52,724 research outputs found

    Design-for-Test and Test Optimization Techniques for TSV-based 3D Stacked ICs

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    <p>As integrated circuits (ICs) continue to scale to smaller dimensions, long interconnects</p><p>have become the dominant contributor to circuit delay and a significant component of</p><p>power consumption. In order to reduce the length of these interconnects, 3D integration</p><p>and 3D stacked ICs (3D SICs) are active areas of research in both academia and industry.</p><p>3D SICs not only have the potential to reduce average interconnect length and alleviate</p><p>many of the problems caused by long global interconnects, but they can offer greater design</p><p>flexibility over 2D ICs, significant reductions in power consumption and footprint in</p><p>an era of mobile applications, increased on-chip data bandwidth through delay reduction,</p><p>and improved heterogeneous integration.</p><p>Compared to 2D ICs, the manufacture and test of 3D ICs is significantly more complex.</p><p>Through-silicon vias (TSVs), which constitute the dense vertical interconnects in a</p><p>die stack, are a source of additional and unique defects not seen before in ICs. At the same</p><p>time, testing these TSVs, especially before die stacking, is recognized as a major challenge.</p><p>The testing of a 3D stack is constrained by limited test access, test pin availability,</p><p>power, and thermal constraints. Therefore, efficient and optimized test architectures are</p><p>needed to ensure that pre-bond, partial, and complete stack testing are not prohibitively</p><p>expensive.</p><p>Methods of testing TSVs prior to bonding continue to be a difficult problem due to test</p><p>access and testability issues. Although some built-in self-test (BIST) techniques have been</p><p>proposed, these techniques have numerous drawbacks that render them impractical. In this dissertation, a low-cost test architecture is introduced to enable pre-bond TSV test through</p><p>TSV probing. This has the benefit of not needing large analog test components on the die,</p><p>which is a significant drawback of many BIST architectures. Coupled with an optimization</p><p>method described in this dissertation to create parallel test groups for TSVs, test time for</p><p>pre-bond TSV tests can be significantly reduced. The pre-bond probing methodology is</p><p>expanded upon to allow for pre-bond scan test as well, to enable both pre-bond TSV and</p><p>structural test to bring pre-bond known-good-die (KGD) test under a single test paradigm.</p><p>The addition of boundary registers on functional TSV paths required for pre-bond</p><p>probing results in an increase in delay on inter-die functional paths. This cost of test</p><p>architecture insertion can be a significant drawback, especially considering that one benefit</p><p>of 3D integration is that critical paths can be partitioned between dies to reduce their delay.</p><p>This dissertation derives a retiming flow that is used to recover the additional delay added</p><p>to TSV paths by test cell insertion.</p><p>Reducing the cost of test for 3D-SICs is crucial considering that more tests are necessary</p><p>during 3D-SIC manufacturing. To reduce test cost, the test architecture and test</p><p>scheduling for the stack must be optimized to reduce test time across all necessary test</p><p>insertions. This dissertation examines three paradigms for 3D integration - hard dies, firm</p><p>dies, and soft dies, that give varying degrees of control over 2D test architectures on each</p><p>die while optimizing the 3D test architecture. Integer linear programming models are developed</p><p>to provide an optimal 3D test architecture and test schedule for the dies in the 3D</p><p>stack considering any or all post-bond test insertions. Results show that the ILP models</p><p>outperform other optimization methods across a range of 3D benchmark circuits.</p><p>In summary, this dissertation targets testing and design-for-test (DFT) of 3D SICs.</p><p>The proposed techniques enable pre-bond TSV and structural test while maintaining a</p><p>relatively low test cost. Future work will continue to enable testing of 3D SICs to move</p><p>industry closer to realizing the true potential of 3D integration.</p>Dissertatio

