34,467 research outputs found

    On longest cycles in essentially 4-connected planar graphs

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    A planar 3-connected graph G is essentially 4-connected if, for any 3-separator S of G, one component of the graph obtained from G by removing S is a single vertex. Jackson and Wormald proved that an essentially 4-connected planar graph on n vertices contains a cycle C such that . For a cubic essentially 4-connected planar graph G, Grünbaum with Malkevitch, and Zhang showed that G has a cycle on at least ¾ n vertices. In the present paper the result of Jackson and Wormald is improved. Moreover, new lower bounds on the length of a longest cycle of G are presented if G is an essentially 4-connected planar graph of maximum degree 4 or G is an essentially 4-connected maximal planar graph

    Cubic graphs with large circumference deficit

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    The circumference c(G)c(G) of a graph GG is the length of a longest cycle. By exploiting our recent results on resistance of snarks, we construct infinite classes of cyclically 44-, 55- and 66-edge-connected cubic graphs with circumference ratio c(G)/V(G)c(G)/|V(G)| bounded from above by 0.8760.876, 0.9600.960 and 0.9900.990, respectively. In contrast, the dominating cycle conjecture implies that the circumference ratio of a cyclically 44-edge-connected cubic graph is at least 0.750.75. In addition, we construct snarks with large girth and large circumference deficit, solving Problem 1 proposed in [J. H\"agglund and K. Markstr\"om, On stable cycles and cycle double covers of graphs with large circumference, Disc. Math. 312 (2012), 2540--2544]


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    Let Gt(n) be the class of connected graphs on n vertices having the longest cycle of length t and let G ∈ Gt(n). Woodall (1976) determined the maximum number of edges of G, ε(G) ≤ w(n,t), where w(n, t) = (n - 1) t/2 - r(t – r - 1)/2 and r = (n - 1 ) - (t - 1) ⎣(n - 1)/(t - 1)⎦. An alternative proof and characterization of the extremal (edge-maximal) graphs given by Caccetta and Vijayan (1991). The edge- maximal graphs have the property that their complements are either disconnected or have a cycle going through each vertex (i.e. they are hamiltonian). This motivates us to investigate connected graphs with prescribed circumference (length of the longest cycle) having connected complements with cycles . More specifically, we focus our investigations on : Let G(n, c, c ) denote the class of connected graphs on n vertices having circumference c and whose connected complements have circumference c . The problem of interest is that of determining the bounds of the number of edges of a graph G ∈ G(n, c, c ) and characterize the extremal graphs of G(n, c, c ). We discuss the class G(n, c, c ) and present some results for small c. In particular for c = 4 and c = n - 2, we provide a complete solution. Key words : extremal graph, circumferenc

    Longest cycles in cyclically 4-edge-connected cubic planar graphs

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    On The Graphs and Their Complements with Prescribed Circumference

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    Let Gt(n) be the class of connected graphs on n vertices having the longest cycle of length t and let G ∈ Gt(n). Woodall (1976) determined the maximum number of edges of G. An alternative proof and characterization of the extremal (edge-maximal) graphs given by Caccetta & Vijayan (1991). The edge-maximal graphs have the property that their complements are either disconnected or have a cycle going through each vertex (i.e. they are hamiltonian). This motivates us to investigate connected graphs with prescribed circumference (length of the longest cycle) having connected complements with cycles . More specifically, we focus our investigations on the class G (n, c, c) denoting the class of connected graphs on n vertices having circumference c and whose connected complements have circumference c. The problem of interest is that of determining the bounds of the number of edges of a graph G∈ G(n, c, c) and characterize the extremal graphs of G(n, c, c). We discuss the class G (n, c, c) and present some results for small c. In particular for c=4 and c =n-2, we provide a complete solution

    Intersection of Longest Cycle and Largest Bond in 3-Connected Graphs

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    A bond in a graph is a minimal nonempty edge-cut. A connected graph GG is dual Hamiltonian if the vertex set can be partitioned into two subsets XX and YY such that the subgraphs induced by XX and YY are both trees. There is much interest in studying the longest cycles and largest bonds in graphs. H. Wu conjectured that any longest cycle must meet any largest bond in a simple 3-connected graph. In this paper, the author proves that the above conjecture is true for certain classes of 3-connected graphs: Let GG be a simple 3-connected graph with nn vertices and mm edges. Suppose c(G)c(G) is the size of a longest cycle, and c(G)c^*(G) is the size of a largest bond. Then each longest cycle meets each largest bond if either c(G)n3c(G) \geq n - 3 or c(G)mn1c^*(G) \geq m - n - 1. Sanford determined in her Ph.D. thesis the cycle spectrum of the well-known generalized Petersen graph P(n,2)P(n, 2) (nn is odd) and P(n,3)P(n, 3) (nn is even). Flynn proved in her honors thesis that any generalized Petersen graph P(n,k)P(n, k) is dual Hamiltonian. The author studies the bond spectrum (called the co-spectrum) of the generalized Petersen graphs and extends Flynn's result by proving that in any generalized Petersen graph P(n,k)P(n, k), 1k<n21 \leq k < \frac{n}{2}, the co-spectrum of P(n,k)P(n, k) is {3,4,5,...,n+2}\{3, 4, 5, ..., n+2\}.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures. Paper presented at the 54th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (March 6-10, 2023); submitted on May 9, 2023 to the conference proceedings book series publication titled "Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics" (PROMS). Paper abstract also on https://www.math.fau.edu/combinatorics/abstracts/ren54.pd