97 research outputs found

    Sovelluskohtainen kÀskykantaprosessori tulevaisuuden radiomikropiireihin

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    Licensed Assisted Access is a 3GPP specified feature, for using the unlicensed frequen-cy band as a supplemental transmission medium to the licensed band. LAA uses clear channel assessment, for discovering the channel state and accessing the medium. LAA provides a contention based algorithm, featuring a conservative listen-before-talk scheme, and random back-off. This CCA scheme is thought to increase co-existence with existing technologies in the unlicensed band, namely, WLAN and Bluetooth. Application-specific instruction-set processors can be tailored to fit most applications, and offer increased flexibility to hardware design through, programmable solutions. ASIP architecture is defined by the designer, while the ASIP tools provide retargetable compiler generation and automatic hardware description generation, for faster design exploration. In this thesis, we explore the 3GPP LAA downlink requirements, and identify the key processing challenges as FFT, energy detection and carrier state maintenance. To design an efficient ASIP for LAA, we explore the different architectural choices we have available and arrive at a statically scheduled, multi-issue architecture. We evaluate dif-ferent design approaches, and choose a Nokia internal ASIP design as the basis for our solution. We modify the design, to meet our requirements and conclude that the pro-posed solution should fit the LAA use case well

    Techniques d'exploration architecturale de design à usage spécifique pour l'accélération de boucles

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, les industriels privilĂ©gient les architectures flexibles afin de rĂ©duire le temps et les coĂ»ts de conception d’un systĂšme. Les processeurs Ă  usage spĂ©cifique (ASIP) fournissent beaucoup de flexibilitĂ©, tout en atteignant des performances Ă©levĂ©es. Une tendance qui a de plus en plus de succĂšs dans le processus de conception d’un systĂšme sur puce consiste Ă  spĂ©cifier le comportement du systĂšme en langage Ă©voluĂ© tel que le C, SystemC, etc. La spĂ©cification est ensuite utilisĂ©e durant le partitionement pour dĂ©terminer les composantes logicielles et matĂ©rielles du systĂšme. Avec la maturitĂ© des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs automatiques de ASIP, les concepteurs peuvent rajouter dans leurs boĂźtes Ă  outils un nouveau type d’architecture, Ă  savoir les ASIP, en sachant que ces derniers sont conçus Ă  partir d’une spĂ©cification dĂ©crite en langage Ă©voluĂ©. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, dans le monde matĂ©riel, et cela depuis trĂšs longtemps, les chercheurs ont vu l’avantage de baser le processus de conception sur un langage Ă©voluĂ©. Cette recherche a abouti Ă  l’avĂ©nement de gĂ©nĂ©rateurs automatiques de matĂ©riel sur le marchĂ© qui sont des outils d’aide Ă  la conception comme CapatultC, Forte’s Cynthetizer, etc. Ainsi, avec tous ces outils basĂ©s sur le langage C, les concepteurs ont un choix de types de design Ă©largi mais, d’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les options de designs possibles explosent, ce qui peut allonger au lieu de rĂ©duire le temps de conception. C’est dans ce cadre que notre thĂšse doctorale s’inscrit, puisqu’elle prĂ©sente des mĂ©thodologies d’exploration architecturale de design Ă  usage spĂ©cifique pour l’accĂ©lĂ©ration de boucles afin de rĂ©duire le temps de conception, entre autres. Cette thĂšse a dĂ©butĂ© par l’exploration de designs de ASIP. Les boucles de traitement sont de bonnes candidates Ă  l’accĂ©lĂ©ration, si elles comportent de bonnes possibilitĂ©s de parallĂ©lisme et si ces derniĂšres sont bien exploitĂ©es. Le matĂ©riel est trĂšs efficace Ă  profiter des possibilitĂ©s de parallĂ©lisme au niveau instruction, donc, une mĂ©thode de conception a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e. Cette derniĂšre extrait le parallĂ©lisme d’une boucle afin d’exĂ©cuter plus d’opĂ©rations concurrentes dans des instructions spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Notre mĂ©thode se base aussi sur l’optimisation des donnĂ©es dans l’architecture du processeur.---------- ABSTRACT Time to market is a very important concern in industry. That is why the industry always looks for new CAD tools that contribute to reducing design time. Application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) provide flexibility and they allow reaching good performance if they are well designed. One trend that gains more and more success is C-based design that uses a high level language such as C, SystemC, etc. The C-based specification is used during the partitionning phase to determine the software and hardware components of the system. Since automatic processor generators are mature now, designers have a new type of tool they can rely on during architecture design. In the hardware world, high level synthesis was and is still a hot research topic. The advances in ESL lead to commercial high-level synthesis tools such as CapatultC, Forte’s Cynthetizer, etc. The designers have more tools in their box but they have more solutions to explore, thus their use can have a reverse effect since the design time can increase instead of being reduced. Our doctoral research tackles this issue by proposing new methodologies for design space exploration of application specific architecture for loop acceleration in order to reduce the design time while reaching some targeted performances. Our thesis starts with the exploration of ASIP design. We propose a method that targets loop acceleration with highly coupled specialized-instructions executing loop operations. Loops are good candidates for acceleration when the parallelism they offer is well exploited (if they have any parallelization opportunities). Hardware components such as specialized-instructions can leverage parallelization opportunities at low level. Thus, we propose to extract loop parallelization opportunities and to execute more concurrent operations in specialized-instructions. The main contribution of this method is a new approach to specialized-instruction (SI) design based on loop acceleration where loop optimization and transformation are done in SIs directly, instead of optimizing the software code. Another contribution is the design of tightly-coupled specialized-instructions associated with loops based on a 5-pattern representation