    Signaling in 3-D integrated circuits, benefits and challenges

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    Three-dimensional (3-D) or vertical integration is a design and packaging paradigm that can mitigate many of the increasing challenges related to the design of modern integrated systems. 3-D circuits have recently been at the spotlight, since these circuits provide a potent approach to enhance the performance and integrate diverse functions within amulti-plane stack. Clock networks consume a great portion of the power dissipated in a circuit. Therefore, designing a low-power clock network in synchronous circuits is an important task. This requirement is stricter for 3-D circuits due to the increased power densities. Synchronization issues can be more challenging for 3-D circuits since a clock path can spread across several planes with different physical and electrical characteristics. Consequently, designing low power clock networks for 3-D circuits is an important issue. Resonant clock networks are considered efficient low-power alternatives to conventional clock distribution schemes. These networks utilize additional inductive circuits to reduce power while delivering a full swing clock signal to the sink nodes. In this research, a design method to apply resonant clocking to synthesized clock trees is proposed. Manufacturing processes for 3-D circuits include some additional steps as compared to standard CMOS processes which makes 3-D circuits more susceptible to manufacturing defects and lowers the overall yield of the bonded 3-D stack. Testing is another complicated task for 3-D ICs, where pre-bond test is a prerequisite. Pre-bond testability, in turn, presents new challenges to 3-D clock network design primarily due to the incomplete clock distribution networks prior to the bonding of the planes. A design methodology of resonant 3-D clock networks that support wireless pre-bond testing is introduced. To efficiently address this issue, inductive links are exploited to wirelessly transmit the clock signal to the disjoint resonant clock networks. The inductors comprising the LC tanks are used as the receiver circuit for the links, essentially eliminating the need for additional circuits and/or interconnect resources during pre-bond test. Recent FPGAs are quite complex circuits which provide reconfigurablity at the cost of lower performance and higher power consumption as compared to ASIC circuits. Exploiting a large number of programmable switches, routing structures are mainly responsible for performance degradation in FPAGs. Employing 3-D technology can providemore efficient switches which drastically improve the performance and reduce the power consumption of the FPGA. RRAM switches are one of the most promising candidates to improve the FPGA routing architecture thanks to their low on-resistance and non-volatility. Along with the configurable switches, buffers are the other important element of the FPGAs routing structure. Different characteristics of RRAM switches change the properties of signal paths in RRAM-based FPGAs. The on resistance of RRAMswitches is considerably lower than CMOS pass gate switches which results in lower RC delay for RRAM-based routing paths. This different nature in critical path and signal delay in turn affect the need for intermediate buffers. Thus the buffer allocation should be reconsidered. In the last part of this research, the effect of intermediate buffers on signal propagation delay is studied and a modified buffer allocation scheme for RRAM-based FPGA routing path is proposed

    Design of an optically controlled Ka-band GaAs MMIC phased-array antenna

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    Phased array antennas long were investigated to support the agile, multibeam radiating apertures with rapid reconfigurability needs of radar and communications. With the development of the Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC), phased array antennas having the stated characteristics are becoming realizable. However, at K-band frequencies (20 to 40 GHz) and higher, the problem of controlling the MMICs using conventional techniques either severely limits the array size or becomes insurmountable due to the close spacing of the radiating elements necessary to achieve the desired antenna performance. Investigations were made that indicate using fiber optics as a transmission line for control information for the MMICs provides a potential solution. By adding an optical interface circuit to pre-existing MMIC designs, it is possible to take advantage of the small size, lightweight, mechanical flexibility and RFI/EMI resistant characteristics of fiber optics to distribute MMIC control signals. The architecture, circuit development, testing and integration of optically controlled K-band MMIC phased array antennas are described

    Radiation safety based on the sky shine effect in reactor

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    In the reactor operation, neutrons and gamma rays are the most dominant radiation. As protection, lead and concrete shields are built around the reactor. However, the radiation can penetrate the water shielding inside the reactor pool. This incident leads to the occurrence of sky shine where a physical phenomenon of nuclear radiation sources was transmitted panoramic that extends to the environment. The effect of this phenomenon is caused by the fallout radiation into the surrounding area which causes the radiation dose to increase. High doses of exposure cause a person to have stochastic effects or deterministic effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the radiation dose from sky shine effect that scattered around the reactor at different distances and different height above the reactor platform. In this paper, the analysis of the radiation dose of sky shine effect was measured using the experimental metho

    SPAD: a distributed middleware architecture for QoS enhanced alternate path discovery

