9,731 research outputs found

    Shearlet-based compressed sensing for fast 3D cardiac MR imaging using iterative reweighting

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    High-resolution three-dimensional (3D) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a valuable medical imaging technique, but its widespread application in clinical practice is hampered by long acquisition times. Here we present a novel compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction approach using shearlets as a sparsifying transform allowing for fast 3D CMR (3DShearCS). Shearlets are mathematically optimal for a simplified model of natural images and have been proven to be more efficient than classical systems such as wavelets. Data is acquired with a 3D Radial Phase Encoding (RPE) trajectory and an iterative reweighting scheme is used during image reconstruction to ensure fast convergence and high image quality. In our in-vivo cardiac MRI experiments we show that the proposed method 3DShearCS has lower relative errors and higher structural similarity compared to the other reconstruction techniques especially for high undersampling factors, i.e. short scan times. In this paper, we further show that 3DShearCS provides improved depiction of cardiac anatomy (measured by assessing the sharpness of coronary arteries) and two clinical experts qualitatively analyzed the image quality

    Iterative CT reconstruction using shearlet-based regularization

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    In computerized tomography, it is important to reduce the image noise without increasing the acquisition dose. Extensive research has been done into total variation minimization for image denoising and sparse-view reconstruction. However, TV minimization methods show superior denoising performance for simple images (with little texture), but result in texture information loss when applied to more complex images. Since in medical imaging, we are often confronted with textured images, it might not be beneficial to use TV. Our objective is to find a regularization term outperforming TV for sparse-view reconstruction and image denoising in general. A recent efficient solver was developed for convex problems, based on a split-Bregman approach, able to incorporate regularization terms different from TV. In this work, a proof-of-concept study demonstrates the usage of the discrete shearlet transform as a sparsifying transform within this solver for CT reconstructions. In particular, the regularization term is the 1-norm of the shearlet coefficients. We compared our newly developed shearlet approach to traditional TV on both sparse-view and on low-count simulated and measured preclinical data. Shearlet-based regularization does not outperform TV-based regularization for all datasets. Reconstructed images exhibit small aliasing artifacts in sparse-view reconstruction problems, but show no staircasing effect. This results in a slightly higher resolution than with TV-based regularization

    Collaborative sparse regression using spatially correlated supports - Application to hyperspectral unmixing

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    This paper presents a new Bayesian collaborative sparse regression method for linear unmixing of hyperspectral images. Our contribution is twofold; first, we propose a new Bayesian model for structured sparse regression in which the supports of the sparse abundance vectors are a priori spatially correlated across pixels (i.e., materials are spatially organised rather than randomly distributed at a pixel level). This prior information is encoded in the model through a truncated multivariate Ising Markov random field, which also takes into consideration the facts that pixels cannot be empty (i.e, there is at least one material present in each pixel), and that different materials may exhibit different degrees of spatial regularity. Secondly, we propose an advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate the posterior probabilities that materials are present or absent in each pixel, and, conditionally to the maximum marginal a posteriori configuration of the support, compute the MMSE estimates of the abundance vectors. A remarkable property of this algorithm is that it self-adjusts the values of the parameters of the Markov random field, thus relieving practitioners from setting regularisation parameters by cross-validation. The performance of the proposed methodology is finally demonstrated through a series of experiments with synthetic and real data and comparisons with other algorithms from the literature

    Social-sparsity brain decoders: faster spatial sparsity

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    Spatially-sparse predictors are good models for brain decoding: they give accurate predictions and their weight maps are interpretable as they focus on a small number of regions. However, the state of the art, based on total variation or graph-net, is computationally costly. Here we introduce sparsity in the local neighborhood of each voxel with social-sparsity, a structured shrinkage operator. We find that, on brain imaging classification problems, social-sparsity performs almost as well as total-variation models and better than graph-net, for a fraction of the computational cost. It also very clearly outlines predictive regions. We give details of the model and the algorithm.Comment: in Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging, Jun 2016, Trento, Italy. 201