102 research outputs found

    Enhancing Robustness of Uplift Models used for Churn Prevention against Local Disturbances

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    Helper, Sharer or Seeker? - A Concept to Determine Knowledge Worker Roles in Enterprise Social Networks

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    In order to manage knowledge work, companies need to understand how knowledge is shared, integrated, translated and transformed in organisa-tional practice. However, knowledge work often happens in informal organisa-tional structures, thus, making it difficult to identify and understand the occurring knowledge practices and participating actors. Enterprise Social Networks (ESN), i.e. internally accessible social networking services, have evolved as important platforms for knowledge work. Facilitating knowledge interactions between us-ers, the analysis of ESN data might be well suited for characterising and identi-fying knowledge actions and different knowledge worker roles. Drawing on an existing knowledge worker role typology as well as findings from social media research, this paper develops a conceptual basis that serves as starting point for determining knowledge worker roles using ESN data. The next steps of this re-search involve the empirical testing of the typology using data obtained from a real case scenario

    Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom

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    Purpose – This paper is part of an extensive action research project on learning analytics and focuses on the analysis criteria in Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) settings. We analyse how the efficiency of virtual learning facilitation can be increased by (semi-) automated learning analytics. Monitoring items are the starting point that enable the learning facilitator to identify learning problems and deduce adequate actions of intervention. However, the sophisticated media-based learning environment does not allow monitoring of vast amounts of items and appreciate the learning processes simultaneously. Design/methodology/approach – This paper fulfils the sub-goal of selecting and prioritising monitoring items for e-collaboration. The procedure is split into two Research Questions (RQ). A specification of the monitoring items will be compiled by a comparison and a consolidation of the already existing monitoring sheets. Therefore, we interviewed the responsible docents on differences and similarities. Additionally, we coded each monitoring item inductively due to their monitoring objective. As a result, we reduced the monitoring sheets to 40 final monitoring items (RQ1). In order to prioritise them, the learning facilitators scored the relevance and the complexity of the collection and assessment of data using a questionnaire. The analysis focused on differences in understanding of relevance and complexity. Further, we identified the highest scored monitoring items as well as scores with leverage potential. Afterwards we prioritised the items based on the applied analysis (RQ2). Originality/value – While previous studies on learning analytics were mostly driven by the educational data mining field and as a consequence had a technological focus. This paper is based on an existing pedagogical concept of VCL and therefore prioritises monitoring items to be implemented as selected learning analytics. Hence, it is guaranteed that the analysis is related directly to the learning content. Practical implications – This research paper achieved two outcomes: Firstly, a courseindependent standardised monitoring sheet. Thus, the reduction of the monitoring items should simplify and objectify the observation and clarify the performance review. Secondly, an insight into the relevance of each monitoring item had been delivered to the facilitators and provides significance on the quality of e-collaboration. Furthermore, the complexity score shows the necessary effort for data collection and assessment while the combination of relevance and complexity scores leads to the prioritisation of the needs of (semi-) automated learning analytics to support the learning facilitation

    Digitalisierung – Das Ende der Unternehmens-IT?

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    In vielen Unternehmen wird traditionell die Verantwortung fĂŒr IT in Produkten und Produktion organisatorisch anders verankert als die Verantwortung fĂŒr alle anderen IT-Aufgaben, die der so genannten Unternehmens-IT obliegen und in klassischen IT-Abteilungen wahrgenommen werden. Der Digitalisierungstrend verschĂ€rft diese Zweiteilung weiter und droht die Unternehmens-IT ĂŒberflĂŒssig zu machen, obwohl sie vordergrĂŒndig viel bedeutender werden mĂŒsste. Worauf ist diese Entwicklung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren? [Aus dem Volltext.

