1,279 research outputs found

    Design exploration and performance strategies towards power-efficient FPGA-based achitectures for sound source localization

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    Many applications rely on MEMS microphone arrays for locating sound sources prior to their execution. Those applications not only are executed under real-time constraints but also are often embedded on low-power devices. These environments become challenging when increasing the number of microphones or requiring dynamic responses. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are usually chosen due to their flexibility and computational power. This work intends to guide the design of reconfigurable acoustic beamforming architectures, which are not only able to accurately determine the sound Direction-Of-Arrival (DoA) but also capable to satisfy the most demanding applications in terms of power efficiency. Design considerations of the required operations performing the sound location are discussed and analysed in order to facilitate the elaboration of reconfigurable acoustic beamforming architectures. Performance strategies are proposed and evaluated based on the characteristics of the presented architecture. This power-efficient architecture is compared to a different architecture prioritizing performance in order to reveal the unavoidable design trade-offs

    FPGA-based architectures for acoustic beamforming with microphone arrays : trends, challenges and research opportunities

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    Over the past decades, many systems composed of arrays of microphones have been developed to satisfy the quality demanded by acoustic applications. Such microphone arrays are sound acquisition systems composed of multiple microphones used to sample the sound field with spatial diversity. The relatively recent adoption of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to manage the audio data samples and to perform the signal processing operations such as filtering or beamforming has lead to customizable architectures able to satisfy the most demanding computational, power or performance acoustic applications. The presented work provides an overview of the current FPGA-based architectures and how FPGAs are exploited for different acoustic applications. Current trends on the use of this technology, pending challenges and open research opportunities on the use of FPGAs for acoustic applications using microphone arrays are presented and discussed

    Modulated Unit-Norm Tight Frames for Compressed Sensing

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    In this paper, we propose a compressed sensing (CS) framework that consists of three parts: a unit-norm tight frame (UTF), a random diagonal matrix and a column-wise orthonormal matrix. We prove that this structure satisfies the restricted isometry property (RIP) with high probability if the number of measurements m=O(slog⁥2slog⁥2n)m = O(s \log^2s \log^2n) for ss-sparse signals of length nn and if the column-wise orthonormal matrix is bounded. Some existing structured sensing models can be studied under this framework, which then gives tighter bounds on the required number of measurements to satisfy the RIP. More importantly, we propose several structured sensing models by appealing to this unified framework, such as a general sensing model with arbitrary/determinisic subsamplers, a fast and efficient block compressed sensing scheme, and structured sensing matrices with deterministic phase modulations, all of which can lead to improvements on practical applications. In particular, one of the constructions is applied to simplify the transceiver design of CS-based channel estimation for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Distributed Fiber Ultrasonic Sensor and Pattern Recognition Analytics

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    Ultrasound interrogation and structural health monitoring technologies have found a wide array of applications in the health care, aerospace, automobile, and energy sectors. To achieve high spatial resolution, large array electrical transducers have been used in these applications to harness sufficient data for both monitoring and diagnoses. Electronic-based sensors have been the standard technology for ultrasonic detection, which are often expensive and cumbersome for use in large scale deployments. Fiber optical sensors have advantageous characteristics of smaller cross-sectional area, humidity-resistance, immunity to electromagnetic interference, as well as compatibility with telemetry and telecommunications applications, which make them attractive alternatives for use as ultrasonic sensors. A unique trait of fiber sensors is its ability to perform distributed acoustic measurements to achieve high spatial resolution detection using a single fiber. Using ultrafast laser direct-writing techniques, nano-reflectors can be induced inside fiber cores to drastically improve the signal-to-noise ratio of distributed fiber sensors. This dissertation explores the applications of laser-fabricated nano-reflectors in optical fiber cores for both multi-point intrinsic Fabry–Perot (FP) interferometer sensors and a distributed phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (φ-OTDR) to be used in ultrasound detection. Multi-point intrinsic FP interferometer was based on swept-frequency interferometry with optoelectronic phase-locked loop that interrogated cascaded FP cavities to obtain ultrasound patterns. The ultrasound was demodulated through reassigned short time Fourier transform incorporating with maximum-energy ridges tracking. With tens of centimeters cavity length, this approach achieved 20kHz ultrasound detection that was finesse-insensitive, noise-free, high-sensitivity and multiplex-scalability. The use of φ-OTDR with enhanced Rayleigh backscattering compensated the deficiencies of low inherent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The dynamic strain between two adjacent nano-reflectors was extracted by using 3×3 coupler demodulation within Michelson interferometer. With an improvement of over 35 dB SNR, this was adequate for the recognition of the subtle differences in signals, such as footstep of human locomotion and abnormal acoustic echoes from pipeline corrosion. With the help of artificial intelligence in pattern recognition, high accuracy of events’ identification can be achieved in perimeter security and structural health monitoring, with further potential that can be harnessed using unsurprised learning