    ASAM : Automatic Architecture Synthesis and Application Mapping; dl. 3.2: Instruction set synthesis

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    Improving Energy Efficiency of Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors

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    Present-day consumer mobile devices seem to challenge the concept of embedded computing by bringing the equivalent of supercomputing power from two decades ago into hand-held devices. This challenge, however, is well met by pushing the boundaries of embedded computing further into areas previously monopolised by Application-SpeciïŹc Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Furthermore, in areas traditionally associated with embedded computing, an increase in the complexity of algorithms and applications requires a continuous rise in availability of computing power and energy efïŹciency in order to ïŹt within the same, or smaller, power budget. It is, ultimately, the amount of energy the application execution consumes that dictates the usefulness of a programmable embedded system, in comparison with implementation of an ASIC.This Thesis aimed to explore the energy efïŹciency overheads of Application-SpeciïŹc InstructionSet Processors (ASIPs), a class of embedded processors aiming to compete with ASICs. While an ASIC can be designed to provide precise performance and energy efïŹciency required by a speciïŹc application without unnecessary overheads, the cost of design and veriïŹcation, as well as the inability to upgrade or modify, favour more ïŹ‚exible programmable solutions. The ASIP designs can match the computing performance of the ASIC for speciïŹc applications. What is left, therefore, is achieving energy efïŹciency of a similar order of magnitude.In the past, one area of ASIP design that has been identiïŹed as a major consumer of energy is storage of temporal values produced during computation – the Register File (RF), with the associated interconnection network to transport those values between registers and computational Function Units (FUs). In this Thesis, the energy efïŹciency of RF and interconnection network is studied using the Transport Triggered Architectures (TTAs) template. SpeciïŹcally, compiler optimisations aiming at reducing the trafïŹc of temporal values between RF and FUs are presented in this Thesis. Bypassing of the temporal value, from the output of the FU which produces it directly in the input ports of the FUs that require it to continue with the computation, saves multiple RF reads. In addition, if all the uses of such a temporal value can be bypassed, the RF write can be eliminated as well. Such optimisations result in a simpliïŹcation of the RF, via a reduction in the actual number of registers present or a reduction in the number of read and write ports in the RF and improved energy efïŹciency. In cases where the limited number of the simultaneous RF reads or writes cause a performance bottleneck, such optimisations result in performance improvements leading to faster execution times, therefore, allowing for execution at lower clock frequencies resulting in additional energy savings.Another area of the ASIP design consuming a signiïŹcant amount of energy is the instruction memory subsystem, which is the artefact required for the programmability of the embedded processor. As this subsystem is not present in ASIC, the energy consumed for storing an application program and reading it from the instruction memories to control processor execution is an overhead that needs to be minimised. In this Thesis, one particular tool to improve the energy efïŹciency of the instruction memory subsystem – instruction buffer – is examined. While not trivially obvious, the presence of buffers for storing loop bodies, or parts of them, results in a reduced number of reads from the instruction memories. As a result, memories can be put to lower power state leading to lower overall energy consumption, pending energy-efïŹcient buffer implementation. SpeciïŹcally, an energy-efïŹcient implementation of the instruction buffer is presented in this Thesis, together with analysis tools to identify candidate loops and assess their suitability for storing in the instruction buffer.The studies presented in this Thesis show that the energy overheads associated with the use of embedded processors, in comparison to ad-hoc ASIC solutions, are manageable when carefully considered during the design of an embedded system for a particular application, or application domain. Finally, the methods presented in this Thesis do not restrict the reprogrammability of the embedded system

