515 research outputs found

    Językowe sposoby kreowania nazw ras psów w socjolekcie miłośników psów (uwagi na podstawie materiału zebranego z forów internetowych przeznaczonych dla miłośników psów)

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    This article presents the linguistic ways of creating names of dog breeds for dog lovers. The research material comes from online forums associating dog lovers. This article is just an introduction to the deliberations on one of the environmental variations of the language, that is the language of dog lovers

    „Kochają tylko psy”. Psia buda i ludzkie szczenię (w Psich latach Günthera Grassa i Nakarmić kamień Bronki Nowickiej)

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    The article is an attempt to show the relationship between the dog and the man in chosen literary examples. Among them there are dogs enslaved by a man, i.e. Adolf Hitler’s dogs, the dog in the poem Monologue of a Dog Ensnared in History written by Wisława Szymborska and the dog in the novel by Günter Grass Dog Yeas (Hundejahre, 1963). There are also dogs enabling human to live, dogs, who teach man intimacy, freedom and friendship, loving dogs. The most important example here is above all the book of prose written by Bronka Nowicka, entitled To Feed the Stone (2015) and the poem Grandma and Poodle by Danuta Wawiłow. The author of the essay comes to a conclusion that kennel, dog’s fur and dog’s presence are in many different ways essential for man not to get lost in the world.Tekst jest próbą na temat relacji psa i człowieka w literaturze na wybranych przykładach. To psy zniewolone przez człowieka, czyli psy Adolfa Hitlera, w wierszu Wisławy Szymborskiej pt. Monolog psa zaplątanego w dzieje (2004) i w powieści Güntera Grassa Psie lata (Hundejahre, 1963). To także psy pozwalające człowiekowi żyć, uczące człowieka podmiotowej cielesności, wolności i przyjaźni, partnerskie, kochające. Tu przede wszystkim ważny jest przykład prozy Bronki Nowickiej z tomu Nakarmić kamień (2015) oraz wiersza dziecięcego Danuty Wawiłow pt. Babcia i pudel. Autorka tekstu konkluduje, że psia buda, psia sierść i psia obecność są wielokrotnie niezbędne, by człowiek nie zagubił się w świecie

    Wychowanie ekologiczne dzieci na łamach „Młodego Przyjaciela Zwierząt i Kółka Przyrodniczego” w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej

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    Artykuł jest uporządkowany według następujących zagadnień (stosuje kryterium problemowe): artykuły i bajki dla dzieci, ochrona gatunków i dobrostan zwierząt, natura w poezji, konkursy dla dzieci, korespondencja z dziećmi, popularyzacja twórczości plastycznej reprezentującej ochronę przyrody, rozrywkę kolumna. Zakres badań obejmuje lata 1937-1939. Podstawą badań naukowych są źródła drukowane: Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego (za lata 1937-1939 ) oraz czasopismo „Młody Przyjaciel Zwierząt i Kółko Przyrodnicze”, które ukazywało się w II RP w latach 1937-1939

    When a Friend Leaves… How is a Non-Human Biography Possible?

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    The essay’s author considers the possibility of distinguishing the form of non-human biography (zoobiography) in contemporary literature. In the first part of the essay, the author reconstructs four paths researchers have followed so far in animal studies. In the following parts, however, he addresses the problem of the biography of companion animals as a form increasingly popular at a specific historical moment, characterized by a change in the treatment of non-human characters. Currently, animals cease to play the role of slaves and subordinates. In many narratives, their status is similar to that of children. They deserve care and attention because they are full members of families. The author’s intention of the essay was not so much to codify the rules of the model biography of the animal but to see several possible variants of its implementation. The increased knowledge about the dangers to which companion animals are exposed and health prevention causes people to remodel their relationship with animals. The moment of illness and later death turns out to be crucial to emphasize the importance of the encounter with non-human existence and the impact it has had on the person. The essay’s author noticed many narratives, the characters of which are companion animals. These narratives are prompted by moments of crisis (long-term illness or dying), but writers rarely give up on placing themselves in a projected story about the fate of an animal. The reflections undertaken in the analyzed narratives can be described as temporary (related to the death or illness of an animal) and leaning into the future (they concern the moment of losing one’s own health and fitness). Zoobiographies have multiple functions: they give animals immortality, relate the last stage of their lives and force writers to settle accounts with a being that passes (noting mistakes, abuses, and moments of happiness). The contemporary phenomenon of zoobiography will be associated with linguistic, moral and social changes. The imperative influences their popularity to immortalize companion animals. Their lives are worth commemorating, as are human family members. The practice of creating a zoobiography allows you to trace the individual characteristics of animals, their predispositions, advantages and disadvantages that make them individual, distinguishable, and unique beings

