596 research outputs found

    Implementation of CAVENET and its usage for performance evaluation of AODV, OLSR and DYMO protocols in vehicular networks

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    Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a kind of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) that establishes wireless connection between cars. In VANETs and MANETs, the topology of the network changes very often, therefore implementation of efficient routing protocols is very important problem. In MANETs, the Random Waypoint (RW) model is used as a simulation model for generating node mobility pattern. On the other hand, in VANETs, the mobility patterns of nodes is restricted along the roads, and is affected by the movement of neighbour nodes. In this paper, we present a simulation system for VANET called CAVENET (Cellular Automaton based VEhicular NETwork). In CAVENET, the mobility patterns of nodes are generated by an 1-dimensional cellular automata. We improved CAVENET and implemented some routing protocols. We investigated the performance of the implemented routing protocols by CAVENET. The simulation results have shown that DYMO protocol has better performance than AODV and OLSR protocols.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    MANET Performance for Source and Destination Moving Scenarios Considering OLSR and AODV protocols

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    Performance Evaluation of MANET Routing Protocols: Simulations and Experiments

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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile terminals that are able to dynamically form a temporary network without any aid from fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. In this paper, we present the implementation and analysis of our implemented MANET testbed and simulation system considering Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocols for wireless multi-hop networking. We investigate the effect of mobility and topology changing in MANET. We evaluate and compare the performance by simulation (using ns-2 simulator) and experiments in a real environment. In this work, we consider two models: stationary and mobile. We assess the performance of our testbed and simulation in terms of throughput, number of received packets and hop distance. From the results, we found that the AODV protocol has a good performance when the relay node is moving. Also, the AODV protocol provides a flexible and effective routing for indoor environments

    Ad Hoc Wireless Routing With Density Based Probabilistic Algorithm For Mobile Wireless Networks With Non-Uniform Node Distribution

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    This thesis introduced three custom mobility scenanos based on the different density configurations that mimic urban areas, highways or disaster area.Kajian ini mengemukakan tiga jenis corak gerakan nod-nod rangkaian tanpa wayar muda.1 alih yang merupai situasi di persekitaran bandar, lebuhraya atau bencana alam

    Portable mud remover

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    Basically, the only way to remove mud is by using shovel. The process of removing mud usually need us to shovel out the mud, put it into buckets and carry it outside and by using a garden sprayer or hose to wash away mud from hard surfaces [1]. This is because there are no specific tools or products to remove the mud in our industries. In that case, our group had come up with an idea to design a “Portable Mud Remover” which is inspired from a lawnmower and vacuum as shown in Figure 10.1. The idea of using concept of lawnmower is because to make is the product is portable and easy to handling. The smallest types of lawnmower are pushed by a human user and are suitable for small space. The problem occurs for the pool vacuum is that the product is not suitable to suck the mud because it is not designed for a heavy duty work

    SNR-Based OLSR Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) consist of a collection of mobile and fixed nodes that form a network. Nodes are capable of communicating with each other either with infrastructure, or infrastructureless, or in a hybrid mode. The major advantages of WMNs over the other wireless networks are the low-cost, self organization, self configuration, last mile internet solution, scalability, and reliability. These advantages have attracted the researcher over the last five years. WMNs technology is gaining an increased attention from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) community. This led the IEEE organization to emerge a special working group (IEEE 802.11s) in charge of the issues deriving from a completely wireless distribution system used to interconnect different Basic Service Sets (BSSs) through secure and performing links. In a multi-hop networks, like WMN, one of the main factors that influences the performance is the routing protocol. Generally speaking, routing protocols can be classified based-on the routing metric to 1) hop count-based routing protocols, like Adhoc on demand distance vector (AODV) where the optimum path is defined as the path that goes through the minimum number of nodes, 2) the link quality-based routing protocols, like OLSR where some metrics such as the bandwidth and the packet error rate are considered to define the optimum path to the destination. In this work the performances of a three commonly used routing protocols are compared. The main goal of this stag is to study the influence of different routing protocols in WMNs. The comparison is conducted with two scenarios of networks; a high mobility network and a low mobility network. (Open network) OPNET 11.5 modeler is used to build the WMNs. The performance of the network and the routing protocols has been studied in means of network throughput, End-to-End delay, routing protocol overhead and the mobility. The obtained results show that the Optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR) has the highestthroughput overDSR andAODVrouting protocols in WMNs. The unpredictable behavior of the wireless medium in WMNs environment demands the need for a routing protocol that is aware of the link conditions. Unfortunately the routing protocols used such as AODV and Dynamic source routing (DSR) are hop count-based; where the routing algorithm uses the number of nodes to determine the optimum path to the destination. In the second stage of this work a new routing technique for WMNs based-on Signal to noise ratio (SNR) as a new metric for OLSR routing protocol, is developed. The new metric has been implemented on the OLSR routing protocol module using OPNET simulator. The modified OLSR routing protocol is implemented in the comparison scenarios. The obtained results show that, when SNR is used as a routing metric in the OLSR routing protocol, the OLSR is getting the significantly higher network throughput over the DSR and AODV routing protocols. In the same time, the modified OLSR implemented with the SNR metric is showing a high improvement over the OLSR with the traditional hop-count metric. This thesis also studies the affect of different amounts of mobility in WMNs performance. VI

