565 research outputs found

    Low Temperature Deposition of SiNx Thin Films by the LPCVD Method

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    Thin silicon rich nitride (SiNx) films were deposited using the LPCVD (Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition) method. Silane diluted in argon and ammonia were used as the reactant gasses, and the low temperature deposition at 570 °C was used. The films were deposited on silicon (111) substrates. Films with the different values of the nitrogen content were deposited by varying the ratio of the flows of ammonia and silane in the horizontal tube reactor. The films were characterized in terms on the surface quality (by scanning electron microscopy), in terms of the nitrogen content x by time of flight elastic recoil detection analysis and by Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The thickness and dielectric constant were measured by ellipsometry. The films were found to have a very smooth, homogeneous surface with nitrogen content that vary from x = 0 to x = 1 in dependence on the deposition parameters. The intensity of the Si–N stretching peak has shown strong correlation with the film thickness measured by ellipsometry. The films showed a smooth surface layer and the value of dielectric constant easily controllable by the ratio of the flow of the gases in the reactor. (doi: 10.5562/cca1970

    Optimization of Ohmic Contacts and Surface Passivation for ‘Buffer-Free’ GaN HEMT Technologies

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    Gallium nitride high electron mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs) draw attention from high frequency and high power industries due to unique properties including high electron mobility and saturation velocity combined with high breakdown voltage. This makes GaN HEMTs suitable for power devices with high switching speed and high frequency applications with high power density requirements. However, the device performance is still partly limited by problems associated with the formation of low resistivity ohmic contact, trapping effects, and the confinement of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG).\ua0\ua0\ua0 In this work, reproducible deeply recessed Ta-based ohmic contacts with a low contact resistance of 0.2 - 0.3 Ωmm, a low annealing temperature of 550 - 600 \ub0C, and a large process window were optimized. Low annealing temperature reduces the risk of 2DEG degradation and promotes better morphology of the ohmic contacts. Deeply recessed ohmic contacts beyond the barrier layers make the process less sensitive to the etching depth since the ohmic contacts are formed on the sidewall of the recess. The concept of deeply recessed low resistivity ohmic contacts is also successfully demonstrated on different epi-structures with different barrier designs.\ua0\ua0\ua0 Passivation with silicon nitride (SiN) is an effective method to suppress electron trapping effects. Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) of SiN has shown to result in high quality dielectrics with excellent passivation effect. However, the surface traps are not fully removed after passivation due to dangling-bonds and native oxide layer at the interface of passivation and epi-structure. Therefore, a plasma-free in-situ NH3 pretreatment method before the deposition of the SiN passivation was studied. The samples with the pretreatment present a 38% lower surface-related current collapse and a 50% lower dynamic on-resistance than the samples without the pretreatment. The improved dynamic performance and lower dispersion directly yield a 30% higher output power of (3.4 vs. 2.6 W/mm) and a better power added efficiency (44% vs. 39%) at 3 GHz. Furthermore, it was found that a longer pretreatment duration improves the uniformity of device performance.\ua0\ua0\ua0 Traditionally, decreasing leakage currents in the buffer and improving electron confinement to the 2DEG are achieved by intentional acceptor-like dopants (iron and carbon) in the GaN buffer and back-barrier layer made by a ternary III-nitride material. However, electron trapping effects and thermal resistivity increase due to the dopants and the ternary material, respectively. In this thesis, a novel approach, where a unique epitaxial scheme permits a thickness reduction of the unintentional-doped (UID) GaN layer down to 250 nm, as compared to a normal thickness of 2 μm. In this way, the AlN nucleation layer effectively act as a back-barrier. The approached, named QuanFINE is investigated and benchmarked to a conventional epi-structure with a thick Fe-doped-GaN buffer. A 2DEG mobility of 2000 cm^2/V-s and the 2DEG concentration of 1.1∙10^13 cm^-2 on QuanFINE indicate that the 2DEG properties are not sacrificed with a thin UID-GaN layer. Thanks to the thin UID-GaN layer of QuanFINE, trapping effects are reduced. Comparable output power of 4.1 W/mm and a PAE of 40% at 3 GHz of both QuanFINE and conventional Fe-doped thick GaN buffer sample are measured

    Characterization of materials and fabrication of active matrix thin film transistor arrays for electrical interfacing of biological materials