    Multiple-Resampling Receiver Design for OFDM Over Doppler-Distorted Underwater Acoustic Channels

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we focus on orthogonal frequency-divisionmultiplexing (OFDM) receiver designs for underwater acoustic (UWA) channels with user- and/or path-specific Doppler scaling distortions. The scenario is motivated by the cooperative communications framework, where distributed transmitter/receiver pairs may experience significantly different Doppler distortions, as well as by the single-user scenarios, where distinct Doppler scaling factors may exist among different propagation paths. The conventional approach of front–end resampling that corrects for common Doppler scalingmay not be appropriatein such scenarios, rendering a post-fast-Fourier-transform (FFT) signal that is contaminated by user- and/or path-specific intercarrier interference. To counteract this problem, we propose a family of front–end receiver structures thatutilizemultiple-resampling (MR)branches,eachmatched to the Doppler scaling factor of a particular user and/or path. Following resampling, FFT modules transform the Doppler-compensated signals into the frequency domain for further processing through linear or nonlinear detection schemes. As part of the overall receiver structure, a gradient–descent approachis also proposed to refine the channel estimates obtained by standard sparse channel estimators. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed receivers are demonstrated via simulations, as well as emulations based on real data collected during the 2010 Mobile Acoustic Communications Experiment (MACE10, Martha’s Vineyard, MA) and the 2008 Kauai Acomms MURI (KAM08, Kauai, HI) experiment

    Monitoring of a highly flexible aircraft model wing using time-expanded phase-sensitive OTDR

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    In recent years, the use of highly flexible wings in aerial vehicles (e.g., aircraft or drones) has been attracting increasing interest, as they are lightweight, which can improve fuel-efficiency and distinct flight performances. Continuous wing monitoring can provide valuable information to prevent fatal failures and optimize aircraft control. In this paper, we demonstrate the capabilities of a distributed optical fiber sensor based on time-expanded phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (TE-ΊOTDR) technology for structural health monitoring of highly flexible wings, including static (i.e., bend and torsion), and dynamic (e.g., vibration) structural deformation. This distributed sensing technology provides a remarkable spatial resolution of 2 cm, with detection and processing bandwidths well under the MHz, arising as a novel, highly efficient monitoring methodology for this kind of structure. Conventional optical fibers were embedded in two highly flexible specimens that represented an aircraft wing, and different bending and twisting movements were detected and quantified with high sensitivity and minimal intrusiveness

    Beyond Nyquist: Efficient Sampling of Sparse Bandlimited Signals

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    Wideband analog signals push contemporary analog-to-digital conversion systems to their performance limits. In many applications, however, sampling at the Nyquist rate is inefficient because the signals of interest contain only a small number of significant frequencies relative to the bandlimit, although the locations of the frequencies may not be known a priori. For this type of sparse signal, other sampling strategies are possible. This paper describes a new type of data acquisition system, called a random demodulator, that is constructed from robust, readily available components. Let K denote the total number of frequencies in the signal, and let W denote its bandlimit in Hz. Simulations suggest that the random demodulator requires just O(K log(W/K)) samples per second to stably reconstruct the signal. This sampling rate is exponentially lower than the Nyquist rate of W Hz. In contrast with Nyquist sampling, one must use nonlinear methods, such as convex programming, to recover the signal from the samples taken by the random demodulator. This paper provides a detailed theoretical analysis of the system's performance that supports the empirical observations.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    AplicaçÔes De Métodos De Sensoriamento De Vibração Baseados Em Técnicas

