2,436 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Study on the Expectations of Cloud Computing Benefits and an Integrative Multilevel Model for Understanding Cloud Computing Performance

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    Cloud computing, a term introduced ten years ago, has proliferated rapidly both in developed and developing economies. Benefit expectations have impacted the rapid usage increase of this technology. We investigated with a five-year longitudinal survey changes in the expectations regarding cloud computing. We also crafted an integrated multilevel model to understand how cloud expectations and cloud readiness influence cloud computing deployment and performance combined with five IT business value (ITBV) factors. We tested empirically the crafted hypotheses and the research model using survey data collected from approximately 200+200 randomly selected business and IT executives in 2014 and 2015. Empirical results confirmed that our research model explained approximately one half of cloud computing performance for both years

    Enterprise Systems Implementation and their Impact on Employee Job Outcomes. A review of the literature, synthesis, and framework

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    Enterprise Systems (ESs) integrate business processes to enhance organizational effectiveness. Organizations make huge investments in procuring and implementing ESs to effectively manage their resources to achieve strategic decision-making and improve operational excellence. Irrespective of the investments, it has become increasingly difficult to reap the full benefits of the systems being implemented. ESs implementation is a massive change event in organizations and in employees’ work routines that affect their day-to-day business activities impacting their job outcomes. To this end, the primary aim of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to synthesize the prior literature that explored the association between ESs implementation and employee job outcomes. Accordingly, our review study systematically analysed fifty empirical studies to identify themes that received substantial attention in the prior literature. The SLR uncovered key gaps, unearthed six themes, identified potential research areas, and proposed a comprehensive framework depicting the current research profile and potential avenues linking ESs and employee job outcomes. Our review provides significant implications for practice and research through the proposed comprehensive framework. We further suggest that ESs implementors need to consider job outcomes as crucial parameters during and post-implementation as successful implementation provides a strategic advantage to organizations and benefits employees

    Cloud Computing Providers’ Unrealistic Optimism regarding IT Security Risks: A Threat to Users?

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    Despite providers’ constant promises of high IT security levels in the Cloud, various serious security incidents have taken place in the last years. By drawing on the psychological theory of ‘unrealistic optimism’ we add a new perspective to the stream of IT security research which allows us to shed light on the nature of providers’ IT security risk perceptions and their lack of motivation to invest in countermeasures. Based on a longitudinal mixed-methods study, we reveal that Cloud providers suffer from ‘unrealistic optimism’ and therefore significantly underestimate their services’ exposure to IT security risks, which in turn reduces the propensity to implement necessary IT security measures in the Cloud. We also found that providers’ overconfidence concerning their company’s control over IT security risks is a major factor to determine unrealistic optimism in the Cloud. We discuss implications for research and practice

