11 research outputs found

    Donning/Doffing and Arm Positioning Influence in Upper Limb Adaptive Prostheses Control

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    [EN] New upper limb prostheses controllers are continuously being proposed in the literature. However, most of the prostheses commonly used in the real world are based on very old basic controllers. One reason to explain this reluctance to change is the lack of robustness. Traditional controllers have been validated by many users and years, so the introduction of a new controller paradigm requires a lot of strong evidence of a robust behavior. In this work, we approach the robustness against donning/doffing and arm position for recently proposed linear filter adaptive controllers based on myoelectric signals. The adaptive approach allows to introduce some feedback in a natural way in real time in the human-machine collaboration, so it is not so sensitive to input signals changes due to donning/doffing and arm movements. The average completion rate and path efficiency obtained for eight able-bodied subjects donning/doffing five times in four days is 95.83% and 84.19%, respectively, and for four participants using different arm positions is 93.84% and 88.77%, with no statistically significant difference in the results obtained for the different conditions. All these characteristics make the adaptive linear regression a potential candidate for future real world prostheses controllers.This work is partially supported by Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (Spain) under grant FPU15/02870. The authors would like to thank Lucas Parra for the Myo device and Janne M. Hahne for discussions about the subject of the paper.Igual, C.; Camacho-García, A.; Bernabeu Soler, EJ.; Igual García, J. (2020). Donning/Doffing and Arm Positioning Influence in Upper Limb Adaptive Prostheses Control. Applied Sciences. 10(8):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10082892S119108Esquenazi, A. (2004). 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IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 23(4), 618-627. doi:10.1109/tnsre.2015.240113

    A compact system for simultaneous stimulation and recording for closed-loop myoelectric control

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    Background.Despite important advancements in control and mechatronics of myoelectric prostheses, the communication between the user and his/her bionic limb is still unidirectional, as these systems do not provide somatosensory feedback. Electrotactile stimulation is an attractive technology to close the control loop since it allows flexible modulation of multiple parameters and compact interface design via multi-pad electrodes. However, the stimulation interferes with the recording of myoelectric signals and this can be detrimental to control.The work in this study was supported by the project ROBIN (8022-00243A and 8022-00226B) funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark

    Myoelectric Human Computer Interaction Using Reliable Temporal Sequence-based Myoelectric Classification for Dynamic Hand Gestures

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    To put a computerized device under human control, various interface techniques have been commonly studied in the realm of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) design. What this dissertation focuses on is a myoelectric interface, which controls a device via neuromuscular electrical signals. Myoelectric interface has advanced by recognizing repeated patterns of the signal (pattern recognition-based myoelectric classification). However, when the myoelectric classification is used to extract multiple discrete states within limited muscle sites, there are robustness issues due to external conditions: limb position changes, electrode shifts, and skin condition changes. Examined in this dissertation is the robustness issue, or drop in the performance of the myoelectric classification when the limb position varies from the position where the system was trained. Two research goals outlined in this dissertation are to increase reliability of myoelectric system and to build a myoelectric HCI to manipulate a 6-DOF robot arm with a 1-DOF gripper. To tackle the robustness issue, the proposed method uses dynamic motions which change their poses and configuration over time. The method assumes that using dynamic motions is more reliable, vis-a-vis the robustness issues, than using static motions. The robustness of the method is evaluated by choosing the training sets and validation sets at different limb positions. Next, an HCI system manipulating a 6-DOF robot arm with a 1-DOF gripper is introduced. The HCI system includes an inertia measurement unit to measure the limb orientation, as well as EMG sensors to acquire muscle force and to classify dynamic motions. Muscle force and the orientation of a forearm are used to generate velocity commands. Classified dynamic motions are used to change the manipulation modes. The performance of the myoelectric interface is measured in terms of real-time classification accuracy, path efficiency, and time-related measures. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes a reliable myoelectric classification and develops a myoelectric interface using the proposed classification method for an HCI application. The robustness of the proposed myoelectric classification is verified as compared to previous myoelectric classification approaches. The usability of the developed myoelectric interface is compared to a well-known interface


