6,982 research outputs found

    A 0.35 μm CMOS 17-bit@40-kS/s cascade 2-1 ΣΔ modulator with programmable gain and programmable chopper stabilization

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    This paper describes a 0.35μm CMOS chopper-stabilized Switched-Capacitor 2-1 cascade ΣDelta; modulator for automotive sensor interfaces. For a better fitting to the characteristics of different sensor outputs, the modulator includes a programmable set of gains (x0.5, x1, x2, and x4) and a programmable set of chopper frequencies (fs/16, fs/8, fs/4 and fs/2). It has also been designed to operate within the restrictive environmental conditions of automotive electronics (-40°C, 175°C). The modulator architecture has been selected after an exhaustive comparison among multiple ΣΔM topologies in terms of resolution, speed and power dissipation. The design of the modulator building blocks is based upon a top-down CAD methodology which combines simulation and statistical optimization at different levels of the modulator hierarchy. The circuit is clocked at 5.12MHz and consumes, all together, 14.7mW from a single 3.3-V supply. Experimental measurements result in 99.77dB of Dynamic Range (DR), which combined with the gain programmability leads to an overall DR of 112dB. This puts the presented design beyond the state-of-the-art according with the existing bibliography

    Novel CCII-based Field Programmable Analog Array and its Application to a Sixth-Order Butterworth LPF

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    In this paper, a field programmable analog array (FPAA) is proposed. The proposed FPAA consists of seven configurable analog blocks (CABs) arranged in a hexagonal lattice such that the CABs are directly connected to each other. This structure improves the overall frequency response of the chip by decreasing the parasitic capacitances in the signal path. The CABS of the FPAA is based on a novel fully differential digitally programmable current conveyor (DPCCII). The programmability of the DPCCII is achieved using digitally controlled three-bit MOS ladder current division network. No extra biasing circuit is required to generate specific analog control voltage signals. The DPCCII has constant standby power consumption, offset voltage, bandwidth and harmonic distortions over all its programming range. A sixth-order Butterworth tunable LPF suitable for WLAN/WiMAX receivers is realized on the proposed FPAA. The filter power consumption is 5.4mW from 1V supply; it’s cutoff frequency is tuned from 5.2 MHz to 16.9 MHz. All the circuits are realized using 90nm CMOS technology from TSMC. All simulations are carried out using Cadence

    A neural probe with up to 966 electrodes and up to 384 configurable channels in 0.13 Îźm SOI CMOS

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    In vivo recording of neural action-potential and local-field-potential signals requires the use of high-resolution penetrating probes. Several international initiatives to better understand the brain are driving technology efforts towards maximizing the number of recording sites while minimizing the neural probe dimensions. We designed and fabricated (0.13-μm SOI Al CMOS) a 384-channel configurable neural probe for large-scale in vivo recording of neural signals. Up to 966 selectable active electrodes were integrated along an implantable shank (70 μm wide, 10 mm long, 20 μm thick), achieving a crosstalk of −64.4 dB. The probe base (5 × 9 mm2) implements dual-band recording and a 1

    A Scalable 6-to-18 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Quad-Beam Phased-Array Receiver in CMOS

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    This paper reports a 6-to-18 GHz integrated phased- array receiver implemented in 130-nm CMOS. The receiver is easily scalable to build a very large-scale phased-array system. It concurrently forms four independent beams at two different frequencies from 6 to 18 GHz. The nominal conversion gain of the receiver ranges from 16 to 24 dB over the entire band while the worst-case cross-band and cross-polarization rejections are achieved 48 dB and 63 dB, respectively. Phase shifting is performed in the LO path by a digital phase rotator with the worst-case RMS phase error and amplitude variation of 0.5° and 0.4 dB, respectively, over the entire band. A four-element phased-array receiver system is implemented based on four receiver chips. The measured array patterns agree well with the theoretical ones with a peak-to-null ratio of over 21.5 dB

    700mV low power low noise implantable neural recording system design

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    This dissertation presents the work for design and implementation of a low power, low noise neural recording system consisting of Bandpass Amplifier and Pipelined Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) for recording neural signal activities. A low power, low noise two stage neural amplifier for use in an intelligent Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) based on folded cascode Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) is utilized to amplify the neural signals. The optimization of the number of amplifier stages is discussed to achieve the minimum power and area consumption. The amplifier power supply is 0.7V. The midband gain of amplifier is 58.4dB with a 3dB bandwidth from 0.71 to 8.26 kHz. Measured input-referred noise and total power consumption are 20.7 ÎźVrms and 1.90 ÎźW respectively. The measured result shows that the optimizing the number of stages can achieve lower power consumption and demonstrates the neural amplifier's suitability for instu neutral activity recording. The advantage of power consumption of Pipelined ADC over Successive Approximation Register (SAR) ADC and Delta-Sigma ADC is discussed. An 8 bit fully differential (FD) Pipeline ADC for use in a smart RFID is presented in this dissertation. The Multiplying Digital to Analog Converter (MDAC) utilizes a novel offset cancellation technique robust to device leakage to reduce the input drift voltage. Simulation results of static and dynamic performance show this low power Pipeline ADC is suitable for multi-channel neural recording applications. The performance of all proposed building blocks is verified through test chips fabricated in IBM 180nm CMOS process. Both bench-top and real animal test results demonstrate the system's capability of recording neural signals for neural spike detection

    Hardware for digitally controlled scanned probe microscopes

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    The design and implementation of a flexible and modular digital control and data acquisition system for scanned probe microscopes (SPMs) is presented. The measured performance of the system shows it to be capable of 14-bit data acquisition at a 100-kHz rate and a full 18-bit output resolution resulting in less than 0.02-Å rms position noise while maintaining a scan range in excess of 1 µm in both the X and Y dimensions. This level of performance achieves the goal of making the noise of the microscope control system an insignificant factor for most experiments. The adaptation of the system to various types of SPM experiments is discussed. Advances in audio electronics and digital signal processors have made the construction of such high performance systems possible at low cost

    The Outer Tracker Detector of the HERA-B Experiment. Part II: Front-End Electronics

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    The HERA-B Outer Tracker is a large detector with 112674 drift chamber channels. It is exposed to a particle flux of up to 2x10^5/cm^2/s thus coping with conditions similar to those expected for the LHC experiments. The front-end readout system, based on the ASD-8 chip and a customized TDC chip, is designed to fulfil the requirements on low noise, high sensitivity, rate tolerance, and high integration density. The TDC system is based on an ASIC which digitizes the time in bins of about 0.5 ns within a total of 256 bins. The chip also comprises a pipeline to store data from 128 events which is required for a deadtime-free trigger and data acquisition system. We report on the development, installation, and commissioning of the front-end electronics, including the grounding and noise suppression schemes, and discuss its performance in the HERA-B experiment

    Design of sensor electronics for electrical capacitance tomography

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    The design of the sensor electronics for a tomographic imaging system based on electrical capacitance sensors is described. The performance of the sensor electronics is crucial to the performance of the imaging system. The problems associated with such a measurement process are discussed and solutions to these are described. Test results show that the present design has a resolution of 0.3 femtofarad. (For a 12-electrode system imaging an oil/gas flow, this represents a 2% gas void fraction change at the centre of the pipe) with a low noise level of 0.08 fF (RMS value), a large dynamic range of 76 dB and a data acquisition speed of 6600 measurements per second. This enables sensors with up to 12 electrodes to be used in a system with a maximum imaging rate of 100 frames per second, and thus provides an improved image resolution over the earlier 8-electrode system and an adequate electrode area to give sufficient measurement sensitivit

    A fully integrated 24-GHz phased-array transmitter in CMOS

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    This paper presents the first fully integrated 24-GHz phased-array transmitter designed using 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS transistors. The four-element array includes four on-chip CMOS power amplifiers, with outputs matched to 50 /spl Omega/, that are each capable of generating up to 14.5 dBm of output power at 24 GHz. The heterodyne transmitter has a two-step quadrature up-conversion architecture with local oscillator (LO) frequencies of 4.8 and 19.2 GHz, which are generated by an on-chip frequency synthesizer. Four-bit LO path phase shifting is implemented in each element at 19.2 GHz, and the transmitter achieves a peak-to-null ratio of 23 dB with raw beam-steering resolution of 7/spl deg/ for radiation normal to the array. The transmitter can support data rates of 500 Mb/s on each channel (with BPSK modulation) and occupies 6.8 mm /spl times/ 2.1 mm of die area
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