    Individual Innovativeness in Higher Education : Antecedents and Consequences

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    Today, intense competition among higher education institutions (HEIs) is ongoing to achieve cutting-edge publications, attain research funding, possess scientific patents, keep abreast of emerging technologies and adapt quickly to everyday changes. Innovativeness has become the buzzword in HEIs, especially in those seeking prosperity and advancement. Innovativeness here refers to the individual’s disposition to accept changes, try new experiences, deal with ambiguity, take risks and embrace novel ideas. In the digital age, staff members experience nonstop changes in their workplace environments and have no option but to welcome such changes with open arms. Otherwise, they will most likely get a warm job farewell party. Despite the obvious significance of individual innovativeness, there remains a paucity of evidence on the antecedents and consequences of individual innovativeness in higher education. Two aims were established for this doctoral dissertation. For one, the dissertation sought to investigate the psychological and organisational factors contributing to individual innovativeness. For the other, the dissertation pursued the examination of the consequences of innovativeness and provided evidence on whether models studied in business and management fields are also valid for the higher education context. This article-based dissertation consists of four publications. Each one forms a part of the whole project. Study I, which was dedicated to organisational factors, explored how staff members perceive the cultures and growth atmospheres and the relationship between them in their departments/schools. It also examined whether differences exist in cultural perceptions based on staff members’ demographic variables. Study II, which was dedicated to psychological factors, examined the roles of implicit theory and goal orientation as predictors of innovativeness. Study III investigated the interaction between psychological factors (implicit theory and goal orientation) and organisational culture in predicting innovativeness. Study IV had a twofold objective. It inspected the staff members’ usage of technological devices, Office 365 (O365) Cloud services and social media. It also set out to prove the power of individual innovativeness in predicting technology usage. The research followed a cross-sectional correlational survey design. A total sample of 742 staff members working at Tampere University participated in the research. Two online self-reported questionnaires were administered during the 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 academic years. We analysed the data employing basic and advanced statistics, including structural equation modelling (SEM) and multilevel Bayesian path analysis. The findings suggested that one’s goal orientations are most relevant in interpreting his/her innovativeness or willingness to change. More specifically, individuals adopting mastery goal orientations (focusing on learning and improving one’s knowledge and skills) are more likely to be innovators, whereas individuals adopting performance-avoidance goal orientations (avoiding looking incompetent and incapable relative to others) are less likely to be innovators. Furthermore, our findings indicated that the dominant perceived culture at Tampere HEIs is Clan culture, which is characterised by coherent relationships among staff members and considerable attention paid to their professional development and gratification. In addition, only the Clan and Adhocracy culture types were found to support professional growth. Contrary to previous studies, this dissertation showed that departmental culture had neither a direct effect on innovativeness nor a moderation effect on the relationships between psychological factors and innovativeness. In terms of consequences, the results showed that technology was satisfactorily used by the staff members, although their professional usage was less than their personal usage. Our findings also confirmed that