11 research outputs found

    A Simple and Accurate Syntax-Agnostic Neural Model for Dependency-based Semantic Role Labeling

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    We introduce a simple and accurate neural model for dependency-based semantic role labeling. Our model predicts predicate-argument dependencies relying on states of a bidirectional LSTM encoder. The semantic role labeler achieves competitive performance on English, even without any kind of syntactic information and only using local inference. However, when automatically predicted part-of-speech tags are provided as input, it substantially outperforms all previous local models and approaches the best reported results on the English CoNLL-2009 dataset. We also consider Chinese, Czech and Spanish where our approach also achieves competitive results. Syntactic parsers are unreliable on out-of-domain data, so standard (i.e., syntactically-informed) SRL models are hindered when tested in this setting. Our syntax-agnostic model appears more robust, resulting in the best reported results on standard out-of-domain test sets.Comment: To appear in CoNLL 201

    Graphical Models with Structured Factors, Neural Factors, and Approximation-aware Training

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    This thesis broadens the space of rich yet practical models for structured prediction. We introduce a general framework for modeling with four ingredients: (1) latent variables, (2) structural constraints, (3) learned (neural) feature representations of the inputs, and (4) training that takes the approximations made during inference into account. The thesis builds up to this framework through an empirical study of three NLP tasks: semantic role labeling, relation extraction, and dependency parsing -- obtaining state-of-the-art results on the former two. We apply the resulting graphical models with structured and neural factors, and approximation-aware learning to jointly model part-of-speech tags, a syntactic dependency parse, and semantic roles in a low-resource setting where the syntax is unobserved. We present an alternative view of these models as neural networks with a topology inspired by inference on graphical models that encode our intuitions about the data

    Annotation en rôles sémantiques du français en domaine spécifique

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    In this Natural Language Processing Ph. D. Thesis, we aim to perform semantic role labeling on French domain-specific texts. This task first disambiguates the sense of predicates in a given text and annotates its child chunks with semantic roles such as Agent, Patient or Destination. The task helps many applications in domains where annotated corpora exist, but is difficult to use otherwise. We first evaluate on the FrameNet corpus an existing method based on VerbNet, which explains why the method is domain-independant. We show that substantial improvements can be obtained. We first use syntactic information by handling the passive voice. Next, we use semantic informations by taking advantage of the selectional restrictions present in VerbNet. To apply this method to French, we first translate lexical resources. We first translate the WordNet lexical database. Next, we translate the VerbNet lexicon which is organized semantically using syntactic information. We obtain its translation, VerbeNet, by reusing two French verb lexicons (the Lexique-Grammaire and Les Verbes Français) and by manually modifying and reorganizing the resulting lexicon. Finally, once those building blocks are in place, we evaluate the feasibility of semantic role labeling of French and English in three specific domains. We study the pros and cons of using VerbNet and VerbeNet to annotate those domains before explaining our future work.Cette thèse de Traitement Automatique des Langues a pour objectif l'annotation automatique en rôles sémantiques du français en domaine spécifique. Cette tâche désambiguïse le sens des prédicats d'un texte et annote les syntagmes liés avec des rôles sémantiques tels qu'Agent, Patient ou Destination. Elle aide de nombreuses applications dans les domaines où des corpus annotés existent, mais est difficile à utiliser quand ce n'est pas le cas. Nous avons d'abord évalué sur le corpus FrameNet une méthode existante d'annotation basée uniquement sur VerbNet et donc indépendante du domaine considéré. Nous montrons que des améliorations conséquentes peuvent être obtenues à la fois d'un point de vue syntaxique avec la prise en compte de la voix passive et d'un point de vue sémantique en utilisant les restrictions de sélection indiquées dans VerbNet. Pour utiliser cette méthode en français, nous traduisons deux ressources lexicales anglaises. Nous commençons par la base de données lexicales WordNet. Nous traduisons ensuite le lexique VerbNet dans lequel les verbes sont regroupés sémantiquement grâce à leurs traits syntaxiques. La traduction, VerbeNet, a été obtenue en réutilisant deux lexiques verbaux du français (le Lexique-Grammaire et Les Verbes Français) puis en modifiant manuellement l'ensemble des informations obtenues. Enfin, une fois ces briques en place, nous évaluons la faisabilité de l'annotation en rôles sémantiques en anglais et en français dans trois domaines spécifiques. Nous évaluons quels sont les avantages et inconvénients de se baser sur VerbNet et VerbeNet pour annoter ces domaines, avant d'indiquer nos perspectives pour poursuivre ces travaux

    Graded Decompositional Semantic Prediction

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    Compared to traditional approaches, decompositional semantic labeling (DSL) is compelling but introduces complexities for data collection, quality assessment, and modeling. To shed light on these issues and lower barriers to the adoption of DSL or related approaches I bring existing models and novel variations into a shared, familiar framework, facilitating empirical investigation

    Unsupervised Induction of Frame-Based Linguistic Forms

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    This thesis studies the use of bulk, structured, linguistic annotations in order to perform unsupervised induction of meaning for three kinds of linguistic forms: words, sentences, and documents. The primary linguistic annotation I consider throughout this thesis are frames, which encode core linguistic, background or societal knowledge necessary to understand abstract concepts and real-world situations. I begin with an overview of linguistically-based structured meaning representation; I then analyze available large-scale natural language processing (NLP) and linguistic resources and corpora for their abilities to accommodate bulk, automatically-obtained frame annotations. I then proceed to induce meanings of the different forms, progressing from the word level, to the sentence level, and finally to the document level. I first show how to use these bulk annotations in order to better encode linguistic- and cognitive science backed semantic expectations within word forms. I then demonstrate a straightforward approach for learning large lexicalized and refined syntactic fragments, which encode and memoize commonly used phrases and linguistic constructions. Next, I consider two unsupervised models for document and discourse understanding; one is a purely generative approach that naturally accommodates layer annotations and is the first to capture and unify a complete frame hierarchy. The other conditions on limited amounts of external annotations, imputing missing values when necessary, and can more readily scale to large corpora. These discourse models help improve document understanding and type-level understanding