15 research outputs found

    Interaction techniques for older adults using touchscreen devices : a literature review

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    International audienceSeveral studies investigated different interaction techniques and input devices for older adults using touchscreen. This literature review analyses the population involved, the kind of tasks that were executed, the apparatus, the input techniques, the provided feedback, the collected data and author's findings and their recommendations. As conclusion, this review shows that age-related changes, previous experience with technologies, characteristics of handheld devices and use situations need to be studied

    Designing User Interfaces for the Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This paper discusses the issues of implied trust in ethical hacking. Ethical hackers are considered to be professionals and experts in their field. It is well documented that there is an implied trust toward professionals who are entrusted to undertake a task. Like many similar professions, such as ICT and computer forensics, there is no uniform or mandated code of ethics that an ethical hacker must adhere to. Given the nature of hacking and the potential for misuse and access to sensitive and confidential information, the need to ensure professionalism is maintained through ensuring competence and ethical behaviour is critical

    The effect of dyadic interactions on learning rotate gesture for technology-naïve older adults

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    Older adults having limited experience with modern computing technology may find it difficult to learn touch gestures, especially the more complex rotate gesture. Social interactions, as implied by social constructivism, are assumed to be powerful in enabling older adults to acquire the skill of touch gestures. The social effect can be reinforced with the motivational effect of digital games. To verify the assumption, we conducted empirical studies with 59 older adults, who were divided into two groups: 17 Singles and 21 Dyads. They were asked to play a set of digital games on a multi-touch tabletop. Results show that on average Dyads have spent significantly longer time in the games and have performed a significantly higher number of correct rotate gestures than Singles. Future work focuses on analyzing the emotional aspect of social interactions and identifying further applications of social gaming to other ageing issue

    Digital design for an ageing society

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    An ageing population and the progression of technology is the context for this practice-led research project. Through studying the relationship between older people and technology the research’s primary aim is to explore computer interactions aimed at older people. An inquisitive visual design practice was proposed to help stimulate debate and examine the effectiveness of design for health and wellbeing in a digital context. Many difficulties surrounding older people and their relationship with technology were identified during this research. As well as the obvious physical disabilities such as reduced mobility, dexterity issues and reduced eyesight, other issues less apparent include reduced memory, stereotyping and isolation. A reluctance to adopt new technologies, and in some cases avoid them altogether was identified in this demographic grouping as a significant problem too. The practice element of the thesis incorporates the design of an iPad app prototype, which uses food as a vehicle to facilitate the research by investigating for example: typography, colour and layout. The design process is informed by findings from a literature review coupled with a heuristic approach to interaction design. Two qualitative focus groups were conducted with a variety of computer users and non-users. Participants discussed their relationships with computers and how they are perceived. They also gave responses after testing the app prototype and completed a questionnaire based on focus group activities. The results from both sessions concluded that the majority of older people are interested in computers and what they have to offer, but often find it difficult to know where to begin. The importance of patience and consistency when introducing an app to older people was also observed. Some participants were frustrated by inconsistent user interfaces. As a result a set of accessible guidelines is suggested to engage with designers, policy makers and service providers

    Analysis of Research in Adoption of Assistive Technologies for Aged Care

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    The main objective of this study is to provide detailed analysis on the research conducted in the area of adoption for assistive technologies in aged care. The article analyses the studies and concludes with avenues, guidelines and gaps for research in this area. This study has conducted a systematic search on eight popular academic databases and identified relevant papers published. The paper identifies potential technologies that have been utilised to address seniors’ daily life difficulties in three areas: independent living, social isolation, dementia and medication taking. The article presents the theoretical lenses used for studying the adoption of these technologies in aged care. In addition to that, the systematic review has come up with interesting demographics on research approaches, and fields of publication for the research in this area. The paper outlines that the Australian research in adoption of assistive technologies for aged care has been over focused on healthcare domain and has largely ignored information system outlets. The possible reasons and potential directions for this issue have been discussed


