7 research outputs found

    Developing a loss prediction-based asynchronous stochastic gradient descent algorithm for distributed training of deep neural networks

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    Training Deep Neural Network is a computation-intensive and time-consuming task. Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (ASGD) is an effective solution to accelerate the training process since it enables the network to be trained in a distributed fashion, but with a main issue of the delayed gradient update. A recent notable work called DC-ASGD improves the performance of ASGD by compensating the delay using a cheap approximation of the Hessian matrix. DC-ASGD works well with a short delay; however, the performance drops considerably with an increasing delay between the workers and the server. In real-life large-scale distributed training, such gradient delay experienced by the worker is usually high and volatile. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called LC-ASGD to compensate for the delay, basing on Loss Prediction. It effectively extends the tolerable delay duration for the compensation mechanism. Specifically, LC-ASGD utilizes additional models that reside in the parameter server and predict the loss to compensate for the delay, basing on historical losses collected from each worker. The algorithm is evaluated on the popular networks and benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our LC-ASGD significantly improves over existing methods, especially when the networks are trained with a large number of workers

    Deep learning methods for solving linear inverse problems: Research directions and paradigms

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    The linear inverse problem is fundamental to the development of various scientific areas. Innumerable attempts have been carried out to solve different variants of the linear inverse problem in different applications. Nowadays, the rapid development of deep learning provides a fresh perspective for solving the linear inverse problem, which has various well-designed network architectures results in state-of-the-art performance in many applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the recent progress in the development of deep learning for solving various linear inverse problems. We review how deep learning methods are used in solving different linear inverse problems, and explore the structured neural network architectures that incorporate knowledge used in traditional methods. Furthermore, we identify open challenges and potential future directions along this research line

    Scalable computing for earth observation - Application on Sea Ice analysis

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    In recent years, Deep learning (DL) networks have shown considerable improvements and have become a preferred methodology in many different applications. These networks have outperformed other classical techniques, particularly in large data settings. In earth observation from the satellite field, for example, DL algorithms have demonstrated the ability to learn complicated nonlinear relationships in input data accurately. Thus, it contributed to advancement in this field. However, the training process of these networks has heavy computational overheads. The reason is two-fold: The sizable complexity of these networks and the high number of training samples needed to learn all parameters comprising these architectures. Although the quantity of training data enhances the accuracy of the trained models in general, the computational cost may restrict the amount of analysis that can be done. This issue is particularly critical in satellite remote sensing, where a myriad of satellites generate an enormous amount of data daily, and acquiring in-situ ground truth for building a large training dataset is a fundamental prerequisite. This dissertation considers various aspects of deep learning based sea ice monitoring from SAR data. In this application, labeling data is very costly and time-consuming. Also, in some cases, it is not even achievable due to challenges in establishing the required domain knowledge, specifically when it comes to monitoring Arctic Sea ice with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), which is the application domain of this thesis. Because the Arctic is remote, has long dark seasons, and has a very dynamic weather system, the collection of reliable in-situ data is very demanding. In addition to the challenges of interpreting SAR data of sea ice, this issue makes SAR-based sea ice analysis with DL networks a complicated process. We propose novel DL methods to cope with the problems of scarce training data and address the computational cost of the training process. We analyze DL network capabilities based on self-designed architectures and learn strategies, such as transfer learning for sea ice classification. We also address the scarcity of training data by proposing a novel deep semi-supervised learning method based on SAR data for incorporating unlabeled data information into the training process. Finally, a new distributed DL method that can be used in a semi-supervised manner is proposed to address the computational complexity of deep neural network training

    Edge Computing for Internet of Things

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    The Internet-of-Things is becoming an established technology, with devices being deployed in homes, workplaces, and public areas at an increasingly rapid rate. IoT devices are the core technology of smart-homes, smart-cities, intelligent transport systems, and promise to optimise travel, reduce energy usage and improve quality of life. With the IoT prevalence, the problem of how to manage the vast volumes of data, wide variety and type of data generated, and erratic generation patterns is becoming increasingly clear and challenging. This Special Issue focuses on solving this problem through the use of edge computing. Edge computing offers a solution to managing IoT data through the processing of IoT data close to the location where the data is being generated. Edge computing allows computation to be performed locally, thus reducing the volume of data that needs to be transmitted to remote data centres and Cloud storage. It also allows decisions to be made locally without having to wait for Cloud servers to respond