    Польська мова: вправи зі словозміни

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    Навчальний посібник для студентів і учнів, які вивчають польську мову як іноземну. Містить комплекс вправ і завдань для розвитку навичок словозміни, а також тести для самоконтролю

    "Śpi jak młynarz na worku…" O językowo-kulturowym obrazie snu w polszczyźnie

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    Sleep, understood as a physiological need of man, accompanies him in accordance with the daily rhythm, the incidental disruption of which is not life-threatening. The important role of sleep is evidenced by the rich vocabulary assigned to it, as well as collections of sayings that interpret or use figuratively this aspect of physiology. An analysis of dictionary resources made it possible to extract from them more than 300 lexical units (nominalisms and verbalisms) denoting sleep neutrally (e.g.: nap, half-sleep, drowsiness; sleep away, sleep in, have a good sleep) and marked, including humorously (e.g.: snore, cop some Z’s, conk off, rack, wrap yourself like a pancake) or crudely. The image of sleep from a physiological perspective is also reflected in a total of over 240 proverbs of different origins and longevity in the Polish language. They interpret both the beneficial effects of sleep (e.g.: Sleep is your best friend; Get some sleep, tomorrow will be better) as well as its negative sides (e.g.: No one has made any money by sleeping; Those who sleep for a long time suffer from poverty). The dream motif is used in literature, mainly that intended for children, as a didactic aspect

    Pisarska podróż Ryszarda Krynickiego

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    „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica”, [t.] 14 (Literaturoznawstwo) (2011), s. 164-177The metaphor of a journey arranges and explains the literary work by Ryszard Krynicki, its evolution, the presented world, and idea. The journey is one of the most important key words and motifs of Krynicki‘s poetry, and a metaphor of human destiny. The term "artistic journey", related to this work, is more than a trite metaphor. Krynicki‘s road leads from nothingness, the world without norms, values, the world of illusory existence, towards Nothingness, The Absolute. The writer should be seen as a seeker that completed a fascinating, complicated journey in pursuit of excellence, artistic, moral, and spiritual, as a man responsible for the word. Ryszard Krynicki‘s literary journey leads from chaos to cosmos, from logorea to Logos, from the fall to prospective redemption

    Trans rytualny z perspektywy psychologii ewolucyjnej

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    Ritual Trance from the Perspective of Evolutionary Psychology To begin with, a hypothesis is made regarding the possibility of treating imitation as a key mechanism in the induction of trance states. The author argues that this thesis can be justified convincingly on the basis of empirical material collected by researchers of shamanism. The theories of religion formulated by evolutionary psychologists place emphasis on the origins of religious concepts. However, they leave aside the question of ritual, and also do not permit a more thorough study of the mechanisms generating a ritual trance state. In order to analyse the cognitive aspects of trance, it is therefore necessary to construct a different theoretical model

    Dialog w staropolskiej literaturze popularnej - między potocznością a polifonią dyskursu

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    The present article concerns the determinants, role, and function of dialogue in the popular literature of former times. The research material consists here of the early Renaissance humorous text (some researchers say it comes from the late Middle Age) entitled: Rozmowy, jakie miał król Salomon mądry z Marchołtem grubym a sprośnym, a wszakoż, jako o nim powiadają, bardzo z wymownym, z figurami i z gadkami śmiesznymi (Conversations Wise King Salomon Had With Marchołt, the Coarse and Vulgar, Yet, So They Say, Very Well-Spoken, With Very Amusing Figures and Riddles). The proposition of description, put forward here, allows us to depict the features of the ancient unofficial culture, focused as it is on the features of colloquiality thought of as a way of perceiving, experiencing, and describing the world. This problem may be the most adequately represented by the metaphor of the „power of colloquality” reflected in a specific conceptualisation of the reality, and, above all, in its peculiar way of valorising it (represented by Marchołt), particularly in the clash with the official (scientific) interpretation of the world (represented by Salomon). The juxtaposition of two types of rationality seems here to be the foremost cognitive, and, in a sense, also aesthetic, problem which determines the uniqueness of this kind of writing. Marcholt’s peculiar popular philosophy, expressed, inter alia, by means of reproduced texts (proverbs, riddles) is exalted here, as opposed to the axiological system and the way of perceiving the world characteristic of the official, „learned” culture embodied in the king Salomon. Dialogue is only a superficial form, which, paradoxically, is laying bare the lack of the interlocutors’ mutual understanding, and it is, in fact, only an arbitrary shape constituted by means of various kinds of speech genres. It may be concluded that the fundamental ideological message of a text, and its stylistic form, serves the supreme purpose — the ludic function manifesting itself mainly through the acceptance of the point of view consisting in a reversal of the official, and universally respected, values. In a word: we should be talking about the poems of this sort in the category of poetics à rebours, a poetics that appreciates colloquiality as a cultural and communicative category and a source of the generic polyphony of discourse