102 research outputs found

    The Research Unit VolImpact: Revisiting the volcanic impact on atmosphere and climate – preparations for the next big volcanic eruption

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    This paper provides an overview of the scientific background and the research objectives of the Research Unit “VolImpact” (Revisiting the volcanic impact on atmosphere and climate – preparations for the next big volcanic eruption, FOR 2820). VolImpact was recently funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and started in spring 2019. The main goal of the research unit is to improve our understanding of how the climate system responds to volcanic eruptions. Such an ambitious program is well beyond the capabilities of a single research group, as it requires expertise from complementary disciplines including aerosol microphysical modelling, cloud physics, climate modelling, global observations of trace gas species, clouds and stratospheric aerosols. The research goals will be achieved by building on important recent advances in modelling and measurement capabilities. Examples of the advances in the observations include the now daily near-global observations of multi-spectral aerosol extinction from the limb-scatter instruments OSIRIS, SCIAMACHY and OMPS-LP. In addition, the recently launched SAGE III/ISS and upcoming satellite missions EarthCARE and ALTIUS will provide high resolution observations of aerosols and clouds. Recent improvements in modeling capabilities within the framework of the ICON model family now enable simulations at spatial resolutions fine enough to investigate details of the evolution and dynamics of the volcanic eruptive plume using the large-eddy resolving version, up to volcanic impacts on larger-scale circulation systems in the general circulation model version. When combined with state-of-the-art aerosol and cloud microphysical models, these approaches offer the opportunity to link eruptions directly to their climate forcing. These advances will be exploited in VolImpact to study the effects of volcanic eruptions consistently over the full range of spatial and temporal scales involved, addressing the initial development of explosive eruption plumes (project VolPlume), the variation of stratospheric aerosol particle size and radiative forcing caused by volcanic eruptions (VolARC), the response of clouds (VolCloud), the effects of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric dynamics (VolDyn), as well as their climate impact (VolClim)

    The Research Unit VolImpact: Revisiting the volcanic impact on atmosphere and climate – preparations for the next big volcanic eruption

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    This paper provides an overview of the scientific background and the research objectives of the Research Unit “VolImpact” (Revisiting the volcanic impact on atmosphere and climate – preparations for the next big volcanic eruption, FOR 2820). VolImpact was recently funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and started in spring 2019. The main goal of the research unit is to improve our understanding of how the climate system responds to volcanic eruptions. Such an ambitious program is well beyond the capabilities of a single research group, as it requires expertise from complementary disciplines including aerosol microphysical modelling, cloud physics, climate modelling, global observations of trace gas species, clouds and stratospheric aerosols. The research goals will be achieved by building on important recent advances in modelling and measurement capabilities. Examples of the advances in the observations include the now daily near-global observations of multi-spectral aerosol extinction from the limb-scatter instruments OSIRIS, SCIAMACHY and OMPS-LP. In addition, the recently launched SAGE III/ISS and upcoming satellite missions EarthCARE and ALTIUS will provide high resolution observations of aerosols and clouds. Recent improvements in modeling capabilities within the framework of the ICON model family now enable simulations at spatial resolutions fine enough to investigate details of the evolution and dynamics of the volcanic eruptive plume using the large-eddy resolving version, up to volcanic impacts on larger-scale circulation systems in the general circulation model version. When combined with state-of-the-art aerosol and cloud microphysical models, these approaches offer the opportunity to link eruptions directly to their climate forcing. These advances will be exploited in VolImpact to study the effects of volcanic eruptions consistently over the full range of spatial and temporal scales involved, addressing the initial development of explosive eruption plumes (project VolPlume), the variation of stratospheric aerosol particle size and radiative forcing caused by volcanic eruptions (VolARC), the response of clouds (VolCloud), the effects of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric dynamics (VolDyn), as well as their climate impact (VolClim)

    Studies of global cloud field using measurements of GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2

