43 research outputs found

    A study on wettability properties of rutile-phase TiO2 nanostructure film

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a very well-known material for applications such as photocatalysis, solar cell and self-cleaning applications. This material can also be coated on glass surfaces, especially for car windows and building windows as well. Glass in the market nowadays, the material that coated on the glass weakens as time passes and harmful to the environment. Since TiO2 material has advantages such as being inert and environmentally friendly, thus the study of the wettability properties of rutile-phase TiO2 film is introduced for self-cleaning application. TiO2 is fabricated using the hydrothermal synthesis method at 150°C. The fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) is used as a substrate to grow the TiO2 nanostructure by mixing hydrochloric acid (HCl), deionised water (DI) and titanium (IV) butoxide (TBOT). The effects of the duration of the hydrothermal process, the volume of HCl, the volume of TBOT as well as the use of surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB) toward the synthesis growth of nanorods are thoroughly evaluated. The samples are analysed by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) for structural properties, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) for morphology structure and water contact angle (WCA) measurement for wettability properties. FE-SEM shows that the layer of TiO2 nanorods is successfully grown on the FTO substrate. The contact angle results for different hydrothermal reaction times and different HCl and TBOT volumes reveal that TiO2 has wettability properties of hydrophilicity (<90°). Even though different structures are achieved from different parameters, none of the samples exhibit hydrophobic characteristics. From the XRD data analysis, all of the samples are rutile�phase TiO2. The optimum amount of hydrothermal reaction time, volume of HCl and volume of TBOT are at 16 hours, 130 mL and 5 mL, respectively, where TiO2 has a crystalline structure with fine tetragonal shape and the highest contact angle. The use of HTAB have a change in wettability properties as it makes the sample become super�hydrophilic compared to as-prepared sample which is hydrophilic only

    Електронні презентації Microsoft Power Point у навчальному процесі

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    У статті досліджено методологічні та дидактичні аспекти використання електронних презентацій Microsoft Power Point у навчальному процесі

    Permainan Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    English is one of the important subjects that students must learn so that teachers need to be creative in presenting the material and learning media. This study aims to develop educational games based on power point as a learning media for grade 1 students of MI Al-Hikmah Kajen on English alphabet material. The type of research used is R &amp; D (Research and Development) model Borg and Gall. The population of this study were all grade 1 students of MI Al-Hikmah Kajen, totaling 46 students. The results of the research on the development of educational games based on power point are able to make all students enthusiastic in learning, and make students able to understand better the alphabet material delivered with learning media. The results of the feasibility test for the validation stage and the teacher questionnaire obtained an average score of 4 in the Good category. While the questionnaire distributed to students obtained an average score of 5 with a very good category. The results of this validation indicate that the learning media made are very feasible to use as teaching materials at MI Al-Hikmah Kajen

    Modulation of non-linear wave in a fluid-filled thick elastic tube

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    This research presents an analytical study on the wave modulation flow in an artery. The artery is simulated as an incompressible, isotropic, and thick walled elastic tube. By considering blood as an incompressible inviscid fluid or incompressible viscous fluid, two mathematical models of non-linear wave modulation in a thick elastic tube were developed. The modulation of the non-linear wave in the long wave approximation was investigated using the reductive perturbation method. The governing equation for the incompressible inviscid fluid model was shown to be the non-linear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). As the dissipative non-linear Schrodinger equation (DNLSE), the control equation of the incompressible viscous fluid model was derived. These governing equations have been sought progressive wave-type solutions. It is observed that solitary wave type solutions with variable amplitude are admitted by these two equations. The effects on the blood flow characteristics have been extracted graphically by radial displacement, radial speed, axial speed, tube pressure, and hydrostatic pressure. Graphical analysis on wave amplitude variation, wave width, and wave travel was performed to illustrate the clarification of these two models towards wave modulation. Results showed that wave propagated smoothly for the first model, while the second model displayed the wave propagated with decreasing of wave amplitude. It was found that as the fluid viscosity increased, the resistance for blood to flow also increased

    Effects of modern instructional technology (MIT) on critical thinking skills of students in agriculture vocational courses in Nigeria

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    The recent development in modern instruction technology (MIT) methods and equipment warranted for studies to examine their effects on students, teachers, and the education system in general. This study examines the effects of MIT on students’ critical thinking skills in Agriculture vocational courses in Nigeria. The methods and equipment used were identified, and the effect of teachers’ usage behaviour was assessed. A survey approach was adopted, using questionnaires for data collection. The descriptive, correlations and multiple regressions were carried out using SPSS. The result of this study indicates that the most commonly used equipment is electronic whiteboard, while the least are electronic tablets and laptops. Cooperative learning is the most commonly used methods while games and online instruction are the least. There is a moderate positive correlation between MIT methods and the students’ critical thinking skill, but a very weak positive correlation between MIT equipment and students’ critical thinking skill. There is statistically significant contribution of methods to student’s critical thinking, but insignificant method usage behaviour. Therefore, it is concluded that government should incorporate the provision and effective utilisation of MIT equipment and methods in the national education policy. School managements should emphasise the use of MIT methods and review curriculum to improve teachers’ skills in MIT usage. Teachers should utilise the available MIT equipment and method along with their skills for an effective delivery of lessons. Similarly, the students should be encouraged to appreciate the available methods and the equipment, and use them effectively

    Effects of modern instructional technology (MIT) on critical thinking skills of students in agriculture vocational courses in Nigeria

