79 research outputs found

    Improve the Usability of Polar Codes: Code Construction, Performance Enhancement and Configurable Hardware

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    Error-correcting codes (ECC) have been widely used for forward error correction (FEC) in modern communication systems to dramatically reduce the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) needed to achieve a given bit error rate (BER). Newly invented polar codes have attracted much interest because of their capacity-achieving potential, efficient encoder and decoder implementation, and flexible architecture design space.This dissertation is aimed at improving the usability of polar codes by providing a practical code design method, new approaches to improve the performance of polar code, and a configurable hardware design that adapts to various specifications. State-of-the-art polar codes are used to achieve extremely low error rates. In this work, high-performance FPGA is used in prototyping polar decoders to catch rare-case errors for error-correcting performance verification and error analysis. To discover the polarization characteristics and error patterns of polar codes, an FPGA emulation platform for belief-propagation (BP) decoding is built by a semi-automated construction flow. The FPGA-based emulation achieves significant speedup in large-scale experiments involving trillions of data frames. The platform is a key enabler of this work. The frozen set selection of polar codes, known as bit selection, is critical to the error-correcting performance of polar codes. A simulation-based in-order bit selection method is developed to evaluate the error rate of each bit using Monte Carlo simulations. The frozen set is selected based on the bit reliability ranking. The resulting code construction exhibits up to 1 dB coding gain with respect to the conventional bit selection. To further improve the coding gain of BP decoder for low-error-rate applications, the decoding error mechanisms are studied and analyzed, and the errors are classified based on their distinct signatures. Error detection is enabled by low-cost CRC concatenation, and post-processing algorithms targeting at each type of the error is designed to mitigate the vast majority of the decoding errors. The post-processor incurs only a small implementation overhead, but it provides more than an order of magnitude improvement of the error-correcting performance. The regularity of the BP decoder structure offers many hardware architecture choices. Silicon area, power consumption, throughput and latency can be traded to reach the optimal design points for practical use cases. A comprehensive design space exploration reveals several practical architectures at different design points. The scalability of each architecture is also evaluated based on the implementation candidates. For dynamic communication channels, such as wireless channels in the upcoming 5G applications, multiple codes of different lengths and code rates are needed to t varying channel conditions. To minimize implementation cost, a universal decoder architecture is proposed to support multiple codes through hardware reuse. A 40nm length- and rate-configurable polar decoder ASIC is demonstrated to fit various communication environments and service requirements.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140817/1/shuangsh_1.pd

    Towards Design and Analysis For High-Performance and Reliable SSDs

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    NAND Flash-based Solid State Disks have many attractive technical merits, such as low power consumption, light weight, shock resistance, sustainability of hotter operation regimes, and extraordinarily high performance for random read access, which makes SSDs immensely popular and be widely employed in different types of environments including portable devices, personal computers, large data centers, and distributed data systems. However, current SSDs still suffer from several critical inherent limitations, such as the inability of in-place-update, asymmetric read and write performance, slow garbage collection processes, limited endurance, and degraded write performance with the adoption of MLC and TLC techniques. To alleviate these limitations, we propose optimizations from both specific outside applications layer and SSDs\u27 internal layer. Since SSDs are good compromise between the performance and price, so SSDs are widely deployed as second layer caches sitting between DRAMs and hard disks to boost the system performance. Due to the special properties of SSDs such as the internal garbage collection processes and limited lifetime, traditional cache devices like DRAM and SRAM based optimizations might not work consistently for SSD-based cache. Therefore, for the outside applications layer, our work focus on integrating the special properties of SSDs into the optimizations of SSD caches. Moreover, our work also involves the alleviation of the increased Flash write latency and ECC complexity due to the adoption of MLC and TLC technologies by analyzing the real work workloads

    An approach for improving performance of aggregate voice-over-IP traffic

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    The emerging popularity and interest in Voice-over-IP (VoIP) has been accompanied by customer concerns about voice quality over these networks. The lack of an appropriate real-time capable infrastructure in packet networks along with the threats of denial-of service (DoS) attacks can deteriorate the service that these voice calls receive. And these conditions contribute to the decline in call quality in VoIP applications; therefore, error-correcting/concealing techniques remain the only alternative to provide a reasonable protection for VoIP calls against packet losses. Traditionally, each voice call employs its own end-to-end forward-error-correction (FEC) mechanisms. In this paper, we show that when VoIP calls are aggregated over a provider's link, with a suitable linear-time encoding for the aggregated voice traffic, considerable quality improvement can be achieved with little redundancy. We show that it is possible to achieve rates closer to channel capacity as more calls are combined with very small output loss rates even in the presence of significant packet loss rates in the network. The advantages of the proposed scheme far exceed similar or other coding techniques applied to individual voice calls

    Design and Analysis of Forward Error Control Coding and Signaling for Guaranteeing QoS in Wireless Broadcast Systems