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    Orientadores: Fabiano Fruett, Claudio FloridiaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia ElĂ©trica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Sensores Ă  fibra Ăłptica distribuĂ­dos tĂȘm sido empregados para monitorar vĂĄrios parĂąmetros, tais como temperatura, vibração, tensĂŁo mecĂąnica, campo magnĂ©tico e corrente elĂ©trica. Quando comparados a outras tĂ©cnicas convencionais, tais sensores sĂŁo vantajosos devido a suas pequenas dimensĂ”es, imunidade a interferĂȘncias eletromagnĂ©ticas, alta adaptabilidade, robustez a ambientes nocivos, dentre outros. Sensores acĂșsticos distribuĂ­dos em particular sĂŁo interessantes devido a sua capacidade em serem usados em aplicaçÔes tais como monitoração de saĂșde de estruturas e vigilĂąncia de perĂ­metros. AtravĂ©s da anĂĄlise em frequĂȘncia da estrutura, por exemplo uma aeronave, uma ponte, um edifĂ­cio ou mesmo mĂĄquinas em uma fĂĄbrica, Ă© possĂ­vel avaliar sua condição e detectar danos e falhas em um estĂĄgio primĂĄrio. Tais soluçÔes podem cobrir ambas as aplicaçÔes de detecção de intrusĂŁo e monitoração estrutural com mĂ­nimas adaptaçÔes no sistema sensor. Desta forma, vibraçÔes e distĂșrbios pequenas estruturas com resolução de dezenas de centĂ­metros e em grandes estruturas ou perĂ­metros com alguns metros de resolução espacial e centenas de quilĂŽmetros de alcance podem ser detectadas. Outra caracterĂ­stica Ăștil desta solução baseada em fibra Ăłptica Ă© a possibilidade de ser combinada com tĂ©cnicas de processamento digital de sinais, permitindo a detecção e localização de perturbaçÔes rĂĄpidas, reconhecimento de padrĂ”es de intrusĂŁo em tempo real e multiplexação de dados de superfĂ­cies estruturais para aplicaçÔes SHM. O principal objetivo desta tese Ă© fazer uso desses recursos para empregar tĂ©cnicas de DAS como soluçÔes de tecnologias- chave para vĂĄrias aplicaçÔes. Neste trabalho, as tĂ©cnicas de phase-OTDR foram estudadas e as principais contribuiçÔes da tese focaram em trazer soluçÔes inovadoras e validaçÔes para aplicaçÔes de vigilĂąncia e vigilĂąncia. Este doutorado teve um perĂ­odo sanduĂ­che nas instalaçÔes da RISE Acreo AB, Estocolmo, SuĂ©cia, onde experimentos foram realizados e foi parte da 42ÂȘ Chamada CISB/Saab/CNPqAbstract: Distributed optical fiber sensors have been increasingly employed for monitoring several parameters, such as temperature, vibration, strain, magnetic field and current. When compared to other conventional techniques, these sensors are advantageous due to their small dimensions, lightweight, immunity to electromagnetic interference, high adaptability, robustness to hazardous environments, less complex data multiplexing, the feasibility to be embedded into structures with minimum invasion, the capability to extract data with high resolution from long perimeters using a single optical fiber and detect multiple events along the fiber. In particular, distributed acoustic sensors (DAS) based on optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR), are of high interest, due to their capability to be used in applications such as structural health monitoring (SHM) and perimeter surveillance. Through the frequency analysis of a structure, for instance an aircraft, a bridge, a building or even machines in a workshop, it is possible to evaluate its condition and detect damages and failures at an early stage. Also, OTDR based solutions for vibration monitoring can be easily adapted with minimum setup modifications to detect intrusion in a perimeter, a useful tool for surveillance of military facilities, laboratories, power plants and homeland security. The same OTDR technique can be used as a non-destructive diagnostic tool to evaluate vibrations and disturbances on both small structures with some dozens of centimetersÂż resolution and in big structures or perimeters with some meters of spatial resolution and hundreds of kilometers of reach. Another useful feature of this optical fiber based solution is the possibility to be combined with high-performance digital signal processing techniques, enabling fast disturbance detection and location, real-time intrusion pattern recognition and fast data multiplexing of structure surfaces for SHM applications. The main goal of this thesis is to make use of these features to employ DAS techniques as key enabling technologies solutions for several applications. In this work, OTDR based techniques were studied and the thesis main contributions were focused on bringing innovative solutions and validations for SHM and surveillance applications. This PhD had a sandwich period at Acreo AB, Stockholm, Sweden, where experimental tests were performed and it was part of the 42ÂȘ CISB/Saab/CNPq CalDoutoradoEletrĂŽnica, MicroeletrĂŽnica e OptoeletrĂŽnicaDoutora em Engenharia ElĂ©trica202816/2015-0CAPESCNP