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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Plymouth University's products or services.There are many amputees around the world who have lost a limb through conflict, disease or an accident. Upper-limb prostheses controlled using surface Electromyography (sEMG) offer a solution to help the amputees; however, their functionality is limited by the small number of movements they can perform and their slow reaction times. Pattern recognition (PR)-based EMG control has been proposed to improve the functional performance of prostheses. It is a very promising approach, offering intuitive control, fast reaction times and the ability to control a large number of degrees of freedom (DOF). However, prostheses controlled with PR systems are not available for everyday use by amputees, because there are many major challenges and practical problems that need to be addressed before clinical implementation is possible. These include lack of individual finger control, an impractically large number of EMG electrodes, and the lack of deployment protocols for EMG electrodes site selection and movement optimisation. Moreover, the inability of PR systems to handle multiple forces is a further practical problem that needs to be addressed. The main aim of this project is to investigate the research challenges mentioned above via non-invasive EMG signal acquisition, and to propose practical solutions to help amputees. In a series of experiments, the PR systems presented here were tested with EMG signals acquired from seven transradial amputees, which is unique to this project. Previous studies have been conducted using non-amputees. In this work, the challenges described are addressed and a new protocol is proposed that delivers a fast clinical deployment of multi-functional upper limb prostheses controlled by PR systems. Controlling finger movement is a step towards the restoration of lost human capabilities, and is psychologically important, as well as physically. A central thread running through this work is the assertion that no two amputees are the same, each suffering different injuries and retaining differing nerve and muscle structures. This work is very much about individualised healthcare, and aims to provide the best possible solution for each affected individual on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the approach has been to optimise the solution (in terms of function and reliability) for each individual, as opposed to developing a generic solution, where performance is optimised against a test population. This work is unique, in that it contributes to improving the quality of life for each individual amputee by optimising function and reliability. The main four contributions of the thesis are as follows: 1- Individual finger control was achieved with high accuracy for a large number of finger movements, using six optimally placed sEMG channels. This was validated on EMG signals for ten non-amputee and six amputee subjects. Thumb movements were classified successfully with high accuracy for the first time. The outcome of this investigation will help to add more movements to the prosthesis, and reduce hardware and computational complexity. 2- A new subject-specific protocol for sEMG site selection and reliable movement subset optimisation, based on the amputee’s needs, has been proposed and validated on seven amputees. This protocol will help clinicians to perform an efficient and fast deployment of prostheses, by finding the optimal number and locations of EMG channels. It will also find a reliable subset of movements that can be achieved with high performance. 3- The relationship between the force of contraction and the statistics of EMG signals has been investigated, utilising an experimental design where visual feedback from a Myoelectric Control Interface (MCI) helped the participants to produce the correct level of force. Kurtosis values were found to decrease monotonically when the contraction level increased, thus indicating that kurtosis can be used to distinguish different forces of contractions. 4- The real practical problem of the degradation of classification performance as a result of the variation of force levels during daily use of the prosthesis has been investigated, and solved by proposing a training approach and the use of a robust feature extraction method, based on the spectrum. The recommendations of this investigation improve the practical robustness of prostheses controlled with PR systems and progress a step further towards clinical implementation and improving the quality of life of amputees. The project showed that PR systems achieved a reliable performance for a large number of amputees, taking into account real life issues such as individual finger control for high dexterity, the effect of force level variation, and optimisation of the movements and EMG channels for each individual amputee. The findings of this thesis showed that the PR systems need to be appropriately tuned before usage, such as training with multiple forces to help to reduce the effect of force variation, aiming to improve practical robustness, and also finding the optimal EMG channel for each amputee, to improve the PR system’s performance. The outcome of this research enables the implementation of PR systems in real prostheses that can be used by amputees.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Baghdad University- Baghdad/Ira