    Towards More Robust Uplift Modeling for Churn Prevention in the Presence of Negatively Correlated Estimation Errors

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    The subscription economy is rapidly growing, boosting the importance of churn prevention. However, current true lift models often lead to poor outcomes in churn prevention campaigns. A vital problem seems to lie in instable estimations due to dynamic surrounding parameters such as price increases, product migrations, tariff launches of a competitor, or other events with uncertain consequences. The crucial challenge therefore is to make churn prevention measures more reliable in the presence of game-changing events. In this paper, we assume such events to be spatially finite in feature space, an assumption which leads to particularly bad churn prevention results if the selected customers lump in an affected region of the feature space. We then introduce novel methods which trade off uplift for reduced similarity in feature space when selecting customers for churn prevention campaigns and show that these methods can improve the robustness of uplift modeling

    The characteristics of Bulgarian reward-based crowdfunding campaigns

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    Reward-based crowdfunding is the most popular method for acquiring financial resources directly from potential users. Bulgarian entrepreneurs and small companies have the opportunity to search for funding from international online communities that are active in the biggest reward-based crowdfunding platforms as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The proposed paper aims to examine the current state and characteristics of the Bulgarian campaigns in Kickstarter, to identify success factors for generating funds and give directions for better performance of Bulgarian entrepreneurs in reward-based crowdfunding

    A Meta Model Based Extension of BPMN 2.0 for Mobile Context Sensitive Business Processes and Applications

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    Smart devices like smartphones or tablets have become ubiquitous, which affected many daily work activities like maintaining contacts via a mobile CRM anywhere, anytime. Thus, business processes can now be executed independently of an employee’s location. In addition, mobile devices have the possibility to measure physical quantities through sensors, like location or acceleration. Moreover, the connection to wireless networks made it possible to query context information like customer history. These context information can be used to adapt mobile business processes and the mobile application that support them. But in order to use this advantage, mobile sensor data has to be reflected in the business process model. As current languages for process aware information systems, such as BPMN, do not support the influence of mobile context information, we propose an extension of the BPMN that will enable the modeling of mobile context sensitive business processes

    Die Katastrophe im Blick – Navigation durch die (Informations-) Flut

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    Soziale Netzwerke, wie Facebook, dienen im Kampf gegen Naturkatastrophen als wichtige KommunikationskanĂ€le. Neben der Mobilisierung und Koordination freiwilliger Helfer konnte Facebook beim Elbehochwasser 2013, im Vergleich zu konventionellen Medien und KommunikationskanĂ€len, zu einer höheren AktualitĂ€t von Informationen, sowie einer breiteren Informationsreichweite beitragen. Allerdings fĂŒhrte die Kommunikation ĂŒber Facebook auch zu Ordnungsproblemen an einzelnen, vom Hochwasser betroffenen Standorten. [... aus dem Text

    Managers’ decisions and strategic actions of enterprises in Poland in the face of digital transformation

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    Motivation: Digitalisation as a continuous process of convergence of the real and virtual worlds is becoming the main driving force for innovations and changes in most sectors of the economy. What is especially important is that current changes are radical, and in some cases even disruptive, bringing completely different values to market players and consumers. In order to cope with these changes, individual enterprises and whole sectors, public administration, society and national economies need to undertake digital transformation.Aim: The aim of the article is to indicate areas of activity in which information technologies are most often implemented in enterprises in Poland as well as managers’ strategic approach to this problem in the face of digital transformation.Results: In order to assess the degree of enterprises’ engagement in the process of implementing modern information technologies, a survey was conducted. The survey questionnaire consisted of a dozen questions concerning the perception of the issue of digital transformation and its inclusion into key strategic and organisational documents, enterprises’ readiness to implement modern technologies, organisational culture, ICT use and achieved effectiveness. Digitalisation of the economy and society is one of the most dynamic changes of our times, opening up new opportunities to create business models, while bringing uncertainty and various threats connected, among other things, with social consequences of the automation of production processes and security in a broad sense. The paper presents the level of Polish enterprises’ engagement in the process of digital transformation and shows how the progress in terms of implementation of modern ICT