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    Electrical interfacing between semiconductor devices and biological materials has been studied for live cell probing which will make it possible to perform direct electrical sensing of cells. To extend the applicability of extracellular and planar microelectrode arrays, recently vertically aligned nanofibers (VACNFs) have been integrated with micro electrode arrays (MEA) for applications such as cell membrane mimics, gene delivery arrays, neuroelectrochemical interfacing arrays, superhydrophobic switches, and intracellular probes. The main drawback of VACNF-MEA devices are the low density of electrodes and passive addressing approach. In order to increase the number of elements of an MEA and enable both stimulation and recording on the same platform, an actively addressed thin film transistor (TFT) array platform was developed. Active matrix-TFTs are highly functional devices which have been used widely as backplanes in display electronics field over the past few decades.VACNFs were integrated onto the TFT array (TFT-VACNF) as they enhance the electrical sensitivity to the cell relative to standard planar arrays; furthermore, the vertical electrodes provide the potential for intracellular sensing within individual cells. This device platform provides great potential as an advanced microelectrode array for direct cell sensing, probing, and recording with a high electrode density and active addressability. In this study, VACNFs were successfully integrated onto TFT devices to demonstrate a new microelectrode array platform. The materials and processes of the TFT structure were designed to be compatible with the requisite high-temperature (~700°C) and direct current Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (dc-PECVD) VACNF growth process.To extend the applicability of utilizing these vertical electrodes, this dissertation describes: the characterization and optimization of each layer for the TFT; the fabrication process and issues for active matrix TFT array; the critical device integration issues of VACNFs onto active matrix TFT arrays are elaborated; and the initial and final device characteristics are reported

    Светоизлучающие структуры на основе нестехиометрического нитрида кремния

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    The two triple-layered SiO2 /SiNx /SiO2  structures with Si-rich and N-rich silicon nitride active layer were fabricated on p-type Si-substrates by chemical vapour deposition. The SiNx  layer of different composition (x = 0.9 and x = 1.4) was obtained by changing the ratio of the SiH2 Cl2 /NH3 flow rates during deposition of a silicon nitride active layer (8/1 and 1/8, respectively). The spectroscopic ellipsometry and photoluminescence (PL) measurements showed that the refractive index, the absorbance and luminescence properties depend on a chemical composition of silicon nitride layers. The structures with Si-rich and N-rich SiNx  active layers emit in the red (1.9 eV) and blue (2.6 eV) spectral ranges, respectively. The PL intensities of different structures are comparable. The rapid thermal annealing results in the intensity decrease and in the PL spectra narrowing in the case of SiN1,4 active layer, whereas the increase in the emission intensity and the PL spectra broadening are observed in the case of the annealed sample with a SiN0,9 active layer. The PL origin and the effect of annealing treatment have been discussed, taking into account the band tail mechanism of radiative recombination. Multilayered (SiO2 /SiNx )n /Si structures are of practical interest for creation of effective light sources on the basis of current Si technology.Методом химического газофазного осаждения на кремниевых подложках p-типа изготовлены две трехслойные структуры SiO2 /SiNx /SiO2 с нестехиометрическими пленками нитрида кремния, обогащенными кремнием (x = 0,9) или азотом (x = 1,4), в качестве активных слоев. Активные слои SiNx нестехиометрического состава (x = 0,9 и x = 1,4) получены при различном соотношении реагирующих газов (SiH2 Cl2 /NH3 ) в процессе осаждения (8/1 и 1/8 соответственно). Методами спектральной эллипсометрии и фотолюминесценции показано, что показатель преломления, поглощение и люминесцентные свойства зависят от стехиометрического состава нитрида кремния. Структуры с активными слоями нитрида с избытком кремния и азота излучают в красной (1,9 эВ) и синей (2,6 эВ) областях спектра соответственно, причем интенсивность свечения сравнима для двух образцов. Быстрая термическая обработка приводит к уменьшению интенсивности и сужению спектра фотолюминесценции образца с активным слоем SiN1,4 , тогда как для образца с активным слоем SiN0,9 наблюдается возрастание интенсивности люминесценции с уширением спектра в коротковолновую область после отжига. Природа видимого свечения и влияние термообработки объясняются c учетом существования протяженной зоны хвостовых состояний.Структуры с чередующимися слоями оксида и нитрида кремния представляют практический интерес для создания эффективных источников света на базе кремниевой технологии