innovativeness is a significant positive–albeit weak–predictor of staff members’ usage of devices, non-academic social media and institutional O365 services. Finally, the dissertation showed that academics who were earlier adopters of academic social media and commercial services were later adopters of institutional O365 services. The findings have a number of important implications for theory and practice. Theoretically, this dissertation is one of the first attempts to integrate implicit theory and goal orientation, together with organisational culture, into one model predicting innovativeness. The model is also among the few that employ a multilevel modelling technique, which is more appropriate for this kind of data. It is worth noting that the results of the multilevel analysis emphasised the essential role of goal orientations, but not implicit theory, in predicting innovativeness. These results call researchers to revisit the mediation role of goal orientation between implicit theory and human attributes, taking into account the nested structure of their data. Moreover, this dissertation calls for a re-examination of the role of culture, taking the type of institution into account (academic vs business). Practically, the findings suggest several implications for HEI administrators and practitioners. First, the dissertation draws the attention of managers in that by allowing the staff flexibility, discretion and autonomy, this implicitly guarantees their professional growth. Second, administrators and supervisors should stimulate staff members’ orientations towards mastery goals and inhibit their orientations towards performance-avoidance goals. For example, feedback and appraisal should be self-referenced rather than other-referenced based. The criterion for performance judgment should focus on efforts rather than ability. Third, HEIs should take wise and fast decisions about technology adoption because late adoption implicitly means that staff members will resort to other commercial alternatives.Nykyisin korkeakoulut käyvät kilpailua huippujulkaisujen aikaansaamiseksi, tutkimusrahoituksen hankkimiseksi, tieteellisten patenttien hallitsemiseksi ja uusien teknologioiden seuraamiseksi ja omaksumiseksi muutosten hallitsemisessa. Innovatiivisuudesta on tullut korkeakoulusektorilla iskusana menestyksen ja edistyksen etsimiseen. Innovatiivisuudella viitataan tässä yksilöiden alttiuteen hyväksyä muutoksia, kokeilla uutta, käsitellä epäselvyyttä, ottaa riskejä ja ottaa vastaan uusia ideoita. Digitaalisella aikakaudella henkilökunnan jäsenten kokemukset jatkuvista muutoksista ja niiden avoin hyväksyminen on muodostunut välttämättömyydeksi. Ilman myönteistä suhtautumista he tulevat todennäköisesti saamaan lämpimät läksiäisjuhlat omasta työstään. Yksilön innovatiivisuuden ilmeisestä tärkeydestä huolimatta korkea-asteella on edelleen niukasti tutkimusta yksilöiden innovatiivisuuteen vaikuttajista ja seurauksista. Väitöstutkimukselle asetettiin kaksi tavoitetta. Ensinnäkin tutkimus pyrki selvittämään niitä psykologisia ja organisationaalisia tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat yksilön innovatiivisuuteen. Toiseksi tavoitteena oli tutkia innovatiivisuuden seurauksia ja todentaa ovatko liike-elämän ja johtamisen aloilla sovelletut mallit valideja myös korkeakoulutuksen kontekstissa. Artikkeliväitöskirja koostuu neljästä osatutkimuksesta. Organisationaalisiin tekijöihin liittyvä tutkimus I selvitti, miten henkilöstön jäsenet näkevät osastonsa/korkeakoulunsa kulttuurin ja kasvun ilmapiirin sekä niiden väliset suhteet. Lisäksi selvitettiin sitä, ilmeneekö henkilöstön jäsenten kulttuurikäsityksissä eroja heidän demografisten taustamuuttujiensa perusteella. Psykologisiin tekijöihin liittyvä tutkimus II selvitti implisiittisen teorian ja tavoiteorientaation roolia yksilön innovatiivisuuden ennustajina. Tutkimus III tarkasteli psykologisten tekijöiden (implisiittinen teoria ja tavoiteorientaatio) ja organisaatiokulttuurin yhteyksien merkitystä ennustettaessa innovatiivisuutta. Tutkimuksella IV oli kaksiosainen tavoite. Se tarkasteli henkilöstön jäsenten teknologioiden, Office 365 -pilvipalvelujen ja sosiaalisen median käyttöä. Samalla myös testattiin yksilön innovatiivisuuden merkitystä teknologian käytön ennustamisessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin poikkileikkausasetelmaisena korrelaatiotutkimuksena. Tutkimukseen osallistui eri osatutkimuksissa yhteensä 742 Tampereen yliopiston työntekijää. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin lukuvuosien 2015–16 ja 2016–17 aikana kahdella verkkokyselyllä. Tutkimusaineiston analyysissa käytettiin tilastollisten perusanalyysimenetelmien lisäksi edistyneempiä menetelmiä, kuten rakenneyhtälömallinnusta (SEM) ja monitasoista Bayesilaista polkuanalyysia. Tehdyt havainnot osoittavat, että yksilön tavoiteorientaatiot ovat kaikkein merkittävin selittävä tekijä yksilön innovatiivisuudelle tai muutostaipumuksille. Täsmällisemmin sanottuna yksilön soveltamat tavoitteiden hallintaorientaatiot (oppimisen ja tietämyksen sekä taitojen kehittämiseksi) ovat todennäköisempiä innovaattoreille, kun taas välttämisorientaation soveltaminen (vältetään epäpätevyyden tai kyvyttömyyden kokemuksia suhteessa toisiin) on vähemmän todennäköistä innovaattoreille. Lisäksi havainnot osoittavat, että hallitseva organisaatiokulttuuri Tampereen korkeakouluissa on ns. klaanikulttuuri, jolle ovat luonteenomaisia tiiviit ryhmäsuhteet henkilökunnan jäsenten välillä ja huomion kiinnittäminen henkilökunnan ammatillisen kehittymisen tukemiseen. Vastoin aiempia tutkimuksia tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että osasto/tieteenalakulttuurilla ei ole sen paremmin suoraa efektiä innovatiivisuudelle, kuin kohtuullista efektiä psykologisten tekijöiden ja innovatiivisuuden välillä. Tulokset osoittavat, että henkilöstön jäsenet käyttivät teknologiaa tyydyttävästi, vaikkakin heidän ammatillinen käyttönsä oli vähäisempää kuin yksityinen käyttönsä. Havainnot vahvistavat myös sen, että innovatiivisuus on merkittävä positiivinen – vaikkakin heikko – ennustaja henkilöstön käyttämien teknologioiden, ei-akateemisen sosiaalisen median ja instituution Office 365 -palveluiden käytölle. Lisäksi väitöstutkimus osoittaa, että akateemisen sosiaalisen median ja kaupallisten palveluiden varhaiset omaksujat ovat myöhemmin myös instituution Office 365 -palveluiden omaksujia. Tutkimuksen havainnoilla on useita tärkeitä vaikutuksia sekä teorialle ja käytännölle. Teoreettisesti tämä väitöskirja on yksi ensimmäisistä yrityksistä integroida implisiittinen teoria ja tavoiteorientaatio yhteen organisaatiokulttuurin kanssa innovatiivisuutta ennustavassa mallinnuksessa. Malli on myös yksi harvoista, jossa on käytetty monitasoista mallinnustekniikkaa, joka soveltuu paremmin tämänkaltaisen aineiston analyyseille. On huomionarvoista, että monitasomallien analyysitulokset korostavat tavoiteorientaation keskeistä roolia, mutta eivät implisiittistä teoriaa innovatiivisuuden ennustamisessa. Nämä tulokset tarkentavat tavoiteorientaation välittävää roolia implisiittisen teorian ja yksilöiden attribuutioiden välillä ottaen huomioon datan sisäkkäisen rakenteen. Lisäksi tämä väitöstutkimus arvioi uudelleen organisaatiokulttuurin merkitystä ja pyrkii ottamaan huomioon instituution tyypin (akateeminen vs. liiketoiminta). Käytännössä havainnot antavat aihetta useisiin johtopäätöksiin korkeakoulujen johdolle ja toimijoille. Ensinnäkin väitöstutkimus kiinnittää huomion siihen, että henkilöstön joustavuuden, harkinnan ja itsenäisyyden salliminen tukee epäsuorasti heidän ammatillista kasvuaan. Toiseksi johdon ja esimiesten tulisi edistää henkilöstön suuntautumista kohti tavoiteorientaatiota ja vastaavasti ehkäistä heidän suuntautumistaan suorituksen välttämistä koskevia tavoitteita kohti. Esimerkiksi palautteen ja arvioinnin tulisi olla pikemminkin henkilöä itseään koskevaa, kuin muihin vertaamiseen perustuvaa. Suoriutumisen arvioinnin tulisi keskittyä myös mieluummin ponnisteluihin kuin kyvykkyyteen. Kolmanneksi korkeakoulujen olisi tehtävä viisaita ja nopeita päätöksiä teknologian omaksumisesta, koska myöhäinen omaksuminen tarkoittaa implisiittisesti sitä, että henkilöstön jäsenet mieluummin turvautuvat muihin kaupallisiin vaihtoehtoihin