    A Comparison Study on the Performance of Different Applications using MANET Routing Protocols under Various Circumstances

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    Mobile adhoc network is a collection of mobile devices that communicate amongst each other using message passing to collaborate in a wireless medium, without any centralized management; each device acts as a router, sends and receive packets. Nodes can move freely and can set itself in any adhoc network. Adhoc networks are widely use in the absence of the wired network infrastructure. Quality of service of routing in ad hoc networks is an important and complicated issue with a changing topology. In this work we carried out a comparison study in a simulation scenarios on the performance of different routing protocols i.e., proactive and reactive, with different standard applications such as FTP, HTTP and database under various circumstances by means of network size, load, and speed of nodes. As a conclusion of this study, results show when measuring performance of delay and throughput of FTP, HTTP and Database traffic, delay and throughput metrics, using AODV, DSR, OLSR routing protocols, under 10, 50 and 100 nodes with spee of 10, 30 m/s. When using DSR routing protocol it showed the worst results under various network size and speed between other protocols, while when using AODV routing protocol it performed in a better way in which it showed a good performance in small and medium network size. OLSR routing protocol performed the best to be used in all network size especially in large network size.مانيت هي عبار ة عن مجموعة من االجهز ة تحتوي عمى أجهز ة السمكية، تتعاون مع بعضها البعض الرسال، استقبال و نقل المعمومات من خالل وسط السمكي، هوائي، من دون اي تحكم مركزي، كل جهاز يمكن اعتبار ة كجهاز راوتر يعتمد عمى نفسة بحيث يستقبل و يرسل المعمومات و هذة المجموعة تسمى بالمانيت. أي جهاز بهذة المجموعة يمكنة التحرك بحرية و يمكنة االنضمام الي مجموعة مانيت بالوقت الذي يريدة و بالمكان الذي يريدة. تستخدم المانيت باألمكان الذي اليوجد فيها بنية تحتية ثابتة، باألمكان التي يحصل فيها كوارث طبيعية و األمكان الذي يصعب فيها وجود اتصال بالوقت الذي يكون هو ضروري لوجود شبكة بين الجهز ة. تستخدم هذة األجهزة بروتوكالت لنقل المعمومات مثل DSR AODV و غيرها من البروتوكالت، حيث ان المانيت شبكة سريعة التغيير فان جودة هذة البروتوكالت هو أمر مهم. في هذة الرسالة قمنا بدراسة التطبيقات،database HTTP FTP ، لشبكة المانيت باستخدام البروتوكالت AODV ، DSR ، OLSR كال عمى حدى، تحت متغيرات و ظروف معينة لمعرفة اي بروتوكل هو االنسب الستخدامة مع اي تطبيق تحت هذة الظروف. و كنتيجة لهذة الدراسة، عند قياس أداء FTP ،Database، HTTP مقاييس اإلنتاجية، وذلك باستخدام AODV ،DSR ،OLSR بروتوكوالت التوجية ، تحت 01،01 و 011 عقدة وتصل سرعتها من 01 ، 01 م / ث.تبين انة عند استخدام بروتوكول توجية DSR أظهرت أسوأ نتائج في جميع اإلطار ت من حيت حجم الشبكة والسرعة بين البروتوكوالت األخرى، بينما عند استخدام بروتوكول التوجية AODV تنفذ ذلك بطريقة أفضل بحيت أظهرت أداء جيدا في حجم الشبكة الصغير والمتوسطة. اما بنسبة لبروتوكول التوجية OLSR اظهر أداء أفضل الستخدامها في جميع احجام الشبكة وخصوصا في حجم شبكة الواسع

