340 research outputs found

    Does Your Boss Know Where You Are? Predicting Adoption of LBS in the Workplace

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    To date there has been no tested model to predict uptake of LBS services in a real world setting. The leading theoretical contribution to our understanding of attitudes and behaviour towards LBS comes from Junglas & Spitzmüller (2005). They hypothesised that intentions to use LBS would be influenced by technology characteristics, task characteristics, personality type, perceived privacy, perceived usefulness, trust and perceived risk. We developed a questionnaire to test and refine their model with a UK employed population

    Psychometric properties of the WHOQOL-BREF(PT) in a sample of elderly citizens

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    The goal of this article was to research the psychometric properties of the WHOQOL-BREF(PT ) instru-ment in a sample of elderly citizens residing in a rural area in their own homes or at family members’ or friends’ homes and to compare the results: (i) to those reported by the team of Portuguese researchers that undertaken the instru-ment’s translation/validation to the Portuguese language and (ii) to those reported internationally by the World Health Organization Quality of Life group. An overall quality of life scoring (QOL24—all facets) is also proposed in this article as novelty. The correlation level between QOL24 and the instrument’s general facet was also investigated

    Smart charging of EVs: Would you share your data for money?

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    Measuring Learning Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Using Structural Equation Modeling

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    This paper empirically substantiates a novel tripartite framework for measuring learning outcomes of entrepreneurship education (EE) by employing structural equation modeling. Three types of learning outcome are estimated—cognitive, skill-based, and affective—following Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy of educational objectives. The study is based on a sample of 249 imminent and recent Bachelor-level graduates from the leading universities of Estonia. The key fit, reliability, and validity indicators show statistically that the tested framework can serve as an instrument for measuring the learning outcomes of EE. This novel instrument may also serve as an alternative to entrepreneurial intention-based models very frequently used in EE to evaluate the learning outcomes. The studied interrelationships demonstrate that (1) the affective outcomes correlate significantly with the cognitive outcomes (r= 0.273, p< 0.001) and with the skill-based (r= 0.368, p< 0.001) outcomes; a correlation between the cognitive and skill-based outcomes is also significant and comparatively high (r= 0.602, p< 0.001);(2) the learning outcomes explain more variance in the cognitive and skill-based outcome constructs (44.7% and 81.0%, accordingly) than in the affective outcome construct (16.7%). Conclusions and implications for entrepreneurship educators and researchers are discussed

    An Evaluation of Two Scales Used for Measuring Attribution

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    The tourism and travel industry in India is growing at a drastic pace and is having a countable contribution to the GDP. The Foreign Tourists Arrival to India has increased by 23.77% since last 5 years yet in Karnataka state there is a downtrend in Tourist Visit. The major components of tourism and travel industry includes destination, food and accommodation, guides and brokers etc. and among them food and accommodation is provided by hotels which is a vital influencing factor in comforting the tourists away from nest and plays a leading role in boosting the tourist traffic to the destination. Therefore it pinches the question on to what extent the star hotels are providing quality services and how hotels are performing to support the tourism and travel industry. Hence the study focused on empirically investigate implementation of Total Quality Management which is the most used quality management technique for providing quality services among the star hotel and its impact on hotel performance. The sample of star hotels was selected through tippet random sampling technique and the data was collected through structured TQM questionnaire which were distributed to hoteliers and employees. The hypothesis was tested with SEM analysis and the elements of TQM practices showed a positive relationship with key performance indicators of star hotels. Further the present study suggests the importance of proper planning and communicating as priority before starting TQM implementation, opting the right leadership style and consistency in innovation and management for reaping the benefits of TQM and improving hotel performance

    Un método de cálculo del tamaño muestral en modelos de ecuaciones estructurales

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    Una estrategia de muestreo es más que necesaria, ya que no siempre es posible reunir datos de cada unidad de la población (Kumar, Talib and Ramayah, 2013). Por tanto, determinar un tamaño apropiado de la muestra es fundamental para tener conclusiones válidas de los resultados de la investigación. No obstante, a menudo, se considera un paso difícil en el diseño de la investigación empírica (Dattalo, 2008). Aunque hay un buen número de directrices generales para calcular el tamaño de la muestra en diversas áreas de investigación (como, por ejemplo, las ciencias empresariales, marketing, economía y finanzas), muchos investigadores siguen sin tener claro cuál norma deben utilizar para determinar el apropiado tamaño de la muestra en sus estudios; en especial, cuando sus estudios emplean la investigación de encuestas para la recopilación de datos enfocados a los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales —SEM— (Kline, 2016; Kumar, Talib and Ramayah, 2013)


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    The purpose of this research is to examines the muslim’s buying behavior in Islamic Financial Technology products based on their technology adoption. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) proves that there’s significant relationship between Technology Adoption to construct the Buying Attitude. Meanwhile, the Technology Adoption has significant relationship directly to Buying Intention which means the  partial mediation of attitude occurs in this model. The Buying Attitude towards Islamic Financial Technology products show significant relationship to buying intention to adopt the Islamic investment products in the futur

    Home Computer User Security Behavioral Intention: A Replication Study from Guam

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    This replication study is a methodological replication of Study 1 of Anderson and Agarwal (2010) (A&A) using data collected from Guam to investigate information security (InfoSec) behavioral intention. This study also extended the A&A Model by examining the effect of gender on each construct of the model. Our findings are very similar to those reported by A&A, and indicate that the model is generalizable to the population on Guam. We also observed the effect of gender on several constructs of the model. As this study cannot confirm whether the slight differences between the result of A&A and this study are related to cultural differences, we suggest future replication studies be conducted to examine how culture would affect our security behavior intention. We also suggest practitioners consider gender as an important factor when designing mechanisms to encourage people to practice information security behavior

    Take Control of Interruptions in Your Life: Lessons from Routine Activity Theory of Criminology

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    Steeped among the items on the dark side of information technology are personal technology interruptions. Past research has examined the negative impact of technology interruptions; however, the factors that are responsible for the increasing rate of interruptions are rarely discussed. In this study, by adapting the criminology theory of Routine Activity Theory (RAT), we propose three factors that lead to an interruption: number of interruption sources, absence of guardians, and individual targetness. Results from a survey of mobile users show that combinations of these factors have increased the interruption rate in our lives. Interestingly, just having more apps on the phones does not increase interruptions; it is a combination of the factors noted above