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    Tropospheric clouds are main players in the Earth climate system. Characterization of long-term global and regional cloud properties aims to support trace-gases retrieval, radiative budget assessment, and analysis of interactions with particles in the atmosphere. The information needed for the determination of cloud properties can be optimally obtained with satellite remote sensing systems. This is because the amount of reflected solar light depends both on macro- and micro-physical characteristics of clouds. At the time of writing, the spaceborne nadir-viewing Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), together with the Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) and GOME-2, make available a unique record of almost 17 years (June 1996 throughout May 2012) of global top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectances and form the observational basis of this work. They probe the atmosphere in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Specifically, in order to infer cloud properties such as optical thickness (COT), spherical albedo (CA), cloud base (CBH) and cloud top (CTH) height, TOA reflectances have been selected inside and around the strong absorption band of molecular oxygen in the wavelength range at 758-772 nm (the O2 A-band). The retrieval is accomplished using the Semi-Analytical CloUd Retrieval Algorithm (SACURA). The physical framework relies on the asymptotic parameterizations of radiative transfer. The generated record has been throughly verified against synthetic datasets as function of cloud and surface parameters, sensing geometries, and instrumental specifications and validated against ground-based retrievals. The error budget analysis shows that SACURA retrieves CTH with an average accuracy of ±400 m, COT within ±20% (given that COT > 5) and places CTH closer to ground-based radar-derived CTH, as compared to independent satellite-based retrievals. In the considered time period the global average CTH is 5.2±3.0 km, for a corresponding average COT of 20.5±16.1 and CA of 0.62±0.11. Using linear least-squares techniques, global trend in deseasonalized CTH has been found to be -1.78±2.14 m * year-1 in the latitude belt ±60°, with diverging tendency over land ( 0.27±3.2 m * year-1) and water (-2.51±2.8 m * year-1) masses. The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), observed through CTH and cloud fraction (CF) values over the Pacific Ocean, pulls clouds to lower altitudes. It is argued that ENSO must be removed for trend analysis. The global ENSO-cleaned trend in CTH amounts to -0.49±2.22 m * year-1. At a global scale, no explicit patterns of statistically significant trends (at 95% confidence level, estimated with bootstrap resampling technique) have been found, which are representative of peculiar natural climate variability. One exception is the Sahara region, which exhibits the strongest upward trend in CTH, sustained by an increasing trend in water vapor. Indeed, the representativeness of every trend is affected by the record length under study. 17 years of cloud data still might not be enough to provide any decisive answer to current open questions involving clouds. The algorithm used in this work can be applied to measurements provided by future planned Earth's observation missions. In this way, the existing cloud record will be extended and attribution of cloud property changes to natural or human causes and assessment of cloud feedback sign within the climate system can be investigated

    investigations into the nature, severity, and impact of pyrocumulonimbus

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    Pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) storms have been shown to have an eruptive dynamic and capacity similar to volcanic eruptions that penetrate into the stratosphere. Much remains unknown about pyroCb, for instance its storm structure, frequency, impact on satellite cloud imagery, and impact on regional/hemispheric climate. This study pursues in-depth exploration of pyroCb using observational data analysis and modeling. The observational aspect of this research will be founded in satellite data from imagers and profilers, going back to the late 1970s. These data are examined for clues that will eventually allow the characterization of a pyroCb-frequency climatology. The particular data sets include Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aerosol index, nadir imagery in the visible and infrared, and aerosol profiles. In addition, available ground-based data (such as lidar) are also exploited. PyroCb radiative impact is explored by combining aerosol optical depth data with a long-term Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) and radiosonde temperature archive and a radiative transfer model. This work comprises studies of two pyroCb events, in the southern and northern hemisphere, and an analysis of the radiative impact of stratospheric smoke comprising two seasons with multiple pyroCbs. The major findings include the revelation that pyroCb can generate tornadoes, significantly suppress precipitation due to super-abundance of condensation nuclei, increase by factors of 2 to 5 the zonal average stratospheric aerosol optical depth, pollute air mass regimes from tropics to polar, and perturb zonal average stratospheric temperature

    Global and regional trends of Aerosol Optical Thickness derived using satellite- and ground-based observations