    KAVUAKA: a low-power application-specific processor architecture for digital hearing aids

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    The power consumption of digital hearing aids is very restricted due to their small physical size and the available hardware resources for signal processing are limited. However, there is a demand for more processing performance to make future hearing aids more useful and smarter. Future hearing aids should be able to detect, localize, and recognize target speakers in complex acoustic environments to further improve the speech intelligibility of the individual hearing aid user. Computationally intensive algorithms are required for this task. To maintain acceptable battery life, the hearing aid processing architecture must be highly optimized for extremely low-power consumption and high processing performance.The integration of application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) into hearing aids enables a wide range of architectural customizations to meet the stringent power consumption and performance requirements. In this thesis, the application-specific hearing aid processor KAVUAKA is presented, which is customized and optimized with state-of-the-art hearing aid algorithms such as speaker localization, noise reduction, beamforming algorithms, and speech recognition. Specialized and application-specific instructions are designed and added to the baseline instruction set architecture (ISA). Among the major contributions are a multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit for real- and complex-valued numbers, architectures for power reduction during register accesses, co-processors and a low-latency audio interface. With the proposed MAC architecture, the KAVUAKA processor requires 16 % less cycles for the computation of a 128-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) compared to related programmable digital signal processors. The power consumption during register file accesses is decreased by 6 %to 17 % with isolation and by-pass techniques. The hardware-induced audio latency is 34 %lower compared to related audio interfaces for frame size of 64 samples.The final hearing aid system-on-chip (SoC) with four KAVUAKA processor cores and ten co-processors is integrated as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) using a 40 nm low-power technology. The die size is 3.6 mm2. Each of the processors and co-processors contains individual customizations and hardware features with a varying datapath width between 24-bit to 64-bit. The core area of the 64-bit processor configuration is 0.134 mm2. The processors are organized in two clusters that share memory, an audio interface, co-processors and serial interfaces. The average power consumption at a clock speed of 10 MHz is 2.4 mW for SoC and 0.6 mW for the 64-bit processor.Case studies with four reference hearing aid algorithms are used to present and evaluate the proposed hardware architectures and optimizations. The program code for each processor and co-processor is generated and optimized with evolutionary algorithms for operation merging,instruction scheduling and register allocation. The KAVUAKA processor architecture is com-pared to related processor architectures in terms of processing performance, average power consumption, and silicon area requirements

    Automatic design of domain-specific instructions for low-power processors

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    This paper explores hardware specialization of low­ power processors to improve performance and energy efficiency. Our main contribution is an automated framework that analyzes instruction sequences of applications within a domain at the loop body level and identifies exactly and partially-matching sequences across applications that can become custom instructions. Our framework transforms sequences to a new code abstraction, a Merging Diagram, that improves similarity identification, clusters alike groups of potential custom instructions to effectively reduce the search space, and selects merged custom instructions to efficiently exploit the available customizable area. For a set of 11 media applications, our fast framework generates instructions that significantly improve the energy-delay product and speed­ up, achieving more than double the savings as compared to a technique analyzing sequences within basic blocks. This paper shows that partially-matched custom instructions, which do not significantly increase design time, are crucial to achieving higher energy efficiency at limited hardware areas

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER
