7,199 research outputs found

    On the force-velocity relationship of a bundle of rigid bio-filaments

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    In various cellular processes, bio-filaments like F-actin and F-tubulin are able to exploit chemical energy associated with polymerization to perform mechanical work against an obstacle loaded with an external force. The force-velocity relationship quantitatively summarizes the nature of this process. By a stochastic dynamical model, we give, together with the evolution of a staggered bundle of Nfrigid living filaments facing a loaded wall, the corresponding force-velocity relationship. We compute the evolution of the model in the infinite wall diffusion limit and in supercritical conditions (monomer density reduced by critical density ρ^1>1), and we show that this solution remains valid for moderate non-zero values of the ratio between the wall diffusion and the chemical time scales. We consider two classical protocols: the bundle is opposed either to a constant load or to an optical trap setup, characterized by a harmonic restoring force. The constant load case leads, for each F value, to a stationary velocity Vstat(F;Nf,ρ^1) after a relaxation with characteristic time τmicro(F). When the bundle (initially taken as an assembly of filament seeds) is subjected to a harmonic restoring force (optical trap load), the bundle elongates and the load increases up to stalling over a characteristic time τOT. Extracted from this single experiment, the force-velocity VOT(F;Nf,ρ^1) curve is found to coincide with Vstat(F;Nf,ρ^1), except at low loads. We show that this result follows from the adiabatic separation between τmicroand τOT, i.e., τmicro≈ τOT

    Quantum relaxation and metastability of lattice bosons with cavity-induced long-range interactions

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    The coupling of cold atoms to the radiation field within a high-finesse optical resonator, an optical cavity, induces long-range interactions which can compete with an underlying optical lattice. The interplay between short- and long-range interactions gives rise to new phases of matter including supersolidity (SS) and density waves (DW), and interesting quantum dynamics. Here it is shown that for hard-core bosons in one dimension the ground state phase diagram and the quantum relaxation after sudden quenches can be calculated exactly in the thermodynamic limit. Remanent DW order is observed for quenches from a DW ground state into the superfluid (SF) phase below a dynamical transition line. After sufficiently strong SF to DW quenches beyond a static metastability line DW order emerges on top of remanent SF order, giving rise to a dynamically generated supersolid state.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    AREPO-RT: Radiation hydrodynamics on a moving mesh

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    We introduce AREPO-RT, a novel radiation hydrodynamic (RHD) solver for the unstructured moving-mesh code AREPO. Our method solves the moment-based radiative transfer equations using the M1 closure relation. We achieve second order convergence by using a slope limited linear spatial extrapolation and a first order time prediction step to obtain the values of the primitive variables on both sides of the cell interface. A Harten-Lax-Van Leer flux function, suitably modified for moving meshes, is then used to solve the Riemann problem at the interface. The implementation is fully conservative and compatible with the individual timestepping scheme of AREPO. It incorporates atomic Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) thermochemistry, which is used to couple the ultra-violet (UV) radiation field to the gas. Additionally, infrared radiation is coupled to the gas under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium between the gas and the dust. We successfully apply our code to a large number of test problems, including applications such as the expansion of HII{\rm H_{II}} regions, radiation pressure driven outflows and the levitation of optically thick layer of gas by trapped IR radiation. The new implementation is suitable for studying various important astrophysical phenomena, such as the effect of radiative feedback in driving galactic scale outflows, radiation driven dusty winds in high redshift quasars, or simulating the reionisation history of the Universe in a self consistent manner.Comment: v2, accepted for publication in MNRAS, changed to a Strang split scheme to achieve second order convergenc

    Is null-point reconnection important for solar flux emergence?

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    The role of null-point reconnection in a 3D numerical MHD model of solar emerging flux is investigated. The model consists of a twisted magnetic flux tube rising through a stratified convection zone and atmosphere to interact and reconnect with a horizontal overlying magnetic field in the atmosphere. Null points appear as the reconnection begins and persist throughout the rest of the emergence, where they can be found mostly in the model photosphere and transition region, forming two loose clusters on either side of the emerging flux tube. Up to 26 nulls are present at any one time, and tracking in time shows that there is a total of 305 overall, despite the initial simplicity of the magnetic field configuration. We find evidence for the reality of the nulls in terms of their methods of creation and destruction, their balance of signs, their long lifetimes, and their geometrical stability. We then show that due to the low parallel electric fields associated with the nulls, null-point reconnection is not the main type of magnetic reconnection involved in the interaction of the newly emerged flux with the overlying field. However, the large number of nulls implies that the topological structure of the magnetic field must be very complex and the importance of reconnection along separators or separatrix surfaces for flux emergence cannot be ruled out.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures. Added one referenc

    Magnetic excitations in coupled Haldane spin chains near the quantum critical point

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    Two quasi-1-dimensional S=1 quantum antiferromagnetic materials, PbNi2V2O8 and SrNi2V2O8, are studied by inelastic neutron scattering on powder samples. While magnetic interactions in the two systems are found to be very similar, subtle differences in inter-chain interaction strengths and magnetic anisotropy are detected. The latter are shown to be responsible for qualitatively different ground state properties: magnetic long-range order in SrNi2V2O8 and disordered ``spin liquid'' Haldane-gap state in PbNi2V2O8.Comment: 15 figures, Figs. 5,9, and 10 in color. Some figures in JPEG format. Complete PostScript and PDF available from http://papillon.phy.bnl.gov/publicat.ht

    Fast, accurate solutions for curvilinear earthquake faults and anelastic strain

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    Imaging the anelastic deformation within the crust and lithosphere using surface geophysical data remains a significant challenge in part due to the wide range of physical processes operating at different depths and to various levels of localization that they embody. Models of Earth's elastic properties from seismological imaging combined with geodetic modeling may form the basis of comprehensive rheological models of Earth's interior. However, representing the structural complexity of faults and shear zones in numerical models of deformation still constitutes a major difficulty. Here, we present numerical techniques for high-precision models of deformation and stress around both curvilinear faults and volumes undergoing anelastic (irreversible) strain in a heterogenous elastic half-space. To that end, we enhance the software Gamra to model triangular and rectangular fault patches and tetrahedral and cuboidal strain volumes. This affords a means of rapid and accurate calculations of elasto-static Green's functions for localized (e.g., faulting) and distributed (e.g., viscoelastic) deformation in Earth's crust and lithosphere. We demonstrate the correctness of the method with analytic tests, and we illustrate its practical performance by solving for coseismic and postseismic deformation following the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake to extremely high precision