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    Atmospheric aerosol plays a critical role for human health, air quality, long range transport of pollution, and the Earth s radiative balance, thereby influencing global climate change. To test our scientific understanding and provide an evidence base for policymakers, long-term temporal changes of local, regional, and global aerosols are needed. Remote sensing from satellite borne and ground based observations offers unique opportunities to provide such data. However, only a few studies have discussed the limitations, associated with unrepresentative sampling originating from large/persistent cloud disturbance and limited/different sampling (limited orbital periods and different sampling times) in the trend analysis. Using a linear weighted model, the long-term trends of global AOTs from various polar orbiting satellites and ground observations: MODIS (aboard Terra), MISR (Terra), SeaWiFS (OrbView-2), MODIS (Aqua), and AERONET have been analyzed. In this manner, the present study attempts to minimize the influence of unrepresentative sampling in the trend analysis. Throughout terrestrial and marine regions, temporal increase of cloud-free AOTs were dominat over the globe (GL), northern (NH), and southern hemisphere (SH) (up to 0.00348±0.00185 for GL, 0.00514±0.00272 for NH, and 0.00232±0.00124 per year for SH). Generally, consistently in all observations, the weighted trends over Eastern US and OECD Europe showed a strong decreasing AOT (up to -0.00376±0.00174 for Eastern US and -0.00530±0.00304 per year for OECD Europe) attributed to the recent environmental legislation and resulting regulation of emissions. A significant increase was observed over Saharan/Arabian deserts, South, and East Asia (up to 0.00618±0.00326, 0.01452±0.00615, and 0.01939±0.00986 per year, respectively). These in part dramatic increases are caused by the enhanced amount of aerosol transported/emitted from industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, desertification, and climate change. Overall large/persistent cloud disturbance all year round and the limited/different sampling of polar orbiting satellites represent a challenge, which has been addressed successfully in this study for the accurate determination of aerosol amount and its trends

    Environmental Snapshots from ACE-Asia

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    On five occasions spanning the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) field campaign in spring 2001, the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer spaceborne instrument took data coincident with high-quality observations by instruments on two or more surface and airborne platforms. The cases capture a range of clean, polluted, and dusty aerosol conditions. With a three-stage optical modeling process, we synthesize the data from over 40 field instruments into layer-by-layer environmental snapshots that summarize what we know about the atmospheric and surface states at key locations during each event. We compare related measurements and discuss the implications of apparent discrepancies, at a level of detail appropriate for satellite retrieval algorithm and aerosol transport model validation. Aerosols within a few kilometers of the surface were composed primarily of pollution and Asian dust mixtures, as expected. Medium- and coarse-mode particle size distributions varied little among the events studied; however, column aerosol optical depth changed by more than a factor of 4, and the near-surface proportion of dust ranged between 25% and 50%. The amount of absorbing material in the submicron fraction was highest when near-surface winds crossed Beijing and the Korean Peninsula and was considerably lower for all other cases. Having simultaneous single-scattering albedo measurements at more than one wavelength would significantly reduce the remaining optical model uncertainties. The consistency of component particle microphysical properties among the five events, even in this relatively complex aerosol environment, suggests that global, satellite-derived maps of aerosol optical depth and aerosol mixture (air-mass-type) extent, combined with targeted in situ component microphysical property measurements, can provide a detailed global picture of aerosol behavior

    Ocean observations with EOS/MODIS: Algorithm development and post launch studies

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    An investigation of the influence of stratospheric aerosol on the performance of the atmospheric correction algorithm was carried out. The results indicate how the performance of the algorithm is degraded if the stratospheric aerosol is ignored. Use of the MODIS 1380 nm band to effect a correction for stratospheric aerosols was also studied. The development of a multi-layer Monte Carlo radiative transfer code that includes polarization by molecular and aerosol scattering and wind-induced sea surface roughness has been completed. Comparison tests with an existing two-layer successive order of scattering code suggests that both codes are capable of producing top-of-atmosphere radiances with errors usually less than 0.1 percent. An initial set of simulations to study the effects of ignoring the polarization of the the ocean-atmosphere light field, in both the development of the atmospheric correction algorithm and the generation of the lookup tables used for operation of the algorithm, have been completed. An algorithm was developed that can be used to invert the radiance exiting the top and bottom of the atmosphere to yield the columnar optical properties of the atmospheric aerosol under clear sky conditions over the ocean, for aerosol optical thicknesses as large as 2. The algorithm is capable of retrievals with such large optical thicknesses because all significant orders of multiple scattering are included
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