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    The recent development in modern instruction technology (MIT) methods and equipment warranted for studies to examine their effects on students, teachers, and the education system in general. This study examines the effects of MIT on students’ critical thinking skills in Agriculture vocational courses in Nigeria. The methods and equipment used were identified, and the effect of teachers’ usage behaviour was assessed. A survey approach was adopted, using questionnaires for data collection. The descriptive, correlations and multiple regressions were carried out using SPSS. The result of this study indicates that the most commonly used equipment is electronic whiteboard, while the least are electronic tablets and laptops. Cooperative learning is the most commonly used methods while games and online instruction are the least. There is a moderate positive correlation between MIT methods and the students’ critical thinking skill, but a very weak positive correlation between MIT equipment and students’ critical thinking skill. There is statistically significant contribution of methods to student’s critical thinking, but insignificant method usage behaviour. Therefore, it is concluded that government should incorporate the provision and effective utilisation of MIT equipment and methods in the national education policy. School managements should emphasise the use of MIT methods and review curriculum to improve teachers’ skills in MIT usage. Teachers should utilise the available MIT equipment and method along with their skills for an effective delivery of lessons. Similarly, the students should be encouraged to appreciate the available methods and the equipment, and use them effectively

    Effects of cultural and linguistic backgrounds on perceptual voice quality rating

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    Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2005.A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong, June 30, 2005.Also available in print.published_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesBachelorBachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science

    Classification of water quality using artificial neural network

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    Deterioration in water quality has triggered many countries to initiate serious mitigation efforts because it is essential to prevent and control water quality pollution and to implement regular monitoring programmes to preserve the environment. Hence, the water quality index (WQI) developed by Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia has been used to classify water quality in Malaysia for the past few decades. However, another method has emerged for classifying water quality, for example soft computing approach. Therefore, this research aims to use the artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm to classify water quality at Pontian Kechil, Batu Pahat and Muar river. Concentrations of pH, suspended solids (SS), dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and ammoniacal-nitrogen (NH3-N) were measured in situ and via laboratory analysis. Concentrations of these six parameters were used in the mathematical equation of the DOE-WQI technique and as input variables in the ANN database system. Based on the average WQI values of 35 stations for each river, it is shown that Pontian Kecil and Batu Pahat river were categorised in class III with WQI values of 71.2 and 71.5 respectively. Meanwhile, Muar river were categorised in class II with WQI values of 76.8. The performance of ANN model was identify based on the classification accuracy, sensitivity, precision, and root mean square error (RMSE). Then, the model performance was compared with the k-NN and Decision Tree models. The results obtained after training and testing the network showed that ANN performed better than to k-NN and Decision Tree model with the values of accuracy, sensitivity, precision and RMSE is 95.24%, 93.51%, 94.43% and 0.207 respectively. The ANN produced highly accurate water quality classification. In addition, it is more flexible than existing approaches and can be implemented easily and quickly


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    sebagai guru yang professional dituntut selalu mengikutiperkembangan ilmu dan teknologi serta menciptakan pembelajaran yangmenarik dan menyenangkan bagi peserta didik. Masuknya teknologi kedalam dunia pendidikan membuat guru harus menyiapkan strategi dalamproses pembelajarannya. Strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai diyakini banyakpihak mampu meningkatkan gairah belajar peserta didik, yang pada akhirnyaakan menciptakan pembelajaran yang lebih menarik. Masuknya teknologi kedalam dunia pendidikan memberikan pengaruh, diantaranya: a) bergesernyapendidikan dari sistem pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada guru bergantiberorientasi pada peserta didik, b) pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dimana sajadan kapan saja. c) semakin banyaknya pilihan sumber belajar yang tersedia.Dari hal tersebut dibutuhkan peran guru profesional untuk mengarahkan,merencanakan, mengkaji, menilai berbagai informasi sehingga dapatbermanfaat bagi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di era perkembanganteknologi

    INRA - Índice integrado relativo de antropización: propuesta técnica-conceptual y aplicación

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    This article presents a conceptual and technical approach of studying in a systematic, comparative, quantitative and qualitative way the anthropogenic modification of ecosystems on the landscape scale. Specifically, it concerns the Relative Integrated Anthropization Index (INRA, from the Spanish acronym), which is a measure that integrates urban issues as well as other types of land use and land cover found in any unit of the landscape. This index allows the understanding of anthropization, in a quantitative and qualitative way, as a mosaic or gradient of ecosystems with varying degrees of anthropogenic modification. INRA was applied in a sector of an inter-Andean valley presenting varying degrees of anthropogenic modification (Popayán, Colombia, 1700-1900 m) through the interpretation of aerial photographs, obtaining the measurement and charting of anthropization across the area and demonstrating the effectiveness and coherence of the proposed technique.Este artículo presenta una propuesta conceptual y técnica para estudiar de manera sistemática, comparativa, cuantitativa y cualitativa la modificación antropogénica de los ecosistemas a la escala de paisaje. Específicamente se plantea el Índice Integrado Relativo de Antropización (INRA), como una medida que integra, tanto los aspectos urbanísticos, como otro tipo de coberturas y usos del suelo identificables en una unidad del paisaje. Este índice permite entender la antropización de manera cuantitativa y cualitativa como un mosaico o un gradiente de ecosistemas con diferentes grados de modificación antropogénica. El INRA se aplicó en un sector de un valle interandino con diferentes grados de modificación antropogénica (Popayán- Colombia, 1700-1900 msnm) a partir de la interpretación de fotografías aéreas de la zona, obteniendo valores y cartografías sobre la antropización de la zona demostrando la eficacia y coherencia de la técnica propuesta