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    Despite the “buzz” about Software as a Service (SaaS), decision makers still often refrain from replacing their existing in-house technologies with innovative IT services. Industry reports indicate that the skeptical attitude of decision makers stems primarily from a high degree of uncertainty that exists, for example, due to insufficient experience with the new technology, a lack of best practice approaches, and missing lighthouse projects. Whereas previous research is predominantly focused on the advantages of SaaS, behavioral economics conclusively demonstrate that reference points like the evaluation of the incumbent technology or a familiar product are oftentimes prevalent when decisions are made under uncertainty. In this context, Status Quo-Thinking may inhibit decisions in favor of potentially advantageous IT service innovations. Drawing on Prospect Theory and Status Quo Bias re-search, we derive and empirically test a research model that explicates the influence of the incumbent technology on the evaluation of SaaS. Based on a large-scale empirical study, we demonstrate that the decision makers’ attitude toward SaaS is highly dependent on their current systems and their level of SaaS. A lack of SaaS experience will increase the impact of the Status Quo, thus inhibiting a potential advantageous adoption of the new technology

    Coopetition in an open-source way : lessons from mobile and cloud computing infrastructures

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    An increasing amount of technology is no longer developed in-house. Instead, we are in a new age where technology is developed by a networked community of individuals and organizations, who base their relations to each other on mutual interest. Advances arising from research in platforms, ecosystems, and infrastructures can provide valuable knowledge for better understanding and explaining technology development among a network of firms. More surprisingly, recent research suggests that technology can be jointly developed by rival competing firms in an open-source way. For instance, it is known that the mobile device makers Apple and Samsung continued collaborating in open-source projects while running expensive patent wars in the courts. On top of multidisciplinary theory in open-source software, cooperation among competitors (aka coopetition) and digital infrastructures, I (and my coauthors) explored how rival firms cooperate in the joint development of open-source infrastructures. While assimilating a wide variety of paradigms and analytical approaches, this doctoral research combined the qualitative analysis of naturally occurring data (QA) with the mining of software repositories (MSR) and social network analysis (SNA) within a set of case studies. By turning to the mobile and cloud computing industries in general, and the WebKit and OpenStack opensource infrastructures in particular, we found out that qualitative ethnographic materials, combined with social network visualizations, provide a rich medium that enables a better understanding of competitive and cooperative issues that are simultaneously present and interconnected in open-source infrastructures. Our research contributes back to managerial literature in coopetition strategy, but more importantly to Information Systems by addressing both cooperation and competition within the development of high-networked open-source infrastructures.Yhä suurempaa osaa teknologiasta ei enää kehitetä organisaatioiden omasta toimesta. Sen sijaan, olemme uudella aikakaudella jossa teknologiaa kehitetään verkostoituneessa yksilöiden ja organisaatioiden yhteisössä, missä toimitaan perustuen yhteiseen tavoitteeseen. Alustojen, ekosysteemien ja infrastruktuurien tutkimuksen tulokset voivat tuottaa arvokasta tietämystä teknologian kehittämisestä yritysten verkostossa. Erityisesti tuore tutkimustieto osoittaa että kilpailevat yritykset voivat yhdessä kehittää teknologiaa avoimeen lähdekoodiin perustuvilla käytännöillä. Esimerkiksi tiedetään että mobiililaitteiden valmistajat Apple ja Samsung tekivät yhteistyötä avoimen lähdekoodin projekteissa ja kävivät samaan aikaan kalliita patenttitaistoja eri oikeusfoorumeissa. Perustuen monitieteiseen teoriaan avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoista, yhteistyöstä kilpailijoiden kesken (coopetition) sekä digitaalisista infrastruktuureista, minä (ja kanssakirjoittajani) tutkimme miten kilpailevat yritykset tekevät yhteistyötä avoimen lähdekoodin infrastruktuurien kehityksessä. Sulauttaessaan runsaan joukon paradigmoja ja analyyttisiä lähestymistapoja case-joukon puitteissa, tämä väitöskirjatutkimus yhdisti luonnollisesti esiintyvän datan kvantitatiivisen analyysin ohjelmapakettivarastojen louhintaan ja sosiaalisten verkostojen analyysiin. Tutkiessamme mobiili- ja pilvipalveluiden teollisuudenaloja yleisesti, ja WebKit ja OpenStack avoimen lähdekoodin infrastruktuureja erityisesti, havaitsimme että kvalitatiiviset etnografiset materiaalit yhdistettyinä sosiaalisten verkostojen visualisointiin tuottavat rikkaan aineiston joka mahdollistaa avoimen lähdekoodin infrastruktuuriin samanaikaisesti liittyvien kilpailullisten ja yhteistyökuvioiden hyvän ymmärtämisen. Tutkimuksemme antaa oman panoksensa johdon kirjallisuuteen coopetition strategy -alueella, mutta sitäkin enemmän tietojärjestelmätieteeseen, läpikäymällä sekä yhteistyötä että kilpailua tiiviisti verkostoituneessa avoimen lähdekoodin infrastruktuurien kehitystoiminnassaUma crescente quantidade de tecnologia não é desenvolvida internamente por uma só organização. Em vez disso, estamos em uma nova era em que a tecnologia é desenvolvida por uma comunidade de indivíduos e organizações que baseiam suas relações umas com as outras numa rede de interesse mútuo. Os avanços teórico decorrentes da pesquisa em plataformas computacionais, ecossistemas e infraestruturas digitais fornecem conhecimentos valiosos para uma melhor compreensão e explicação do desenvolvimento tecnológico por uma rede de multiplas empresas. Mais surpreendentemente, pesquisas recentes sugerem que tecnologia pode ser desenvolvida conjuntamente por empresas rivais concorrentes e de uma forma aberta (em código aberto). Por exemplo, sabe-se que os fabricantes de dispositivos móveis Apple e Samsung continuam a colaborar em projetos de código aberto ao mesmo tempo que se confrontam em caras guerras de patentes nos tribunais. Baseados no conhecimento científico de software de código aberto, de cooperação entre concorrentes (também conhecida como coopetição) e de infraestruturas digitais, eu e os meus co-autores exploramos como empresas concorrentes cooperam no desenvolvimento conjunto de infraestruturas de código aberto. Ao utilizar uma variedade de paradigmas e abordagens analíticas, esta pesquisa de doutoramento combinou a análise qualitativa de dados de ocorrência natural (QA) com a análise de repositórios de softwares (MSR) e a análise de redes sociais (SNA) dentro de um conjunto de estudos de casos. Ao investigar as industrias de technologias móveis e de computação em nuvem em geral, e as infraestruturas em código aberto WebKit e OpenStack, em particular, descobrimos que o material etnográfico qualitativo, combinado com visualizações de redes sociais, fornece um meio rico que permite uma melhor compreensão das problemas competitivos e cooperativos que estão simultaneamente presentes e interligados em infraestruturas de código aberto. A nossa pesquisa contribui para a literatura em gestão estratégica e coompetição, mas mais importante para literatura em Sistemas de Informação, abordando a cooperação e concorrência no desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de código aberto por uma rede the indivíduos e organizações em interesse mútuo

