32 research outputs found

    Note on the smallest root of the independence polynomial

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    One can define the independence polynomial of a graph G as follows. Let i(k)(G) denote the number of independent sets of size k of G, where i(0)(G) = 1. Then the independence polynomial of G is I(G,x) = Sigma(n)(k=0)(-1)(k)i(k)(G)x(k). In this paper we give a new proof of the fact that the root of I(G,x) having the smallest modulus is unique and is real

    Maximal antichains of minimum size

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    Let nâ©Ÿ4n\geqslant 4 be a natural number, and let KK be a set K⊆[n]:=1,2,...,nK\subseteq [n]:={1,2,...,n}. We study the problem to find the smallest possible size of a maximal family A\mathcal{A} of subsets of [n][n] such that A\mathcal{A} contains only sets whose size is in KK, and A⊆̞BA\not\subseteq B for all A,B⊆A{A,B}\subseteq\mathcal{A}, i.e. A\mathcal{A} is an antichain. We present a general construction of such antichains for sets KK containing 2, but not 1. If 3∈K3\in K our construction asymptotically yields the smallest possible size of such a family, up to an o(n2)o(n^2) error. We conjecture our construction to be asymptotically optimal also for 3∈̞K3\not\in K, and we prove a weaker bound for the case K=2,4K={2,4}. Our asymptotic results are straightforward applications of the graph removal lemma to an equivalent reformulation of the problem in extremal graph theory which is interesting in its own right.Comment: fixed faulty argument in Section 2, added reference

    On the Fon-der-Flaass Interpretation of Extremal Examples for Turan's (3,4)-problem

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    In 1941, Turan conjectured that the edge density of any 3-graph without independent sets on 4 vertices (Turan (3,4)-graph) is >= 4/9(1-o(1)), and he gave the first example witnessing this bound. Brown (1983) and Kostochka (1982) found many other examples of this density. Fon-der-Flaass (1988) presented a general construction that converts an arbitrary C⃗4\vec C_4-free orgraph Γ\Gamma into a Turan (3,4)-graph. He observed that all Turan-Brown-Kostochka examples result from his construction, and proved the bound >= 3/7(1-o(1)) on the edge density of any Turan (3,4)-graph obtainable in this way. In this paper we establish the optimal bound 4/9(1-o(1)) on the edge density of any Turan (3,4)-graph resulting from the Fon-der-Flaass construction under any of the following assumptions on the undirected graph GG underlying the orgraph Γ\Gamma: 1. GG is complete multipartite; 2. The edge density of GG is >= (2/3-epsilon) for some absolute constant epsilon>0. We are also able to improve Fon-der-Flaass's bound to 7/16(1-o(1)) without any extra assumptions on Γ\Gamma

    Cycles of length three and four in tournaments

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    Linial and Morgenstern conjectured that, among all nn-vertex tournaments with d(n3)d\binom{n}{3} cycles of length three, the number of cycles of length four is asymptotically minimized by a random blow-up of a transitive tournament with all but one part of equal size and one smaller part. We prove the conjecture for d≄1/36d\ge 1/36 by analyzing the possible spectrum of adjacency matrices of tournaments. We also demonstrate that the family of extremal examples is broader than expected and give its full description for d≄1/16d\ge 1/16

    On the number of edge-disjoint triangles in K4-free graphs

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    We prove the quarter of a century old conjecture of ErdƑs that every K4-free graph with n vertices and ⌊n2/4⌋+m edges contains m pairwise edge disjoint triangles. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Asymptotic Structure of Graphs with the Minimum Number of Triangles

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the number of triangles in a graph of given order and size and describe the asymptotic structure of extremal graphs. This is achieved by characterizing the set of flag algebra homomorphisms that minimize the triangle density.Comment: 22 pages; 2 figure