share the latest innovative research and best practices. This seminar brought together participants to exchange ideas on the future development of management disciplines: human resource, marketing, operation, finance, strategic management and entrepreneurship

    The Role of Technology Usage in Mediating Intellectual Capital on SMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Era

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    This study examines technology in mediating human capital, customer capital, and organizational capital on SMEs' performance during Covid-19. To test the hypothesis, the PLS-SEM method was applied. Data collection was conducted by sharing questionnaiers to 150 owners of small industrial cluster in East Java, Indonesia.The empirical results show that human capital and technology usage directly affect significantly on SMEs' performance. Furthermore, technology usage has a significant influence in mediating human capital on firms' performance. We provide implications for using technology for practice and using a socio-technical approach by SMEs to face challenges related to their work organization in response to COVID-19 while maintaining their activities. We hope that our reflection will be a source of thought for scholars and practitioners to explore further using technology for SMEs to secure business continuity during COVID-19.JEL Classification: O2, O34, M21How to Cite:Faisol, Astuti, P., Winarko, S. P. (2021). The Role of Technology Usage in Mediating Intellectual Capital on SMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Era. Etikonomi, 20(2), xx – xx. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v20i2.20172

    Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Managing Digital Industry, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CoMDITE 2021)

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    This conference proceeding provides the compilation of all papers presented during the 2nd Conference on Managing Digital Industry, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CoMDITE 2021) on 7th and 8th April 2021. This year, CoMDITE is held virtually with participations from local and international participants. The theme is Business Sustainability Through Digital Transformation. CoMDITE 2021 is mainly aimed to serve as a sharing platform that enables researchers, academics and practitioners to share the best practices, which have been produced through research, as well as to potentially propose the best strategy in utilizing digital transformation for business sustainability. All papers are presented according to the following seven tracks - (i) Big Data Analytics for Business, (ii) Digital Innovative and Education, (iii) Digital Marketing, (iv) Digital Talent for Management, (v) Digital Technology for Business, (vi) Entrepreneurship and (vii) Strategic Management and Ecosystem Business

    Artificial Intelligence Policy in Promoting Indonesian Tourism

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    Artificial intelligence changes how tourist destinations operate, provides better service to visitors, and provides long-term benefits for local communities and the environment. However, it is essential to question whether governments can effectively resolve data privacy and cybersecurity challenges when deploying these technologies. This study aims to analyze issues related to the role of artificial intelligence policy in promoting Indonesia's digital tourism. This research employs a normative legal approach, drawing from both statutory and historical sources. This research concludes that Indonesia promotes artificial intelligence in tourism by investing in AI technology research and development, collaborating between the government and the private sector to implement AI solutions, and establishing a supportive regulatory framework to ensure the ethical use of AI in tourism. The impact of digitalization policies on digital tourism includes increasing accessibility and convenience for tourists through online ordering systems and digital payment methods, developing smart destinations with Internet of Things technology and data-based insights, and enhancing tourist experiences through augmented reality applications and virtual reality
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