5 research outputs found

    Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Automatic Static Analysis Issues on Time Efficiency

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    Background: Automatic Static Analysis (ASA) tools analyze source code and look for code patterns (aka smells) that might cause defective behavior or might degrade other dimensions of software quality, e.g. efficiency. There are many potentially negative code patterns, and ASA tools typically report a huge list of them even in small programs. Moreover, so far, little evidence is available about the negative impact on performance of code patterns identified by such tools. A consequence is that programmers cannot appreciate the benefits of ASA tools and tend not to include them in their workflow. Aims: Quantitatively assess the impact of issues signaled by ASA tools on time efficiency. Method: We select 20 issues and for each of them we set up two source code fragments: one containing the issue and the corresponding refactored version, functionally identical but without the issue. We set up three different platforms, isolated from network and other user programs, then we execute the code fragments, and measure the execution time of both code versions. Results: We find that eleven issues have an actual negative impact on performance. We also compute for each issue an estimation for the delay provoked by a single execution. Conclusions: We produce a set of issues with a verified negative impact on performance. They can be checked easily with an analysis tool and code can be refactored to obtain a provably more efficient code. We also provide the estimated delay cost of each issue in the environments where we conduct the tests. These results can be improved with the help of other researchers: repeating the tests in several platforms would make it possible to build up a wider benchmar

    Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Automatic Static Analysis Issues on Time Efficiency

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    Background: Automatic Static Analysis (ASA) tools analyze source code and look for code patterns (aka smells) that might cause defective behavior or might degrade other dimensions of software quality, e.g. efficiency. There are many potentially negative code patterns, and ASA tools typically report a huge list of them even in small programs. Moreover, so far, little evidence is available about the negative impact on performance of code patterns identified by such tools. A consequence is that programmers cannot appreciate the benefits of ASA tools and tend not to include them in their workflow. Aims: Quantitatively assess the impact of issues signaled by ASA tools on time efficiency. Method: We select 20 issues and for each of them we set up two source code fragments: one containing the issue and the corresponding refactored version, functionally identical but without the issue. We set up three different platforms, isolated from network and other user programs, then we execute the code fragments, and measure the execution time of both code versions. Results: We find that eleven issues have an actual negative impact on performance. We also compute for each issue an estimation for the delay provoked by a single execution. Conclusions: We produce a set of issues with a verified negative impact on performance. They can be checked easily with an analysis tool and code can be refactored to obtain a provably more efficient code. We also provide the estimated delay cost of each issue in the environments where we conduct the tests. These results can be improved with the help of other researchers: repeating the tests in several platforms would make it possible to build up a wider benchmark


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    Automatic static analysis (ASA) tools analyze the source or compiled code looking for violations of recommended programming practices (called issues) that might cause faults or might degrade some dimensions of software quality. Antonio Vetro' has focused his PhD in studying how applying ASA impacts software quality, taking as reference point the different quality dimensions specified by the standard ISO/IEC 25010. The epistemological approach he used is that one of empirical software engineering. During his three years PhD, he's been conducting experiments and case studies on three main areas: Functionality/Reliability, Performance and Maintainability. He empirically proved that specific ASA issues had impact on these quality characteristics in the contexts under study: thus, removing them from the code resulted in a quality improvement. Vetro' has also investigated and proposed new research directions for this field: using ASA to improve software energy efficiency and to detect the problems deriving from the interaction of multiple languages. The contribution is enriched with the final recommendation of a generalized process for researchers and practitioners with a twofold goal: improve software quality through ASA and create a body of knowledge on the impact of using ASA on specific software quality dimensions, based on empirical evidence. This thesis represents a first step towards this goa

    Control flow graphs for real-time systems analysis: reconstruction from binary executables and usage in ILP-based path analysis

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    Real-time systems have to complete their actions w.r.t. given timing constraints. In order to validate that these constraints are met, static timing analysis is usually performed to compute an upper bound of the worst-case execution times (WCET) of all the involved tasks. This thesis identifies the requirements of real-time system analysis on the control flow graph that the static analyses work on. A novel approach is presented that extracts a control flow graph from binary executables, which are typically used when performing WCET analysis of real-time systems. Timing analysis can be split into two steps: a) the analysis of the behaviour of the hardware components, b) finding the worst-case path. A novel approach to path analysis is described in this thesis that introduces sophisticated interprocedural analysis techniques that were not available before.Echtzeitsysteme müssen ihre Aufgaben innerhalb vorgegebener Zeitschranken abwickeln. Um die Einhaltung der Zeitschranken zu überprüfen, sind für gewöhnlich statische Analysen der schlimmsten Ausführzeiten der Teilprogramme des Echtzeitsystems nötig. Diese Arbeit stellt die Anforderungen von Echtzeitsystem an den Kontrollflussgraphen vor, auf dem die statischen Analysen arbeiten. Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Rückberechnung von Kontrollflußgraphen aus Maschinenprogrammen, die häufig die Grundlage der WCET-Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen bilden, wird vorgestellt. WCET-Analysen können in zwei Teile zerlegt werden: a) die Analyse des Verhaltens der Hardwarebausteine, b) die Suche nach dem schlimmsten Ausführpfad. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz der Pfadanalyse vorgestellt, der für ausgefeilte interprozedurale Analysemethoden ausgelegt ist, die vorher hier nicht verfügbar waren

    Control flow graphs for real-time systems analysis: reconstruction from binary executables and usage in ILP-based path analysis

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    Real-time systems have to complete their actions w.r.t. given timing constraints. In order to validate that these constraints are met, static timing analysis is usually performed to compute an upper bound of the worst-case execution times (WCET) of all the involved tasks. This thesis identifies the requirements of real-time system analysis on the control flow graph that the static analyses work on. A novel approach is presented that extracts a control flow graph from binary executables, which are typically used when performing WCET analysis of real-time systems. Timing analysis can be split into two steps: a) the analysis of the behaviour of the hardware components, b) finding the worst-case path. A novel approach to path analysis is described in this thesis that introduces sophisticated interprocedural analysis techniques that were not available before.Echtzeitsysteme müssen ihre Aufgaben innerhalb vorgegebener Zeitschranken abwickeln. Um die Einhaltung der Zeitschranken zu überprüfen, sind für gewöhnlich statische Analysen der schlimmsten Ausführzeiten der Teilprogramme des Echtzeitsystems nötig. Diese Arbeit stellt die Anforderungen von Echtzeitsystem an den Kontrollflussgraphen vor, auf dem die statischen Analysen arbeiten. Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Rückberechnung von Kontrollflußgraphen aus Maschinenprogrammen, die häufig die Grundlage der WCET-Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen bilden, wird vorgestellt. WCET-Analysen können in zwei Teile zerlegt werden: a) die Analyse des Verhaltens der Hardwarebausteine, b) die Suche nach dem schlimmsten Ausführpfad. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz der Pfadanalyse vorgestellt, der für ausgefeilte interprozedurale Analysemethoden ausgelegt ist, die vorher hier nicht verfügbar waren