    Essays on Business Value Creation in Digital Platform Ecosystems

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    Digital platforms and the surrounding ecosystems have garnered great interest from researchers and practitioners. Notwithstanding this attention, it remains unclear how and when digital platforms create business value for platform owners and complementors. This three-essay dissertation focuses on understanding business value creation in digital platform ecosystems. The first essay reviews and synthesizes literature across disciplines and offers an integrative framework of digital platform business value. Advised by the findings from the review, the second and third essays focus on the value creation for platform complementors. The second essay examines how IT startups entering a platform ecosystem at different times can strategically design their products (i.e., product diversification across platform architectural layers and product differentiation) to gain competitive advantages. Longitudinal evidence from the Hadoop ecosystem demonstrates that product diversification has an inverted U-shaped relationship with complementors success, and such an effect is more salient for earlier entrants than later entrants. Earlier entrants should develop products that are similar to other ecosystem competitors to reduce uncertainty whereas later entrants are advised to explore market niche and differentiate their products.The third essay investigates how platform complementors strategies and products co-evolve over time in the co-created ecosystem network environment. Our longitudinal analysis of the Hadoop ecosystem indicates that complementors technological architecture coverage and alliance exploration strategies increase their product evolution rate. In turn, complementors with faster product evolution are more likely to explore new partners but less likely to cover a wider range of the focal platforms technological layers in subsequent periods. Network density, co-created by all platform complementors, weakens the effects of complementors strategies on their product evolution but amplifies the effects of past product evolutions on strategies.This three-essay dissertation uncovers various understudied competitive strategies in the digital platform context and enriches our understanding of business value creation in digital platform ecosystems

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history