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    The elderly are individuals who usually present several disabilities at the same time, whether visual, hearing or even locomotor impairment. Unlike other studies that seek studies for people with specific disabilities, we seek studies of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) applied to the elderly, not only because a single individual may present several deficiencies to varying degrees, but also because it is a natural process the population aging of a country, the gradual increase of the elderly, resulting in social limitations and usability of interface and devices. We used an HCI study applied to the elderly with a mixed qualitative convergence review of 16 articles to identify the most used learning theory. After the analysis, following the criteria of the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), the theory of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) was identified, the most used problem-based learning theory in hcI studies when referring to the elderly. Thus, it is possible to use more safely based learning based on problems with applicability in the elderly, where an excellent acceptability and success in the results was identified.  Los ancianos son individuos que suelen presentar varias discapacidades al mismo tiempo, ya sean visuales, auditivas o incluso locomotoras. A diferencia de otros estudios que buscan estudios para personas con discapacidades específicas, buscamos estudios de Interacción Persona-Computadora (HCI) aplicada a las personas mayores, no solo porque un solo individuo puede presentar varias deficiencias en diversos grados, sino también porque es un proceso natural el envejecimiento de la población de un país, el aumento gradual de los ancianos, lo que resulta en limitaciones sociales y usabilidad de interfaz y dispositivos. Se utilizó un estudio HCI aplicado a ancianos con una revisión de convergencia cualitativa mixta de 16 artículos para identificar la teoría del aprendizaje más utilizada. Después del análisis, siguiendo los criterios de la Herramienta de Evaluación de Métodos Mixtos (MMAT), se identificó la teoría del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), la teoría del aprendizaje basado en problemas más utilizada en los estudios de HCI cuando se refiere a los ancianos. Por lo tanto, es posible utilizar un aprendizaje basado en una base más segura basada en problemas con la aplicabilidad en los ancianos, donde se identificó una excelente aceptabilidad y éxito en los resultados.Os idosos são indivíduos que apresentam, normalmente, diversas deficiências ao mesmo tempo, seja deficiência visual, auditiva ou até mesmo locomotora. Diferente de outros trabalhos que buscam estudos para pessoas com deficiências específicas, buscamos estudos de Interação humano-computador (IHC) aplicado a idosos, não apenas porque um único indivíduo poderá apresentar diversas deficiências em graus variados, mas, também, porque é um processo natural o envelhecimento populacional de um país, o aumento gradual de idosos, resultando em limitações sociais e de usabilidade de interface e dispositivos. Foi utilizado estudo de IHC aplicado a idosos com revisão mista de convergência qualitativa de 16 artigos, para identificar a teoria da aprendizagem mais utilizada. Após a análise, seguindo critérios da ferramenta Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), foi identificada a teoria da Aprendizagem Baseada em problemas, do inglês, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) a mais utilizada em estudos de IHC quando se refere a idosos. Dessa forma, é possível a utilização mais segura da Aprendizagem Baseada em problemas com aplicabilidade em idosos, onde foi identificada um ótima aceitabilidade e sucesso nos resultados.] Os idosos são indivíduos que apresentam, normalmente, diversas deficiências ao mesmo tempo, seja deficiência visual, auditiva ou até mesmo locomotora. Diferente de outros trabalhos que buscam estudos para pessoas com deficiências específicas, buscamos estudos de Interação humano-computador (IHC) aplicado a idosos, não apenas porque um único indivíduo poderá apresentar diversas deficiências em graus variados, mas, também, porque é um processo natural o envelhecimento populacional de um país, o aumento gradual de idosos, resultando em limitações sociais e de usabilidade de interface e dispositivos. Foi utilizado estudo de IHC aplicado a idosos com revisão mista de convergência qualitativa de 16 artigos, para identificar a teoria da aprendizagem mais utilizada. Após a análise, seguindo critérios da ferramenta Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), foi identificada a teoria da Aprendizagem Baseada em problemas, do inglês, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) a mais utilizada em estudos de IHC quando se refere a idosos. Dessa forma, é possível a utilização mais segura da Aprendizagem Baseada em problemas com aplicabilidade em idosos, onde foi identificada um ótima aceitabilidade e sucesso nos resultados

    Touch Screens for the Older User

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    It has been 20 years since Ben Schneiderman predicted that there would be an increase in the use of touch screen applications yet it has been only in recent years that this prediction has come to pass. The concept of a touch screen computer was first introduced in 1965 by E.A. Johnson who described the possibilities of touch screen technology to support air traffic controllers. In this article Johnson describes how the touch display coupled to a computer can be considered as a keyboard, a novel approach at the time. Touch screens were brought into the public domain in 1971 by Elographics, Inc. which instigated the development of public touch screen technology such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and information kiosks (Brown et al., 2011). Another milestone in the history of touch technology was the introduction of the personal touch screen computer, HP-150, developed by Hewlett-Packard in 1983 (Sukumar, 1984). The purpose of this early design was to offer individuals an intuitive technology option. Although touch screen systems have maintained this intuitiveness and ease of use over the years, problems that existed with early systems still provide challenges for designers and developers to this day. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    An analysis of social interaction between novice older adults when learning gesture-based skills through simple digital games

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    This paper reports three exploratory empirical studies with older adults that had little or no prior experience with interactive technologies. The participants were introduced to interactive technology by playing games on touchscreens, playing in pairs with the assistance of a mentor. We focus on two principle aspects, the peer-to-peer interaction during these sessions, and the role of the mentor in progressing the sessions. In the case of peer-to-peer interaction we looked for ways in which players supported each other during interaction to assess the role of peer interaction in this context. In the case of mentoring, we examined the efficacy of a minimalist approach where verbal encouragement, suggestions or (in the last resort) intervention are used to provide support to learners. The sessions showed that learners typically could play and learn basic manipulations independently after initial help and guidance from mentors. We also found that peer interaction, both in verbal and non-verbal communication and cooperative action was broadly a positive influence within sessions, suggesting that there is significant value in building confidence as well as in learning