    A one hop overlay system for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlays were initially proposed for use with wired networks. However, the very rapid proliferation of wireless communication technology has prompted a need for adoption of P2P systems in mobile networks too. There are many common characteristics between P2P overlay networks and Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET). Self-organization, decentralization, a dynamic nature and changing topology are the most commonly shared features. Furthermore, when used together, the two approaches complement each other. P2P overlays provide data storage/retrieval functionality and MANET provides wireless connectivity between clients without depending on any pre-existing infrastructure. P2P overlay networks can be deployed over MANET to address content discovery issues. However, previous research has shown that deploying P2P systems straight over MANET does not exhibit satisfactory performance. Bandwidth limitation, limited resources and node mobility are some of the key constraints. This thesis proposes a novel approach, OneHopOverlay4MANET, to exploit the synergies between MANET and P2P overlays through cross-layering. It combines Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based structured P2P overlays with MANET underlay routing protocols to achieve one logical hop between any pair of overlay nodes. OneHopOverlay4MANET constructs a cross-layer channel to permit direct exchange of routing information between the Application layer, where the overlay operates, and the MANET underlay layer. Consequently, underlay routing information can be shared and used by the overlay. Thus, OneHopOverlay4MANET reduces the typical management traffic when deploying traditional P2P systems over MANET. Moreover, as a result of building one hop overlay, OneHopOverlay4MANET can eliminate the mismatching issue between overlay and underlay and hence resolve key lookups in a short time, enhancing the performance of the overlay. v In this thesis, we present OneHopOverlay4MANET and evaluate its performance when combined with different underlay routing protocols. OneHopOverlay4MANET has been combined with two proactive underlays (OLSR and BATMAN) and with three reactive underlay routing protocols (DSR, AODV and DYMO). In addition, the performance of the proposed system over OLSR has been compared to two recent structured P2P over MANET systems (MA-SP2P and E-SP2P) that adopted OLSR as the routing protocol. The results show that better performance can be achieved using OneHopOverlay4MANET

    Intelligent MANET optimisation system

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.In the literature, various Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) routing protocols proposed. Each performs the best under specific context conditions, for example under high mobility or less volatile topologies. In existing MANET, the degradation in the routing protocol performance is always associated with changes in the network context. To date, no MANET routing protocol is able to produce optimal performance under all possible conditions. The core aim of this thesis is to solve the routing problem in mobile Ad hoc networks by introducing an optimum system that is in charge of the selection of the running routing protocol at all times, the system proposed in this thesis aims to address the degradation mentioned above. This optimisation system is a novel approach that can cope with the network performance’s degradation problem by switching to other routing protocol. The optimisation system proposed for MANET in this thesis adaptively selects the best routing protocol using an Artificial Intelligence mechanism according to the network context. In this thesis, MANET modelling helps in understanding the network performance through different contexts, as well as the models’ support to the optimisation system. Therefore, one of the main contributions of this thesis is the utilisation and comparison of various modelling techniques to create representative MANET performance models. Moreover, the proposed system uses an optimisation method to select the optimal communication routing protocol for the network context. Therefore, to build the proposed system, different optimisation techniques were utilised and compared to identify the best optimisation technique for the MANET intelligent system, which is also an important contribution of this thesis. The parameters selected to describe the network context were the network size and average mobility. The proposed system then functions by varying the routing mechanism with the time to keep the network performance at the best level. The selected protocol has been shown to produce a combination of: higher throughput, lower delay, fewer retransmission attempts, less data drop, and lower load, and was thus chosen on this basis. Validation test results indicate that the identified protocol can achieve both a better network performance quality than other routing protocols and a minimum cost function of 4.4%. The Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol comes in second with a cost minimisation function of 27.5%, and the Optimised Link State Routing (OLSR) algorithm comes in third with a cost minimisation function of 29.8%. Finally, The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) algorithm comes in last with a cost minimisation function of 38.3%

    Improvement and performance evaluation of CAVENET: a network simulation tool for vehicular networks

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    Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a kind of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) that establishes wireless connection between cars. In VANETs and MANETs, the topology of the network changes very often, therefore implementation of efficient routing protocols is very important problem. In MANETs, the Random Waypoint (RW) model is used as a simulation model for generating node mobility pattern. On the other hand, in VANETs, the mobility patterns of nodes is restricted along the roads, and is affected by the movement of neighbour nodes. In this paper, we present a simulation system for VANET called CAVENET (Cellular Automaton based Vehicular NETwork). In CAVENET, the mobility patterns of nodes are generated by an 1-dimensional cellular automata. We improved CAVENET and implemented some routing protocols. We investigated the performance of the implemented routing protocols by CAVENET. The simulation results have shown that DYMO protocol has better performance than AODV and OLSR protocols.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version