15 research outputs found

    The future of enterprise groupware applications

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    This paper provides a review of groupware technology and products. The purpose of this review is to investigate the appropriateness of current groupware technology as the basis for future enterprise systems and evaluate its role in realising, the currently emerging, Virtual Enterprise model for business organisation. It also identifies in which way current technological phenomena will transform groupware technology and will drive the development of the enterprise systems of the future

    A collaborative interface agent for Lotus eSuite mail

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    Thesis (S.B. and M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-80).by Ada Hoi-Fay Cheung.S.B.and M.Eng

    Annual report

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    Empresa coneguda per l'acrònim: IB

    Iceberg database system for the graduate advisors of Computer and Information Science Department of New Jersey Institute of Technology

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    Iceberg system is a departmental database system. It is built for the graduate advisors of the CIS department. It stores the graduate student\u27s information, such as background, bridge requirement and transcript. The graduate advisors can process the student\u27s records using the graphic user interface of Iceberg system. Iceberg system is an example of the powerful Java language. We use the latest Java technologies to build a flexible system, which is easily extended. The system consists of Iceberg client, Iceberg server and Oracle data source. The Iceberg client is a web-based applet, which can be easily accessed using a browser. The Iceberg server runs on a fast UNIX machine, providing service to the Iceberg client through RMI. The most interesting feature of Iceberg system is the component architecture of the Iceberg client. The Iceberg client is consisted of visual components that have no knowledge of each other at compile time. They are assembled together at run time, following the instruction of a script file. Since the container component can hold any components the Iceberg system is readily extendable

    The Effect of Changing Menu Type on User Experience

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    Internetpalveluiden hyvä käytettävyys ja käyttäjäkokemus ovat todella tärkeitä. Hyvä käytettävyys ja käyttäjäkokemus parantavat tuottavuutta ja asiakasuskollisuutta, vähentävät virheitä ja tarvitta-vaa asiakastukea, sekä auttavat palvelun markkinointia ja myyntiä. Yksi internetsivujen käyttäjäko-kemukseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä on sivuston navigointi. Hyvä ja selkeä valikkorakenne tekee si-vuston käytöstä nopeaa, helppoa ja mukavaa, kun taas huono valikko voi estää sivuston käytön ko-konaan. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää uusi, helppokäyttöinen ja moderni käyttöliittymä kohdeyrityksen internetpalvelussa navigoimiseen. Uusi valikko on vaakasuuntainen, suuria kuvakkeita käyttävä nauhavalikko. Tutkimus selvitti, onko uuden nauhavalikon käyttäjäkokemus parempi kuin vanhan alasvetovalikon. Tutkimuksessa varmistettiin tarve uudelle valikolle, suunniteltiin ja tehtiin uusi valikko, testattiin uutta valikkoprototyyppiä ja vertailtiin uutta nauhavalikkoa tavalliseen alasvetovalikkoon. Uuden valikon prototyyppiä testattiin yhdeksällä käyttäjällä. Alasvetovalikkoa ja nauhavalikkoa vertailtiin 23 käyttäjällä iPad-tabletilla tehtyjen testitehtävien ja kyselyn ja haastattelun avulla. Nauhavalikko oli käyttäjien mielestä perinteistä alasvetovalikkoa visuaalisempi, hauskempi ja mukavampi käyttää. Valikkojen käytön nopeudessa ei havaittu merkittäviä eroja, monet käyttäjät kuitenkin kokivat, että nauhavalikkoa oli nopeampi käyttää. Uuden prototyypin testauksessa kahdeksan yhdeksästä käyttäjästä piti uutta nauhavalikkoa vanhan sovelluksen käyttöliittymää parempana ja valikkovertailututkimuksessa 83 % käyttäjistä sanoi käyttävänsä mieluummin nauhavalikkoa kuin alasvetovalikkoa. 35 % käyttäjistä uskoi nauhavalikon myös parantavan työmotivaatiota.Usability and user experience are really important for internet services. Good usability and user experience improve productivity and customer loyalty, reduce errors and the need for customer sup-port, and help sales and marketing. Navigation is one element of website user experience. Good and clear menus make websites easy, fast and enjoyable to use, whereas bad menus can prevent or stop the visit to the site. The object of this master’s thesis was to develop a new, better, more usable and modern navigation menu for target company’s internet service. The new menu is horizontal ribbon menu that uses big icons. The research studied, whether the new ribbon menu has better user experience than the old drop-down menu. The research confirmed the need for a new menu, designed and developed the new menu, tested the new prototype and compared the new ribbon menu to a drop-down menu. The prototype was tested with nine users. The menu comparison was done with test tasks on an iPad-tablet, questionnaires and interviews. 23 users participated in the study. The results show that the ribbon menu was more visual, fun and pleasant than the drop-down menu. No notable differences were found in the task times, but many users felt that the ribbon menu was faster to use. In the tests for the new prototype, 8 out of 9 users preferred the new menu over the old one, and in the menu comparison study 83 % of the users said they’d rather use the ribbon menu than the drop-down menu. 35 % of the users also believed the ribbon menu improves employee motivation

    Virtual workplaces : when metaphors breakdown

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-81).Our model of work is shaped by the places we choose to work and the tools we choose to work with. As we introduce new technologies and build new environments our model is changing. Today's virtual workplaces are grounded in models of work that have been reformed from our experiences using current technology in physical workspace. However we are discovering opportunities and possibilities for work in collaborative, virtual environments that question physical models. Emerging patterns of distributed collaboration in persistent virtual environments are changing the way we work in time and space, recasting our notion of workplace. Virtual workplaces are interpreted and experienced through metaphors that describe a space of potential for work occurrences. Through the lens of metaphors, this research focuses on breakdowns between collaborative work and the environment in which work occurs. If what we understand and predict is based on what we already know, then by examining the breakdowns between design and use of collaborative environments we can illuminate the space of possibilities for collaborative work.by Thomas W.I. Gallemore.M.S

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2019-2020

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    Editors: Emilio Cuevas, Celia Milford and Oksana Tarasova.[EN]The Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (IARC), which is part of the State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET), is a site of excellence in atmospheric science. It manages four observatories in Tenerife including the high altitude Izaña Atmospheric Observatory. The Izaña Atmospheric Observatory was inaugurated in 1916 and since that date has carried out uninterrupted meteorological and climatological observations, contributing towards a unique 100-year record in 2016. This reports are a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues.[ES]El Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña (CIAI), que forma parte de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología de España (AEMET), representa un centro de excelencia en ciencias atmosféricas. Gestiona cuatro observatorios en Tenerife, incluido el Observatorio de Izaña de gran altitud, inaugurado en 1916 y que desde entonces ha realizado observaciones meteorológicas y climatológicas ininterrumpidas y se ha convertido en una estación centenaria de la OMM. Estos informes resumen las múltiples actividades llevadas a cabo por el Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña. El liderazgo del Centro en materia de investigación y desarrollo con respecto a las técnicas de medición, calibración y validación de última generación, así como la cooperación internacional, le han otorgado una reputación sobresaliente en lo que se refiere al tiempo, el clima, la hidrología y otros temas ambientales afines