    Parylene-AlOx Stacks for Improved 3D Encapsulation Solutions

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    The demand for ultra-tight encapsulation solutions with excellent barrier and high conformality properties has increased in recent years. To meet these challenges, thin-film barrier coatings have emerged as a promising solution. In this study, we investigate well-established silicon-based plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and metal oxide atomic layer deposition (ALD) barrier coatings deposited at low temperatures (≤100 °C) regarding their abilities to address high-level 3D encapsulation applications. Various combinations of such layers are evaluated by measuring the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) and considering the conformality properties. The impact and the benefits of the organic film integration, namely parylene VT4 grade, on the barrier performances is assessed. Among these combinations, parylene-AlOx stack emerges as one of the most effective solutions, obtaining a WVTR of 3.1 × 10^−4 g m^−2 day^−1 at 38°C and 90% relative humidity conditions

    Solution-Based Photo-Patterned Gold Film Formation on Silicon Nitride

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    Silicon nitride fabricated by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) to be silicon-rich (SiNx), is a ubiquitous insulating thin film in the microelectronics industry, and an exceptional structural material for nanofabrication. Free-standingcompelling, particularly when used to deliver forefront molecular sensing capabilities in nanofluidic devices. We developed an accessible, gentle, and solution-based photo-directed surface metallization approach well-suited to forming patterned metal films as integral structural and functional features in thin-membrane-based SiNx devices—for use as electrodes or surface chemical functionalization platforms, for example—augmenting existing device capabilities and properties for a wide range of applications

    Design, Fabrication and Characterization of GaN HEMTs for Power Switching Applications

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    The unique properties of the III-nitride heterostructure, consisting of gallium nitride (GaN), aluminium nitride (AlN) and their ternary compounds (e.g. AlGaN, InAlN), allow for the fabrication of high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). These devices exhibit high breakdown fields, high electron mobilities and small parasitic capacitances, making them suitable for wireless communication and power electronic applications. In this work, GaN-based power switching HEMTs and low voltage, short-channel HEMTs were designed, fabricated, and characterized.In the first part of the thesis, AlGaN/GaN-on-SiC high voltage metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS)HEMTs fabricated on a novel ‘buffer-free’ heterostructure are presented. This heterostructure effectively suppresses buffer-related trapping effects while maintaining high electron confinement and low leakage currents, making it a viable material for high voltage, power electronic HEMTs. This part of the thesis covers device processing techniques to minimize leakage currents and maximize breakdown voltages in these ‘buffer-free’ MISHEMTs. Additionally, a recess-etched, Ta-based, ohmic contact process was utilized to form low-resistive ohmic contacts with contact resistances of 0.44-0.47 Ω∙mm. High voltage operation can be achieved by employing a temperature-stable nitrogen implantation isolation process, which results in three-terminal breakdown fields of 98-123 V/μm. By contrast, mesa isolation techniques exhibit breakdown fields below 85 V/μm and higher off-state leakage currents. Stoichiometric low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) SiNx passivation layers suppress gate currents through the AlGaN barrier below 10 nA/mm over 1000 V, which is more than two orders of magnitude lower compared to Si-rich SiNx passivation layers. A 10% dynamic on-resistance increase at 240 V was measured in HEMTs with stoichiometric SiNx passivation, which is likely caused by slow traps with time constants over 100 ms. SiNx gate dielectrics display better electrical isolation at high voltages compared to HfO2 and Ta2O5. However, the two gate oxides exhibit threshold voltages (Vth) above -2 V, making them a promising alternative for the fabrication of recess-etched normally-off MISHEMTs.Reducing the gate length (Lg) to minimize losses and increase the operating frequency in GaN HEMTs also entails more severe short-channel effects (SCEs), limiting gain, output power and the maximum off-state voltage. In the second part of the thesis, SCEs were studied in short-channel GaN HEMTs using a drain-current injection technique (DCIT). The proposed method allows Vth to be obtained for a wide range of drain-source voltages (Vds) in one measurement, which then can be used to calculate the drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) as a rate-of-change of Vth with respect to Vds. The method was validated using HEMTs with a Fe-doped GaN buffer layer and a C-doped AlGaN back-barrier with thin channel layers. Supporting technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations indicate that the large increase in DIBL is caused by buffer leakage. This method could be utilized to optimize buffer design and gate lengths to minimize on-state losses and buffer leakage currents in power switching HEMTs