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    In the next generation Internet, the network will evolve from a plain communication medium into one that provides endless services to the users. These services will be composed of multiple cooperative distributed application elements. We name these services overlay applications. The cooperative application elements within an overlay application will build a dynamic communication mesh, namely an overlay association. The Quality of Service (QoS) perceived by the users of an overlay application greatly depends on the QoS experienced on the communication paths of the corresponding overlay association. In this paper, we present SPAD (Super-Peer Alternate path Discovery), a distributed middleware architecture that aims at providing enhanced QoS between end-points within an overlay association. To achieve this goal, SPAD provides a complete scheme to discover and utilize composite alternate end-to end paths with better QoS than the path given by the default IP routing mechanisms

    Design for pre-bond testability in 3D integrated circuits

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    In this dissertation we propose several DFT techniques specific to 3D stacked IC systems. The goal has explicitly been to create techniques that integrate easily with existing IC test systems. Specifically, this means utilizing scan- and wrapper-based techniques, two foundations of the digital IC test industry. First, we describe a general test architecture for 3D ICs. In this architecture, each tier of a 3D design is wrapped in test control logic that both manages tier test pre-bond and integrates the tier into the large test architecture post-bond. We describe a new kind of boundary scan to provide the necessary test control and observation of the partial circuits, and we propose a new design methodology for test hardcore that ensures both pre-bond functionality and post-bond optimality. We present the application of these techniques to the 3D-MAPS test vehicle, which has proven their effectiveness. Second, we extend these DFT techniques to circuit-partitioned designs. We find that boundary scan design is generally sufficient, but that some 3D designs require special DFT treatment. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the functional partitioning inherent in 3D design can potentially decrease the total test cost of verifying a circuit. Third, we present a new CAD algorithm for designing 3D test wrappers. This algorithm co-designs the pre-bond and post-bond wrappers to simultaneously minimize test time and routing cost. On average, our algorithm utilizes over 90% of the wires in both the pre-bond and post-bond wrappers. Finally, we look at the 3D vias themselves to develop a low-cost, high-volume pre-bond test methodology appropriate for production-level test. We describe the shorting probes methodology, wherein large test probes are used to contact multiple small 3D vias. This technique is an all-digital test method that integrates seamlessly into existing test flows. Our experimental results demonstrate two key facts: neither the large capacitance of the probe tips nor the process variation in the 3D vias and the probe tips significantly hinders the testability of the circuits. Taken together, this body of work defines a complete test methodology for testing 3D ICs pre-bond, eliminating one of the key hurdles to the commercialization of 3D technology.PhDCommittee Chair: Lee, Hsien-Hsin; Committee Member: Bakir, Muhannad; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richard; Committee Member: Yalamanchili, Sudhaka

    The Quantum Socket: Three-Dimensional Wiring for Extensible Quantum Computing

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    Quantum computing architectures are on the verge of scalability, a key requirement for the implementation of a universal quantum computer. The next stage in this quest is the realization of quantum error correction codes, which will mitigate the impact of faulty quantum information on a quantum computer. Architectures with ten or more quantum bits (qubits) have been realized using trapped ions and superconducting circuits. While these implementations are potentially scalable, true scalability will require systems engineering to combine quantum and classical hardware. One technology demanding imminent efforts is the realization of a suitable wiring method for the control and measurement of a large number of qubits. In this work, we introduce an interconnect solution for solid-state qubits: The quantum socket. The quantum socket fully exploits the third dimension to connect classical electronics to qubits with higher density and better performance than two-dimensional methods based on wire bonding. The quantum socket is based on spring-mounted micro wires the three-dimensional wires that push directly on a micro-fabricated chip, making electrical contact. A small wire cross section (~1 mmm), nearly non-magnetic components, and functionality at low temperatures make the quantum socket ideal to operate solid-state qubits. The wires have a coaxial geometry and operate over a frequency range from DC to 8 GHz, with a contact resistance of ~150 mohm, an impedance mismatch of ~10 ohm, and minimal crosstalk. As a proof of principle, we fabricated and used a quantum socket to measure superconducting resonators at a temperature of ~10 mK.Comment: Main: 31 pages, 19 figs., 8 tables, 8 apps.; suppl.: 4 pages, 5 figs. (HiRes figs. and movies on request). Submitte
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