53,831 research outputs found

    A Look Through the Han

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    The evolution of journalism: a look through generations

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    Després de puntualitzar els problemes de les grans periodistes, com ara el cas de Katherine Graham, propietària i editora del Washington Post, Rosa Solbes continua apuntant els desajustos quotidians que ha de patir qualsevol periodista. Tot explicant anècdotes ben significatives pel que fa a la desigualtat dels gèneres, vivències personals que va haver de superar en la seva època de joventut, l’autora afirma amb convenciment el fet que continua existint el mateix rerefons i doncs que el progrés social no és tan evident com es pensa. Però tota aquesta situació es troba amagada sota una creença de les dones periodistes que es troben per damunt dels problemes de gènere, fins i tot, quan, en ocasions, han hagut d’informar sobre el tema. Després d’explicar els problemes i perills de les dones periodistes de l’actualitat, l’autora esmenta una sèrie d’estratègies generades des de diferents col•lectius de dones periodistes per tal de promoure una societat més justa a l’hora de difondre les imatges de dones.After establishing the difficulties faced by famous women journalists, Solbes comments on the case of Katherine Graham, owner and publisher of the Washington Post, and then notes the daily difficulties faced by regular women journalists. Solbes gives important anecdotes on gender inequality and on the personal experiences she had to overcome as a young journalist. She affirms with conviction that the same groundwork of inequality persists, and thus social progress is not as assured as we might want to think. At the same time, this reality is hidden beneath a belief by women journalists that they are somehow beyond gender problems, particularly when they are asked to report on the topic of gender. After explaining the problems and dangers faced by today’s women journalists, Solbes suggests a series of strategies that have been developed by different collectives of women journalists aiming to promote a more just society through the diffusion of healthy images of women

    Symposium: A Futuristic Look Through Ancient Lenses - Egypt

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    Symposium Dates This exhibit was displayed at Booth Library October 6 - November 2, 2011 About the Symposium A Futuristic Look Through Ancient Lenses - Egypt brought together the Eastern community and citizens of the region to explore the future by learning about this great ancient civilization. It was the first in a series of symposia that explore various ancient civilizations of the world, learning what made them great and what led to their decline. It has been said that history repeats itself because people were not paying attention the first time. The panorama of topics covered by this symposium uncovered life lessons that can be heeded by our generation and passed on to future generations, enriched and multiplied.https://thekeep.eiu.edu/symposium_egypt_program/1000/thumbnail.jp

    The attribute of the look through the drawing

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    [EN] In the drawings, the look range goes beyond the point of view, it comprises the organization and structure of the physical optical field and the personal imaginary; and they show an organic underside. This is a reflection on the way to include the organic individuality to the work using the drawing. We approach Aalto’s, Siza’s, de la Sota’s, Miralles’ and Navarro Baldeweg’s work through their drawings by the attribute use of their looks, establishing a link between the representation and the space experience built in the specific work of each architect.[ES] En los dibujos, el registro de la mirada va más allá del punto de vista, comprende la organización y estructuración del campo óptico físico, del imaginario personal y muestran un envés orgánico. Esta es una reflexión sobre la forma de incorporar la individualidad orgánica a la obra desde el dibujo. Nos acercamos a la obra de Aalto, Siza, De la Sota, Miralles y Navarro Baldeweg a través de sus dibujos mediante la adjetivación de sus miradas, estableciendo un vínculo entre la representación y la experiencia del espacio que se construye en la obra concreta de cada arquitecto.Bolívar Montesa, C. (2018). La adjetivación de la mirada a través del dibujo. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):202-214. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.10394SWORD2022142333Berger, J. (2000). Modos de ver (4ª ed). Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.Bolívar, C. (2015). Juan Navarro Baldeweg. El dibujo de la mano como herramienta en el proceso creativo. (Tesis doctoral). Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.Fernández Contreras, J. (2013). La planta Miralles: representación y pensamiento en la arquitectura de Enric Miralles. (Tesis doctoral). Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.Kepes, G. (1969). El lenguaje de la visión. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Infinito.Moreno Mansilla, L. (2002). Apuntes de viaje al interior del tiempo. Arquithesis 10. Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos.Navarro Baldeweg, J. (1998). Alvar Aalto - Die Übereinstimmung Zwischen Hand und Blick, Alvar Aalto Gesellschatf. Buletin 8. El acuerdo entre la mano y la mirada. En J. Muñoz Millanes (Ed.).NavarroBaldeweg, J. (1999). La habitación vacante (pp. 105-110). Valencia: Pre-Textos de Arquitectura.Navarro Baldeweg, J. (2004). La copa de cristal. En el catálogo de la exposición: Navarro Baldeweg. La copa de cristal. Burgos: Abadía de Santo Domingo de Silos. Del 25 de febrero al 2 de mayo de 2004.Navarro Baldeweg, J. (2013). Lo sguardo dello scultore: The sculptor's gaze. Rev Domus 974, pp. 25-29.Sacks, O. (2006). Un antropólogo en marte. Siete relatos paradójicos. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.Siza, Á. (2003). Álvaro Siza. Imaginar la evidencia. Madrid: Abada editores.Soriano(2009). 100 Hipermínimos: y uno último de Francisco Jarauta. Madrid: Lampreave D.L.Vigotsky. L. S. (2007). La imaginación y el arte en la infancia. Ensayo psicológico. Madrid. Akal bolsillo. Edición consultada 8º.Zaera, A. (1995). Álvaro Siza (1958-2000). El Croquis 68/69. El Escorial (Madrid): El Croquis

    A Look Through My Eyes on Getting Involved

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    A look into the undergraduate career of Student Facilitator, Sabrina Martinez on getting involved on campus. Past experiences of involvement were used to help first-year students understand and recognize the available resources available to them at SUNY Cortland. The experiences involved were events, jobs, clubs, and useful departments. Since the COR class was specifically kinesiology students, the presentation was directed more toward what more they can do for the benefit of their years at Cortland and future career. A presentation directed in assisting first-year students on getting involved that will beneficially help them in their near future.https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/corslides/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Right of Privacy - A Look Through the Kaleidoscope

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    External and Fiscal Sustainability of the Czech Economy: A Quick Look Through the IMF's Night-Vision Goggles

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    The paper presents the rationale for spreadsheet-based debt sustainability assessments. Policymakers can use these exercises in two ways. First, assessments of possible debt developments provide 'reality checks' of macroeconomic projections. Second, the financial stability exercise may indicate vulnerability to crises. Empirically, using the IMF debt sustainability template, the paper finds that the external position of the Czech Republic appears sustainable under most plausible history-based scenarios. However, a deep, two-year recession coupled with fiscal indiscipline might double the 2002 stock of foreign debt by the end of the decade. The fiscal position is significantly more fragile and the fiscal debt-to-GDP ratio quickly approaches 60 percent under some of the more pronounced shocks.Debt sustainability, Macroeconomic projections, Vulnerability.

    Social elevator: a look through a prism of mass media

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    Diskursivy realization of the concept social elevator of modern mass media and the main estimated cognitive associations, related in consciousness of modern Russians is revealed. It shows the problems of implementation of vertical mobility in Russian societyВыявлена дискурсивная реализация понятия «социальный лифт» в современных средствах массовой информации и основные оценочные когнитивные ассоциации, связанные с ним в сознании современных россиян. Показаны проблемы осуществления вертикальной мобильности в российском обществ