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    Broadcasting systems are networks where the transmission is received by several terminals. Generally broadcast receivers are passive devices in the network, meaning that they do not interact with the transmitter. Providing a certain Quality of Service (QoS) for the receivers in heterogeneous reception environment with no feedback is not an easy task. Forward error control coding can be used for protection against transmission errors to enhance the QoS for broadcast services. For good performance in terrestrial wireless networks, diversity should be utilized. The diversity is utilized by application of interleaving together with the forward error correction codes. In this dissertation the design and analysis of forward error control and control signalling for providing QoS in wireless broadcasting systems are studied. Control signaling is used in broadcasting networks to give the receiver necessary information on how to connect to the network itself and how to receive the services that are being transmitted. Usually control signalling is considered to be transmitted through a dedicated path in the systems. Therefore, the relationship of the signaling and service data paths should be considered early in the design phase. Modeling and simulations are used in the case studies of this dissertation to study this relationship. This dissertation begins with a survey on the broadcasting environment and mechanisms for providing QoS therein. Then case studies present analysis and design of such mechanisms in real systems. The mechanisms for providing QoS considering signaling and service data paths and their relationship at the DVB-H link layer are analyzed as the first case study. In particular the performance of different service data decoding mechanisms and optimal signaling transmission parameter selection are presented. The second case study investigates the design of signaling and service data paths for the more modern DVB-T2 physical layer. Furthermore, by comparing the performances of the signaling and service data paths by simulations, configuration guidelines for the DVB-T2 physical layer signaling are given. The presented guidelines can prove useful when configuring DVB-T2 transmission networks. Finally, recommendations for the design of data and signalling paths are given based on findings from the case studies. The requirements for the signaling design should be derived from the requirements for the main services. Generally, these requirements for signaling should be more demanding as the signaling is the enabler for service reception.Siirretty Doriast

    Error and Congestion Resilient Video Streaming over Broadband Wireless

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    In this paper, error resilience is achieved by adaptive, application-layer rateless channel coding, which is used to protect H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) codec data-partitioned videos. A packetization strategy is an effective tool to control error rates and, in the paper, source-coded data partitioning serves to allocate smaller packets to more important compressed video data. The scheme for doing this is applied to real-time streaming across a broadband wireless link. The advantages of rateless code rate adaptivity are then demonstrated in the paper. Because the data partitions of a video slice are each assigned to different network packets, in congestion-prone wireless networks the increased number of packets per slice and their size disparity may increase the packet loss rate from buffer overflows. As a form of congestion resilience, this paper recommends packet-size dependent scheduling as a relatively simple way of alleviating the buffer-overflow problem arising from data-partitioned packets. The paper also contributes an analysis of data partitioning and packet sizes as a prelude to considering scheduling regimes. The combination of adaptive channel coding and prioritized packetization for error resilience with packet-size dependent packet scheduling results in a robust streaming scheme specialized for broadband wireless and real-time streaming applications such as video conferencing, video telephony, and telemedicine

    Analysis and optimization of the satellite-to-plane link of an aeronautical global system

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    En aquest projecte s'ha analitzat i optimitzat l'enllaç satèl·lit amb avió per a un sistema aeronàutic global. Aquest nou sistema anomenat ANTARES està dissenyat per a comunicar avions amb estacions base mitjançant un satèl·lit. Aquesta és una iniciativa on hi participen institucions oficials en l'aviació com ara l'ECAC i que és desenvolupat en una col·laboració europea d'universitats i empreses. El treball dut a terme en el projecte compren bàsicament tres aspectes. El disseny i anàlisi de la gestió de recursos. La idoneïtat d'utilitzar correcció d'errors en la capa d'enllaç i en cas que sigui necessària dissenyar una opció de codificació preliminar. Finalment, estudiar i analitzar l'efecte de la interferència co-canal en sistemes multifeix. Tots aquests temes són considerats només per al "forward link". L'estructura que segueix el projecte és primer presentar les característiques globals del sistema, després centrar-se i analitzar els temes mencionats per a poder donar resultats i extreure conclusions.En este proyecto se ha analizado y optimizado el enlace satélite a avión para un sistema aeronáutico global. Este nuevo sistema, ANTARES, está diseñado para comunicar aviones y estaciones base mediante un satélite. Esta es una iniciativa europea en la que participan varias instituciones oficiales en aviación como el ECAC y es desarrollada en una colaboración europea de universidades y empresas. El trabajo llevado a cabo en este proyecto comprende básicamente tres aspectos. El diseño y análisis de la gestión de recursos. La idoneidad de usar corrección de errores en la capa de enlace y en caso que sea necesario diseñar una opción de codificación preliminar. Finalmente, estudiar y analizar el efecto de la interferencia co-canal en sistemas multihaz. Todos estos temas se consideran sólo en el "forward link". La estructura que sigue el trabajo es, primero presentar las características globales del sistema, luego centrarse y analizar los temas mencionados para finalmente dar resultados y extraer conclusiones.In this project it is analyzed and optimized the satellite-to-plane link of an aeronautical global system. This new upcoming system called ANTARES is intended for communicating airplanes and ground stations through a satellite system. This is a European initiative involving official institutions in terms of aviation such as the ECAC and developed in a European collaboration of universities and companies. The work carried out in the project comprehends basically three issues. The Radio Resource Management analysis and design. Analyze the suitability of using Link Layer-Forward Error Correction in the system and in case it is necessary design a preliminary coding option. Finally, study and analyze the effect of the co-channel interference in multibeam systems. All these issues are considered only for the forward link of the system. The structure of the project is as follows, first present the global characteristics of the system, then focus and analyze the mentioned subjects and finally give results and take conclusions on the work